Hi, There are no guidelines here. On Monday, Oct 1, when I had my examination, I was telling my Opthamologist what I was doing and he asked me what literature I had read. I told him none; that we wer making it. He seems quite interested and assured me there could be not danger, though I want to be sure it is bright yellow oil off the top of the bottle before mixing with the Lignans. It may be wishful thinking, but I have put a drop in each eye at night, and sometimes a little more in the eye with the cataract, and in 15 days there seems to be a noticeable improvement in what I can see. Cliff
Flaxseed oil and energy
I've noticed ever since I began taking flaxseed oil with quark and/or cottage cheese (1 tbs to 1/4 cup twice a day) that I have more energy, physical and mental, than I had before. A friend who began this regimen recently had the same experience. IS this true of anyone else here? Joel
Info that could change your life
HI, I have no doubt that Walnut oil would be very good for one. I would question if a great amount would be available. As a former member of the Northern Nut Growers Association and a former member of the Board of Directors of the Ohio Nut Growers Association I yield to no one in my admiration for the Walnut family, Black Walnut, Butternut, Heartnut, Carpathian Walnuts, English Walnuts and the various Hybrids. Are you aware that a hundred pounds of dried Black Walnuts, of the best varieties that have been discovered, would be worth about $400.00 if sold in the little packets in the Super Markets? Before I sold my place in Ohio and moved South, I had over 100 of those trees grafted. The problem was that in the area and location where I was Walnut crops would seldom get by the frostsl--maybe one year in 10. Early crafsmen would make gunstocks of Black Walnut and finish them by rubbing the kernels of Butternuts on them for the oil. It made a beautiful finish. If I were young and had the prospect of years ahead, I would plant a number of varieties of Carpathian and English Walnuts, as well as other Walnuts, and as they grew I would paint the trunks in the fall after the growing season with white Latex Paiint. Do not use oil based paints as they would kill the trees. This way the trunks would not warm up as early in the spring and the chances of a crop produced greatly increased. The problem with the Walnut family is that they will leaf out, or flush, after a few days of warm weather in the spring unless held back by something like reflecting the heat, and if they leaf out too early the buds will be caught by later frosts or freezes and there will be no nuts. I believe that the food value produced per square foot of soil could be as great with the good strains of these nut trees as it could growing anyt hing else. I see no point in growing trees just for pretty leaves when the back of the yard or otherwise waste areas could grow Walnuts and get pretty leaves as well. However, they also have problems and need spraying at times for fungus diseases. Aren't you thrilled with these little tidbits of information? Cliff
The problem with the Walnut family is that they will leaf out, or flush, after a few days of warm weather in the spring unless held back by something like reflecting the heat, and if they leaf out too early the buds will be caught by later frosts or freezes and there will be no nuts. Then maybe..this is why some years ours never had walnuts . Or does a walnut tree only produce every other year really well?
Self-made flaxseed oil? Press?
The only press to make oil from seeds that I have found so far is over $500; However some one mentioned a kitchen press the was struck a blow with a mallet whenever the cook walked by it with an empty hand. I have thought of making one but would like to find a ready made one first. If any one sees a small seed oil press please let us know. Best Regards, Lorenzo At Email lorenzo1@... Join the CaveManFood list and eat like our ancestors. CaveManFood-subscribe@... Trapshooters Join this; trapshooter-subscribe@...
Grandmother has small cell lung cancer/ways to eat flax & cot
I have been making it with one pound cottage cheese (usually low fat), 81/2 ounces of flax seed oil and 4 tablespoons of honey (usually unfiltered, unheated); add enough water or milk so it will mix easily in a mixer and after 5 minutes or so you will get a custardy pretty good-tasting spread. I got this off a write-up about Dr. Budwig; apparently they are not concerned about that amount of honey. I do not get diarrhea from this mixture no matter how much I eat. I got the impression Dr Budwig herself recommended this spread.
(No subject)
Are you keeping all files your writing on Flaxseed oil being used in the eyes? And is there a chance you can again talk to this lady you mentioned to see if she used the golden or that with Lingan Rich? This might give us more knowledge , and another door open as for sure which is best to use. I only have here the Lingan Rich, or I'd try both to see what I notice pro/con on them. I used mine the other night, before going to bed, and by the following morning I was more able to see. Whenever my sinus, begin to act up the eyes also water, and get blurry, and sometimes has lasted days. This time I almost forgot about using the flaxseed oil, and when I was reminded I put a drop into each eye.WENT to bed, and this way the eyes seemed to rest as the oil was working. But I didn't have any trouble after that/ Now tonight I notice the eyes getting tired. I'm about ready to close up the computer and go put my drops in, and rest a little in my easy chair, taking notes to see what happens while I'm still awake. Hey this is going to be fun experimenting isn't it? And who knows, maybe the oil absorbs into the body doing more healing then we realize at the moment on other parts too. The technician is also very interested. She told me that her aunt in Texas had cleared cataracts with flaxseed oil. She did not tell me how she had used it.
