Beth Sholom Shabbos Schedule - Parshat Bo
Friday, January 10, 2003 Candlelighting:.....................4:30PM Evening Service:.................4:35PM Saturday, January 11, 2003 Parshat Bo Hashkama Minyan:............7:45AM Chumash & Rashi:..............8:30AM GUEST CANTOR - ARYEH RENDEL KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY JUDY & MICHAEL LEVINE & SARAH & PINNY STIEGLITZ ON THE BIRTH OF THEIR GRANDAUGHTER HANNAH JOY, TO THEIR CHILDREN RACHEL & DAVID LEVINE Shacharit: (Shma 9:41AM)..9:00AM Women's Parsha................3:30PM Rabbis Shiur:......................3:45PM Mincha:..............................4:15PM Shabat Ends:......................5:34PM Mazel Tov to Cheryl & Dr. Burt Gelberg on the engagement of their son, Mark, to Robin Pinewski, daughter of Carol & Seymour Pinewski of Woodmere. Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Chairman Joseph Grob, Esq. Webmaster and co-chair
Shabbos Schedule at Aish Kodesh/Kalover Rebbe
Following is the schedule for Aish Kodesh for Shabbos Parshas Bo. Please note that the Kalover Rebbe shlit'a will be joining us for Shabbos, the highlight being a Friday evening tisch at 8:30 p.m. in the social hall. Men and women are invited to join us for an evening of inspirational Torah, zmiros, dancing (and chulent and kugel!). Also, Rav Weinberger will be giving his motsai Shabbos drasha at 7:15 on motsai Shabbos on the topic of tikun hamidos. The live teleconference number for that shiur is 1 888 726 0804, pin number 15116#, *6. FRIDAY Candles at 4:27 p.m. Mincha/Kabbolas Shabbos at 4:37 p.m. Tisch with the Kalover Rebbe shlit'a at 8:30 p.m. SHABBOS Hashkama Minyan at 7:15 a.m. Daniel Fink's shiur in Rabbeinu Bachayei at 8:15 a.m. Sgachris at 8:45 a.m. Mincha/Seudah Shlishis at 4:15 p.m. Motsai Shabbos at 5:46 p.m. Rav Weinberger's hashkafa shiur at 7:15 p.m. Have a great Shabbos!
Rav Kook Shiur/Chovas Hatalmidim Shiur/Ba'al Hatanya Shiur/Kedush as Levi Shiur
Rav Weinberger's weekly Friday morning shiur in Chovas Hatalmidim (by the Aish Kodesh zt'l) will take place as usual at 6 a.m. in the Aish Kodesh Bais medrash. This shiur is for men and shachris follows at 7 a.m. Rav Weinberger's weekly Friday morning shiur in Oros Hateshuva by Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hakohen Kook, zt'l, will take place as usual at 8 a.m. in the Aish Kodesh bais medrash. This shiur is for men and women. Rav Weinberger's weekly Monday morning shiur in the ma'amarim of the Ba'al Hatanya, zt'l, will take place as usual on Monday morning at 8 a.m. in the Aish Kodesh bais medrash. This shiur is for men and women. Rav Weinberger's weekly Monday evening shiur in Chasidus, currently focusing on the teachings and life of the holy Rebbe from Berditchev, the Kedushas Levi, will take place as usual on Monday evening at 8 p.m. This shiur is for men and women. Maariv following the shiur. All four shiurim are available live by teleconference by calling our toll free number, 1 888 726 0804, pin number 15116#, *6.
Charity Football Tournament for Israel
The students of DRS(Halb High School) and the One Israel Fund are organizing a Football 4 Israel Tournament to benefit the settlement of Itamar. Itamar has been the victim of four terrorist attacks in the past year, killing 12 people, 7 of them children. It will take place at Lawrence High School on Sunday March 9th at 11:00 AM. There are two divisions: High School and College-age and up. EVERYONE IS WELCOME! We are currently looking for sponsors for this event. If you are intrested in sponsoring or playing in this tournament or have any questions, please call David Pfeffer at (516)295-7700 Ext. 103 or E- mail me at DRSHpac@....
