Audio Table Error
Team, The last thing I did was adjust the gain on a source in the audio table and now the audio table will no longer open and I get the error attached. -- Many thanks in advance! Vinny DeRobertis ~ Apex, NC New York & Hudson Valley RR Windows 7 Pro / Java 11 / JMRI v5.7.7 Command Station: Digikeijs DR5000. Booster: Digikeijs DR5033 Interface: Samsung A7 10.4" Tablets/Fully Kiosk. DCC/DMX Gateway: Pricom LLS. LocoNet Input Modules: Digikeijs DR4088LN DCC Output Modules: Digikeijs DR4018 / Yamorc YD8116. Sensors: Model Train Technology: DETECTOR-HO. Turnout Motors: MTB MP1
Using fred equipped cars
Can a "fred" equipped car be subject to Schedules and/or load swap in staging but always be on end of train. I run a "slab" train which runs between a steel mill and a finishing mill (spur) subject to schedules on both ends. I want the fred equipped gon to be subject to the same moves as all the other gons but be on end of train. I have previously manually tacked the fred gon on the end (both loaded and empty) but I would prefer to have it listed in the consist if possible. Doug
Missing Pickup
Hello I've tried to decipher the build report and have tried various build options, but I'm unable to workout why this train will not pickup 3 cars as request. The train is an outbound train traveling from one yard, to one location, before terminating in a second yard. Custom loads are being used (to be dropped off by the return train). Any advice would be much appreciated, many thanks Jake
Operations help advice
I’ve been using the Operations part of JMRI Panel Pro for around 4 years. A local friend helped to set me up with the scenario where I run 4 local trains per session two eastbound and two westbound trains. It is set up to print the EB and then the WB and then terminate them and run then run/pring the next EB and WB. It has gone very well, but I’ve recently run into an issue where I find that the locals are hauling around a bunch of cars that don’t get switched, they just Go Along for the Ride (I call it A4tR) My JMRI version is 4.24+Re…. The Java is 1.8.0_261 I know that it is time to upgrade to version 5 and I am open to your suggestions of update now or after making adustments. I have 112 cars on the layout that are involved in the operation activity. I have another 250 cars that are in a number of through trains but I am not involving them in this discussion. I just did a report where I exported cars by location to a spreadsheet. I then inspect the layout and trains to see if operators did what they were supposed to do. And, everything is in its place so all is good in that respect. Trains: Westbound #1 Starts its run with 18 cars and of this, 12 cars will just “Go Along for the Ride.” It made 5 pickups and 7 set outs so it ends up with 16 cars. Eastbound #1 Starts its run with 14 cars and of this, 10 cars will just “Go Along for the Ride.” It makes 8 pickups, 4 set outs and 1 move, so it end up with 18 cars. Westbound #2 Starts its run with 18 cars and of this 11 cars will just “Go Along for the Ride." It makes 7 pick ups, 10 set outs and ends up with 15 cars. Eastbound #2 Starts its run with 8 cars and of this 5 cars will just “Go Along for the Ride.” It has 12 pickups, and 3 set outs, 2 moves and ends up with 17 cars. The four trains at the end of the session have 66 cars. On the layout there are 46 cars sitting at locations or businesses on the layout. This adds up to my 112 cars in operation. This what the layout looks like: Coal City Creed Concrete, 5 spots with 2 cars Local Grain, 3 spots with 1 car Local Fertilizer, 2 spots with 1 car Lumber yard, 3 spots and no cars Dow Plastics Receiving tracks, 4 spots and no cars Box car shipping, 3 spots and no cars Loading, 5 spots and 3 cars Mason Grain elevator, 7spots and 2 cars John Deere dealer, 2 spots and 1 car Ransom Grain elevator, 3 spots and no cars Fertilizer spur, 2 sots and 1 car Stepan Chemical Receiving/storage, 9 spots and 4 cars Loading track, 2 spots and no cars Eastbound switch lead, 15 spots and 14 cars Streator Bottle Plant Loading, 2 spots and no cars Bottle Plant Receiving, 2 spots and 2 cars Scrap metal yard, 3 spots and 2 cars Streator switch lead, 11 spots and 4 cars Verona Grain elevator, 6 spots and 6 cars Cannery incoming, 2 spots and 1 car Cannery loads out, 2 spots and no cars My issue is a surplus of cars in the Eastbound switch lead pretty much full, but more importantly