Engine Driver Swipe Preference Web
Attached snip of my Engine Driver preferences. I'd like to SWIPE THROUGH WEB but it is grayed out. What is causing this? v2.37.187 -- Many thanks in advance! Vinny DeRobertis ~ Apex, NC New York & Hudson Valley RR Windows 7 Pro / Java 11 / JMRI v5.7.7 Command Station: Digikeijs DR5000. Booster: Digikeijs DR5033 Interface: Samsung A7 10.4" Tablets/Fully Kiosk. DCC/DMX Gateway: Pricom LLS. LocoNet Input Modules: Digikeijs DR4088LN DCC Output Modules: Digikeijs DR4018 / Yamorc YD8116. Sensors: Model Train Technology: DETECTOR-HO. Turnout Motors: MTB MP1
LogixNG "timeout" and "execute delayed" actions don't behave as expected
I've tried the following code with both a delayed execute and timeout action and both similarly don't work the way I'd expect. Is this a bug, or am I not coding this correctly, or should I be using a different approach? Goal: When either a CL or FE error event occur I want to start a timer that lasts a bit over two failure-check cycles (@3sec) that will light a panel error indicator at the end of the timer *unless* the error condition goes away, in which case I want to cancel the timer for the pending error indicator and shut off the panel lamp if illuminated. It would seem the "timeout" action is made for this but it doesn't work. Witnessed: While N20 ID FE Error is inactive, if I toggle the N20 ID CL Error sensor from inactive to active for one second , then back to inactive, after 8sec the sensor N20 ID FE Error is inactive,s set to state Active and stays there... the ELSE case never fires. If I leave the N20 ID FE Error active past the 8sec (timer has run) and then set it inactive, then the ELSE case is taken and N20 ID FE Error set inactive, so the odd behavior is happening while the timer is running. Expected: N20 ID CL Error sensor going active would start the 8sec timer, and then when condition E is satisfied with both E1 and E2 true, the timer would be canceled, and the ELSE case would fire. ! A // It isn't helpful to display nuisance errors that only last // one cycle so filter out by requiring at least two sequential // errors before lighting a panel error indicator. Many ! A1 If Then Else. Always execute ? If Or. Evaluate All ? E1 Sensor N20 ID CL Error is Active ? E2 Sensor N20 ID FE Error is Active ? E3 ! Then Execute A if not E within 8 seconds ? E And. Evaluate All ? E1 Sensor N20 ID CL Error is Inactive ? E2 Sensor N20 ID FE Error is Inactive ? E3 ! A Set sensor N20-EKE to state Active ! Else Set sensor N20-EKE to state Inactive Conditions: Win10, JMRI 5.8, Java 11. -- Jim Moomaw Portland, OR - Willamette Model Railroad Club (WMRC) - NMRA, Pacific NW
LocoTest.py - Modified to baseline locos at track power up - now need an exception for a specific loco address
If there is a better way to do this, I am open to it. The following has been meeting my needs for the past few years until today (new loco for Christmas with a stubborn decoder). I run the following script upon the start of Panelpro so all locos are set to a known: lights off & sound off state. # Script to set lights and sound off # Updated 1/31/23 to add Train Status 48 # Note Updated 9/30/24 : Must have the "Monitor Slots" window open in order to baseline LocoFX import jmri import java import javax.swing class LocoTest(jmri.jmrit.automat.AbstractAutomaton) : delay = 2 # init() is called exactly once at the beginning to do # any necessary configuration. def init(self): number = int(self.address.text) if (number > 100) : long = True else : long = False self.throttle = self.getThrottle(number, long) if (self.throttle == None) : print "Couldn't assign throttle!" return # handle() will only execute once here, to run the following tests def handle(self): print "SetLocoFunctionsOff -> Turning off Light : Loco " + self.address.text self.throttle.setF0(False); self.waitMsec(self.delay*1000) print "SetLocoFunctionsOff -> Toggling Sound to Off : Loco " + self.address.text self.throttle.setF8(False); self.waitMsec(self.delay*1000) self.throttle.setF8(True); self.waitMsec(self.delay*1000) self.throttle.release(None) print "SetLocoFunctionsOff -> Thread Complete : Function Set Loco : " + self.address.text return 0 def setup(self, LocoAddress): self.address = javax.swing.JTextField(5) # sized to hold 5 characters, initially empty self.address.text = str(LocoAddress) self.start() return def myScript(LocoAddress): myaddr = LocoTest() return myaddr # print "*** Start : SetLocoFunctionsOff ***" # myLocoAddress = 4141 # b = myScript(myLocoAddress) # b.setName("SetLocoFunctionsOff : " + str(myLocoAddress)) # b.setup(myLocoAddress) print "*** Starting Slot Manager ***" myLocoNetConnection = jmri.InstanceManager.getList(jmri.jmrix.loconet.LocoNetSystemConnectionMemo).get(0) print "myLocoNetConnection :-> " + str(myLocoNetConnection) slotManager = myLocoNetConnection.getSlotManager() print "slotManager :-> " + str(slotManager) myThrottle = myLocoNetConnection.getThrottleManager() print "ThrottleManager :=> " + str(myThrottle) # ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # Start