Shiur for Women - Tomorrow
There will be a shiur for women at 3:15 pm Shabbat Bo at the home of Rachel Solomon at 370 Rugby Rd. in Cedarhurst given by Daniella Rudoff Directions: Peninsula Blvd till a right on Oxford Rd and then a right on Rugby.
Jewish Star Article Featuring the Launch of the FTJC Email List & Website
[Reprinted from The Jewish Star - the newspaper of the Jewish Communities of the South Shore (1/10/03) - For further information on The Jewish Star, please call 516-623-5205 or send an email to TheJewishStar@....] One Town; One Web Voice - Five Towns Jewish Community Launches E-mail List and Website By Beth Wallach From early Sanskrit and hieroglyphics to the arrival of paper in Europe to the rise of Guttenberg's printing press, civilization has forever been on the lookout for new and more effective ways to communicate. Fast forward a few hundred years, throw in a computer and a modem, and voila: the birth of e-mail -- currently the fastest growing form of global communication. In an effort to disseminate information and publicize events to the local Five Towns Jewish community, Avi Lauer, an attorney specializing in employment law, has established a community-wide e- mail list and website -- The Five Towns Jewish Community E-mail List and website. With the advent of this list, the entire Five Towns Jewish community has been propelled into the 21st century. Lauer, who grew up in Woodmere when the Jewish community was much smaller, has witnessed remarkable growth in the area since boyhood. "While it's wonderful that it's growing, it has become somewhat fragmented over the years," said Lauer, who wants to correct what he sees as a recurring problem: getting just a portion of the community to come out and support Jewish communal events and programs. With every synagogue, day school and yeshiva generating their own lists, Lauer wanted to create an e-mail list that would enable these institutions to cross-publicize events to the entire Jewish community. Modeled after a prototype in the Teaneck-Bergen, NJ region called "Teaneckshuls," after speaking to Chaim Shulman, that list's moderator, Lauer decided to "take the idea and adapt it to our communal needs." With a click of the mouse, subscribers can get a listing of a host of community-wide events posted either in separate listings as they come in, or in one daily digest for up-to-the-minute or up- to-the-day news. As it continues to grow, Lauer has plans for the list to have a calendar function, as well as a links function to be integrated with local shuls, schools and organizations. Some local vendors have even expressed interest in buying advertising space to help defray costs, although Lauer has indicated that he has set up the website as a service to the Jewish community. In addition to Lauer, fellow list moderators are Alisa Glickman and Chesky Wertman. All are responsible for setting the guidelines and approving or rejecting postings to the e-mail list. Always considered appropriate are postings relating to community events, synagogue, school and organizational schedules, bulletins, events/programs of interest and shiva notices. Parlor meetings, information about school or community sports leagues and requests for community action on behalf of Israel or other charitable causes are generally deemed appropriate. Considered taboo and strictly forbidden are the postings of jokes, auctions (non-synagogue/school/organizational), offensive e- mails, computer virus warnings, petitions, media bias protests, news items or opinions and e-mails which appear to be inconsistent with Torah values. There are two different ways to post a message to the website. The first is by sending an e-mail to fivetownsjewishcommunity@.... The second method is by going to the website and using the Posting option from the menu located on the website home page. Anyone who is uncertain about the appropriateness of a posting of a posting is advised to check the website for the posting policy. In an effort to maintain the intended purpose of the list and website, all postings must be approved by the moderators before they are posted to the website or e-mailed to subscribers. Subscription to the list is offered free of charge and anyone who has information consistent with the e-mail list policy may post a message. Members may choose a menu of three different options as to how they would like to receive in
Yarchei Kallah on Medical Halacha at YI of Cedarhurst-Lawrence 2/20-23
The first-ever American Yarchei Kallah on Medical Halacha is scheduled to be held Thurs evening, Feb. 20th through Sunday afternoon, Feb 23rd, 2003, at the Young Israel of Cedarhurst-Lawrence, located at 23 Spruce Street in Cedarhurst. Featured speakers include prominent rosh yeshivos including: Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rav Yisroel Belsky, and Rav Herschel Schachter, all shlita. Local rabbinic leaders who are expected to participate in the Friday night program include: Rabbi Tzvi Flaum, Rabbi Dovid Weinberger, and Rabbi Moshe Teitelbaum, all shlita. The yeshiva-format seminar is sponsored by the Jerusalem Center for Research on Medicine and Halacha, which will be sending two of its rabbinic leaders from Israel: Rabbi Yaakov Weiner, Dean, and Rabbi Y. Bloom, both shlita. The program is accredited for up to 20 hours of continuing medical education (CME), category 1, credits. For details and registration, go to, email info@..., call 011-972-2-538-3558 or call Dr. Leon Zacharowicz at 718-337-1097.