all the cars being carried along in the locals that don’t get switched at least in the session just described. I don’t get complaints from operators but for a local to just make 5 pickups and 7 set outs during a run seems pretty non challenging. Regarding the settings in Operations/Trains the program is set for “Aggressive.” The number of passes during a build is 4. Try normal mode is checked Enable car routing is checked Use all trains when routing is checked In Routes the shortest length is set for 1150 ft and the Maximum length is set for 1800 ft. In routs set outs and pickups are all indicated as yes. My layout is set of 1995 so cars are between 50 ft and 70 ft for grain cars or plastic hoppers. Let me know if anyone has any suggestions or maybe I should just run a couple more sessions to see if it all evens out again. Thanks in advance for your suggestions. Thomas Cain, MMR 755 Indianapolis, IN atsf93@... See my layout and website at: Modeling the Eastern Illinois Santa Fe from the prototype
Dispatcher - Strange behaviour
I have returned to tinkering with my auto running trains but have noticed strange behaviour when entering trains under Operations. I enter a train on the New Train screen under Dispatcher (see attached screenshot - New Train) This fails (see attached screenshot - Error Message) The train window empties ae shown on the screenshot If I enter the same info as "User Entry" it works perfectly. Attached is the system console (Console 2012) - the relevant messages are at the very end in green text. Can anyone throw any light on this issue? Windows 11, JMRI 5.10, Java 17 - using Loconet Simulator Thanks Brian Clark Bedford UK
File /Decoder files/AE Model/AE_Models.xml uploaded
The following items have been added to the Files area of the group. /Decoder files/AE Model/AE_Models.xml By: Petefowler131@... Description: A first attempt at a AE Model decoder definition - heavily based on DCC Concepts Zen Black V12. ABC breaking (not documented appears to be accepted by decoder)
Added Folder /Decoder files/AE Model
Petefowler131@... added folder /Decoder files/AE Model Description: Decoder Definition(s) for AE Model Decoders
I get sound but no movement question Loksound 5/JMRI/Sprog 3
I've been over to the Loksound group which has been helpful in diagnosing/defining the issue I've been having. I have a couple of Kato locomotives that will not move but will have some sound functionality after shutting down the computer and turning it back on. For clarity I'm running JMRI with Sprog 3 connected to a Windows 10 laptop. Both locomotives have ESU Loksound 5 decoders installed by Duford Model Works. I bought the ARR SD70MAC from Lombard Hobby with the decoder already installed. Duford does their Kato decoder installs. The Kato UP Big Boy was purchased without DC naively thinking I could add the decoder later. I sent it to Duford to have the decoder installed. I use Engine Driver normally for control but occasionally will use the throttle in JMRI. I discovered that if I put the SD70MAC on the programming track (switching out of Sprog Command Station and back to Sprog for programming), read the decoder as if it was a new loco to the roster and cancel out of the add loco screen it will function normally with both sound and movement. What's crazy is that after switching out of Sprog back to Sprog Command Station BOTH locomotives function normally without putting the Big Boy on the programming track! I'm guessing that it wouldn't matter which loco I put back on the programming track to read the decoder. I picked the SD70MAC because it's easier to place on the track. The other locomotives in my roster have Digitrax decoders (both sound and nonsound) and don't appear to have any issues. So what is happening between JMRI/Sprog/ESU that causes both decoders to be flakey when computer is shut down but are fixed simply by reading the decoder of JUST ONE of them on the programming track after turning the computer back on? So far as long as I never shut the computer down both ESU locos maintain full functionality. This includes letting the computer go to sleep by closing the laptop. It's possible this would with other more complex sound decoders but I don't have any others to test. My normal shutdown process is to turn off the power to the layout within JMRI, physically unplug that connection to the layout from the Sprog, close out JMRI and then shutdown the computer.
