No transmit function on 2M
My FT817 has suddenly stopped transmitting on 2M all modes. Its fine on all the other bands. I have tried the master reset with no result. Does anyone have any ideas?. Regards Tim M0AFJ
Solar panels
Hi all, I'm considering a solar panel purchase for portable qrp. Something in the neighborhood of 20-30 watts. Many on the web have sketchy, ambiguous, or contradictory specs. Any guidance would be appreciated. Tnx. Joe N1KHB
Loosening tight screws
I finally decided to attach the side rails that came with my Portable Zero Pack to my 817nd. The two screws on either side are so tight I can only barely loosen one of them. The other three are way to tight and I don't want to damage the Phillips head screw. Does anyone know of a method of loosening screws that are so tight? Appreciate any and all advice. 73 Rich KB3OMJ
Maxicom CAT Display
Hi All New firmware version V1.3 is already working in Maxicom CAT display for FT8xx transceivers A new IF for 28MHz transverter was added. This video shows Maxicom used in FT8 with FT857 and MET-4 4m transverter Of course you can also use it for digital modes in other bands not needing transverters like 432, 144, 50, 28, etc Kit price is EU200 plus shipment. Í´m sending the main pcb already assembled and tested Anyone interested please contact directly luis (at) 73 de Luis EA5DOM
DigiPi WSJT-X CAT PTT error
I'm using a DigiPi with a digirig going to the 817. Running WSJT-X. I have checked "CAT" for PTT Method. "Test CAT" works and comes back green, but then "Test PTT" produces an error (see attached screenshot). CAT control does generally appear to be otherwise working, as I can get it to change bands successfully, for example. Any ideas or suggestions? 73, Jim KX0U
H-250 Handset with FT-817 ??
All, Is anyone using an H-250 military handset with their FT-817 ? Perhaps in a field pack configuration ? If so, I have a bunch of questions; How did you interconnect the handset to the radio? In other words, did you buy a special cable, build or buy an adapter, or lob the U-229 connector off the end of the H-250 cable and add the '817 mic connector? Is the output level from the handset mic high enough to drive the radio ? Is there enough drive from the radio to drive the earpiece ? Thanks es 72, Gene K1NR
Add command to Direwolf.conf to force FT-817 into FM mode?
I wonder if anyone has ever come up with a command string for the Direwolf startup config file (direwolf.conf) that would put the FT-817 into FM mode for APRS? I recently beat my brains out trying to get the radio to work properly with APRS, not realizing I hadn't switched the radio to FM from DIG mode. It wasn't too obvious because I spent most of my time controlling a Raspberry Pi remotely with VNC. It was actually working, but not well. Dummy? Since I have Hamlib running and a CAT-62 cable it wouldn't seem impossible to send some sort of command (the "08" command string in the radio parlance). I know nothing about Python, but would be willing to learn. I suppose I could start FLrig first and somehow send a command to it as well, I haven't really thought this out yet, but I'll bet someone has. Any ideas? Dennis, K1YPP
8x1.2V Eneloops
Hi, Am enjoying goping through the many informative posts here. Quick question: I created an external power supply using an 8 X AA Tray and 8 1.2V eneloop NiMH batteries. Max power is 5W on FM and SSB with the tray plugged into the external DC input using the Yaseu power cable. I already had the charger and batteries so thought I would try this before looking to buy anything else. My roving sessions are usually only an hour or two at most. Are there any potential issues with this external power supply other than the relatively short life of the batteries - the supplied cable has a fuse. Am thinking of using the supplied rechargeable battery or a spare set of eneloops. cheers Tony
Digital mode on FT-817
I have been doing some testing with FLDIGI. I bought the unit used, and believe I have the 3 crystal filter set installed. When the node is digital mode it looks like there is a 500 Hz filter centered at 2000 Hz. Using ISB mode I still get 5 watts out, but it looks like there is 3000 bandwidth. Any sense of what is going on? Thanks!
Anyone know what size ( diameter and length ) the two little springs for the battery compartment latch are? I’ve lost mine and am looking to see if I can find some before calling Yaesu.
Wolphi-Link for Sale
I have a Wolphi-Link that I don't use any more, with cables for FT-817. $30 plus shipping. 73 Dick - KC3EF
ft-817 only tx on bhf/uhf
I do have a ft-817 with blown finals, I guess they are blown ( not by me ). no output on HF ( milli-watts ) but 10W on VHF/UHF, are really the finals blown ( have the board here ) or other strange things. I thought the finals are complety dead but I tested the radio today and I was wondering why It shows 10W on 2m/70cm and the rest is dead. I looked into the schematics, but find any clue why VHF/UHF is working and HF not.
ft-817 only tx on vhf/uhf
Yes. correct socket is selected and HF-Meter is suitable for VHF/UHF. Unfortunately no dummy load but the HF transmitted on VHF must be minimum 5 Watts as I reach the repeater 40km away. So the theory of blown PA Finals could be blown away by the wind..that's why I'm asking. Perhaps something in the HF-HSWR protection is blown away (T3003,D3032/D3033) , but I don't have a idea.
