Fab shop board assembly 2
I found this interesting. I vaguely understood how pcb's are manufactured, but had even less idea how all the smt parts were put on & tested... Search YouTube for "Inside a PCB soldering factory" ( I don't provide links for security reasons)
Розпочато Tom Clifton @ 12/29/24 · Останніх @ 12/29/24
QMX voltage question 5
Good evening, I understand the WMX’s voltage sensitivity, and especially the fact that most Lithium batteries have a nominal “12v” of 13.5vdc +/-. The power source I’m looking at runs at 12.8vdc. I’m wondering though: is 12.8v “too much”? Thanks. Scott -- Scott A. Johnson scott.a.johnson@...
Розпочато Scott A. Johnson @ 12/29/24 · Останніх @ 12/29/24
QCX Mini 20m - help please 🙏🏼 7
Hello everyone, I have been having an issue with my QCX Mini 20m where I am unable to access any of the menu or even change the tune rate. This happens after I start transmitting (calling CQ CQ). The antenna that I am using is resonant to 20m. I have even used an antenna tuner as well. I used this radio without having these issues for a while. I am not sure what I could have done that is causing this problem. Any suggestions on how I can try to fix this issue? Thanks everyone in advance, Lidiette
Розпочато Lidiette Lacalle @ 12/28/24 · Останніх @ 12/29/24
The Magic of Making PCBs Loaded With SMDs
Here's an example of one factory's process. It's much more complex than I imagined. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=24ehoo6RX8w
Розпочато Bill Jobes @ 12/29/24
a soldering station option 2
https://www.microcenter.com/product/680474/weller-digital-soldering-station-with-70w-precision-iron?sku=705137&iitt=Rf8_RMhWhyULaeighM_-4._j4FVp4Ix7&utm_source=B1142_DIY&utm_campaign=B1142&utm_medium=email&MccGuid=c045c63e-1290-4139-8528-cf6fc6ea98fd Ed AB8DF
Розпочато Ed Kwik @ 12/28/24 · Останніх @ 12/29/24
Diagnostics fail with no BS170s installed 53 #qmx
I've been trying the hardware diagnostics with no BS170s installed and all the Rx tests behave as if there's no test signal input. The Receiver is working. I connected an antenna and can hear and decode FT8 signals. I would expect that the receive tests would work, the Audio Filter Sweep, RF Filter Sweep, Image Sweep and Test ADC I/Q. AIUI none of these use the Tx side, they use a test signal provided by CLK2 injected into the Rx chain through R518 don't they? Could CLK2 not be working? The MS5351 must be working because Rx works, at least for CLK0 and CLK1. The voltage on all the BS170 gates goes from 0 to just over 2V when transmitting and the drain pins go to the input voltage. I guess this means that CLK2 is OK and that ICs 501, 502 and 503 are OK. Have I missed something? Chris, G5CTH
Розпочато Chris @ 11/20/24 · Останніх @ 12/29/24
New build QMX - high noise on all bands 9
Hi I've just finished constructing my QMX Rev 4 and flashed with latest firmware (1_00_027, 22-Aug-2024). The unit powers up fine and I've used the WSPR beacon mode to successfully transmit around the World (very impressive). Unfortunately the receiver just shows almost S9 noise on all bands even with no antenna connected. I've carefully examined the construction with a powerful magnifier to check for shorts etc and tried reflowing some joints. I've used the diagnostics via USB, the 5V and 3.3V supplies are fine, all controls are fine and the transmitter is fine. Unfortunately all the plots are bad. I had hoped that the issue might be with L401 and T401 as they are in the receiver chain but I can't find a problem. I'm now wondering whether there is a problem with one of the surface mount ICs which I might not be able to solder by hand. Can anyone suggest a likely fault to look for? Thanks Colin
Розпочато Colin @ 12/16/24 · Останніх @ 12/28/24
My QMX+ 4
So, I have a new favorite toy - QMX+. From order to receiving the kit - 7 days. Assembly took two days. Thanks to Hans's comprehensive instructions, assembly did not cause the slightest difficulty. The controller already had the latest firmware, and after adjusting the contrast of the LCD display, everything worked like a charm. I made an output transformer for 9 volts. The output power was slightly underestimated, but if you use 10.5 volts, the output power is from 3 to 7 watts. When using a wire frame for the 14 MHz range, 9 V power supply and an output power of about 3 watts, reports from Europe are very good in FT8 and FT4. I am very pleased. Many thanks to QRP LABS and Hans personally for an excellent product!