Flax oil in eyes
Hi, I have been asked to summarize what we have been playing with concerning eyes and flax oil. There is nothing here that is any guarantee and nothing that we have read or have followed. Quite a while ago, my cousin Rich told me he had been having trouble seeing enough to drive at night. Having great faith in the ability of flaxseed oil to help about any condition involving poor health, Rich began to put it in his eyes. I am hazy about the length of time it took, but before long his night vision had improved greatly. I tried it a little and it seemed to help me. Just as an observation, I put that info on the flaxseed oil group. Before long some other folks emailed the group and told of this approach helping them. One lady said that it had helped her, but it had helped her neighbor more. The neighbor had macular degeneration and lost her driver's license, and now she had it back. Another lady said that she had faced cataract surgery and put a drop of oil in each eye at night and the cataracts cleared up. Monday, October 1st, I had a yearly eye exam. Six or seven years ago I had a "bleeder" in the retina of my right eye. That is something about which there is very little that can be done. It did not clear by itself after a few years and the doctor recommended laser surgery to drain the blood and prevent blindness. By that time the "bleeder" had rerouted but the dried blood was still there. The laser surgery had caused me to be unable to see a lot in my right eye and I could not read with both eyes open. This is a problem. The sight had been growing steadily worse and more "cloudy". I attributed this to the laser. During the examination the doctor discovered that there was a dense cataract. He said my sight in that eye, though not perfect anyway, could perhaps be helped by cataract surgery. I wasn't interested because I don't use it much anyway. Then I remembered the lady who had cleared cataracts with flaxseed oil. I talked with the doctor about it. He asked me what literature Ihad read and I told him that there was no literature but we might be making it. He is quite interested and if this works he said he will write it up in a journal or two, and it it was rejected he would at least write a letter to the editor. During the exam I could only make out the big E with my right eye. Any of the rest was virtual darkness. Twelve days after that and regular use of drops of flax oil in my eye my wife went for new glasses. They weren't right and we will go again this week. However, the technician put the eye chart on and I can already make out some letters in the next size smaller. I can now use my right eye alone and read a lot of the TV commercials. The "cloud" is still there but seems much less dense. The technician is also very interested. She told me that her aunt in Texas had cleared cataracts with flaxseed oil. She did not tell me how she had used it. If this cataract is cleared I may again be able to read with both eyes open. I am hardly daring to believe this can be possible, but somewhat excited nevertheless. What I have written is not a recommendation. I do not know what will happen. It is simply an account of what has happened. The Opthamologist has assured me that there can be no danger in doing what I am doing. I would say that if any tries this one should use the golden oil from the top of a bottle before it is mixed up in the case of Lignan Rich oil. Regards Cliff
How do we retrieve
Cliff since some of us pulled out immediately from the old flaxseed oil group..and without thinking, I for one, would now like to get back in there to pull out some of my important data I used,on the old list. And there is also some things there in archives I would like to use again. IS THIS POSSIBLE TO GET BACK IN TO GET THESE OUT. I tried to sign in and it says no longer there. Is this true? Miz Judy and Mel Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
I am ignorant, I think, What are these Lignans you speak of and is it something added to the Flaxseed Oil? thanks, Lorie NO WAY LORIE are you ignorant.. Like the rest of us we are learning and we all had to begin at the very core of learning about FLAXSEED as well as other ways to stay healthy. SO at anytime you need an answer..please ask. I know I've asked many myself, and am in experimenting now with the oils other uses, than that of cancer help. And look at it this way Lorie if you would have not asked this question, someone else would have sooner or later..Thanks for making it sooner. Now I'm also sure CLiff will answer you differently than I am, but that is okay too..we will be on the same track to help you and others to understand Lignans.. Lignans are naturally occurring chemicals widespread within the plant and animal kingdoms. Several lignans—with intimidating names such as secoisolariciresinol—are considered to be phytoestrogens, plant chemicals that mimic the hormone estrogen. These are especially abundant in FLAXSEED Bacteria in our intestines convert them into two other lignans, enterolactone and enterodiol, which also have estrogen-like effects. In this article, the term "lignans" refers to these two specific lignans as well as the phytoestrogen kind, but not to the wide variety of other