Koby Mandell Foundation Event - February 10, 2003 - Please save the date.
Helena and Jay Rubin 80 Willow Road Woodsburgh, NY 11598 January 12, 2003 Dear Neighbors and Friends: On behalf of Rabbis Billet, Hain, and Teitelbaum, we wish to invite you to a most extraordinary evening with a truly special individual, Rabbi Seth Mandell. As you will recall, Seth Mandell's son Koby, a thirteen year old Israeli-American, was murdered in a cave 200 yards from his home in Tekoa, Israel on May 8th 2001. In response, Rabbi Mandell and his wife Sherri established The Koby Mandell Foundation to help Israeli families cope with the grief and trauma suffered when a family is struck by the tragedy of terror. The Mandells have implemented several cutting edge programs including Camp Koby and Yosef and a Teen Adventure Camp, for Israeli children who have either lost a parent or sibling to terrorism, the Mother's Healing Retreat and Family Healing Retreats. These programs have already had a profound impact of families, mothers, teens and youngsters, all of whom unfortunately share the common bond of having lost a family member to terrorism. This past year the Foundation has included about 500 people amongst its programs and is planning to add a camp this season for children who have been injured due to terrorist incidents. The Foundation's programs have recently received international media recognition as coverage of the Foundation's programs have recently been featured on ABC World News, NBC Evening News, National Public Radio as well as a front page article in the San Francisco Chronicle. Rabbi Mandell will be joining us at the home of Helena and Jay Rubin, 80 Willow Road, Woodsburgh on Monday evening February 10, 2003 at 8:00 PM. At a time when we American Jews feel the pain of our Israeli brothers and sisters, we have the opportunity to respond. Your presence and your generosity will be deeply appreciated. We look forward to personally greeting you on February 10. Please let us know that you will be attending by calling Helena and Jay at (516)569-7636, or by emailing Fran Hirmes at fhirmes@.... Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Helena and Jay Rubin Fran Hirmes Fran and Steven Hoffman
Cookbook Project to Benefit Israeli Terror Victims
Dear Friends, Each time we hear news of another devastating terror attack in Israel we helplessly wish we can do more to help victims of the attack. To help these victims receive much needed financial support, a group of Oceanside women formed a committee to create a new kosher cookbook, The American Jewish Community Cooks for Chesed. The book will have fabulous recipes and proceeds from the sale of the cookbooks will go directly to the Israeli families that are terror victims. If you have questions about the project, contact the project chairperson, Miriam Baum, at 516-678-1585 or at Baumcook@... . There are three ways that you can help. 1. Send us your delicious recipes. The more recipes we get the better the book will be. 2. Order your cookbook. Then order a second one for a friend or a family member. Cookbooks are great gifts. 3. Send a contribution. 100% of the profit from each book will reach the families of victims. Please use the form below to send us your cookbook order with contribution. Thank you for participating in this Chesed project. May the coming months bring an end to terror in Israel and the beginning of a time of healing. Sincerely, American Jewish Community Chesed Cookbook Committee _____________________________________________________________________ Send Your Recipe and Orders To Miriam Baum 3272 Judith Lane Oceanside, N.Y. 11572 Or e-mail to: BaumCook@... Or to: Writers628@... Return Order Form: Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________ Tel.No.________________________________________ No. of Cookbooks__________@ $25.00 each Make check payable to: M. Baum * This project is endorsed by Rabbi J. Yaakov Schwartz, Young Israel of Oceanside, N.Y. and by Rabbi David Friedman, Cong. Darchei Noam, Oceanside, N.Y.
