Joggin' my noggin' 5
Hi Guys, Long time since I’ve been here. I’m using my Mach 3 controlled mills after a couple of years hiatus. I’m trying to remember how to move an axis by .001 when using a zero finder to the side of a piece of stock on the X or Y axis. I’m able to run programs and move the table around using the direction buttons on the keyboard but cannot for the life in me remember how to get mach to allow me to move in incredibly small increments. Anyone know what I’m talking about and how to do it? Thanks a ton, Terry Wellman Sent from Mail for Windows
Розпочато SCMWCAD1 @ · Останніх @
mach4 version 2 2
if i install version 2 of Mach4 will it keep my settings or does it install separately and what is recommended for installing plugins and copying settings? is there a fee for upgrading? -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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success and screens for mach4 3
My router is finally working perfectly thanks to mach4. My only problem is that I can not see much of the stock screen very well. A bundh of buttons are gray on gray and my old eyes do not see the type. also some things like run time indicator are so small that the type is indistinguishable. too small for the resolution. Are there any better screens available yet. I will check the site but maybe there are screens not shown there -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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version 2
will version two install right over version one and is there an upgrade fee? will my screens and all still work? Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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Cheap far east BoB
If you google MACH3 Interface Board you will get a large number of hits with photos of a Break Out Board that looks like this and depending on the source can be as low as $4. Needless to say documentation is found wanting and even labeling is suspect. For example I tweaked the attached photo so that the Z limit is marked with P15 rather than P14. When I was connecting to slotted sensors for spindle RPM measurement I found that the limit switch inputs weren't pulled to 5V but to 10V. So after spending about a day doing some reverse engineering I created a schematic. Not all components have designators so I didn't bother. It also wasn't worth the time creating a quad resistor array component so I just used an 8 resistor unit twice. Instead of 3 of the 4 resistor unit ones. Some of the traces were a bit hard to follow but I think I got the gist of it right. John "ELS! Nothing else works as well for your Lathe" Automation Artisans Inc. www dot autoartisans dot com
Розпочато John Dammeyer @
Limit Switch behaviour
Hi, MACH3 on WIN-XP with USB SS into PMDX-125 on JGRO gantry based system. I have a limit and home switch shared for XY axis. A shared limit/home and limit switches on the Z with an adjustable lower limit switch. Z-Home is at the top. Under the diagnostics the correct indicators light up for each axis when the appropriate switch is pressed. At any point if I hit one of the limit switches the Message ESTOP Detected shows up. It doesn't tell me which limit switch was hit. I thought it used to. Have I inadvertently changed a parameter? Thanks John Dammeyer "ELS! Nothing else works as well for your Lathe" Automation Artisans Inc. www dot autoartisans dot com
Розпочато John Dammeyer @
Shuttle Express 8
I think I may have mucked up a MACH3 setting or maybe it's a USB communications issue. Now when I jog any of the axis when the larger dial returns to the detented position the jog continues at the lowest level. To stop if moving I have to move in the other direction. I don't believe it's mechanical because when I bring up the config dialog it's clear that as the outer dial is moved the number changes from 0 to a value. When I let go of the dial it returns to zero but the axis keeps moving at the slow jog rate. In other works the Shuttle Express has reported the outer dial is back to 0 but MACH3 continues to jog the axis. What have I done? What do I need to do to fix this? Thanks John
Розпочато John Dammeyer @ · Останніх @
brian food for thought 3
any chance we can see Tempest implemented.ish in M4? Frank ;
Розпочато chico_xiba @ · Останніх @
replacing computer 3
Mach4 is working so well with all the mods i made to my router. I bought an almost exact duplicate computer so i can have a backup. I probably want to install everything (mach4 and not much else) on it to be sure it all works but do not need to switch license until i do actually need to use the new computer. How is that done and can it be done on short notice if my computer dies? -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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strange jogging 2
If I set the Y jog increment to .01" i get a very strange motion. it lurches and jumps and apparently ends up ion the right place. the motion is definitely not normal, this sort of bizarre motion should never happen. it only happens in jogging from the jog screen, not from the xbox or MDI making the same move. If i change the increment in setup to .011" it is fine as well as every other increment. more strange is that screwing around with the increment changing it to .011" and then back to .01" it is not lurching now. also, is there a new version with the increment selection working after booting? i broke another cutter joggin 1 inch instead of .01? it was a cheap Chinese one so no big deal. BTW, the finish from a Whiteside or other quality bit is much better than the Chinese stuff. For a while i was getting very good Chinese router bits but it seems to be totally hit or miss. the company i was getting them from decided to make them on their own instead of buying from mfgs . I guess the next thing they need to add is quality control. I can not tell the difference between the good and the bad bits when new. Under the microscope they look pretty much the same. Anyway lesson learned (BUY US MADE TOOLING even if it costs twice as much) -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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Spindle Control 12
Quick little survey on what everyone has on their machine for spindle control. 1. Do you have a VFD on a 3 phase motor for Lathe or Mill. 2. Does the CNC controller drive the spindle or do you set the speed and ON/OFF manually? Just curious John "ELS! Nothing else works as well for your Lathe" Automation Artisans Inc. www dot autoartisans dot com
Розпочато John Dammeyer @ · Останніх @
Modbus control 5
My friends MACH3 system (on WIN-NT) has a MODIO. I am helping him fine tune and document the system so I'm running his xml file here on my workstation (WIN-7). I also have one of Peter's MODIO boards so I can for the most part simulate things. As shown in the screen shot below the MODIO is a john-prentice-version-0.9c. What file do I look for to get from him to have modio working on my test system? This forum posting from 2012 suggests that the john-prentice software isn't supported. Thanks John
Розпочато John Dammeyer @ · Останніх @
Odd motion 5
