New to
Hi! My name is Wallace Dickson, and you can find me now on's Cleveland Park list. I am a business and tax consultant working with The ORIGINAL Tax Center, located at the corner of Ordway Street and Connecticut Avenue. The Tax Center has been providing tax services to local residents and clients around the world since 1945, one of the nation's oldest and most reliable tax firms. I began with the 1995 tax year working with the Tax Center and have been providing full time business and tax consulting all year 'round ever since.. Wallace Dickson, Business & Tax Consultant The Original Tax Center Reliable Business & Tax Services Since 1945 3433 Connecticut Avenue NW - Second Floor Washington, DC 20008-1307 Voice: (202) 362-6200 Fax: (202) 362-3074 email: thetaxcenter@... On the Web: < >
Розпочато Wallace Dickson @
Introduction per EMail 2
I am the Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner for ANC 3C-04 , which covers the area generally East of Connecticut Ave below Porter Street, but includes most of Quebec Street. Richard C. Bartel PO Box 11555 Washington, DC 20008 (202) 728-3841 rcbartel@... PS I am currently out-of-town until at least 2-16-00.
Розпочато Richard Bartel @ · Останніх @
Snow plowing
FYI: Highland Place was plowed early this year thanks to the efforts of Susan Piggott, director of National Child Research Center. She got placed Highland Place on a "school priority" street list. From: Laine Kaufman, 3230 Highland Place, new to this e-group.
Розпочато Laineshake@... @
Recycling pick-up
Last Thursday, after the third recycling pickup date had passed with no sign of a recycling truck, I decided to complain to the Mayor's "command center" at 727-1000. I got through on the first try and was on hold for only a short time before a pleasant person took down my complaint and gave me a complaint tracking number (presumably, so that if I called back to complain again, someone would see the date of my first complaint and check to see if the proper steps had been taken in response). I gave my street address but also made clear that it wasn't just my house or my block but several blocks around my house in Cleveland Park that had three weeks worth of recyclables piled up. Then yesterday (Saturday) a recycling truck appeared and took away all the recycling bags, and I really felt that I had accomplished something by calling... until I went a block and a half down the street and realized that the truck had just done my block and nothing else! Anyway, I just wanted to pass along my experience to anyone who still hasn't had their recycling picked up. By all means, call 727-1000, give them your house number, but also see if you have any better luck than I did getting more than just your own block picked up. And let this group know the result! --Peggy Robin
Розпочато Peggy Robin @
I'm giving the folks through WEdnesday, my normal pickup, to see if the recycling trucks come through -- if not, it;'s a call to the Mayor's command center. The command center really does know their stuff -- my son needed to get his driver's license renewed -- they told him, without any wait, what information he needed to bring, whether he could pay be check, adn alternate locations for driver's license renewal -- not only do they answer the phone promptly, but hey also have the information you need> _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566 _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566
Розпочато Margaret Siegel @
Shoveling 9
Can anyone tell me why there are so many residential sidewalks not shoveled? Walking to the Metro can be quite treacherous in these conditions. Also, the District mandates that walks be shoveled eight hours after a storm.
Розпочато nskinkle @ · Останніх @
Hardware store in CP
There used to be one on the strip, in fact, about 30 years ago, actually probably more like 40. I think it was in the Four P's property, after it stopped being a Giant. No, wait - 4 P's was a lighting store, not hardware. It might have been in the Park 'n Shop. Anyway, there used to be a hardware store in Cleveland Park. It went out of business. Most large-scale operations do; CP properties are too small, rent is too high, there isn't enough parking, and most people who live in the neighborhood work during the day so business is limited to evenings and weekends. That's why restaurants do so well. As to ice-melting salt: There is no salt available. The last clerk I asked said, "Haven't had any in a couple a weeks." To those who impugn my industriousness: All I was doing was answering the question "Why don't people shovel their walks?" I didn't realize it was a moral issue. Perhaps y'all should take it up with Alan Keyes, the Morality Candidate.