JMRI 5.10 Installed issues
Hello Everyone, I am running Windows 11 and after doing a back-up of my roster files, I installed JMRI 5.10 from 5.08. I am running JAVA 17. The issue I’m experiencing is my roster files did not transfer to the new install as they have with past installs. I tried importing the roster files without any luck. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Thank You in advance to all who respond. Mel
Signal Mast Logic - What am I missing?
I have a very simple configuration, as shown in this Layout Editor screenshot: I have used the Discover option on signal masts 409 and 410, and it correctly identified 410 and 411 respectively as the "next" signal. If I click on the icon for signal 411, I see that signal 410 reacts properly. In other words, If 411 is green or yellow then 410 is green, but if 411 is red, then 410 goes yellow. Perfect! However, if I click on the icon for signal 410, it has no effect on signal 409 which just stays green (or whatever aspect it happens to be showing). I have tried deleting all of the signal mast logic and discovering again. I can't see any difference in the resultant settings, except that 410 to 411 has the Active check box ticked, whereas 409 to 410 does not. That feels like it is going to be related to the problem, but I can't manually change the value and, so far as I can see, the documentation doesn't discuss that check box (pointers welcome if I have missed it). All three masts are BR-2003-WE. Masts 409 and 410 are both made from "real" three aspect signal heads, whereas 411 is a virtual mast - not sure if that makes any difference. Sorry if it's a daft question as I make my way slowly into the complexities of signal heads and masts. Thanks, Nick
How to add delay between turnout commands in Dispatcher?
I use three Modellbau Union new turnout decoders on my layout. Each controls eight turnouts (Kato Unitrack, with no feedback). They work great when turnouts are changed individually, but when more are changed in a fast sequence, the decoder is apparently not able to process it and only one or a couple of turnouts are switched, the others are omitted... I encountered this problem first defining routes, but I fixed it easily by adding delay in the route configuration. Now routes take longer time to be set, but they work fine. But I cannot find a solution for the Dispatcher... :( When it allocates sections, it apparently sends commands to all turnouts in those sections simultaneously (or in a very fast sequence). And my turnout decoders can't handle it - only the first called turnout on each decoder receives the command properly and changes, the others don't... And because there is no feedback available, JMRI thinks the turnout were changed fine, while in fact they were not, so the trains continue running onto wrong tracks with quite unpleasant results... Does anyone have any idea if there is a way to inject delays between turnouts commands sent by the Dispatcher, when it allocates sections, like I did with the routes? I'm pretty sure there is no such option available in the standard JMRI interface, but maybe something can be scripted? Or some other trick that I could use to make me setup work with the Dispatcher?...