Beth Sholom Shiva notification
We regret to inform you of the passing of our esteemed member, Helen Kromholz. Shiva will be observed at the Kromholz residence, 342 Washington Avenue, Cedarhurst, through Friday afternoon, January 17, 2003. Shacharis- 7:00AM Mincha & Maariv- 4:40PM. It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Al-mighty comfort the mourners together with all other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Rabbi Kenneth N. Hain Dr. Gilbert Klaperman, Rabbi Emeritus Danny Hiller, President Gary Miller, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
Aish Kodesh Update/Singles Shabbaton
1. The schedule of Shiurim at Aish Kodesh follows below. 2. KALOVER REBBE. Shabbos with the Kalover Rebbe, shlit'a, was a wonderful uplifting experience and the Rebbe has already met with scores of people in the last two days. The Rebbe will be with us through Wednesday evening. If you haven't already made an appointment (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday evenings) and would still like to, please send me an email to: aishkodesh@... or call 516 569 8189 and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. 3. SINGLES SHABBATON. Time is running out to register for our singles Shabbaton, Shabbos parshas Mishpatim, January 31 - February 1, 2003. Participants will spend Shabbos with other frum singles, families and friends in Woodmere. The Shabbos will feature our Morah D'asrah, Rav Weinberger speaking throughout the Shabbos, an Oneg Shabbos Dessert, a catered lunch, inspirational davening in our new shul, home hospitality, shadchanim, Seudah Shlishis tisch with Rav Weinberger and a special musical melava malka with Aron Razel one of the most original musicians in Eretz Yisrael. Please call Matisyahu & Rina Friedman to register. 516.295.5724. Women 27-37 & Men 30-40. (We are flexible). Cost for Shabbos is ONLY $25, NOT including the Melava Malka. The Schedule. Shiurim marked 'teleconference' are available live by calling 1 888 -726 0804, pin number 15116#. PLEASE PUSH *6 or the mute button on your phone to ensure that we are not hearing you: MONDAY Rav Weinberger's shiur in Chasidus at 8 p.m. (teleconference) (men and women). (This shiur will meet this week but will not meet on January 20th). TUESDAY Rebbetzin Weinberger's shiur in Chovas Hatalmidim at 10:45 a.m. (women) Daniel Fink's shiur in Hilchos Shabbos at 9:15 p.m. (men) WEDNESDAY Rabbi Fogel's shiur in Talmud at 9:15 p.m. (men) THURSDAY Women's chaburah in Navi Shmuel led by Dr. Annette Labovitz at 10 a.m. FRIDAY Rav Weinberger's shiur in Chovas Hatalmidim by the Aish Kodesh at 6 a.m. (teleconference). Rav Weinberger's shiur in Oros Hateshuva by Rav Kook at 8 a.m. (men and women). (teleconference). SHABBOS Daniel Fink's shiur in Rabbeinu Bachayei at 8:15 a.m. SUNDAY Moshe Schmell's shiur in Talmud for beginners at 9 a.m. Sunday morning. (men) ESTHER WEIN'S Shiur in Tefilah at 10 a.m. (teleconference) (women). Have a great week.
Partners in Torah is urgently looking for men and women to volunteer for their telephone chavrusa program. This kiruv opportunity pairs up beginners with those of us with a background to study for an hour a week over the phone. Partners in Torah has already transformed the lives of thousands of Jews through this program. Currently, Partners in Torah urgently needs volunteer teachers. They are expecting an influx of over 800 new students in the next few months. Since most of the students are total beginners, sharing the very basics of Yiddishkeit will be an enlightening experience for your learning partner. Although you may feel unqualified to teach Torah, it is important to note that your chavrusas will be at the very elemntary level and that Partners in Torah offers support by qualified staff to help you with tough questions or to work with you on choosing a suitable program of study. This is an easy and important way to contribute to klal Yisrael right now. To sign up or for more information please contact David Levy at 516-569-9444.
