Router sale
Anyone in UK have use for a router set up? Approx 2' by 2'6" on a metal stand. Built from MDF (not by me) Has a 1995 (I think) Camtronics interface. Bit too large and taking up a lot of space in my shed. Buyer to collect, East Devon, will help with loading. Photos on request, PM me. Kevin Staddon
Розпочато kstaddec63@... @
UPDATE - Easy CNC Guide Needed 8
Appreciate the input so far. My OS is an XP3 32 bit ... I presume that the Fusion 360 will not work. For example ... I came across some free G -Codes De Armond Tool has posted on his site, With instructions :) to give you an idea where I'm at, at this time. Very nicely done as need something like this .... step by step - hands on approach! Thank you for taking the time to assist with this matter as I have a long learning curve ahead, PM
Розпочато Peter Skerda @ · Останніх @
CNC Projects
Hi to All, Please checkout my CNC Projects at: CNC Projects CNC Projects CNC Conversion View on Preview by Yahoo Thanks and Happy New Year! Bob
Розпочато stcnc2000 @
KCam 2
Hi, It has been a long time since I wrote on this list a migraine headache (hemicrania continua) 24/7 for the last 3 years and not being able to understand what I read will do that. I found a book I bought a long time ago about CNC machining based around using KCAM instead of the more extensive and expensive Mach series of programs. Is there anyone using KCAM on this list and how do you find it. Another consideration is using a Linux based system and I was wondering if this has moved on much since the BDI CD that someone sent me off this list. Regards, Terry
Розпочато wotisname @ · Останніх @
Reference Material Available Cheap 2
Howdy folks; Many of you will remember Lindsey Publications, and all those wonderful old referrence books, for machining, and other subjects. Maybe not quite so many remember, "Your Old Time Book Store", that took over for/from them. Well YOTBS is now going through liquidation sales itself, so if you're looking to pick up some good reference books, use the Coupon Code, "500FF", for better pricing at: Bill
Розпочато Bill Vance @ · Останніх @
Bridgeport Interact II not 0 2
I've been running my Bridgeport Interact II with Geckos and Mach 3 for a couple years. Thot I had it pretty "dialed in" - motor tuning set very close to 20000. Yesterday I started a job that drilled a hole at 0,0, moved and drilled holes at (+/-X,0) and (0,+/-Y) then returned to 0,0 to start another part of the job. Even though MACH says I'm back at 0,0,0, the tool was visually off. I recentered and it appears to have been off at least in X by 0.033", Y.. maybe 0.005 ish. After recentering (visually) I cut a circle, which cut within about 0.001" dia, and that's with no backlash compensation in MACH. Need help understanding this... Missing steps? - rapids were only like 15 ipm, "sounded good" while moving, I was VERY surprised to literally see it noticeably off center. Backlash? - seems good based on the circle I cut What am I missing?? THANKS!
Розпочато Chuck Merja @ · Останніх @
Anti-Backlash Block
Checkout how to create an Anti-Backlash Block using Shapes Plus software. Cheers Bob
Розпочато stcnc2000 @
All in One CNC controller
MASSO, The All-In-One CNC Controller MASSO, The All-In-One CNC Controller MASSO, The All-In-One CNC Controller that doesn't need a PC to run. View on www.kicksta... Preview by Yahoo
Розпочато Rex Bennett @
spring break
Hey friend, We are planning a trip to the mountains during the spring break, can you please take a look at our list of equipment? Here it is Warmly, mayerk
Розпочато Ken Mayer @
Fw: article issues 2
Greetings, I've just read an article and I have some questions that you may really know the answer, please read it here Sincerely yours, ronkline
Розпочато ronkline @ · Останніх @
Other Driver Systems? 6
My MaxNC kicked the bucket again so I'm looking for a cheaper solution than replacing their drive board and dead motors which I've done once. Two options I can think of are using small hydraulic motors that won't burn out when overloaded or some other maler's drive products. Any leads? Any advice on how to make my own hydraulic system? I can hook up chips to drive a proportional hydraulic valve to a Raspberry Pi but I know too little about position sensors and the software to make G-Codes work. Thank you. When I send this message it says sent but it doesn't show up in the group display, so I'm thinking my rural ISP may be eating my posts. Sorry if duplicates appear - I do want an answer. Thanks.
Розпочато kirk fraser @ · Останніх @
Other Driver Solutions? 4
I've had bad luck with my MaxNC mill so I am looking for a different drive system. Ideally it would run small hydraulic motors which won't burn out in an overload like steppers. But I'm willing to consider a different stapper system that's cheaper than MaxNC's since I already replaced the driver board and several motors once. I once saw other systems in a magazine at a now dead machinist's but I don't remember them or the magazine name. Any leads? This forum used to be for builders who I hoped might consider mentoring me on the hydraulic solution, if any are still out there, please advise. .I should be able to hook up the chips to control a proportional hydrauliv valve to a Rspberry Pi but I don't know about the position sensors and software to run the G-codes, etc.. Thank you. Kirk Fraser
Розпочато kirk fraser @ · Останніх @
Other Driver Systems?
My MaxNC kicked the bucket again so I'm looking for a cheaper solution than replacing their drive board and dead motors. Two options I can think of are using small hydraulic motors that won't burn out when overloaded or some other maler's drive products. Any leads? Any advice on how to make my own hydraulic system? I can hook up chips to drive a proportional hydraulic valve to a Raspberry Pi but I know too little about position sensors and the software to make G-Codes work. Thank you.