Block routing through crossover turnout
I have a number of crossovers on my layout. I have created them out of 2 single turnouts (either RH or LH). Each turnout is assigned its own block because I am using signal masts. The problem is that when I right click on a turnout and bring up context menu and select 'view block routing', it only shows straight track blocks connected to it. It doesn't show any connection to the other diverging path that is connected to companion turnout in the crossover. Because of this, I am not able to create transits through the diverging paths of the crossovers. Here is a rough sketch: BLK0 --- TL0. --- BLK1 \ \ BLK2 ----- TL1 --- BLK3 The block routing for TL0 turnout only shows BLK0, BLK1 connected. It doesn't show block TL1. (same for TL1's block routing) What am I doing wrong? -- +=============================== |. Vimal Parikh +------------------------------------------ | JMRI version: 5.8+ | Java Version: 17.0.10 | Command Station: DCC-EX version 5.0.7 |.Host: MacBook Pro Sonoma 14.6.1 +===============================
LogixNG: show/hide by class on ControlPanel not working
I know how to show/hide an icon/label on a layout panel based on a classname with LogixNG. (Add->Display->Icon/Label by class on Panel) This works perfectly! However, in my setup it doesn't work on a control panel. In logixNG it is possible to define a controlpanel and an icon/label with it's class but the icon/label is always showing Is this intentional behavior or am I missing something? Douwe Brouwer
JMRI Analog Tab Settings
Hi Everyone I have loco GP50 by Athern Genesis that has a LokSound 5 micro DCC decoder installed but I want to run it on my friend's DC layout. I'm using DecoderPro version 5.9.6+R03428cd59 with Java 11.0.15. The DC conversion is enabled (on the Basic tab) and the following values have been set (randomly) on the Analog Controls tab: When placed on my friend's DC layout.. the GP50 runs very slow. Can anyone help me understand what all the categories mean and what the proper values hsould be? Thanks Blessings TheTrainRev
My new mac won’t run JMRI to program
I used JMRI with Decoderpro on my pc for years but bought a Mac this year. Will allow me to make roster entries but not to program. What to fix? Alan Saatkamp, MMR Normal, IL
How to change the icon of a signal on a layout panel.
Hi, How can I change the icon of a signal in a layout panel : Thanks. -- --------------------------------------------- Jean-Louis Paris-France --------------------------------------------- JRMI 5.9.5 on Windows DCC EX on Arduino Mega Java version 17.1.12
Request | Adjust text alignment for Sensors on web served panels
Hello, I discovered a small bug that I am hoping is an easy fix. In the Layout Editor, the text overlay on a sensor aligns to the center/center of the sensor icon. "Track On" is centered in the pill shaped button. But when you use the web server to view a panel the text is top/left justified. If this is possible to fix, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks -- Heath @ Human[c]ity
Test release 5.11.1 of JMRI/DecoderPro is available for download
Test release 5.11.1 of JMRI/DecoderPro is available for download. This is the first in a series of test releases that will culminate in a production release, hopefully in June 2025. It's really helpful when people download, install and use these test releases so we can find and fix any inadvertent new problems early. For those of you using LCC/OpenLCB, there’s a new JMRI application that you might find useful: LccPro If you are currently using JMRI 4.99.10 or earlier, there is an update process that we strongly recommend. See the release note section on updates: <> For more information on the issues, new features and bug fixes in 5.11.1 please see the release note: <> Note that JMRI is made available under the GNU General Public License. For more information, please see our copyright and licensing page. <> The download links, along with lots of other information which we hope you'll read, can be found on the release note page: <> Bob — Bob Jacobsen rgj1927@...
Running a jyton script from a switch panel that can identify the track power state as well as a button to turn on track power when it is off.
After todays operating session, I really need to figure out how to put a button on my tablet based switch panels that can show the state of track power and turn on the track power if it is off. Here is the script that supposedly can provide track power status. This is the script that I need to run to turn the power on. I need the idiots guide to how to create a button that will change colors when the track state changes and then when pushed, will turn on the track power. I really want to create the track power button from the WiThrottle window or the WebThrottle window from the Web Server, but within Panel Pro so that I can display and operate it from any of the switch panels around my layout. Any help would be really appreciated. -- Heath @ Human[c]ity
Layout Editor: Display block/turnout/signal names
How can I display the names of all components (i.e. blocks, turnouts, signal masts etc) on the layout editor's panel? Currently, I have to create individual 'label' and place them around items on the layout. Is there an option to display the user names instead? -- +=============================== |. Vimal Parikh +------------------------------------------ | JMRI version: 5.8+ | Java Version: 17.0.10 | Command Station: DCC-EX version 5.0.7 |.Host: MacBook Pro Sonoma 14.6.1 +===============================
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