Розпочато Stephanie Faul @
WAMU Segment on the Connecticut Avenue Stores
WAMU Segment on the Connecticut Avenue Stores The audio segment from the January 29th Metro Connection about the Cleveland park stores is now available on the WAMU web site at Today's blurb on the news, seemed to be an excerpt from the Metro Connection segment. -Gabe Fineman
Розпочато Gabe Fineman @
ice melt 3
The Brookville Market had ice melt in stock recently -- try there -- Jim can often get things that are unobtainable elsewhere -- does anyone know what the other tenants in the buildings on the west side have decided to do? Larry's signs are quite clear about his plans -- anyone have any other updates? did anyone ask him about moving into the space across the street, recently vacated by the soft ice cream/pretzel store? _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566
Розпочато Margaret Siegel @ · Останніх @
Medical reasons not to shovel
The New York Times February 8, 2000 Page D8 AT RISK Snow Shoveling Imperils Young Men, Too Heavy snow and heart attacks go together like sidewalks and ice, health officials have long known. But how deep does the snow have to be for the risk to go up? Not all that deep, a study of winter deaths in Pennsylvania has found: a combination of just over an inch of snow and temperatures below 20 degrees caused death rates from heart attacks to triple among men 35 to 49 years old. The risks went up for men of all age groups. Even men younger than 35 faced a significant increase under those conditions, according to the study, a joint project of epidemiologists from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. In the study, published late last year in the American Journal of Epidemiology, mortality records and weather records were compared to establish relationships between snow and cold and deaths from heart attack, strokes and respiratory diseases. Women fared better, the study found. The only significant increase in death rates from bad winter weather were for women older than 65, who faced higher risks of fatal respiratory illness or stroke. Earlier research has established that prolonged exposure to cold makes the blood more likely to clot and cause a heart attack or stroke. The biggest hazard, the researchers said, is probably snow shoveling, which the article labeled "a traditional male activity."
Розпочато Stephanie Faul @
Greenwood Restaurant
Just wanted to let everyone know about the snippet about Greenwood's that I saw in today's Washington Post food section (F3). Apparently the restaurant served its last meal Sat. night and has been sold to a Belgian couple. Chef-owner Carol Greenwood is going to open another restaurant further north on Connecticut Avenue. Anyone know anything more about the deal, the new owners, plans for the menu? --Peggy Robin
Розпочато Peggy Robin @
Library Tile Project
Ronnie, the Children's Librarian, asked me to write this. The Tile project at the Cleveland Park Library ends March 31. (One can purchase a tile for $10 and decorate it and have it fired at Made By You, then return it to the library for inclusion in a wall mural. Your children should decorate the tile and it should somewhat/how relate to books or libraries. You can see some of the finished tiles in the windows....many tiles don't adhere to the rules, adults have decorated tiles and some themes don't relate to books, etc.) Ronnie wants to remind you to participate in this fun project. And for those of you who have purchased tiles, please make sure you return them soon. The library will be closed for asbestos removal and some renovation? on April 3rd through May 10 (or so the powers that be say.) If you have decorated your tile, don't forget to go back to Made By You and bring over to the library. This Leila: Tiles are displayed in the windows and are wonderful. Some were obviously done by adults and seem silly in that this is supposed to be for our children. However, some look quite professional and were done by children. One particularly lovely one is by a nine year old.
Розпочато Leila Afzal @
ISO restaurant in/near Columbia, MD 5
I am going to see a play in Columbia, MD Sunday night, and am looking for a good (or at least decent) restaurant between N. Cleveland Park and Columbia, preferably not too far off my route. Most any cuisine (except American chain food) is fine, moderate price range preferred. Any ideas out there? Stuart Weiser ______________________________________________________
Розпочато Stuart Weiser @ · Останніх @
The sky is falling (again) 2
I'll call Ken. My understanding now is that they are coming by bus. In the words of the National Weather Service: THE POTENTIAL EXISTS FOR WINTER WEATHER IN THE FORM OF SNOW TO IMPACT THE AREA DURING THE DAYTIME ON SATURDAY. LOW PRESSURE IS FORECAST TO MOVE FROM WEST TO EAST ACROSS NORTH CAROLINA DURING SATURDAY. MEANWHILE COLD HIGH PRESSURE MOVING EAST ACROSS THE GREAT LAKES AND THE NORTHEAST STATES WILL DRIVE ENOUGH COLD AIR INTO THE REGION TO CAUSE ANY PRECIPITATION TO BE ALL SNOW. THE LATEST FORECAST GUIDANCE INDICATES POSSIBLE SNOWFALL AMOUNTS FOR THIS POTENTIAL STORM WILL RANGE FROM ONE OR TWO INCHES ACROSS MUCH OF MARYLAND AND THE EASTERN PANHANDLE OF WEST VIRGINIA INCLUDING THE NORTHERN SHENANDOAH VALLEY TO AS MUCH AS THREE TO FIVE INCHES ACROSS THE CENTRAL SHENANDOAH VALLEY...NORTHERN VIRGINIA AND SOUTHERN MARYLAND. THIS INCLUDES THE WASHINGTON-BALTIMORE METRO AREA. CLEARING IN THE WAKE OF THIS STORM WILL TAKE PLACE SATURDAY NIGHT. Well, there goes the neighborhood... --Bill Bill Adler ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Post a message, send it to: cleveland-park@... To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: cleveland-park-unsubscribe@... Visit Where people in Cleveland Park hang out online. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want to be single again, DonÆt buy your Valentine a Gift by clicking here. Home: - Simplifying group communications
Розпочато David Jenkins @ · Останніх @
[Fwd: Tutoring at John Eaton]
Sorry about the typo (parent's).