Maxicom Project
Hi All Just discovered your FT817 group. Very nice I would like to introduce Maxicom project. This is a CAT display for Yaesu FT817/818/857/897 with an "Icom" inspired flavour The device is not usable in HF and only works for 144 and 432 bands, plus all microwave bands when using transverter So, it is a nice add on for portable use. Specially for portable microwave operators Have a look to this video in my YT channel to see it working at 10GHz And this is a link to the English user manual And a picture with an IC-705. Tunning the same signal from a weak 10GHz beacon. Icom waterfall configured by default, so very bad for weak signals 73 de Luis EA5DOM
Ct62 cable
Hi all, Just bought a mint scu 17, I want to connect it to my 817 or 818 and need the ct62 cable with din plug on one end and the rs232 on the other. Prices for these cables are ridiculous, looking at it I believe that I only need 3 pins wired through, ground, red and this correct? If so I have everything I need to make a cable up, all other cables are present. Thank you Andy M0RON
any chance?
Is there any chance or a rumour that there is a successor in development for the FT-817/8 portable like the Icom IC-705 or Xiegu6100? 73' Ron ON2RON
SOTAbeam Speech Compressor Question
All, I recently picked up a SOTAbeam in-line speech compressor at my local flea market for use with my 817ND. Condition was unknown. I am have some questions as it does not seem to be working. First, in order to get it to pass audio, I have to hook it up in the the opposite manner of how it is marked on the case. In other words, the microphone must be connected to the port marked "RADIO", and the port marked "MIC" must be connect in to the radio. This does not seem correct. I know that the compressor is available as a kit from DX Engineering. Could the builder just have put the sticker on the case in the wrong direction, or does this indicate an issue? Additionally, over-the-air comments have not convinced me that it is working. I have done IN/OUT comparisons, and some ops tell me that the "OUT" (i.e. normal mic) is louder. That's not right. I understand that there is a compression level potentiometer inside the unit. There are no obvious screws holding the compressor together, so it must be a snap-fit. Is it possible to unsnap it without damaging the case ? Lastly, If someone has comments about the effectiveness of this compressor, that would be appreciated. Comparisons to the OBP (One Big Punch) compressor that was sold by W4RT in the past would be interesting as well Thanks in advance for any help 72/73, Gene K!NR
Source for ribbon cable and locking tab?
I'm working on an FT-818 for a friend. The locking tab that holds down the ribbon cable on the main board (the one to the display) is missing. I also suspect the ribbon cable is damaged... when I can get the radio to power up, the display flashes on and off. Anyone know of a source for the cable and the locking tab? Thanks and 73, -Josh WU7H
SEL encoder - Alps vs Bourns
My FT-818, surprisingly, needs a SEL encoder replacement. I've ordered the replacement part Q9000795 (Alps EC11E18244AE) . Looking at the datasheet for the Yaesu encoder, I see that has 18 PPR, with 36 detents, and a reliability rating of 15,000 cycles. I also have a few Bourns PEC11L-4220F-S0015-ND encoders. These are 15 PPR, 30 detent encoders with a reliability rating of 100,000 cycles. Looking at the Alps and Bourns encoders side by side, and looking at the datasheets, these two encoders look physically identical, so they could be a candidate for a swap. I think I'd be willing to go from 18PPR to 15PPR in order to get over 6x the cycle rating on the SEL encoder, as I value relability. Has anyone else tried this?
TechnoFix electret (condensor) microphone
Started out with the stock Yaesu MH-31A8J dynamic microphone - much fiddling with parameters and testing taking comparison recordings against a remote SDR and subjective QSO reports etc - hopeless ! The MH-31 is designed to make the life of both the QRP broadcaster and the listener miserable. We all enjoy a good joke but this one has gone on too long. Went down the path of putting lipstick on a pig and fitted an in-line compressor module from Sotabeams to the MH-31; that was most effective and got me back in the game but after a while I just didn't want the additional vulnerability/extra hardware to carry and get in the way. Aware of others experiments with electret microphones, I thought about cobbling together a modification myself but noticed TechnoFix have a pre-built replacement condenser mic for the 817. They are a small business I have used before for other cables etc and I have always had good quality & service. Suffice to say that having bought and used the TechnoFix condenser microphone, again testing against SDR recordings and with live QSOs, the MH-31 is now securely back in its box and will never see the light of day in my house again. The Sotabeams compressor, which did perform as advertised on the old dynamic mic, is also now surplus to requirement. The TechnoFix condenser mic will work with the compressor but just on its own it is also perfectly adequate. Link for TechonoFix mic here You do lose the stock mic up/down scan buttons and the 'running man' fast button feature but they are not important to me. No affiliations - just spreading the joy :-) 73 B
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