REMINDER: Rabbi Topp's Four Part Series Continues Tuesday 1/14/03 at YIW
Young Israel of Woodmere Adult Education Notice: Please be reminded that Rabbi Kalman Topp's four part series entitled "Men Are From Lakewood, Women Are From Flatbush" will continue on Tuesday evening, January 14, 2003 at 8:15pm at YIW, 859 Peninsula Blvd, Woodmere. Men and women are invited to attend. For further information, please call 516-295-0950.
Rabbi Steven Dworken a"h - Funeral and Shiva Information
We regret to inform you of the passing of Rabbi Steven Dworken, beloved husband of Susan, father of Naomi Rotblat, Aliza Frohlich and Arie Dworken. The funeral will take place on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 1:00 PM at Yeshiva University, Nathan Lamport Auditorium, Amsterdam Avenue and West 187th Street, New York. Burial will take place at Beth El Cemetery, Paramus NJ Shiva will be at 1466 Essex Road, Teaneck through Monday morning, January 20, 2003. Please do not visit between 6:00-6:30 PM to allow the family time for dinner nor after 10:00 PM. May the Dworken family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
A message from Aish Kodesh - Say Parshas "Ha'Man"
There is a custom of saying Parshas Ha'mun with Unkelus today (Tradition holds that saying parshas Ha'man today arouses Hashem's help in providing parnasah). It can be found at the following site.
Beth Sholom shabbos schedule - Parshat Beshalach
Friday, January 17, 2003 Candlelighting:.....................4:37PM Evening Service:.................4:45PM Saturday, January 18, 2003 Parshat Beshalach Shabbat Shira Tu B'Shevat Hashkama Minyan:............7:45AM Chumash & Rashi:..............8:30AM Shacharit: (Shma 9:41AM)..9:00AM KIDDUSH SPONSORED BY BEVERLY & GEORGE MEISNER ON THE BAR MITZVAH OF THEIR GRANDSON, ETAN GOLAN, SON OF MICHELLE & DAVID GOLAN Women's Parsha................3:45PM Rabbis Shiur:......................4:00PM Mincha:..............................4:30PM Shabat Ends:......................5:42PM Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
Israel Art Fair at Aish Kodesh - January 26 from 12 to 4 PM
Aish Kodesh is pleased to invite you to a special art fair featuring "Art of Eretz Israel" that will take place on Sunday, Januray 26th (a/k/a Super Bowl Sunday to certain elements of society) from noon until 4 (so there will still be plenty of time for hachana for the game) at Aish Kodesh, 894 Woodmere Place Woodmere, NY 11598. Art of Eretz Israel is a group of Israeli artists who have pooled their resources and are marketing directly to overseas clients. The works range from original paintings, lithographs, prints, photos and posters, ceramics, silver jewelry and Judaica, music CDs, hand painted silk painted challah covers, gift baskets and flowers. All of their products are produced in Eretz Yisrael. They are feeling the effects of the economic downturn due to the lack of tourists. Through 'buy Israeli' product fairs and Shul-hosted shows they are marketing their products. They are very determined not to let the current situation undermine their lives in Israel. Please take this opportunity to support Israel, acquire beautiful art and share a part of the creativity of Art of Eretz Yisrael. The artists include: Bracha Schwarz Bracha Schwarz is a extremely talented ceramicist. She has lived at Moshav Meor Modi'im for 23 years. In addition to raising 5 children she has persued a professional career, both teaching and creating a very exciting style of ceramics. Her work blends shapes, textures and vivid colors creating an exciting form of New Judaica. Items $100-500. Yoram Raanan An immense power radiates from the paintings of Yoram Raanan. That is what hits you first. As you continue looking, your experience variations of feelings and discover layers of meaning. He uses strong deep colors. Yet, whether it is a biblical theme, a landscape or an abstraction, every painting reveals itself to be an exploration of light. Though his style is abstract and very contemporary, there is something familiar in Raanan's work, something which allows an inspiring momentary glimpse at the mystical core of the world. $90-450. Elyah Succot