lignans. Lignans are being studied for possible use in cancer prevention, particularly breast cancer. Like other phytoestrogens, they hook onto the same spots on cells where estrogen attaches. If there is little estrogen in the body (after menopause, for example), lignans may act like weak estrogen; but when natural estrogen is abundant in the body, lignans may instead reduce estrogen's effects by displacing it from cells. This displacement of the hormone may help prevent those cancers, such as breast cancer, that depend on estrogen to start and develop. In addition, at least one test tube study suggests that lignans may help prevent cancer in ways that are unrelated to estrogen.1 Very early evidence suggests that lignans may also be antioxidants although the strength of their antioxidant activity is not yet clear.2,3 Besides their potential use in cancer, preliminary research suggests that lignans may have a role lowering cholesterol.4,5 In addition, weak evidence suggests a possible role for lignans in preventing atherosclerosis,6,7 treating menopausal symptoms,8 and treating chronic kidney disease.9,10 ************************************************************************************************************************ I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me here. I can say anything I like.. 'cause nobody listens to me anyway. Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
Ratio of Omega 6 to omega 3
Many sites report the ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 EFA's in our diet is 50 to 1 or 25 to 1 because of how our food is grown and processed and chosen. Also many sites report that the prefferred ratio would be 4 to 1 or 2 to 1. If one believes the majority of research then one must conclude that the problem is to consume enough Omega 3 and avoid so much Omega 6. At the supermarket I observe many persons with a shopping cart that has no green vegetables, no canned fish i.e. nothing with much Omega 3 in it; conversely the contents include plenty of foods which have had any Omega 3 removed. Bread, Pasta and etc. Since most meat animals are raised in small enclosures and fed grains for repid weight gain the meat is very high in Omega 6 and low in Omega 3. Butter has some Omega 3; Margerine has trans fats. Few realize that the last thirty years of research show that trans fats are unwise; but the public is still told low fat is good while the best research shows that it is the type of fat not how much that affects health. I have had a PC for six years now and the explosion of research information on the internet just in the last year is amazing. From all that I have read; The wise way to eat is --buy fresh food, prepare it yourself. Avoid all processed food. For fast food get the original fast food- apples, grapes, nuts and raw vegetables. Use expensive eggs, get grass fed beef, supplement with flax seed and oil. Take vitamin supplements. Canola and Soy are very controversial, wait ten more years to eat them. If one has cancer; follow Dr. Budwigs directions carefully. Regards,, Lorenzo --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.286 / Virus Database: 152 - Release Date: 10/9/01
How bout using the nuts with MSM? Would that be enough sulpher content? thanks, Lorie and I will be looking into the Companion Nutrients.... thanks, Lorie
Self-made flaxseed oil?
A friend asks the following question: her mother lives in Venezuela, where refrigerated flaxseed oil like Barlean's is not available. Can she press the oil herself? She could buy the seeds in the market, put them in a blender, and use the resultant oil right away. Is that as good as using the cold-pressed refrigerated f.s.o.? Or is there another method she could use? Joel
From "Dr. Stephen Byrnes' Free E-Zine"
From "Dr. Stephen Byrnes' Free E-Zine" ""2. Drug Company Corruption Revealed from Ralph Moss's Newsletter #007 (October 8, 2001) -------------------------------------- This week, a major pharmaceutical company, TAP Pharmaceutical, of Lake Forest, Ill., agreed to pay $875 million to settle charges that it inflated the price of the prostate cancer drug Lupron and also bribed doctors to prescribe it. A federal indictment charged one doctor and six TAP managers with conspiracy to give doctors free drugs, trips to resorts, and free consulting services in order to obtain their referrals of prescriptions for Lupron to Medicare program beneficiaries. TAP is a 50-50 venture between Abbott Laboratories (news/quote), of Abbott Park, Ill., and Takeda Chemical Industries Ltd. in Japan.(See: NY Times website October 3, 2001). One can only wonder how widespread such practices are. In the past, the bribing of doctors with trips and kickbacks was openly practiced. Today, it is illegal but obviously still goes on. We need doctors to prescribe drugs based on the likelihood that it will benefit us. Too often, they allow themselves to be manipulated by manufacturers. This creates a climate of uncritical enthusiasm for pharmaceuticals. RELATED STORIES: Drug companies defrauded Medicare of millions Drug companies neglect research into diseases affecting the poor"" --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.286 / Virus Database: 152 - Release Date: 10/9/01
lowfat quark?
