For Sale: All-Clad D5 Brushed Stainless Steel 10 Piece Cookware Set - asking $ 750 - selling for $ 900 - see link contact woodmere770@...
Розпочато woodmere770 @
FORSALE: Play Day Ice Cream Cart for Kids - Brand New in Box - $15
I am selling an Ice Cream Cart for Kids from Playday. It is still in the Box and was never opened. It is selling for $20 on Walmart: Asking $15 Please text for pictures, 516-582-0812 Adam
Розпочато Pashita Yid @
FORSALE: Google Nest Hello Doorbell - $50
I am selling a Google Nest Hello Doorbell 1st Generation that is in Excellent Condition. Asking $50 Please Text/Call for pictures: 516-582-0812 Adam
Розпочато Pashita Yid @
FORSALE: Board Games - New/Like New-Pictureka/Ticket to Ride 1st Journey & More
I am selling my Ticket to Ride First Journey board Game. It is in Like New Condition and is selling on Amazon for $28 plus tax: Asking $15 I am also selling my Pictureka board Game. It is in Excellent Condition and is selling on Amazon for around $33 plus tax: Asking $15 I am selling two card games that I bought but never ended up using. One is called Mitzvah Deal and the other is called Mitzvah miles. I paid $8 for each of them. Asking $10 for both. Please text for pictures: 516-582-0812 Adam
Розпочато Pashita Yid @
Below are the names of cholim who need OUR Tefillot and Tehillim said for a refuah shelaima. Previous Cholim Lists should not be used as many names were added or removed. If you have any requests or would like to add or remove a name from this list, please send an email to: wisemanrdh@... The next updated Cholim List will (G-d willing) be posted next month. This Cholim List is dedicated l'iluy nishamot Deena Voroba, Sara Deena bas Elimelech and Murray Voroba, Moshe Aharon Alter ben Yosef Binyamin A”H, who devoted their lives to Torah, Tefilla and Maasim Tovim. Akiva Elimelech ben Moriah Tzippora Akiva Moshe ben Dina Sarah Aliza Rivka bas Yehudis Leah Alter Yeshaya ben Malka Chaya Avigdor Yaakov ben Itka Avraham ben Bluma Avraham David ben Malka Avraham Noach ben Yehudis Avraham Yeshaya ben Aviva Avrohom Lev ben Chana Leah Chaya Baruch ben Sarah Batya Malka bat Perel Chaya Bayla Branna bat Rochel Rotsah Benaya Yisrael ben Aviva Binyamin Zev Hakohen ben Sharrone Rivka Blimi bat Chana Ella Braindl bat Chaya Feigl Chaim Akiva ben Chana Esther Chaim Eitan ben Sarah Chana Rachel bat Leah Chava bat Rivka Yitta Chaviva Sora Gila bas Feigeh Yachet Chaya Esther bat Nechama Chaya Raizel bat Dina D'vora Sara bat Leah David Nachum ben Chana Dov Ber ben Sarah Dovid Eliyahu ben Shaina Edka Fega bat Chana Reisa Elad ben Julia Eliahu ben Perel Leah Elisheva bat Neta Eliyahu Benish ben Tova Chynka Elozor ben Re'uma Emunah bas Devorah Ephraim ben Yael Ephraim Tzvi Moshe ben Shulamis Tzivya Esther Devorah bas Bracha Esther Feygah bas Chaya Eytan Raphael Shraga ben Dina Sarah Galit-Shirah bat Sarah Gita bat Gittel HaRav Avraham Simcha ben Rachel Leah HaRav Shmuel ben Ita Ettel Hinda Chaya bat Charna Ita Raiza bat Bracha Joseph ben Ester Layah bat Chaya Sarah Leah bas Chaya Rickel Leah bat Faiga Leah bat Miriam Netanel Ilan ben Shayna Tzipora Ora Ma'ayan Tikvah bat Alysha Pinchas Shalom Tzvi ben Za-eva Rafael Tovia Ovadia ben Devorah Raphael Chaim Mayer ben Sima Chasha Refael Avraham Nesanel ben Masha Liba Reuven Boruch ben Perel Leah Sara bas Esther Rochel Sara bas Lipsa Laya Sara bat Chana Sara Leah bas Rivka Shaindel Doda bat Ita Raiza Shaindel Leah bat Esther Golda Sheindel Sprintza bat Shifra Shima Necha bat Hinda Shira bat Devorah Leah Shmuel ben Esther Shmuel Lipa ben Rus Temima Shmuel Yerucham ben Baila Shoshana Roza bat Bluma Shraga Feivel ben Yenta Simcha Beinish ben Miriam Pesa Simcha ben Chaya Sarah Simcha Yitzchak ben Miraleh Liatka Tova Chana bat Peril Tova Huda bat Sora Leah Tsvi Yosef ben Rivka Tzvi ben Hinda Yaakov Avraham ben Michleh Yaakov Yosef ben Gittel Yehuda Amitai HaLevi ben Avital Nechama Yehudis bat Rachal Yisrael Aharon ben Chaya Gita Yisrael ben Gittel Yitzchak Elimelech ben Chana Sara Yosef Asher ben Taibel Frumachaya Yosef ben Alexandra Yosef ben Simcha Alegria Yosef Ezriel ben Chaya Michal Yosef Yehuda ben Yehudit Yael Zev Eliezer ben Chaya Sheindel
Розпочато @
Female Live-In Aide Available
Very capable and lovely female aide available. Trustworthy, caring and reliable. Please contact Luziann at luziannfigari15@... Whatsapp only contact number: 868-491-0803. Alternate number: 718-640-7354. Thank you.