Розпочато Sergei Ivanov @ 12/28/24 · Останніх @ 12/28/24
QMX+ Receiver MDS measurements. (noise bandwidth of a FSK signal) (coherent CW) 4
Hello all, I would like to confirm that the noise bandwidth in a FSK signal is referred to a single tone. From my understanding, If we have 8 tones, to detect the symbol, we compare 8 magnitudes each other, polluted with 8 sources of noise.... So I was expecting an sensibility improvement of 10*log10(2500/(6.25*8))=17dB But I never found a clear explanation in textbooks about the topic. == A nice idea for these transceivers is to implement coherent CW, as explained some years ago in QST. With 6WPM, the BW is as low as 10Hz, and it does not need a computer to operate. But the lack of interest in these mode against QRSS3..30..60 make me think twice. Probably CCW benefits are less than the complexity of sharing a clock source between TX and RX. 73 dx and happy 25 eduardo ea3ghs
Розпочато Eduardo Alonso @ 12/27/24 · Останніх @ 12/28/24
12V battery not playing well with QMX 6
Hello all, When I go portable, I use a 12V Makita drill battery which voltage varies between 12 and 10.5V. It is really convenient, the circuitry protects against shorts, it is in a robust case and it lasts a good while. Nevertheless it doesn't play well with the QMX, for some reason sometimes the tension goes up while in RX. I imagine, there is some unintended interaction between the QMX regulation and the battery while the current draw is low. I can't really "afford" the 0.5V drop of a regulator in emission thus I would like to add in between the two a simple linear regulator that auto switch itself in the circuit as soon as the input tension goes above 12V. Anybody would recommend a circuit that is a good starting point ? Even if I need to make modifications/adjustment, a "scheme design" would help me. 73 de Yannig - F4IUJ
Розпочато Yannig - F4IUJ @ 12/23/24 · Останніх @ 12/28/24
Enhance QMX+ To 10W SSB QRP 10
What are y'alls recommendations for on how to increase output to 10W on 80 -10m using outboard amplifier using existing kits? QRP SSB is generally considered 10W so I want to get there with the QMX+. -- Dale Hardin KS4NS Elberta, AL
Розпочато Dale Hardin KS4NS @ 12/26/24 · Останніх @ 12/28/24
QDX batch #2 availability, Friday 17-Dec-2021 1800Z 54
Hi all QDX batch #2 sales will commence at 1800Z on Friday 17-Dec-2021, at http://shop.qrp-labs.com/qdx QDX batch #2 is 375 kits. Some of these have to be allocated to batch 1 leftovers due to the QRP Labs shop over-selling in last few seconds of the frantic 14 minutes on 11-Oct-2021. There are also several promises to be fulfilled and various other special cases. So the actual number that will be available for general sale will be a bit less than 375. The QRP Labs server has been upgraded to a higher performance machine and so maybe we won't see the same overload issues as last time. Regrettably, I have to announce a price increase from $60 to $65. The original batch 1 QDX kits were manufactured in January 2020, a whole different world ago. Unfortunately many aspects of the manufacturing and logistics have increased in price. Even the main microcontroller chip STM32F401RBT6 procurement cost me in excess of $5 extra now, compared to the price in January 2020 before the global semiconductor shortage crisis hit. Just check Digikey, Mouser, Arrow etc., and you'll begin to understand the difficulty of finding these at all, at any price. And this is just ONE part of the QDX. So I have no choice, but to pass some part of the cost increase on, by increasing the price of the kit; $65 is the best I can do at this time. The price of Aluminium has also seen large increases since batch 1 and this has affected the manufacturing cost of the enclosure too; however at this time I am not increasing the price of the QDX enclosure. I ask for your understanding on this small increase and let's all hope for better days in the not too distant future. QDX batch #2 has a new Revision 2 PCB. In