of the Slot Query print "------------------------" for i in range(1, 120): # Unknown Values for slotStatus # 32 could mean 128 Step # print "slotStatus :" + str(slotManager.slot(i).slotStatus()) # This is the controlling throttle ID # print slotManager.slot(i).id() # # print slotManager.slot(i).getUserName if ((slotManager.slot(i).locoAddr() <> 0) and (slotManager.slot(i).slotStatus() <> 0 )): print "Slot " + str(i) + " - locoAddr : " + str(slotManager.slot(i).locoAddr()) + " - Status : " + str(slotManager.slot(i).slotStatus()) # 1/31/23 added status 48 to if clause if ((slotManager.slot(i).slotStatus() == 48) or (slotManager.slot(i).slotStatus() == 32) or (slotManager.slot(i).slotStatus() == 16)) : myLocoAddress = slotManager.slot(i).locoAddr() b = myScript(myLocoAddress) b.setName("SetLocoFunctionsOff : " + str(myLocoAddress)) b.setup(myLocoAddress) print "------------------------" print "*** END Of slotManager ***" Now I have a ESU decoder which the sound function (F8) is flipped (opposite from all my other decoders) and I need to put in an exception. NOTE: I am not a programmer, I just hack things together until they work... What I have tried: Attempted "IF" clause within the "def handler (self):", but the script will not run what-so-ever so I removed it. I also thought I could make another function under the LocoTest class: def esu(self): print "ESU Flipper Sound : Loco " + self.address.text self.throttle.setF8(False); self.waitMsec(self.delay*1000) return and I would call it by adding this to the bottom of my entire script if (myLocoAddress == 359): print "I should do something here" b.esu(myLocoAddress) Script Output windows shows: *** Starting Slot Manager *** myLocoNetConnection :-> jmri.jmrix.loconet.pr3.PR3SystemCo
JMRI not opening POM or PT
JMRI vertion 4.26 Azul JDK 17.54.21 Windows 10 64 bit All was operating well, I suspect a windows upgrade a couple of weeks ago is the problem. Tried to save JMRI to a flash drive, when I try to open saved JMRI nothing opens that can be read. So I 'm thinking maybe Java is corrupted, uninstalled Java, and installed the above version. Still stuck in edit mode. Tried changing COM ports, no difference. Device manager says COM is working properly. Did a system recovery point on windows, no difference. I don't have a clue what to do. Tom 2024-12-18 11:35:40,582 util.Log4JUtil INFO - ****** JMRI log ******* [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:40,582 util.Log4JUtil INFO - This log is appended to file: C:\Users\a43pr\JMRI\log\messages.log [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:40,582 util.Log4JUtil INFO - This log is stored in file: C:\Users\a43pr\JMRI\log\session.log [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:40,598 apps.AppsBase INFO - DecoderPro version 4.26+R381c8dfc32 starts under Java 11.0.15 on Windows 10 amd64 v10.0 at Wed Dec 18 11:35:40 CST 2024 [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:41,067 gui3.Apps3 INFO - Starting with profile My_JMRI_Railroad.3f679f48 [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:41,723 node.NodeIdentity INFO - Using 61f213f2-8a2c-469a-96b0-e8f154b915b7 as the JMRI storage identity for profile id 3f679f48 [AWT-EventQueue-0] 2024-12-18 11:35:42,020 xml.AbstractSerialConnectionConfigXml INFO - Starting to connect for "NCE" [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:45,909 serialdriver.SerialDriverAdapter ERROR - COM5 port is in use: errno() == 0 [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:45,909 jmrix.ConnectionConfigManager ERROR - Unable to create jmri.jmrix.nce.serialdriver.configurexml.ConnectionConfigXml for [Element: <connection/>], load returned false [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:45,909 plementation.JmriConfigurationManager ERROR - Exception initializing jmri.jmrix.ConnectionConfigManager: Unable to create several of your connections. [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:47,127 plementation.JmriConfigurationManager ERROR - Exception initializing jmri.util.startup.StartupActionsManager: jmri.util.prefs.InitializationException: Unable to run startup actions due to earlier failures. [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,111 util.FileUtilSupport INFO - File path program: is C:\Program Files (x86)\JMRI\ [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,111 util.FileUtilSupport INFO - File path preference: is C:\Users\a43pr\JMRI\My_JMRI_Railroad.jmri\ [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,111 util.FileUtilSupport INFO - File path profile: is C:\Users\a43pr\JMRI\My_JMRI_Railroad.jmri\ [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,111 util.FileUtilSupport INFO - File path settings: is C:\Users\a43pr\JMRI\ [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,111 util.FileUtilSupport INFO - File path home: is C:\Users\a43pr\ [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,111 util.FileUtilSupport INFO - File path scripts: is C:\Program Files (x86)\JMRI\jython\ [main] 2024-12-18 11:35:50,985 throttle.PowerManagerButton INFO - No power manager instance found, panel not active [main]