I've been taking a tbs flaxseed oil with a quarter cup of quark (which I find delicious). I'm a little concerned about the high fat content of the quark and would like to substitute a low-fat kind if I could find it. Can anyone assist me in this? Joel
(No subject)
Colloidal Silver? ( ooops ! ) sorry I sent out Lorie's letter and goofed it not going without my answer.) We also use Colloidal Silver, and find it very good for preventing a cold from coming on. Also have used it for sores, cuts, and put some on my little-toe when I broke it. And the other day before I had to have the ingrown-toenails cut out, I used applied it along with flaxseed oil to keep the pains down. It seemed to work. And the doctor was amazed at the results that when he begin to pull out the core, I hardly twinged. ( question) I wonder what it would do in the eyes? Lorie's letter is following: Hi Cliff! Have you ever heard of Colloidal Silver? We are hearing some very exciting stories about it, concerning, Cancer, many internal, and external maladies. We generate our own and are treating our daughters Plantars Wart with it by soaking! I drank some tonight after I had been experiencing some Flu-like symptoms, and I feel great now!! We are getting some very good feed back on people who are treating thier Cancer with it and FSO! The CS is totally antibacterial/antifungal, and 1 ounce will clean up a gallon of yucky water to make it drinkable! It is facinating stuff! Anyone want more info, please email me, I will share with you what I know about it. It is very amazing stuff! Thanks, Lorie wfalls@... Incidentally, my Father -in Law is a Lab tech and has all the info on it and actually makes the generators to enable one to generate his/her own Colloidal Silver. you can access the CS website at silver-list@...
sending again , for corrections: But this is the best I can do as many of the below data is from other sources.. I think for you to pull this page in, you'll need to use the scroll bar at the bottom of your screen. But make sure you read every little thing, then decide for yourself if Quark and Cottage Cheese are different.. ( I know they are ) but I want you to read and figure it out for yourself. I've made cottage cheese many, many times..and it is not QUARK.. To make cottage Cheese: You must take the morning- milk from the cow, and let it sit out to sour. We would leave ours sit in a glass gallon jug at room temperature. And the next morning, just barely bring it to a BABY-warm temperature, on a low heat. I stired the old fashion way, Mel's mother taught me to do.. using my elbow, constantly without stopping stir. ( make sure the elbow is well scrubbed,Using no soap residue on the elbow either. And, mens harry arms: please no way should they be stirring cottage cheese. )..when the milk begins to feel a wee-warm, like feeding to an infant..immediately take it from the burner. Let it sit again until the whey comes to the top. DRAIN the whey off ( use it to mix in chicken or hog feed) Take the white curd and strain in a good three layer Cheese cloth ( not a paint net cloth, this will not do )..Hang the cheese over a pan to drain. I had a special handmade rack I hung ours over, and sat it above the kitchen sink. When well drained put the curd of cheese into another bowl, add enough cream to soften, and a little salt and herbs to flavor..( never use more cream then necessary. sometimes you will get larger lumps, if you want small curd add wee-more cream. And keep this in mind, some days makes better cheese than another. I found that a hot-humid day after rains in a warm kitchen done a marvelous job. You can also use cottage cheese, without putting cream in it, season to taste..and add to casseroles..or eat as is. Fruits ( well drained can also be addred...left plain be stirred into jello-0's.. And in FLAXSEED OIL, use it most likely anyway you prefer. BUT AGAIN remember this: our cows were fed and lived on organic pastures, and feeds that we grinded ourselves. ( Oh how we do miss the farming life, this is when we stayed so much more healthier.. If we'd known even thn what we know today..we'd probably have neve had the illness that came along after we retired. Now days a farmer isn't allowed to sell milk he can get into a heap of law/trouble. But if you are a farmer, you're allowed using your own milk for food supply. I know what quarks are, but I once heard a story about how they came to be called quarks. Whoever decided to call them quarks thought "quark" meant something wonderful. I can't remember what that something wonderful was. But then I heard that "quark" means "cream cheese" in German. A Nonsense poem.. Three quarks for Muster Mark! Sure he hasn't got much of a bark, And sure any he has it's all beside the mark. But O, Wreneagle Almighty, would't un be a sky of a lark To see that old buzzard whooping about us for uns shirt in the dark And he hunting round for uns speckled trousers around by Palmerston Park? So basically, quarks were named from a nonsensical poem to describe what was at the time a fanciful idea which few took seriously. qwark A soft, unripened CHEESE with the texture and flavor of sour cream, Quark comes in two versions--lowfat and nonfat. Though the calories are the same (35 per ounce), the texture of lowfat Quark is richer than that of lowfat sour cream. It has a milder flavor and richer texture than lowfat yogurt. Quark can be used as a sour cream substitute to top baked potatoes, and as an ingredient in a variety of dishes including cheesecakes, dips, salads and sauces. On another note, the German Quark is actually something between yogurt and cream cheese, and it can be bought plain, with fruit, or with seasonings such as garlic and onion or chives. When working at the DESY laboratory in Hamburg on my thesis experiment, I used to enjoy fruit-flavored Quark for dessert in the cafeteria there. "
