help on receiving RTTY 8
Hi, I need help on receiving RTTY DDK9 Hamburg Meteo on 10100.800 khz and similar meteo stations. I followed the tutorial on the Paolo Romani's Big Book (page 168), finding the necessary program for Windows 11 ARM. I am able to decode ham rtty and meteo fax, not DDK9. I belive that DDK and other from Germany weather service are not encripted, and on their schedule the class is reported as F1B, speed 50 baud, shift +/- 225 Any help? Grazie Roberto ===== SDR## 1921 Windows 11 running in Parallels Desktop MacBook pro M1Max Airspy+ HF Discovery (on line) Airspy R2 (on line) Airspy Mini (temporary off line) Spyserver: rob-casa-ge (dot) ddns (dot) info:5555 Airspy+ HF Discovery QTH Genova Italy nbrc.mynetgear (dot) com:5555 Airspy R2 QTH Breuil Cervinia (Aosta Valley) Italy
Розпочато Roberto Cipriani @ · Останніх @
Закрито DMR 4
Hi all. I have been using dongles for years for aircraft tracking. Downloaded SDR# a few days ago and it's working fine (dongle and laptop). I now want to use some plugins. Simple DMR being one but I found the Russian website is down ( Any other way of getting the download ? Or what other options are open to me ? Thanks for any help, Richard
Розпочато @ · Останніх @
Anyone tried one of these switches? 7
Has any tried one of these switches? Looks interesting. It has three Bias-t ports. Might be great for MW and FM dxer's. Working Frequency: 0.3MHz to 150MHz Insertion Loss: < 0.7dB (0.3MHz -150MHz. Zack N8FNR
Розпочато Zack N8FNR @ · Останніх @
A Few Questions About Spyserver 3
Hi Group, Looking for someone who has Spyserver set up and running. I got Spyserver set up on a Raspberry Pi 5, and am listening on a MS-Surface on my local network. I'm very pleased with this setup, but there are a few things I can't understand. 1. The widest filter setting I can get for Wide FM is 156,250 Hz. I read somewhere that the ideal filter setting for quick RDS decodes is 192,000 Hz, though 200,000 Hz would be nice. I tried entering 200,000 in SDR# v.1920, but the highest it seems to allow is 156,250. I also changed the maximum filter width in Spyserver.config to 200,000 and still only get 156,250 in SDR#. Did I leave something out? Is there another way to do this, or is this a limitation I have to live with? 2. I'm happy I can run my Airspy R2 at 8 MHz bandwidth without any stuttering. I can't say that about any of the other SDR servers I have tried here. My problem appears when I make IQ recordings. This afternoon I was listening to 90.0 MHz in the FM broadcast band. 4 MHz bandwidth displayed on the spectrum/waterfall. I made 5 minute IQ recording, centered on 90.0. When I play back the file with the Baseband File Player only one signal is displayed across the spectrum/waterfall. The frequency cannot be changed. And, the tuned frequency is shown as 89 MHz, not 90 MHz, the frequency I was tuned and the frequency the display was centered on while recording . To add to the confusion, there is no station on 89.0 MHz. Should I not expect to be able to make IQ recordings of more than one station at a time, considering the SDR# client can display several megahertz at a time on the spectrum/waterfall? If the client can make IQ recordings of only one Broadcast FM station at a time then the recording ought to be centered on the frequency I was tuned to, no? Thanks for any assistance. Ken VE3HLS So Phisai, Thailand OK18sc
Розпочато Ken Alexander @ · Останніх @
after todays win10 update, sdr# auto closes after a few seconds. 4
I missed out that I am trying to use v1918 - was all good until the update today...
