Convert a group to a sub group 5
Hi, There are two groups that we would like to add to a new group as a sub group. We would like to then, once they are all in one, join as a premium member. Both groups are part of one activity. For example, we'd like to create a group called HamX and take the two existing groups hamx-marketing and hamx-programs and have them all and future sub groups under HamX. HamX is the New England HamXposition organizers group. A group of volunteers that organize the Ham Radio New England Convention every year. Thank you for your help. Larry Krainson WB1DBY@...
Розпочато Larry Krainson - W1AST @ · Останніх @
reporting 2
How do I report a group that is sharing copyright items?
Розпочато Barbara Upton @ · Останніх @
Cant upgrade to Premium 3
Hello, I am the owner of a free group, I want to upgrade my group to Premium, but I can't find the Upgrade link anywhere?\ thanks, Kevin M
Розпочато Kevin Meyer @ · Останніх @
Approval needed to send messages to my own group 2
I’m the owner of a premium group, and every time I send a message to the group, I have to go in and approve it. I’m missing something here, I thought that as an owner, I could send to the group. Do I have to change some moderation setting for myself?
Розпочато Jane Carona @ · Останніх @
How to make a member an admin/moderator? 4
Howdy, I'd like to make a member able to perform basic admin functions, like approve new members and make changes to the group page. I have not found a menu item for this. Is this possible and how can I do it? Thanks!
Розпочато LNXGUY(K4IVE) @ · Останніх @
Embarrassing question 5
Not sure where to post this, but I'm having trouble finding the Search button. Sometimes its easy, but other times I can't find it or the page is blank. Where is it? Thanks.
Розпочато Pam @ · Останніх @
new messages 14
I am finding that, once in a while, I cannot get past the subject line when I want to post a new message. Thoughts? Thanks. Paul
Розпочато Paul Charles @ · Останніх @
Sponsor vs Donation 4
A few questions on Sponsor and Donation 1) Between Sponsorship and Donations, why would someone choose one over the other? 2) I see donations have a fee associated to it so why use that? 3) Does either of the Sponsor or Donation options reoccur automatically? In other words, will someone who uses these options get billed monthly or annually? 4) Using Sponsorship is clear that it is use for paying the hosting. What about Donations? Is that funds that can be used outside If so, this would explain question #1. Thanks in advance. Jon
Розпочато Jon - N3AK @ · Останніх @
Moving existing files to newly created folders 7 #help
I created new folders for each year and I want to move existing files to those new folders but dragging & dropping doesn't seem to work. I've searched Help - no luck. Help? Thanks!
Розпочато Karen Cleveland @ · Останніх @
A count of how many downloads have there been for a file? 9
I am a member (not an Owner or Moderator) of a fair few groups that I have created and upload documents for. Apart from the very occasional feedback from other members, I have currently no clue so to how many times the file/s are being downloaded. Is there a way for find out how many downloads there have been for a file or folder? Either by me or the moderator/owner of the sites. thank you & regards Duncan
Розпочато Duncan Hart @ · Останніх @
Printing 9
Is there a way to print a message on Thanks to anyone who replies.
Розпочато Patricia Robertson @ · Останніх @
Calendar Sync Issue 7
I have successfully subscribed in my Google calendar to the Groups.IO calendar for my group. However, it won't update. I have done the same thing on my iPhone calendar, and it updates properly. I've removed the calendar from Google, cleared the cache, and resubscribed, but it still shows the non-updated info. I've tried on different browsers and different computers, but none of them show the updated information. My iPhone is not using the Google Calendar engine but reading the Google Calendar information. It appears it's something in the Groups.IO to Google calendar sync process. Any suggestions?
Розпочато KC4F-Chris @ · Останніх @
How to recover my groups after changing my email address 3
It seemed like an easy task when I changed my email address. I logged in and clicked on change my email address. Now, I cannot get into the Groups I started years ago. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Bill Hood
Розпочато Bill Hood @ · Останніх @
Restricted membership didn't seem to work 2
I think that if an approved member leaves a group, they can rejoin without reapproval. There may be something in your activity log that shows they were rejoining? best, Malcolm. -- Malcolm Austen -- malcolm.austen@...
Розпочато Malcolm Austen @ · Останніх @
please help 2
i am new to blupf90 and i sue to blupf90 to solve my problem and see error the file is attached for estimation of variance component many thanks
Розпочато mahdiabbasi@... @ · Останніх @
Calendar ghost posting 3
We have a monthly meeting that is usually set up to repeat for over a year. This month the meeting fell on Thanksgiving. So it was canceled. Adn the event was removed for that day. However, it somehow managed to post to the group both of it's reminders. And yet, you go to the calendar and there is nothing for that date. Dont know where the message is originating from. Bob
Розпочато KC0NFB @ · Останніх @
Would like to add members to subgroup that don't get messages to main group 3
New group administrator here. I would like to describe a particular use case and what I see as possible solutions and get feedback from more experienced people to see what would be the best way to proceed. We have a discussion list for members of a condominium community (previously on Google Groups). On, we are planning to have subgroups for different committees and interest groups landscaping, gardening, book group, etc. In some cases, the committees have members from outside our condominium (mostly from a neighboring condo community). We would like to be able to include them in some of our subgroups, but not in the main discussion group. Ideas so far: 1. Let them join the appropriate subgroups, but set them to 'nomail' in the main group. They will not get routine messages sent to the main group, but they would still get notifications (?) and would be able to see the main group's messages in the archive. 2. Make the main discussion group a subgroup instead of the main group. Then the main group would include everyone both from inside and outside the community, but wouldn't normally be used for sending messages. The 'discussion' subgroup would have only members from inside the community and the other subgroups could have a mix. Would these work as I've described? any other suggestions? Appreciate your help!
Розпочато Leslie Turek @ · Останніх @
Member's email "overwritten" with mine on viewing?? 4
Hi Folks, Strange thing happening; if I go into "Admin" for any group I have admin privileges for and click on any member, MY email address is always displayed in that member's email address field. Sometimes I get the briefest "flash" of a different one, then mine is there where the member's actual email *should* be (or was.) Any ideas as to what's going on with that and how I can get it to display the member's email and not mine? Thanks for any input!
Розпочато @ · Останніх @
Moderator not responding 7
I am trying to list a room available to rent but I just get a message saying something like "waiting for moderator". But I never hear back and my listing doesn't show. Anyone know why this is happening? I've not been blocked for any reason and I've listed in the past with no problem. Ann
Розпочато Ann Edwards @ · Останніх @
Privacy settings 6
Hi there: I was told once in awhile you should goggle your own name and see what pops up. I have done this periodically with no surprises but this week when I did it, IOgroups where my name was mentioned showed up on google. We have a number of club IO groups for different purposes none of which should show these posts. I found this on my phone and I am not signed in to IO groups and I am not a member of the SCWTCA Board IO groups. Anna
Розпочато Anna M @ · Останніх @
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