Розпочато Leila Afzal @
Tutoring at John Eaton 3
One of the great strenths of John Eaton Elementary School is its diverse student population. However, this can mean that some of our students may need a little extra help to get through a language barrier or some other learning difficulty. One of our parent's runs a tutoring program before and after school for these children. If you would like to volunteer or would like additional information, please call me, Leila Afzal, at 362-8056. The experience can be quite fun and rewarding. Thanks.
Розпочато Leila Afzal @ · Останніх @
I've only lived in the area a few years, but there have been major changes in the neighborhood during that time: The revitalization of the Uptown and Park n Shop and then the addition of Magruder's, and Roma's closing. Every time there's great up roar - the place will never be the same - and of course it never will. But another thing I've noticed is that Cleveland Park manages to cast its spell on the newcomers. They eventually find their place here, Coppi's toned down the attitude, Made by You is helping the library, and Magruder's, Brookville, and 7-11 can coexist, or they leave (Greenwood perhaps). Not that we should leave things up to fate, but we can have a positive effect. First of all by letting Starwood know what types of stores we would actually spend money in. We are the consumers passing the building twice a day. Are people really going to come in from miles away to a place with no parking and no other clothes stores to shop at the Gap which is in the mall anyway? Honestly a Gap in this neighbor? It makes no sense to me. Anyway that's my two cents. Speaking of empty storefronts, any news on the Quartermaine's property? Patty.
Розпочато patricia.garvin @
The end of Inside Scoop? 2
RE: [cleveland-park] The end of Inside Scoop? My understanding is that the Greek restaurant is going to pay twice its current rent, the Indian restaurant and the Italian restaurant are going out of business, and the Mexican restaurant is going to court. -Gabe Fineman
Розпочато Gabe Fineman @ · Останніх @
The Inside Scoop? 2
I've lived in the neighborhood since '96.... my address is now Mt. Pleasant but I'm "just across Porter Street" -- in my mind Cleveland Park is my "hang out" neighborhood. I chose it carefully -- as many folks have. I eat "out" almost every day -- usually in Cleveland Park. I'm glad the Greek restaurant is staying and the Mexican restaurant is fighting; no love lost re the Indian Restaurant (I go elsewhere for good Indian food in a more appetizing and service-oriented establishment); prefer Coppi's to the Italian restaurant in the row.... Change isn't all bad -- Roma's closing opened up new life a block away.... Ardeo's replaced a decrepit cafe (I forget its name....); the restaurant on the corner replaced an ill-kept bank and a WrapWorks that didn't work.... But The Gap or Banana Republic? Give us a break! Who do they think lives in the neighborhood who would "drop in" to shop there? Everybody who would likely frequent those stores is somewhere else during the day... and on weekends folks come to Cleveland Park for the "little daily things" we all need -- we're not looking for "major" shopping when a short trip in almost any direction will give us dozens of clothing stores to choose from. Anne Drissel
Розпочато Anne Drissel @ · Останніх @
Starwood Urban 4
I am a reporter for The Washington Post. I am preparing an article about the planned Starwood Urban Investments, Inc. development in the 3500 block of Connecticut between Ordway and Porter. Specific plans are vague at this point, but Starwood would like to renovate those buildings and create a new tenant mix. I would like to know what people in Cleveland Park think about this redevelopment proposal. Please provide me with your name and a phone number if you don't mind appearing in the paper. Thanks!!! Steve Fehr. Deadline for comments is Wed. Feb 16. Thanks.
Розпочато Steve Fehr @ · Останніх @
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