Older SoftRock Kits Available 16
I've had these kits for years...haven't built them, probably never will. Dates on the PCBs are circa 2007-2011. Envelopes have been opened but zip lock parts bags are sealed from Tony Parks. Prices include shipping via USPS from 37076. More details here: https://www.wb5rvz.com/sdr/ PayPal preferred RxTx for 15/17m v6.2 $40 RxTx for 20-30-40m $40 RxTX for 20/30m v6.2 $40 RxTX for 40/80m v6.2 $40 RxTX for 160m v6.2 $40 6m/4m/2m Rx Ensemble (2 available) $20 each SR_40_R 455kHz (2 available) $10 each SoftRock Lite: $10 each 160m v6 80m v6 40m v6 30m v6 - 4 available, one nearly built, three unbuilt with two 35.2512MHz. crystals for 8.83MHz. I.F.; intended to use this for a panadapter for my TS-850 & others 20m v6 SoftRock Lite II Combined Receiver $20 each Kits can be built for 160m, 80m or 40m, includes 464kHz. crystals for 455kHz. I.F. (2 available) Delta 44 Sound Card Interface module $10 Serial port PTT interface $10 -- Thank you, Robin K4IDC
Розпочато Robin Midgett @ · Останніх @
Retirement wishes 2
Tony, I would like to thank you and wish you a happy retirement. I built several of the SoftRock 40 packages, first to see if I could handle the SMS products. I found that to be easy. Since then, I have built a couple of 30/40 transceivers, added Softrock receivers to The Twofer (QRP, 1-watt, transmitters) along with SKS keyer chip and sidetone monitor, and also built the Peaberry transceiver for 20/30/40 meter bands. Greatest DX was Rodriguez Island (3B9FR) for greater than 10K miles/watt! The Flex Radio's PowerSDR software that was modified for the SoftRocks impressed me with the many features available in the little receivers. Again, thanks for producing the SDR receivers and transceivers with amazing performance at very low prices. I commend for your effort in making SDRs available to the Ham radio population. My main rig is a FlexRradio 6400M. You can take part of the "blame" for me buying the Flex. Thanks again, Jack W5WQQ, ( Licensed since 1952)
Розпочато Jack Hemby @ · Останніх @
Version 5
I buy version 5 , any condition
Розпочато Observer @
audio output lockup?
I am running an RX ensemble II with HDSDR and a Behringer UMC204(192 KHz) usb sound card on a windows 10 box. I have a TX/RX switch to use this with an Icom 718 transmitter ( not always powered on) Quite often the audio output will either gradually fade out or be killed after a small electrical or noise glitch. The waterfall display does not change. Toggling the mode in HDSDR from LSB to FM and then back to LSB always fixes it. Any suggestions?
Розпочато David Underwood @
Anyone have a case for an Ensemble II Receiver for sale?
Hi, I have a "built by Tony" Ensemble II LF arriving soon. I've had a number of these over the years, most of which I assembled myself (to quote Joni Mitchel it's "The Circle Game" ;-) In times past I usually bought a generic plastic project box and "drilled & cut them to fit". Yes, I have a generic box coming, but IF somebody had a custom box for sale it'd look nicer and be much easier on me. I find that now-a-days with older eyes/hands I'd rather purchase than work (though funds are much tighter now-a-days). -- <>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><> Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons) Phil, KO6BB, http://www.qsl.net/ko6bb/ RADIOS: YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020) YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019). Icom: IC-718 Xceiver, DSP. Uniden: SDS-200 Scanner, 25-1300MHz (2020) Portables: Eton Elite 750 (2), AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020) Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021) ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher. HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's. HOMEBREW Tunable LF-MF Pre-Amp. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF. Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element) ~35 Feet AGL. Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF. Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL Diamond Discone ~35 feet AGL for Scanner. QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Розпочато Philip Atchley @
Which transformer? 5
Hi All, Well I do have a Softrock Ensemble II LF ordered and eagerly awaiting it's arrival (being built by Tony Parks). Over the years I've had a number of Softrocks, built most of them myself. But at 78 eyes are a bit older and I don't think I'm the sharpest knife in the drawer any longer ;-) Also, it's been awhile since I used a Softrock but figured that since I sold my Perseus it'll help fill in the gap in chasing/recording NDBs (my primary use for one). I DO know that I always used a pair of transformers between my Softrock and the external soundcard. My external soundcard of choice has traditionally been the "Ultimate USB Audio 2.0" with a 24 bit/192kHz response. It's noise floor is supposed to be -108dB, not sure how that compares to others, but is more than good enough as any time I connect an antenna the existing noise