xBitX RPi questions 3
Like many others, I find this new generation of BitX is very exciting. I suppose it was a forerunner that Ashar was showing at FDIM last year and we talked about the RPi zero 2 W as that is what I used as a digital interface with my uBitX. But, that raises some questions from my experience 1. I initially had my Rpi in a plastic case about the size of 5 sticks of gum, but in prolonged use it would get hot and start throttling down its operating speed. I had to change to an aluminum-framed case designed to act as a heat sink. Is the Pi in the zBitX provided with any heat sinking? 2. One of the advantages in my setup is that I can use VNC as installed in the operating system and have a display and mouse control from virtually any device like a phone, Kindle tablet, or laptop. I think VNC has changed what is allowed for free, although my setup still works fine (I haven't updated the operating system since Buster). Is that capability in the zBitX? 3. I found some software like Fldigi can load up the Pi. In that program timing isn't critical running PSK-31, but the decode time in WSJT-X on a crowded band can run closer to the time the next cycle starts. How much available processing time is available with the rig doing all the receiver functions, or does it have to use special software? 4. Lastly Ashar, are you attending FDIM this coming year and bringing some inventory? =Vic=
Розпочато Vic WA4THR @ · Останніх @
sBitX V3 Microphone input 2
I’ve been trying different microphone combos with the microphone input and the thing is — I can’t figure out how to get the PTT on the mike line to work (running Dexx’s 4.2 btw). The ring on the connector seems to trigger PTT when the signal floats, which I can get from just touching a wire connected to the ring. A normal PTT is a ground — what does this ring need to see? a specific voltage? is it sensing a resistance level? I note it seems to be running -2.4V…grounding doesn’t work… how can I trigger it from a button? Or are there other ways to trigger PTT? With some mikes like my motorola, the PTT simply connects the audio circuit, so I’d like to be able to sense that and send a trigger to the PTT.
Розпочато Charles Guerin @ · Останніх @
Zbitx 7
Has anyone received a beta version of this radio to give it a try? I don’t see any sensitivity figures so I wonder what the sensitivity might be.?
Розпочато STEVE @ · Останніх @
Capacitor on irf510 sbitx 19
I am replacing the irf510 mosfet's on my sbitx v3. At least It was told this is a v3 when I purchased it used. I see what I tested as capacitors wired across the 510's like they were an afterthought and I don't see them on the schematic. Although I am not big into electronics and may not not be seeing them. My question is can I just replace them with a standard cap instead of the surface mount type shown in the photo? If so what type should I use?
Розпочато bretnemeth @ · Останніх @
zBitx features SWR / Power meter 7
Does the zBitx have a SWR / Power meter? I know it is in the software for the sBitx but does the zBitx have the hardware to support that function?
Розпочато kc5kwz @ · Останніх @
Operating FT8 from a different country 5 #sBITX_v3
Hello, in order to operate FT8 from Croatia with my US call sign I need to add 9A/ as a prefix. However it is impossible to input the / with the sbitx application. My understanding is that a fix is coming out for this. - when is it coming out? - where do I find the upgrade procedure once the fix is released? Thank you.
Розпочато Bravo Delta @ · Останніх @
Set bias on sbitx 11
I know this has been talked about before but I see two different ways to adjust the bias. Here is what I have seen. First one adjust two pots and sets it 400 mA higher when set. Second one adjusts one pot and sets it 250 mA higher. Which one is the best way to adjust the bias. First one How to set the bias Siegfried Jackstien, DG9BFC Set both the POTS to minimum current Select Mode as USB. Reduce the MIC to zero. Press the PTT. Without speaking into the microphone, carefully increase the DRIVE_BIAS POT until the current increases by 200 mA. Note the current. Keeping the PTT on the microphone pressed, now increase the PA_BIAS POT until the current increases by another 200 mA. Release the PTT. Second one PA bias current 1 Set Mode to USB 2 Set Mic to 1 3 Set Drive to 1 4 Set PA_BIAS1 preset to zero (fully counter-clockwiseBias) 5 Note DC current on PTT 6.. Slowly increase the bias current until the total current consumed by teh radio is increased by approximately 250 mA.
Розпочато bretnemeth @ · Останніх @
Logging suggestion #logging #sBitx
Hello, I often leave the sBitx in FT8 just listening in order to collect data on what can I hear on what band during what time of the day. Right now I am doing this with WSJT-X because I can then go into the decode window, Ctrl-A select everything and then paste it into a text file. I wrote myself scripts which go through this data and and extract all uniq(ue) grids and sort them. This gives me an idea of what I can expect at some time of the day. Now, there are a few mapping applications on the web which expect a log file format and will plot the grids on a map. However this is only possible for logged contacts. - would it be possible to add a save function for FT8 (and other) decodes in the sbitx software? I don't like using wsjt-x because of the screen problems. This way I could then massage the data and turn it into one of the popular log formats just for mapping purposes. Or perhaps there is a better way to do the mapping of decodes only, I know that mapping contacts is supported in mapping software. Best regards.