Programing QSI Decoder(s) problem
Greetings and Merry Christmas all...I have been attempting to adjust certain decoder settings on my older ATLAS Gold QSI equipped locomotives and nothing seems to be getting through to the decoders. Under the BASIC tab, reversing / normal direction has no effect nor do speed table adjustments. After making changes I write changes on the page and write all changes then select save under the file tab but none of the changes seem to take effect. I see the red progress bars after I select write changes but nothing seems to actually make any changes. I am programing on the main with a DIGITRAX PR4 connected to my laptop and use an ESU Cab Control on my layout. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you, Patrick
Adding Car Colour to Web Manifest
I'm trying to add car colour to the Web Manifest page as it appears on the conductor page. Unfortunately this is a little outside my area of expertise. I can see property in the cars.js: data.carType + ", " + data.color But I can't see where the cars properties are formatted in Operations.js/HtmlConductor.java/HtmlManifest.java Any advice would be much appreciated
Many XpressNet messages for a simple function change?
I turn f5 on for loco 9009 and this all gets sent to my LZV200 [packet:E4 24 E3 31 06 14] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 1 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F0 Continuous; F1 Continuous; F2 Momentary; F3 Momentary; F4 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 24 E3 31 06 14] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 1 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F0 Continuous; F1 Continuous; F2 Momentary; F3 Momentary; F4 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 24 E3 31 06 14] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 1 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F0 Continuous; F1 Continuous; F2 Momentary; F3 Momentary; F4 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 24 E3 31 06 14] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 1 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F0 Continuous; F1 Continuous; F2 Momentary; F3 Momentary; F4 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 24 E3 31 06 14] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 1 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F0 Continuous; F1 Continuous; F2 Momentary; F3 Momentary; F4 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 25 E3 31 08 1B] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 2 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F5 Continuous; F6 Continuous; F7 Continuous; F8 Momentary; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 25 E3 31 08 1B] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 2 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F5 Continuous; F6 Continuous; F7 Continuous; F8 Momentary; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 25 E3 31 08 1B] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 2 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F5 Continuous; F6 Continuous; F7 Continuous; F8 Momentary; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 25 E3 31 08 1B] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 2 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F5 Continuous; F6 Continuous; F7 Continuous; F8 Momentary; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 26 E3 31 02 12] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 3 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F9 Continuous; F10 Momentary; F11 Continuous; F12 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 26 E3 31 02 12] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 3 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F9 Continuous; F10 Momentary; F11 Continuous; F12 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 26 E3 31 02 12] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 3 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F9 Continuous; F10 Momentary; F11 Continuous; F12 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 26 E3 31 02 12] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 3 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F9 Continuous; F10 Momentary; F11 Continuous; F12 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 27 E3 31 1F 0E] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 4 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F13 Momentary; F14 Momentary; F15 Momentary; F16 Momentary; F17 Momentary; F18 Continuous; F19 Continuous; F20 Continuous; [packet:01 04 05] Command Successfully Sent/Normal Operations Resumed after timeout [packet:E4 27 E3 31 1F 0E] Mobile Decoder Operations Request: Set Function Group 4 Momentary Status for Address: 9009 F13 Momentary; F14 Momentary; F15 Momentary; F16 Momentary; F17 Momentary; F18 Continuous; F19 Continuous; F20 Cont
Servo Switches stopped Operating After Update.