floor rises, a good test to see if the receiver is the limiting factor. Any-who, it's been so many years since I built my last setup that I forgot which transformers I used (to keep the center spike down). I do know they were little red Triad units, I think 600/600 Ohms and was checking the Mouser catalog. It seems that the frequency response of most that they have are 300Hz-100kHz. It seems that if I want to use the full range of the sound card (192kHz) I'd want transformers with more than a 100kHz upper limit, but like I said, it's been so many years that I've forgotten probably 90% of what I knew (been working with Electronics since around 1953). QUESTION: If you were ordering a pair of transformers, what would you buy, and where??? -- <>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><> Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons) Phil, KO6BB, http://www.qsl.net/ko6bb/ RADIOS: YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020) YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019). Icom: IC-718 Xceiver, DSP. Uniden: SDS-200 Scanner, 25-1300MHz (2020) Portables: Eton Elite 750 (2), AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020) Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021) ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher. HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF. Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element) ~35 Feet AGL. Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF. Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL Diamond Discone ~35 feet AGL for Scanner. QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Розпочато Philip Atchley @ · Останніх @
Need Help to setup SOftrock RXTX6.3 with MOBO 4.3 & PowerSDR2.4.4 6
Hi Good Morning to all, I have a working RXTX 6.3 (Delta 44 Sound card) with MOBO 4.3 with 20W HPSDR PA which was in turn driving a Furuno PA to output 300W. I had stopped using this for last 6 years & want to put it back into service. However i have forgotten the settings to configure PowerSDR for the SI579 USB Adapter. I do have the PE0FKO & SV1EIA drivers installed, but am having trouble changing the band & frequencies using PowerSDR. Google search for this leads to the below link which is unavailable: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjDkZe4yuzxAhWIzDgGHQa8Cq0QFjAAegQIBBAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wb5rvz.org%2Fcommon%2FPowerSDR_244_Installation&usg=AOvVaw3iXvwAw7CtsETESFJJUnqN Request if someone in this group can share the instruction to setup the PowerSDR 2.4.4 with Mobo 4.3 & RXTX 6.3. Thanks in Advance. de Ravi/ VU2IIX/ S79VU
Розпочато ravishankerp @ · Останніх @
Is the Ensemble II LF still available? 4
Hi All, Sometime back I gave away my Ensemble II LF and now just sold my last existing SDR (Perseus) a couple days ago. Sorta wish I hadn't, but while it's still pending receipt of payment, I'm NOT one to go back on my word! Guess we live and learn. . . Just wondering, does Dash Five still sell the Ensemble II Series of receivers. My old 'puter crashed last week (one reason I sold the Perseus) and I don't have their web link. Thanks all. -- <>< 73 From "The Beaconeer's Lair" ><> Specializing in DXing NDBs (Longwave Beacons) Phil, KO6BB, http://www.qsl.net/ko6bb/ RADIOS: YAESU: FTDX-101MP Xceiver, Dual SDR Receivers (~2020) YAESU: FTDX-3000 Xceiver, DSP IF, 300Hz Roofing filter (~2019). Icom: IC-718 Xceiver, DSP. Uniden: SDS-200 Scanner, 25-1300MHz (2020) Portables: Eton Elite 750 (2), AKA Grundig Satelite 750 (2020) Sangean ATS-909X2 (2021), Tecsun PL-990 (2021) ACC: MFJ-993B Auto Antenna Matcher. HOMEBREW 4 Port Antenna Multicoupler, Feeds 4 RX's. ANTENNAS: 88 foot Long Ladder-line fed dipole, ~35 feet AGL for MW/HF. Top Loaded Tee (Dipole fed as single element) ~35 Feet AGL. Butternut HF-6V 6 Band Vertical, ~12 Feet AGL for 75-10M Ratzlaff Active whip, 5 Foot Long, ~22 Feet AGL For LF/MW/HF. Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop For LF/MW/HF at ~17 Feet AGL Diamond Discone ~35 feet AGL for Scanner. QTH: Merced, California, 37, 18, 37N 120, 30, 6W CM97rh
Розпочато Philip Atchley @ · Останніх @
conflict between CFGSR and USB soundcard 5
I got a USB Behringer Uphoria UMC202HD for use with a laptop because it is 24 bits and 96 KHz and I wanted a portable system. And it has extremely low noise. I still have a couple of Delta44s running on desktop systems. However, even on the desktop PC, Optiplex 780, CFGSR will not connect (with softrock RX ensemble II) ) when the USB Behringer UMC202HD is plugged in. CFGSR works fine for softrock RX ensemble II with HDSDR and Winrad with other sound cards. (Delta 44, small Behringer 16 bit USB, etc) I am running windows 10 pro which I keep updated. I don't know if this problem is due to windows 10 or some other software, e.g. astronomy software that was installed, or something else. I have tried rebooting with softrock and CFGSR only, (similar to what I had to do for the little vector network analyzer) and various permutations. Suggestions appreciated.