Розпочато Andrew Sutcliffe @ · Останніх @
Upgrading firmware to 5.0.0 8
All, I'm trying to upgrade my HF+ Discovery firmware to 5.0.0, but am not able to. I keep getting the error shown in the window below. I've tried rebooting the computer, but no change. I'm running the flash.bat as administrator and running from the directory where it was extracted to. I've upgraded the firmware before and never had this issue. Help would be much appreciated. Damon
Розпочато Damon @ · Останніх @
SDRSharp SDK NuGet Packages 3 #plugins #sdrsharp #plugin
Howdy, Looking to create an SDRSharp plugin template as a Visual Studio plugin to streamline plugin creation, wondering if the files: SDRSharp.Common.dll SDRSharp.PanView.dll SDRSharp.Radio.dll are, or can be, available as direct download links as opposed to downloading the full SDK template. Thanks, bushtail
Розпочато @bushtail @ · Останніх @
after todays win10 update, sdr# auto closes after a few seconds.
Suddenly after a win10 update reboot, sdr# opens normally but upon hitting 'play' it works for a few seconds and then the whole thing disappears from the desktop and no further audio is heard. Using Airspy R2 with all plugins disabled and still the issue persists. Rebooted the laptop twice and issue is still there. trying to figure out what to try next. Any help appreciated.
Розпочато Andrew Sutcliffe @
Trouble with SDR# and MMSSTV 3
Good Morning I am running an RTL-SDR dongle on SDR# with no issues. I am receiving all frequencies, yet my computer (Win 11) does not recognize the driver for the dongle. Is that strange or what? The trouble I’m having is, since Windows doesn’t recognize the driver, I cannot link my dongle to MMSSTV in order to get involved with the ARISS SSTV event. I have tried several times installing the driver with Zadig. Device Manager is showing that the driver is not compatible. I realize that there are many variables involved in trouble shooting this issue, and I have tried quite a few. If anyone has had a similar issue, or any advice, please let me know-it is appreciated!
Розпочато KD2UDL @ · Останніх @
SDRSharp SDK NuGet Packages
Wondering if the lib files for SDRSharp could be available as direct download links as opposed to the full template package - I am attempting to create a Visual Studio plugin to potentially replace the manual download. Regards, bushtail
Розпочато @bushtail @
Portaudio shipped with 1921 19
On my Windows 10 64 bit system when I run 1921 or 1920 I get an error message on IPL after PortAudio saying SDR# has stopped working. And "A problem has caused the program to stop working correctly. All previous versions for the last four years run correctly on this system. Administrator or compatibility modes make no difference. What to do? Thanks. Pete WB2QLL
Розпочато Pete Ferrand @ · Останніх @
SDR# on Windows 10 Home / AMD Athlon 13
Hello, I don't understand why the sdrsharp-x86 file on a desktop PC with Windows 10 doesn't start; it doesn't run. What can I do? Good morning, I don't understand why the sdrsharp-x86 file on a desktop PC with Windows 10 doesn't start; it doesn't run. What can I do? thanks for the support - Valter, IK1QEW these are the hardware specifications Nome dispositivo PC-DESKTOP Processore AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 640 Processor 3.00 GHz RAM installata 6,00 GB ID dispositivo 0A739080-6D3C-49CC-BCE8-31C4834CD36C ID prodotto 00326-10000-00000-AA773 Tipo sistema Sistema operativo a 64 bit, processore basato su x64 Penna e tocco Nessun input penna o tocco disponibile per questo schermo Edizione Windows 10 Home Versione 22H2 Data installazione: ‎03/‎05/‎2021 Build sistema operativo 19045.4957 Esperienza Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.19060.1000.0
Розпочато Valter Bruno @ · Останніх @
Spyserver and AirspyHF+ 19
I am having an issue. I configured spyserver.config. See attached. But on spyserver my Airspy does not show up with spyserver running. But if I have SdrSharp running and go to the Airspy server web page it shows up. As soon as I stop SdrSharp it drops off the webpage. I am using the latest of Spyserver and SdrSharp. Windows firewall is not blocking port 5555. Router is letting port 5555 through. If I use a laptop through my iPhone hotspot and connect SdrSharp to my ip address and port, the same thing happens. When I am connected via SdrSharp via the ip address, port I have other connections being made from other ip addresses. What am I missing? Should Airspy server work and allow connections even though SdrSharp