Colloidal Silver an article on Natural Well Being, about Colloidal Silver , and everything you use it for. This might be an interesting subject to talk about. Thanks Miz Judy Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
Colloidal Silver (OT)
For those interested in Colloidal Silver, there is a group, like this one, dedicated just to that topic where your answers can be answered by the "pros" in that subject. IMHO, it would be like someone with prostate cancer asking about using flaxseed oil with CC on the colloidal silver list. It would start a whole topic by people reporting their opinions while having little knowledge, instead of directing that person here to this list where those with the best knowledge would be able to answer any questions. In addition, I think continuing the CS discussion under the topic of "questions about lignans" is misleading and detrimental to the group. If I was seeking information to decide the pros or cons using high lignan oil and all I saw was a discussion on colloidal silver, I would come to the fast conclusion that this group was not the place to find an answer to my questions about Flaxseed Oil. Please change the "Subject" headings if you wish to discuss another topic. If it is not about Flaxseed, it would also be very courteous to put an "(OT)" after the subject title to let others it was about an off-topic matter being discussed and not about Flaxseed. Having three different and totally unrelated subjects being discussed under one thread, as has been done here on numerous occasions, is very confusing. It only takes a few seconds to type in a new subject line. If every specific board set up to discuss a SPECIFIC health matter becomes a GENERAL health discussions board, then each message board becomes less useful to those seeking information on those specific topics because they have to read hundreds of off topic messages to get to the meat they are seeking. Few readers will do so. As a result, they will leave with little facts about Flaxseed Oil to help making their decisions. I use FO/CC as my primary means to attack prostate cancer. I'm betting my life on it after examining many other alternatives. I only than God I came across Cliff's original articles that got my research on Flaxseed Oil started. In all candor, if I had come here to this group in the past year, having heard about FO/CC somewhere else, I would be using a different therapy now. I would not be using FO/CC. I am the type of person that believes it is improper to ask simple questions. I assume that would be answered in the prior posts. I only ask questions after reading and not understanding a point someone made.. I read many existing posts before I would think of asking a question. I have two message groups myself and KNOW that only about 20% of the members even post a single messages ever, question or answer. The balance of members just read them. And a greater number never even join, so they just read messages. With all the posts this year and with so many off topic and yet not marked, I would assume no one here really cared that much about Flaxseed oil... that it had become more of a health related chat board where flaxseed oil was just an occasional topic along with many others. So I would have likely moved on and be betting my life on another therapy now. Not trying to start anything here. These are just my opinions. You are all free to agree or not. Regards, NHY _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at
Interesting News
Hi, There never will be scientific studies acceptable to the medical establishment concerning the use of FO/CC. There are only accounts of what is happening and observations. A few months ago a man and wife stopped by. A teacher at a local school had told them about FO/CC. The lady had a hard tumor in her upper right arm and she was virtually unable to use her hand. The doctors were urging her to let them amputate her arm to try and save her life. She refused and began using FO/CC. I don't know the amount but I think it was around 4 tablespoons a day. By the time she was here the tumor had softened considerably and she was regaining the use of her arm. Recently we moved to a new church and we just realized that one of her nieces was a member. She told me today that her aunt Dorothy was doing very well, her energy level was high and she was using her arm normally. Thinking about things like this and people looking for the testimony of a doctor involved I realize that there is no doctor involved. The advice of himself and a surgeon had been refused. The doctor would not write up anything like this. It is only those of us involved who will make any observations. Cliff
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