particular, Rev 2 PCBs no longer need the four 47uH SMD inductors to be replaced with through-hole components, nor do they need the 220uF capacitor at the DC input, nor do they need the 25MHz TCXO daughtercard installation. So the assembly is easier to do. The full list of changes for PCB Rev 2 is as follows: The SMD pullup resistors R5, 10, 11, 12 and 14 that pulled up MOSFET gates to +5V were deleted, as they were not necessary. QDX batch 2 boards will be supplied with firmware 1.03 ready installed (which will be made available for download shortly), which drives 5 I/O pins in Push-Pull mode rather than Open-Drain mode, this is required to be compatible with the pull-up resistor removals mentioned above. L1, 5, 7 and 9 (47uH SMD) have been replaced with through-hole axial molded inductors that are installed in the PCB properly, like all other through-hole components, rather than tacked on the bottom as a modification. IC2 (5V regulator) has been replaced by 78M05 which is a very robust regulator and this removes the need for the added 220uF capacitor. Additionally IC1 (AMS1117-3.3), the 3.3V regulator, is now powered at 5V from the 78M05. It is therefore working much less hard with only a 1.7V drop. The 25MHz TCXO, decoupling capacitor, and coupling capacitor are no longer on a separate tiny TCXO daughtercard; they are now SMD components installed directly on the underside of the board by the SMD assembly factory. A P-channel MOSFET is added at the DC input socket as reverse polarity protection. The device used is AO3407. It is rated 4.1A and has a specified typical ON-resistance of 34 milli-ohms. At 1A (say) on a 9V QDX the voltage drop will therefore be 0.034V which is of little consequence. A potential divider circuit added to bias the BPF switch IC3 at mid-rail; this was neglected in the original and does not seem to cause any issues but perhaps in the case of very strong signals, could have a few dB impact on dynamic range. IC7 has been moved a little further from the board edge following some reports that it could conflict with the PCB rail in the aluminium extrusion; this seems to be a manufacturing tolerance thing since I did not see it on my builds here, but it did affect some people. Please let me know any comments or questions. 73 Hans G0UPL http://qrp-labs.com
Розпочато Hans Summers @ 12/15/21 · Останніх @ 12/28/24
O Happy Day! 17
Ho ho ho! The Fedex sleigh arrived from Turkey today, delivering my new assembled QMX+. First fire up at 12.0V showed power out on all bands that matched the QRP labs pre-shipment maasurement (I used my QRP-o-meter to confirm). I got on 30 meters and put out a quick CQ on my matched 1/4 wave vertical and got a call back right away. Unfortunately the "gentleman" who responded decided that since I was running QRP he was annoyed. He lowered his power so that I could not hear him, told me he had done it, and then stated, "Most QRP operators can't hear other QRP stations." Then he said a curt 73 and signed off. I have decided to not let the grinch of the airwaves destroy my Whoville QRP joy. 73, Joel W9JFK
Розпочато Joel W9JFK @ 12/19/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
QCX Challenge - December 2024 2
Hi all, Next monday, December 30 is the last QCX Challenge of 2024. Times are 1300Z, 1900Z and 0300Z (Tuesday). Time to get on the air with your QCX, QDX or QMX rigs! Use any accepted mode where you can exchange a signal report, your name, rig and power. See all info here : https://www.qrp-labs.com/party.html Enter your scores at https://3830scores.com/ Join the discord page in the #qcx-qrp-operation channel to post your QRG or exchange other info, or just have a chat with other QRP Labs friends ... https://discord.com/invite/GdZzmhuU8p 73 es HNY, Luc ON7DQ
Розпочато ON7DQ Luc @ 12/27/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
LCD Display error on new assembled QMX? 7
Hi Community, my qmx arrived yesterday. However, the display cuts off the first few letters. Has anyone had this problem before? 73 Joe / DL6JOE