Розпочато Beverly Sonnenblick @
FORRENT: House for four months
House for rent in Kew Gardens Hills - Beautiful detached house in Kew Gardens Hills is available for rent from December 11th through April 27th. Three bedrooms, a den, full kosher kitchen, living room, dining room, washer/dryer, porch, yard, private driveway. Near Queens College, kosher shopping, shuls. $3500 per month plus utilities. Must be kosher, non-smoker, no pets. 718-261-2493 or 718-309-3203
Розпочато kamber_judy @
The Israeli Artist Whose Art Led Europe to Cut Terrorism Funding
To see the incredible Israeli artist on the Gaza border who turns Hamas rockets into stunning masterpieces in high demand by world leaders, including U.S. Presidents, and whose work played a key role in halting terror funding, check this out. Nosson Shulman Licensed Tour Guide in Israel, VIP Israel Tours 1-800-401-9207 | 054-647-5301 ns@... Virtual Tour Videos of Israel Jerusalem Video Tour
Розпочато Nosson Shulman - Israel Tours @
Free shiur on how to increase your happiness in these days
Hi, This is Josh Shrier, I recently recorded this shiur about how to increase your happiness in our challenging times. The shiur I believe is powerful and has a number of points that can really be transformative if applied. The shiur is only 17 minutes long, so please download, and let me know what you think. Thanks in advance. -Josh Shrier
Розпочато Josh Shrier @
Flight to Israel
My mother is flying from JFK to TLV on 12/25 LY2 at 17:00. Do you know of anyone who is going to be on that flight? I need someone to keep an eye on her....... Thanks Yaacov 516 987 0798
Розпочато jerry@... @
Flight to Israel
My mother is flying from JFK to TLV on 12/25 LY2 at 17:00. Do you know of anyone who is going to be on that flight? I need someone to keep an eye on her....... Thanks Yaacov
Розпочато jerry@... @
FOR SALE: Children's bike
Dynacraft 20" Brand NEW in Box. Ages 6-10. Asking $75
Розпочато elmos613 @
P a n o r a m a O p t i c a l Fine eye-wear in all price points for all occasions. Frames that are beautiful, artistic and independent. Take advantage of our exclusive offer! Enjoy15% off on prescription glasses, Don’t miss this limited-time deal! Frames for the whole family. Contact Lenses available. Have a prescription - bring it along. Eye exams available by appointment. Use your F. S. A. (Flexible Spending Account) before year end. Use your H. S. A. (Health Spending Account.) Friendly and easy going environment. Location: 241 Broadway Lynbrook (Located in the Lynbrook Medical center) Store hours: Mon.-Thurs.10:00 - 5:30 Fri.10:00 -1:30 Sun.11:00 - 2:00 Phone: 516-341-0297 Mail: joseph@...
Розпочато Av Yos @
Engagement Rings Forsale
Hi, Are you looking for an engagement ring for your significant other? I sell IGI labgrown diamond engagement rings. They are fully customizable and I can create it for you. I will beat anyone's price 100%. Prices starting as low as $500!! Email me handymosheny@... to find out more details.
Розпочато Moshe Ratner @
For Sale: Jumbo Jewish Holiday Puzzle
53 pieces- 5 " in length- great condition $5
Розпочато jackie.vinar @
Free: Wrapping paper; White Oak tag; etc
including assorted cards and stickers
Розпочато jackie.vinar @
JOBOFF: Science Tutor at Yeshiva
Local Yeshiva is looking for a Biology tutor. Please email resume to hsjobs2021@....
Розпочато hsjobs2021@... @
JOBOFF: Science Teacher at Yeshiva
Local Yeshiva is looking for a Biology teacher. Please email resume to hsjobs2021@....
Розпочато hsjobs2021@... @
Light Up Your Chanukah with Unforgettable Tours of Israel!
It’s time to book your unforgettable, family-friendly private tour of Israel with Nosson Shulman (check out our many sample itineraries)! Explore our special Chanukah day trip itinerary in the footsteps of the Maccabees – an experience your family won’t forget! Nosson Shulman, Licensed Tour Guide in Israel USA: 347-410-8935 Israel: 054-647-530 Toll Free: 1-800-401-9207 ns@... | Unique Israel Blog | Facebook Check out my new virtual tours!
Розпочато Nosson Shulman - Israel Tours @
FORSALE: Emporio Black Suit - Made in Italy - $100
I am selling a High Quality Wool Suit. It is Made in Italy & the Brand name is Tombolini. Jacket size is 44R with two buttons and Butt Flaps. The pants are flat front with an inseam of around 27 inches cuffed so if you uncuf them you can get another 3 inches. I take very good care of my suits so it is in Excellent Condition. Color is Black. Asking $100 which is an amazing deal for such a good quality suit(I paid over $300). Suit will be delivered dry cleaned in a Suit Bag. Please text for pictures, 516-582-0812. Adam
Розпочато Pashita Yid @
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