Розпочато kirk fraser @
PMDX-416 SmartBOB-OptoUSB announce
The new PMDX-416 SmartBOB-OptoUSB motion controller for Mach4 is now shipping. For details see: This new controller offers a simple, low cost way to create a Mach4 machine controller. It is the slightly bigger brother to the just announced PMDX-412 and adds the following additional features: Opto-isolation of the input signals. Support for an encoder to allow an MPG, spindle speed reporting, or lathe threading (in a future plugin release). One 10 ampere SPDT relay. It also shares the following features with the PMDX-412: It provides the controller, pulse engine, breakout board, and plug-in terminal strips. External breakout boards or terminal strips are not needed. Powered from the USB port, no external power supply is needed. It can self mount directly to the wall of your control enclosure and includes a dress panel for the outside of the enclosure. The I/O available is equivalent to one parallel port and includes 4 axis step and direction outputs, 4 logic level output signals, and 5 input signals including the E-Stop function. The output signals can be used with our PMDX-104 relay board or with solid state relays. The inputs accept mechanical switches, NPN sensors, or 5 volt logic signals. PNP sensors can be used by adding our PMDX-105 board. VFD spindle inverters can be controlled by adding our PMDX-407 board. Stay tuned for more SmartBOB products in the future. Steve Stallings PMDX.COM - Products for CNC and motion control applications PMDX.COM - Products for CNC and motion control app... PMDX - products for CNC and motion control applications View on Preview by Yahoo
Розпочато Steve Stallings @
revive old ball screw stage 5
I have a XY stage with 4" travel purchased from ebay about 10 years ago and shelved since then. It was probably old then, it has the round stepper motors but no manufacturer information or date. No matter, I plan to put new steppers on it and put it into service under my surface grinder. It has 5 tpi ball screws and roller bearings guides, ball bearing thrust bearings. Here's the problem: the screws are very stiff. I've been spraying WD40 on them and turning them back and forth with an electric drill, but this seems to only made them slightly looser. The stiffness seems constant throughout the travel. There is no noticeable backlash. Taking the whole thing apart can be done, but then I'd just have a pile of unaligned parts which would be a pita to reassemble properly. Any ideas? This will be put under control of Mach3 and my Xylotex box when it's runs well enough. Elliot
Розпочато Elliot Burke @ · Останніх @
PMDX-412 SmartBOB-MiniUSB announcement
The new PMDX-412 SmartBOB-MiniUSB motion controller for Mach4 is now shipping. For details see: This new controller offers the simplest, lowest cost way to create a Mach4 machine controller. It provides the controller, pulse engine, breakout board, and plug-in terminal strips. External breakout boards or terminal strips are not needed. It can self mount directly to the wall of your control enclosure and includes a dress panel for the outside of the enclosure. The I/O available is equivalent to one parallel port and includes 4 axis step and direction outputs, 4 logic level output signals, and 5 input signals including the E-Stop function. The output signals can be used with our PMDX-104 relay board or with solid state relays. The inputs accept mechanical switches, NPN sensors, or 5 volt logic signals. PNP sensors can be used by adding our PMDX-105 board. VFD spindle inverters can be controlled by adding our PMDX-407 board. Stay tuned for more SmartBOB products in the future. Steve Stallings PMDX.COM - Products for CNC and motion control applications PMDX.COM - Products for CNC and motion control app... PMDX - products for CNC and motion control applications View on Preview by Yahoo
Розпочато Steve Stallings @
CNC Workshop registration discounted, June 8th in Detroit area.
The Workshop will run from Wednesday June the 8th until Saturday the 11th of June at the facilities of Tech Shop in Allen Park, MI. The cost of registration has been reduced to $100 for the full event. There is an expanded schedule of useful seminars and there are more vendors coming this year. Also hoping for more hobby (non-vendor) exhibitors this year. Saturday only access is free including an indoor swap meet. There are no seminars on Saturday, but the vendors will be on hand. See you there. Steve Stallings
Розпочато Steve Stallings @
Getting Started 10
I am a mechanical engineer and have mastered the three cad side of design. I use to write g code 30 years ago when i was in undergraduate studies. I'd like to get a small cnc router like the 6040T but I haven't a clue where to start. Looking for help. I am slightly confused. I know I need a controller and a software for the controller like mach4. I bought an older computer with an 32bit os and a parallel port because I've been reading that I need a parallel port and a usb doesn't cut it. Please help. Can someone please suggest like a bill of materials and software? Regards Bill Johnson
Розпочато wej0901@... @ · Останніх @
Bridgeport Series II with Gecko Servos for sale
After years of enjoyment the time has come where I need to find a new home for Bridgette. This is a Bridgeport Series II machine (about 35% bigger than what you think of as a Bridgeport) with Gecko step and direction servo drives and DC servo motors. The machine weighs in the 4000 - 5000 lbs range and is fully functional. It is set up to run on 220-240 single phase AC. The 3 phase spindle motor is driven by a VFD and all the drive electronics run from a good old fashion transformer, bridge rectifier, and filter capacitor power supply. Ball screws that are in like new shape on all 3 axes and a built in lubricator system that I have operated manually, but will run automatically if you hook it up to power. All the tooling I have for it (end mill holders, drill chuck, collet chuck and collets) goes with the machine. It is located in Englewood Colorado and requires a rigger to move it unless you are a lot more brave than I am. It has to be out of the building by May 20th 2016 as I am also selling the building. Contact me off list to discuss any additional details or to make an offer. Thanks, Tim G
Розпочато Tim Goldstein @
CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO Pin out for an encoder from a Sanyo stepper 2
Hi Bob, Super-Job on the great Write-up with Pictures even! Soldering a Perf-board together with wired jumpers would be an easy task. Needed an inexpensive solution for feedback on several of my half-built CNC machines... "Some-Year" I'd like to even start modifying my X - Y Assembly that came from a Semiconductor processing plant. So THANK YOU for the great info! Vince
Розпочато Vince Negrete @ · Останніх @
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