Розпочато jochen@... @ 12/21/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
A few delays 6
Hello all A shipping update... We did run out of a few things, and as usual it all seemed to happen at the same time. We did NOT run out of QDX, QMX and QMX+ but I'm manufacturing 500, 1000 and 1000 more respectively of each, so I should be well ahead of any "running out". I'm also manufacturing more of lots of other kits so won't run out. Holiday season then new year then Chinese New Year always makes things a bit slow around December-February but this time hopefully I'm far enough ahead to avoid any stress. Unfortunately with all this I got no SSB work done last week :-( Things I did run out of: 1. Si5351A Synth kits. I have 500 more on order but it will take 2-3 weeks. Running out of these was a nasty surprise. It also means we can't ship any Ultimate3S or VFO kits until the new 500 Si5351A Synth kits arrive. 2. Sticky feet. I have 22,000 more on order but that will also take maybe 10-14 days to reach me. This means all kit orders that include an enclosure, are pending (QCX+, QCX-mini, QDX, QDax-M, QMX, QMX+, 50W PA). All assembled transceivers in enclosures are also pending; we have around 50 piled in a tower in their shipping boxes, all tested and certified and ready to go, just waiting for the sticky feet. I think I will order some 3M sticky feet locally, they won't look exactly the same but I don't think that will matter. In that case I could get them in 3-4 days. 3. T37-6 toroids... I have more on order and they are already in Istanbul; I should hopefully have them clear customs on Monday or Tuesday then in hand a couple of days after that. Until then the QMX 60-15m orders are pending waiting for more T37-6 toroids. 73 Hans G0UPL http://qrp-labs.com https://buymeacoffee.com/g0upl
Розпочато Hans Summers @ 12/07/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
Should I be disappointed? 30
My new assembled QMX+ showed up on my doorstep yesterday and I was very excited! Everything checks out fine, but I find that I am disappointed in the reported power output levels: 160m 5.7w, 80m 4.8w, 60m 4.1w, 40m 3.9w, 30m 4.5w, 20m 3.3w, 17m 3.1w, 15m 4.5w, 12m 3.2w, 10m 3.8w, 6m 3.1w. I am most disappointed with 3.3w on 20 meters since that is my goto qrp band. I guess that I was expecting power output numbers on all bands to be closer to 5 watts. Should I be disappointed?
Розпочато terompet@... @ 12/24/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
Input impedance of the Tayloe Mixer on the QDX-M for 630M? 2
Just going to mess with the RX filtering on the QDX-M for 630M. Does anyone know the measured input impedance there? It has lots of variables if you calculate and I don't want to re-invent the wheel. I have an assortment of MCL RF Transformers and will probably use something like the 8:1 ADT8-1T+ or lesser step-up. Thanks, N0UU
Розпочато Cox @ 12/27/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
Dears, I wish to all of you Happy Holidays and healthy year 2025! -- 73 - Petr, OK1RP http://ok1rp.blogspot.com QMX Midband #5278 | fw: 1_00_019
Розпочато Petr Ourednik @ 12/27/24
QMX and SDR++ on GNU/Linux 7
Hi, I tried to use QMX as SDR receiver, however it shows up as Audio ALSA or PulseAudio server of which neither I use. Has anyone recorded steps how to set this up with something like GQRC or less buggy than SDR++ software? There are so many issues with SDR++ I don't know where to begin with. Digital interface seems to be showing up in Helvum and Gnome settings so it's probably something with the SDR app itself ? Secondly, it works as audio with ALSA but sounds terrible. Is it because it's not really using IQ which I enabled in software? By the way enabling or disabling that on QMX does not change anything to visible devices in dmesg. Is that expected? Regards
Розпочато Mateusz K @ 12/26/24 · Останніх @ 12/27/24
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