I had a friend ask this when he went back to his CNC machine after years of not using it. His PC is rather flakey probably due to power supply capacitors. But anyway it seems he has his axis mixed up for what Fusion360 generates for G Code. What he told me was that if he presses the Right Arrow Key the X axis motor moves the table but the DRO on the screen increments on Y distance. What has he done to cause that sort of screw-up? Thanks John "ELS! Nothing else works as well for your Lathe" Automation Artisans Inc. www dot autoartisans dot com
Розпочато John Dammeyer @ · Останніх @
is this possible 12
I am getting really tired of making the same parts i have been making for 7 years. the only fun is making improvements. So I decided to work on my gcode and clean it up and optimize tool motion. gets a little scary when i get close to a fixture but i managed with no crashes. I was previously (last many years) using various feed speeds and then using feed override to get the speeds i really wanted. it has taken years to fine tune the speeds to deal with varying grain etc etc. BTW, running mach4 with ESS So i changed every F command to double what it was and ran the program. I think i notice a significant improvement in finish. Specifically i was getting long wood fiber threads on the top surfaces (upcutter but ordered a bunch of other bits to try including expensive ones by Vortex. This makes no sense to me but i have only cut 10 parts. Usually 5 are OK and then one has some strange grain pattern in it and it comes out stringy but after doubling the speeds (still that same speed in the end because i use FRO of 100%) i have not had a stringy part and the finish elsewhere looks better? Am i hallucinating? Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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boots and lube 3
my x axis screws do not seem to last very long. i just ordered boots for both side of the nut and who knows they might actually fit and ??? has anyone used boots to protect their ballscrews? also what lube is correct to apply to the grease fitting for the cheap Chinese ball screws? should i just buy the real thing a US made of German or Japanese? do they have better seals? are there add on brush type or ? wipers. -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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mach4 bug and other question 8
First there is an annoying bug in mach4 that i can work around but often forget and i did break a bit because of this. I am using cheap bits but as of a few days from now I will be using very expensive bits and do not want to break them. When you boot mach4 the step increment is shown in the jogging pane as what was previously selected. However the increment really is 1 in spite of what is shown. So when i get real close with the xbox controller and then want to make a .01" adjustment, it moves 1 inch instead which can cause it to crash. All i have to do is to remember to set the increment again but i keep forgetting. I have shared home and limit switches for three of the four axis. Everything works normally with the exception of one switch in one direction. If i hit a limit one of two possible things happens. On the z axis if i run into a limit it backs off or at least stops trying to pass the switch. i can then back off in the opposite direction. on other axis it triggers an estop and i need to enable again before i can back off. However on the X axis if i hit the limit in the on the left it behaves as expected. if i hit the switch on the right it triggers an estop and there is nothing i can do to move that axis without rebooting mach4. resetting the enable does not allow jogging off the switch. This is the case for just the x axis on the right. I had not noticed because i never hit the switches, i was just testing. -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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CNC lathe questions 5
So I built up a Little Machine Shops minilathe with Mach4 and PoKeys57 ala the Techshops design put together by Joe Katona and Ron Ginger. Works pretty good for small stuff. Minlathe needs physical tweaking and greater rigidity. I have an Enco 13X40 geared head lathe as well where I am doing more single point threading all the time and needing to do some larger diameter tapered threads. The minilathe just does not have the low end torque. So I keep looking at the mini Vs. the 13x40 and thinking about ball screws retrofitted to the the 13x40. My concerns and thoughts; If I retrofit with ball screws, I am under the impression that I would not be able to use the lathe in the old fashioned mode. The ball screws would allow the cross slide or carriage to move too freely or run away under pressure. Make sense? If I replace the carriage lead screw, which one? The one for turning or threading. I could just disengage the quick change gear box. But the feed rate chart would have to be recalculated. Other thoughts or concerns? Another lathe is out of the question. Thought about getting a small X Y table and mount to the cross slide. Thanks, Dale Grice
Розпочато Dale Grice @ · Останніх @
Mach License Help 13
I don't think I've ever posted to this group before, but I have to say I am so frustrated with trying to receive a copy of my license from Mach Support after a hard disk fail that I'm about ready not to do business with them again nor recommend them - which is a shame, because I like their product. Has anybody else had difficulty with retrieving a copy of their license before? Any recommendations on how I can proceed without buying a new license? I am scraping through old hard drives trying to find an email or license file, but this is taking a while, and I'm not sure how successful I'll be. It's my bad that I lost the license, but I feel the company has the ability to replace it, and they just don't want to (I was told the Sales Manager said they would send the license to the original email on file). I've been told that since my original email has changed (ISP went away through mergers and closures) they could not send me a new one. I registerd Mach 3 over 11 years ago and have a paper copy of the then" License Manager" sending me the license (apparently this is not acceptable). I'm open to suggestions on how to proceed without shelling out money for a license I already purchased. Thanks in advance!
Розпочато fauffing @ · Останніх @
axis pin set up
I need help with my cnc router set up. I screwed up some out put settings on an older mogul router.
Розпочато JOSEPH WALSH @
tool offset 21
I am looking for a simple solution. I am using a 1/4" router bit to cut slots d shaped pockets and holes i would like to use a bigger cutter for various reasons. especially for testing i would like to do as little reprogramming as possible. i have read about cutter compensation but can not make sense of it. is there a way to apply a cutter compensation and switch to a 3/8" bit and make the same sized slots holes pockets etc. Do i need to turn compensation on and off for each arc of a circle, for example or can i just make a 3/8" bit behave like a 1/4"? there are no features with a minimum inside dimension of less than 3/8" -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
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