Warning, Warning, the Clock is Ticking! Get on 10 Meters while the band is open! 2
Warning, Warning, the Clock is Ticking! Get on 10 Meters while the band is open! For a limited time, Technicians can... * Make Voice Contacts on SSB * Make Digital Contacts on FT8/FT4 Watch the RATPAC presentation at https://youtu.be/im3dbYRkvGo and view the newest version of the slideshow at http://tiny.cc/10mband -- Anthony Luscre K8ZT Ohio Section Section Youth Coordinator & Education Outreach ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™ K8ZT Radio Website- www.k8zt.com Amateur Radio Resources for Students/Youth - www.k8zt.com/hry
Розпочато Anthony Luscre @ · Останніх @
FT-857 Jumpers 13
Dear FT-857 lovers, I've been looking for the INFO of 857 jumpers which is often referred as MARS mod. My FT-857 seems modified as MARS and I'd like to mod it back to comply with JA regulation. Any INFO or pointer that explains each jumper of J1001-1009? Thanks in advance. 73/88, // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @ · Останніх @
FT-897D weird receive problem
I realize this is an 857 forum, but since the 897 and 857 and very similar, I thought I'd try asking here. (Is there an 897 forum?) The other night while on 2m, upon UN-keying, the radio went into some sort of "hyper-sensitive" receive mode. Lots of squelch breaking sound and S meter movement ranging over the whole scale. Happens on both antenna or dummy load. The only way to get normal receive back is by recycling main power off then on again. But just a quick key and release of the mic and the problem re-appears. This is happening only on 2m and 70cm. All other functions of the radio seem normal. No mods have ever been done. Radio is fully factory stock. Any ideas are appreciated... Mike KD7VRG Tucson, AZ
Розпочато mikemm58 @
Won’t turn on but relay clicks 10
The relay clicks but the radio won’t power up. I checked the fuses and everything is okay. Anyone else have this issue?
Розпочато Eric S @ · Останніх @
CAT Control and Amplifier use Simultaneously 7
I used these connectors to build a splitter box so I would have CAT Control and linear amplifier use. Worked great!! Soldering wires much easier than working with the tiny pins. MD-80PL100 | Digi-Key Electronics digikey.com Bill KO4NR
Розпочато Bill @ · Останніх @
Compact AC Power Supply for 857D? 16
Hi folks. I have 6x 12v10Ah batteries that I rotate in my go-pack, and I have a dedicated LiFePo4 charger to top them off. I attach my radio's powerpoles directly to the batteries and can switch them out fast. That system works great on the road or in the shack... but I've been doing more work in the shack than on the go lately. So I've been considering getting an AC power supply. My dedicated shack space is small so I'd prefer something on the smaller/lighter side. I assume anything that can power the 857 will also work for the 817. The FP-1030A the official recommendation per the 857 manual, costs about $250-300 US. DX still sells them. Pros: Bespoke specs, reliable performance, V / A meters. Cons: Price, bulk, weight. For the 817 I've found used Yaesu FP12s and FP4s can be found for $50 or less. Pros: compact, affordable, and reliable (if intact). Cons: Underpowered for the 857 past QRP. Any recommendations for a compact / affordable / reliable alternative for both radios would be greatly appreciated... PS: Of course I meant DC power supply... those fat fingers are hard at work today! Patricia KI7IEE
Розпочато Patricia KI7IEE @ · Останніх @
FT857D not pushing more then 40 watts on transmit 6
I have gone through the messages on this board and did not see this exact issue. I have 2 FT-857D radios, each on their own Samlex Sec-1223 power supply. It is showing a steady 13.85 Volts from source. Also using a LDG FT-Meter and a MFJ-818 to monitor forward and reflecting power to also monitor the power, But both radios do not transmit greater than 20-40 watts SSB. Each radio is connected to a EFHW 130 ft antenna, SWR is showing 1.2 to 2.0 I have reviewed the settings and they all seem fine. I brought these radios in 2018, I don't think they are the so-called 20 Watt Japanese model. I even clipped the brown wire as suggested.. Any suggestions? Volts are showing 13.7 Transmit
Розпочато Barry Wells @ · Останніх @
857 radio does a reset when transmitting on 80m, works fine on all other freq 40-10 8
I have not had space until now to do an 80 meter antenna. I put one up and it shows 1.2:1 SWR on 80 meters on my tuner and with my antenna analyzer, resonant on many others (EFHW, ~132 feet long) Radio will transmit on everything else (40, 20, 17,12,10) with good results. Tried both SSb and FT8 and in both cases it will initially go into transmit mode, you can see low SWR on my meter, but then the radio does a "reset", by this I mean I see the power draw drop to 0 on my astron PS, the radio will shutoff (head loses power) and then will comeback on. Anyone seen anything like this?
Розпочато blunde04 @ · Останніх @
FT857D DOES NOT TRANSMIT on 6m,10m,20m.!
R.E. no TX on 6M,10m,20m BUT IS DRAWING CURRENT Hi group can anyone help me out here ! Fault : Will not Transmit on 3 bands which are 6,10,20 metre, but its clearly drawing 20-30 amps when you attempt to transmit on any of these band Ive also removed the HF finals mosfets and tested ok and they transmit on other bands, and VHF and UHF transmit no problem Okay, so Ive executed the relay clean mode several times,Ive also done a software reset , Ive opened up the engineer mode as well to check those setting but they appear to be okay !. Ive readonline that it could bepossible relay faults in band pass filter circuit or ceramic filter may be at fault So anymore suggestions will be very welcome 73 Mike, G3PWP, Stoke on Trent.