Розпочато David Underwood @ · Останніх @
SdrDX on OS X - python - sound card- mirror image 2
This is a new thread on this subject -a similar one is many years old and I guess was never resolved. I have SdrDX working with an old MacBook Air and Ensemble RX II. I am about 50% successful - a Sabrent USB audio device works well but I get only half the bandwidth... the mirror image problem. Thinking that it may not have a stereo (mic) input, I bought a behringer UCA202 (Amazon) works too, but is no improvement with the same mirror image. I dont know much about USB sound "cards" stuff - need a deeper dive - last night I checked if there might be the full 48khz bandwidth but with an image overlaying the spectrum display and that appears to be the case. Another thing I want to know: is whether sdrdx is running the fft on the usb sound device - guessing it must, I rewrote the python scripts supplied by the developer of SDRDX for python3 and have good transparent control over the Si570 through the USB port with a helper python3 tcp monitor program running as a daemon in background on the same macbook. If there is any interesest at all after all these years, lmk, be glad to share them. The developers sdrdx stuff is here: https://fyngyrz.com/?p=915 SDRDX a huge program and now pretty old - surprisingly, luckily this site is still viable. Re SdrDX, I've explored maybe 10% of it so I'm no expert. Developer on the fyngyrz site includes python 2x source for TCP and UDP agents if you go digging around - it's there. SDRDX has UDP and TCP network communications built in. The code are fragments are solutions to talking to sdrdx over a tcpip network - to run them you will need some python libraries - available within the OSX infoverse.. I opted to add python3 to my macbook and it can be done quickly but not without a fight. I've only run the python on the same machine as sdrdx (the mac). Without too much difficulty you could run them on a separate machine - e.g. a raspberry pi to the running instance of sdrdx on the macbook - that would make setting up the python environment a LOT easier ... but for now I run all on the macbook so I don't have boxes and wires all over the place. The reason for doing this is to use the mac as a pan-adapter for my amateur radio tranceiver - TS590sg. Done this before but not with a macbook. Kinda works now but it's a hack, looks it, and needs improvement.
Розпочато Peter Matsunaga @ · Останніх @
SdrDX on OS X - Script for Ensemble RX II 10
Has anyone out there set up a Python routine to capture center freq info from SdrDX and send it out to the Ensemble II?
Розпочато Tom English @ · Останніх @
Softrock RX Ensemble II case / casing / enclosure 10
New to the group, greetings to all. I now own a softrock rx ensemble 2 and would like to know if anyone here could point me to where to buy casing for the receiver. I would like to keep it inside a proper case. Any suggestions or leads? Thank you in advance.