is not running? Windows 10 home. The ISP does not seem to be blocking the port forwarding. Shows the port as open. Ideas? Here is spyserver.config # SPY Server Configuration File # TCP Listener # bind_host = bind_port = 5555 # List Server in Airspy Directory # list_in_directory = 1 # Owner Name # For example: Francis Krizanek owner_name = Francis Krizanek # Owner email # For example: franciskrizanek@... owner_email =franciskrizanek@... # Antenna # For example: Random Wire/Magnetic Loop/Mini-Whip/Inverted V/etc. antenna_type = 256 sq ft of radiant osb oriented 040 degrees # Antenna Location # For example: antenna_location = 35.771, -78.695 # General Description # general_description = AirspyHF+ # User sessions # maximum_clients = 2 # Maximum session duration # In minutes. 0 for no limit # #maximum_session_duration = 30 # Allow clients to retune and change of gain of the device # allow_control = 1 # Device Type # Possible Values: # AirspyOne (R0, R2, Mini) # AirspyHF+ # RTL-SDR # Auto (Scans for the first available device) # device_type = AirspyHF+ # Device Serial Number as 64bit Hex # For example: 0xDD52D95C904534AD # A value of 0 will acquire the first available device. # device_serial = 0xDC529780F3BA4AD5 # Device Sample Rate # Possible Values: # Airspy R0, R2 : 10000000 or 2500000 # Airspy Mini : 6000000 or 3000000 # Airspy HF+ : 768000 # RTL-SDR : 500000 to 3200000 # Comment to use the device's default # #device_sample_rate = 2500000 # Force 8bit Compression Mode # The 8bit Compression mode has proven sufficiently good for most streaming use cases. # Use it to same some internet bandwidth. # #force_8bit = 1 # Maximum Bandwidth # Limits the maximum IQ bandwidth the clients can set # Recommended value for WFM is 200000 # Recommended value for narrow band modes is 15000 # #maximum_bandwidth = 15000 # FFT Frames Per Second # fft_fps = 15 # FFT Bins # Bins = 2^fft_bin_bits # fft_bin_bits = 16 # Initial Center Frequency # initial_frequency = 10000000 # Minimum Tunable Frequency # Comment if using the device default # minimum_frequency = 1000000 # Maximum Tunable Frequency # Comment if using the device default # maximum_frequency =30000000 # Frequency Correction in PPB # #frequency_correction_ppb = 0 # Initial Gain # initial_gain = 9 # RTL-SDR Sampling mode # Quadrature = 0, # Direct Sampling I Branch = 1 # Direct Sampling Q Branch = 2 #rtl_sampling_mode = 0 # Converter Offset # Set to -120000000 to enable the SpyVerter offset #converter_offset = -120000000 # Bias-Tee # For AirspyOne only - Useful for LNA's and SpyVerter #enable_bias_tee = 0 # Input IQ Buffering # input_buffer_size_ms = 10 input_buffer_count = 4 # Output Network Buffer Size (in milliseconds) # output_buffer_size_ms = 50
Розпочато Francis Krizanek @ · Останніх @
AM Carrier Offset 6
As a newbie to SDR, I am using HF+ Discovery with SDR# for listening. However, I am confounded by the fact that, if I tune to an AM station and center the tuning on the carrier with equal sidebands on each side, the carrier becomes suppressed and the audio is garbled. I must offset the tuning from the carrier centering in order to receive the station. Is this to be expected and, if so, could you please tell me why? Thank you.
Розпочато gflash350@... @ · Останніх @
Software Subscription Models 5
@Joshuah Rainstar said "my theory is you'd pay nothing and expect it for free" Presumptuous, Joshua, and actually totally wrong. As with hardware, I'm prepared to pay for software that does what I want. (Just as I don't abuse trial periods or stoop to piracy.) Why? Some years earning some kind of a living doing not-very-clever programming. SDR# is highly valued here as a bonus for my modest 1 x Airspy Discovery purchase so far. Currently, an effectively "bundle" model may suit prog/Airspy, e.g. to help sell hardware. So user demand for changes goes through a ruthless but essential filter process. Anything that does get through is highly valued too. But I'd be happy to consider some kind of subscription or patronage system. The real question is whether the company would go down that road. Some high calibre developers do sell their services for specific projects. That *could* limit the time available for "free" or other smaller-scale tasks. There is also the interest factor - does a requested feature trigger the juices? Paying for a pet feature is therefore not obviously an option. Please let me know. At commercial rates, the price of a "small" feature or enhancement could run into $000s. How might it work? Something like GoFundMe?