Hello, I updated form 5.8 to 5.10 and my servo operated switched stopped responding to JMRI commands. The Loconet switches were fine, but the turnouts operated by servo, through Arduino boards did not, and were operating previously. So I uninstalled the 5.10 version, and reinstalled the 5.8 version, and now the servos are operating as before. Could there be a setting I am missing, or some maladjustment when going into the newer version? Thanks.
Running Warrant autotrains to a schedule (clock, timetable etc) - suggestions
Looking for suggestions to kick off an autotrain at set times (either clock or countdown timer). e.g use a wait sensor, logixng, script? Thanks. -- H.O. Australia (Layout in Progress) Digikeijs DR5000 LocoNet JMRI v5.8 DecoderPro/Warrants/CPE/SML/LogixNG Windows 10
Jmri 5 10
I just downloaded new jmri butwhere do I find decoder pro? find panrl pro but cant find decoder pro exec in the program files so I can make a icon on the desktop and get it directly tony
Sensitive Area of Turnout Circles
I have multiple turnouts implemented on several JMRI Layout Editor panels. It appears that the area within the circles to press to toggle the state can vary across the turnouts. Within the circle pointing with the mouse, the cursor icon changes between Pointing Finger (which always seems to toggle the state) and Cross Hair (which sometimes does and sometimes doesn't). This behavior seems the same regardless of the size of turnout circle and whether or not it is "filled." It also seems to persist in wifi-connected tablets showing the same panels. There are no other objects that would "obscure" a part of the turnout circles. There is no delay or lack of toggle action for turnouts when I use WiThrottle iPhone app or the Turnouts Table. I am running JMRI v5.9.6 on RPi 3B+ (Raspian v10 Buster) with Java 11. Are the sensitive areas supposed to be identical across all turnouts (and covering the full circle area)? Any idea why they might not be for several turnouts in my case? Especially on the touch tablets, pressing the turnout with no toggle action is annoying. TIA, Mike
JMRI 5.10 internal sensor issue in Dispatcher
Hi. I have a panel file that was working fine with Dispatcher in JMRI 5.8. After updating to JMRI 5.10 I am getting errors where Internal Sensors appear to be getting treated as if they are Loconet Sensors. The sensor system name then fails validation. Here is an example. Internal Sensor IS5001 has user name “DS DUS STA1 Hold”. However when I ran Dispatcher the sensor is treated as if it were a Loconet sensor and a BadSystemNameException is thrown. (These particular sensors are also used in LogixNG and they seem to work ok if that is important) See screen snips below. Appreciate any suggestions. Robin Robin Becker San Diego CA
Tsunami 2 Decoder - Not Responding to Speed Table Settings
Running JMRI 5.8 and JAVA 17.0.12 HP laptop and Digitrax PR4 stand alone with test track. I have an Athearn Genesis SDP45 Burlington Northern with an OEM Tsunami 2 decoder. I tried to apply a 28 step speed table to it. I speed match all my diesels to 72 max speed and 35 mid-range (speed step 50 on the Digitrax throttle) I've applied this same speed table to hundreds of my locomotives of various decoders. In this application, I'm using 4 digit address running forward. Yep, toggled the "Use Speed Table radio button". Chose "User defined speed table" Set the forward trim and reverse trim to 128. Ran the loco through the Accutrack speed reader. The loco ran through at 93 forward and 87 reverse. I adjusted the top speed down to a guestimated 72MPH that clicked the "Match ends" tab for a straight line. Clicked on, "write full sheet" The program ticked off each item all the way through the reverse trim value. I ran the loco through the speed reader and it reads 94MPH. I adjusted the top speed way down to about half, matched ends then write. The loco runs at 93 through the reader. Now, I adjust the top speed step way down to about 10% of its full setting, match ends, click write full sheet. Loco runs at 95. OK, a little variance of top speed