Розпочато Eduardo A de Carvalho @ · Останніх @
Softrock RX Ensemble II - RF gain 3
Greetings; Is there a way to attenuate incoming signal or have some kind of RF gain control with my Softrock RX ensemble II? 73 Eduardo
Розпочато Eduardo A de Carvalho @ · Останніх @
Built RX Handy SDR receiver 3
Good Morning All, Fivedash has a built SDR receiver offered for sale that is based on the HF RX II receiver. This built receiver board, called the RX Handy, covers a single range such as 4 MHz to 8 MHz for 80m and 40m band coverage. (Other ranges are possible, even 630m.) The RX Handy receiver is a simplified HF RX II receiver circuit design and doesn't require a 12 VDC power supply for operation since all circuits on the RX Handy are powered by the 5 VDC provided in the USB cable plugged into the board. Cables plugged into the RX Handy receiver for normal operation are just the USB plug, the stereo audio output plug and the BNC antenna. The down side of powering the RX Handy from the USB 5 VDC is more center frequency noise, about 3 kHz on each side of the center frequency. The built RX Handy receiver board is a useful HF receiver for casual operation, I typically have on playing every morning as I work on various projects. The various 40m SSB nets make for easy and often interesting listening as I work prior to breakfast. Several who have tried the RX Handy receiver have spoken well of it. This week's project was to take a several year old partially built 6m/2m receiver prototype board, strip off the unused components and build an RD Handy receiver on the board. The old receiver board is the same size as the RX II board and is now playing nicely on 40m. If anyone would be interested in trying an RX Handy receiver, this salvaged receiver is available for $20 post paid to a US customer. Just contact me directly by e-mail. Best regards to all, Tony, kb9yig
Розпочато Tony Parks @ · Останніх @
FS: 7th order broadcast bandstop filter
I'm parting with the broadcast band stop filter I made last year. Photos: https://imgur.com/a/c01yALp I used this with the Softrock successfully to cut out interference on both LF and HF. BNC connectors. Approx 500- 1700 Khz (+/-10%). $60 shipped, PP ok. Thanks. Please contact off list.
Розпочато JonI @
FS: Ensemble RXII LF 2
Hi, I have the LF version of the Ensemble RXII for sale for $60 shipped insured CONUS, Paypal ok. Tony built. I have hardly used it. Please contact offlist. Photos: https://imgur.com/a/Mozudnm Thank you.
Розпочато JonI @ · Останніх @
ability to "tweak" I & Q signals on various SDR software 2
A number of SDR softwares that run my Ensemble like Winrad , HDSDR and Rocky you can reverse I & Q signals, etc. But you can't do it on Flex PowerSDR software which also runs my Ensemble. Am I missing how to alter the I & Q signals with the PowerSDR software? I checked all settings, don't see it. Al
Розпочато al2ok @ · Останніх @
I & Q signals and SDR software (getting usable sound out of an SDR RX from your PC) 3
Let's see if I got this correct . . . So you have the I & Q signals that are at audio frequencies (about what frequencies are they) . . . going into your PC soundcards. Once this gets into your PC via the soundcards . . . it gets changed ( detected ) into "usable" content via the SDR software. I guess that the SDR software uses programming language to do this, does anybody know what programming language? I know alittle about Python, is it a common language or something new & special for this function, acting as a detector? If it is new language, what is it called? Does anybody know of a website that explains this all . . . in depth. Thanks
Розпочато al2ok @ · Останніх @
tuning below & above the center frequency 11
On my Ensemble RX LSB signals (on 40 meters, for example) tune below (in LSB mode) the "center frequency", they tune perfect, but above that center frequency while it says it is higher frequencies above the center frequency, What I see signal wise above the center frequency are duplicates of signals that are below the center freq. If I put RX in USB mode on these signals above the center I can hear them . . . they are the same signals below the center that comes in LSB, like they should be. The frequency readout above the spectrum display shows from about 7.235 - 7284, but I am not tuning up to 7.284, again, instead just what I see & hear below the center frequency is above the center frequency too, but in USB mode. Is this right ? What am I missing or not understanding here ? I am using Winrad v1.33 or sometimes HDSDR v2.8 software, what I see, occurs on both. My center is set to 7.260. Al
Розпочато al2ok @ · Останніх @
getting software for older RX Ensemble 23
I lost the software for my "old" RX Ensemble , from like back around 2011/12. It has worked flawlessly all these years and was fun to build. In reloading a fresh version of Windows 10, I lost the software. Where can I find the needed software ? I believe it took three things . . . I think they were . . . PEOFKO-USB-Driver ver. , CFGSR and EXTIO ver 1.1 . . . am I correct ??? I need to know if I got the three things needed correctly named ??? The site I have found on Internet, the links to download the software don't work. Thanks, Al
Розпочато al2ok @ · Останніх @
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