Розпочато Paul White @ · Останніх @
Airspy R2/Spyverter R2 mainly for FM and MW Dxing? 4
I want to get an SDR for MW and FM DXing. Currently have a Pixel VLF-HF amplified loop outside and have a TV rotor on it. Also have a 5 element FM yagi up After looking at a lot of SDR's I have narrowed my selection down to the AIrspy R2/Spyverter R2. One of the main reasons I have picked the Airspy combo is because the SDRSharp software has a function called Co-Channel Canceller which looks pretty remarkable. Also the SDR will display 10Mhz at one time. Is there anyone here that mainly DX's FM and MW and have this combo? If so what do you think about its DXing capabilities just for those bands? Really wanted to get the AIrspy HF + Discovery as it seems to be a bit better receiver but it will only display 660Khz at one time and I want a minimum of 4Mhz. Zack N8FNR
Розпочато Zack N8FNR @ · Останніх @
Could not connect to any Airspy Server 4
Hi! As from object, from a couple of days I can’t connect to any Airspy server. I choose a server from the map, and I receive a message that tell me that the “URI is empty”. This happen either with 1920 and 1921 with a lot of networked receiver BUT not on a server in the same network! (i.e. 192.168.x.y) and not on a server I access typing directly the address, i.e. my sdr:// which for some reason don’t show up on the map. Any help? Thank you Roberto
Розпочато Roberto Cipriani @ · Останніх @
Модерується Asymmetric and Symmetric Filter 5
Greetings, I hope someone can help me with a few questions. Note the IF Filter + Notch Processor window and the IF Spectrum window shown on the attached picture. 1. Selecting Filter on the IF Filter + Notch Processor window, I can change the bandwidth (asymmetrically) even with the Asymmetric Filter check box in the IF Spectrum window not checked. I then presume that either window can accomplish the asymmetric function effectively. If this is true, then having the IF Spectrum window open is not necessary if the notch processor window is open. 2. Using either of the two windows mentioned above, how can I make a symmetrical bandwidth adjustment by just moving just one of the edges? If this is not possible, what is the way to make a quick symmetrical adjustment without having to enter it into the Radio window? 3. After making changes to the bandwidth, is there a quick way to return the bandwidth to the setting in the Radio window (in this example 192,000) without manually adjusting both sides? Thank you for any help. Regards, George, NJ3H Redmond, Oregon USA
Розпочато George Stein - NJ3H @ · Останніх @
Закрито Ranger, Ranger. Where are you, Ranger? 38
NOT a modified quote from Shakespere, where the word wherefore actually means Why?
Розпочато mike @ · Останніх @
Spectrum Masking (cross-posted to SDR Console)
I've started my Christmas Present List early this year. The latest item is for any generous SDR software developers out there... Similar to a list of markers to show on the spectrum display: this is a set of frequencies to *hide* from the display, so that others will be visually more prominent. Inspired by transatlantic MW DXing with its overlap of 9 & 10 kHz channel spacing, the idea is to mask out (e.g.) all European 9 kHz spectrum peaks so that any 10 kHz-spaced carriers show more clearly. Applying this to the MW band display (or a broad segment of it), a significant number of remaining peaks should indicate good propagation from the other side of the pond. And help with quick tuning to any of them. Of course I realise that there will still be a lot of display "noise", but my guess is the brain will easily suppress that in favour of a pattern of steadier signals. Masking could have other applications by ignoring: 1. frequencies with "interference" such as persistent QRM, spurs, or other intruders 2. stations already logged, e.g. in the Air Band 3. local FM channels? In contrast to markers at point frequencies, masking would perhaps benefit from a small range (e.g. +-0.5 kHz) about the centre frequency. User-definable? Even by channel? Thanks in advance :) -- Paul White (Grumpy Old Git)
Розпочато Paul White @
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