but primary concern is it's not adjusting down into the 70mph range. OK, maybe the link from HP laptop to PR4 isn't good. I placed another Athearn Genesis Tsunami 2 loco on the test track. Find it's file in JMRI. Bring up the speed table and adjust the top speed down to guestimated 20mph, match ends, write full sheet. test loco and it runs real slow at 27MPH. I return that loco speed table to it's original setting of 72MPH max and 35 mph mid-range, write full sheet and the loco runs as programmed. I swap out the Tsunami 2 decode for another of the same that I have in the drawer. I put it on the test track and apply the SDP45 BN speed table to it. No change in recorded speed. Wheels are cleaned. Track is cleaned. I'm thoroughly stumped.
Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to everyone that helps keep this site and JMRI working ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Dan Boudreau via groups.io <daboudreau@...> Date: Wed, Dec 25, 2024, 8:13 AM Subject: Re: [jmriusers] Car routing in CSV export request #operationspro To: <jmriusers@groups.io> Merry Christmas Jon! Dan
Car routing in CSV export request
I see that in the csv manifest file for a particular train there is routing information for (most) cars in the AE column. I see that it is in the XML file as "routePath". Can you add this field to the Export of the Car file? It would be very helpful for our road. Jon in San Rafael
ESU Loksound 5
I recently purchased a Walthers Proto E8. It has an ESU LokSound 5 decoder. I am using Windows 10. Decoder Pro 5.1 and a Sprog IIv3. I have a couple of questions. 1. If I go to the Comprehensive CV page and read the sheet how long will it take? 2. Can I program most CV's or do I have to get ESU's Programmer? Thanks, in advance, for your help and Merry Christmas to everyone. Bob
Load Error code after upgrading to 5.10 (2nd topic)
Further to my earlier topic on the same subject, here is the system console report from my PC running windows 11 and Java 17. I upgraded from version 4.26 via version 5.0. Harold.
rail driver desk
Group: Helping a friend with a serious JMRI upgrade I found in his stash one of the P.I. Rail Driver desks... No joy with current JMRI versions on Windows and Linux. There's a smattering of posts with no definitive here's how to make it work. IE: It's worked since 2 dot something thread doesn't help and threads in the group talk about what I see now... Click the tab in Debug and something seems to be running but no throttle opens. The console seems to show the desk being recognized and the P.I. Windows macro tool works with the desk so I assume the desk is happy... Any suggestions? Or is this just be a try to find it a home with a gamer? Jim Albanowski
Developing a custom throttle using a microcontroller
Hello JMRI dev's, I am developing a custom throttle using a Raspberry Pi Pico W microcontroller with MicroPython and I need help with the following questions. Could you please help? 1) I have referenced the WiThrottle Protocol webpage and this MultiThrottle Class document. Is there additional or more complete documentation to help someone develop a custom throttle? 2) I noticed there is a HeartBeat that is used for the client to alert the server the connection is maintained. Is there a similar way for the client to be alerted that the server is still receiving messages from the client? 3) I am able to consistently have speed of the loco change when sending the following speed command, MJAL2650<;>V126\n, then MJAL2650<;>V0\n. When a send a function command more than three times, MJAL2650<;>F12\n or MJAL2650<;>F02\n, the server will stop responding to any commands from my custom throttle. I have to close and reconnect the socket for the throttle to function again. Why would the speed commands work as expected but the function commands stop all communication?
Java exception
I just downloaded the latest JAVA and JMRI to a new computer. When I try to start JMRI I get the following error message "A Java Exception has occurred". What do I need to do?
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