Розпочато Mic @
Homebrew kranker knob for FT 857 / 817? 7
73s and Happy New Year! I love the idea of putting a Finger Dimple Kranker Knob for my 857 (and also my 817). These are discontinued and rare as hen's teeth, and AFAIK there are no modern replacements available. Having something like that sure would make frequency surfing a lot easier for me. I'm thinking I could homebrew one and attach it to the stock knob with a small bolt and nut and a custom spinner, or maybe fab a replacement for the knob. How easy is it to remove the knob from the head unit on the 857 (or 817)? How do I do that without risking damage to the unit? Thanks in advance for your advice.
Розпочато Patricia KI7IEE @ · Останніх @
New Control Heads Available 3
Hello all Just FYI, as of last week HRO Anaheim had new control heads (part #AAG53X001) in stock for the FT-857/857D. Not cheap ($359.95 plus tax) but better than zebra stripes or worse! 73 de Bill NT1N
Розпочато Bill Akins NT1N @ · Останніх @
857D with Digirig/WSJTX or Winlink - worked fine - now recycles power on radio on end of transmit 8
Setup was working fine. Then it started failing. With FT8 on WSJTX or Winlink - at some point (I think on end of transmit) the radio would turn off and on again - sometimes repeatedly... I tried it on two different computers (and RPi and a Windows machine) that had both been recently working (FT8 on 15M was great to Europe from California earlier this week) "I didn't change a thing" - but perhaps there is some radio setting? or a failure in either the radio or the digirig? Suspecting RFI - I reset all of the antenna connectors - switched battery - reset all digirig connectors.
Розпочато Jim KM6GUO @ · Останніх @
Cables for FT-857 with Armoloq 5
Greetings, I picked up another FT-857 and will plan to use that for my portable rig. I also grabbed some Armoloq rails and the BNC connectors. I measured with a small string and it seems awfully close to 1'. Can anyone confirm if 1' long jumpers with right angle male UHF to straight BNC would work for both of the antenna ports?
Розпочато David Smith @ · Останніх @
For sale: FT-857D
Nice clean well looked after radio from non smoking shack. Has only a little use and is sitting idle, needs a new home. Comes with hand mic and power cord. First 600 euro takes it. Shipping price has to be worked out. Radio is in the EU. Thank you, Mark
Розпочато marksmbx @
Ft 857D with Ham Radio Deluxe 13
I have been using a very old version of HRD, and recently bought a license for the latest HRD to use with my 857D. With the new version I don't have as many defined buttons. I assume there are some op codes that can be used, but the 857 manual gives just a few CAT codes. I'd like to have some of the settings as buttons on HRD, rather than having to putz through the menus on the front panel of the radio. For example, it is not convenient to use the VFO A/B, filter selection, power level, and agc on the radio itself. When chasing a DX station it would be much easier to use the HRD buttons. In my old version of HRD, there was a button for AGC that was useful for peaking noise when tuning a mag loop antenna. So.....has anyone else had these problems with HRD, or have access to CAT codes for the 857D?
Розпочато Wayne Price @ · Останніх @
CW on FM 8
I was wondering if I could send CW on 2M using my straight key? I have an 857D
Розпочато KB3WAQ @ · Останніх @
Old HRD version (prior to may damage. 857 18
Because new HRD Radio Control looses some control buttons and radio control sliders totally, I have been using an old version HRD(627) with my 857D. I was told today that old version HRD may damage 857 (memory device). My use of 857 is primarily for CW, FT8, and VHF/UHF FM, and HRD is just handy to control the rig. Do anyone have such bad experiences with 857 and HRD Radio Control? 73, Yoon, KD1AB
Розпочато Yo-Yoon Cho @ · Останніх @
would discussion of 897 topics be allowed here? 5
Greetings from a new lurker. I have been watching here before posting, but haven't seen anything about the 857's bloated brother, the 897. I recently bought an 897d and looked on Gio for a groups specific to that radio but found none. Since the two radios run from the same motherboard, it would seem that this would be a good place for questions or discussion. If not, I will gladly move on if you can point me to the right group. Thanks, everyone!
Розпочато Lee, KB6LEE @ · Останніх @
CW filter 10
Hello all, Does anyone have a Collins mechanical filter they'd be willing to sell ? I'm looking for either : - 300 Hz, part number 526 8733 010, code YF-122CW - 500 Hz, part number 526 8693 010, code YF-122C Thanks !
Розпочато Quentin, K7DRQ @ · Останніх @
857D pulling 2.9 amps at idle and the PLL unlocked. Help! 4
Hi, Last year, I bought a used FT-857D from a gentleman. It was new in box but sat in a closet for 15 years. Today I turned it on and heard the relays switch on and off a bunch and saw the frequency readout flash (my understanding this is PLL unlock). The radio is now pulling high current at idle. 2.9A at idle. Because of this, I am keeping it off until I get a better idea what is going on. I have the collins mechanical filter installed so I have opened it up. Any idea what can be going on?
Розпочато Noah Chalker @ · Останніх @
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