Elyah is inspired by the beauty of the Galil and the Holiness of Eretz Yisrael, He began synthesizing his earlier years as an artist with a new life as a totally committed Jew. At the end of the Yom Kippur War, his paintings became more and more charged with prayers for the final redemption - praying, dancing figures, the Torah, revelations of inner and outer light, the land and the sky of Israel, amidst bright pastel colors imbued with great hope and promise. $350-450. Avraham Loewenthal Prayer, Jewish Mysticism, and contemporary art are combined in the unique work of Tzfat artist Avraham Loewenthal. Avraham's work ranges in form from spiritual maps of transcendental harmonies, to large abstract painted wood constructions. The works in the form of spiritual maps describe basic concepts of the Kabbala. The larger abstract works reflect meditative states of consciousness. Avraham's unique and inspiring work is an exciting expression of Kabbalistic concepts, and a significant development in contemporary Jewish Art. $35-250. Sara Naftaly Sara studied at the Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts, London. She has worked as an artisan in residence in schools and taught at the Bezalel Academy in Jerusalem. Her original hand crafted Judaica combines traditional techniques with her love of Eretz Israel and a Jewish way of life. Since making aliyah in 1986 Sara has custom designed pieces for clients throughout the world. Most of Sara's creations are "not off the shelf", but rather a shared venture with the client's creative vision. Sara, her husband and 4 children live in Moshav Meor Modi'im. Most of Sara's work is not "off the shelf" and is customed designed to meet your tastes. $15-350. Dov Lederberg Dov began his involvement in the arts at Haverford College and the Columbia University Graduate School of Fine Arts. Between 1970 and 1994 he worked as an independent film director, mainly for Israel Television, making documentary and educational films.Since 1983 Dov has been deeply involved in using new art media and
Returning Teens Academy
Returning Teens Academy presents Rabbi Abraham Twerski, M.D. "I'd like to Call for Help, but I Don't Know the Number" about dealing with substance abuse and chemical dependency in the Orthodox community Rosh Chodesh Adar 1 Sunday, February 2, 2003 at 7:00 pm Young Israel of West Hempstead 630 Hempstead Avenue West Hempstead, NY Admission is free, but donations welcome Refreshments will served. For furthur information call (516) 292-7927 or email rtafundraiser@...
Machon Gold posting
Devorah Smith, Blima Tannenbaum, Rivky Wertentheil, and American Friends of Machon Gold invite you to meet Rabbanit Ahuviya-Norin Joshua Kolet Wife of the Chief Rabbi Bombay, India who will speak on "Rebirth of a Community - The Jews of India" Motzaei Shabbat, February 1st 2003 8:30PM at the home of Devorah and Morris Smith 195 Wildacre Avenue Lawrence, New York Hear about lifestyle and ritual in a different yet traditional Jewish society. Rabbanit Kolet will share insights into how she and other Machon Gold alumnae have transformed and strengthened the fascinating and exotic Jewish community of Bombay. We look forward to greeting Machon Gold alumni and friends for a truly inspiring and exciting evening. For more information call: Blima Tannenbaum 516-374-3439
Beth Sholom Shiva notification
We regret to inform you of the passing of Zygmund Treuhaft, beloved father of our esteemed member, Hedy Klein. The funeral will take place on Monday, January 20th, 2003, in Cleveland Ohio. Shiva will be observed at the Klein residence, 1 Heather Lane, Lawrence, from Tuesday morning, January 21st through Sunday morning, January 26th. Shacharis: 7:00AM Mincha & Maariv: 4:30PM It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Al-mighty comfort the mourners together with all other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Rabbi Kenneth N. Hain Dr. Gilbert Klaperman, Rabbi Emeritus Danny Hiller, President Gary Miller, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Rosenberg, E-mail Committee Chairman Joseph Grob, Webmaster
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