Розпочато Bravo Delta @
#sBITX_v3 3 #sBITX_v3
Hello, I am reading through the sBitx v3.01 Manual. "Setting up the sBitx Choosing an Antenna The sBitx can withstand up to 2.0 SWR of antenna mismatch, It is best to use a well matched antenna that keeps the SWR below 1.5 for best results. WIth 40 watts of power, even a wire dipole can give you good results." Emphasis mine, so what is the power of the sBitx v3? The web site says 25W. The manual mentions 40W. I am assuming this is valid for the v2 version, but not the v3? Best regards.
Розпочато Bravo Delta @ · Останніх @
zBitx sockets 3
What sockets are fitted to the zBitx? I understand it has Key, mike and ears sockets. Does it also have a hdmi socket, a usb socket to plug in an external keyboard or any other usb device? Any other socket like a DC socket? 73 - Pierre - FK8IH
Розпочато Pierre - FK8IH @ · Останніх @
I noticed that there is a SPOT button in the CW mode on the N8ME software. Is there a volume control for the SPOT tone? Seems really loud. Thanks, Ron
Розпочато W2CTX @
Zbitx have a jack for external Microphine and CW key 23
Same as the title…. Does the zbitx have an external microphone and CW key jack? thanks
Розпочато Retroradio @ · Останніх @
zBitx installed softwares
Is it possible to have JS8Call installed? Forme JS8 mode is far more important than JT9 mode as Hearteat can replace JT8 contacts and the plain use of JS8Call allows me to do real QSO with exchange of informations. I experienced a terrible civil war in New Caledonia since the 13th of May this year, with sometimes all communications lost - no more internet nor phone - and JS8Call was my only mean of communication with the outside world and it worked well with my QRP station - Hermes Lite 2 and QRP-Labs QDX which deliver 5 to 6 Watt - The small size of a zBitx with its integrated batteries would make a wonderful emergency transceiver. Anyway this product looks promising, congratulations f. 73 - Pierre - FK8IH
Розпочато Pierre - FK8IH @
WSJT-X App 2
Hi JJ, I have noticed that the WSJT-X app screen on the sBITX V3 doesn't render properly leaving parts of the screen unusable. I have tried the Screen Resizer in sBITX-toolbox and have had no luck fixing the WSJT-X screen. Any chance you could take a look at this issue? Thanks. Dave K5HC -- Dave
Розпочато David - K5HC @ · Останніх @
Closing the zbitx orders soon 4
We are still taking orders for the zbitx but as we are being swamped by zbitx orders and we will hit our limits soon. In a few days, we will close the orders for January and retool ourselves for larger volumes before opening for the next batch of orders. 73, f
Розпочато Ashhar Farhan @ · Останніх @
File /VU2ZAP/Battery reference.xls uploaded 2 #file-notice
The following items have been added to the Files area of the BITX20@groups.io group. /VU2ZAP/Battery reference.xls By: Raj vu2zap <rajendrakumargg@...> Description: Battery size and capacity reference
Розпочато Group Notification @ · Останніх @
zBitx Battery Holder Length 6
Does the supplied 2-Cell holder have enough length for the 70mm long Protected/Rechargeable 18650's? Like This one... https://www.18650batterystore.com/products/epoch-18650-3500mah-usb-pcb
Розпочато Mike (KV4TT) @ · Останніх @
zBitx is here! Merry Christmas!! 41
After months of work, we finally have the zBitx in production! We were able to price it at an incredible $149 USD for a 5 watt, 80M to 10 M QRP radio with a large 480x320 touch screen that allows you to run CW, FT8 and other modes without needing even the phone that the original zBitx used. There are many things in the zbitx that will interest the tinkerers here. The size. It is just 15.5 cm(6 inches) by 80cm(3-1/2 inches) by 3.5cm(1-1/2 inch). You could slip it into your pocket (if large enough). This includes the battery case that holds the two LiPo batteries. Power: The zbitx runs off two LiPo 18650 cells. You could ofcourse power it by external DC source (max 9v). This is meant to be a field radio that also works as a great base station. Touch Screen: The radio sports a 480x320 resistive touch screen with large text that is easy to read and type. Base station: By plugging an HDMI monitor, keyboard and mouse, the zbitx transforms into an sbitx category base station with reduced power. Software: The zBitx sports the same software that runs the sBitx radios. The zbitx will ship with 64-bit software upgraded to handle the small screen. Schematics and Software: They will all be released in open source, GPL v3 on github in a few weeks. The deliveries will start in February. Merry Christmas folks!!! - f
Розпочато Ashhar Farhan @ · Останніх @
sBITX V3 and 64BIT Questions 5
Hi all, I recently upgraded (finally) to the latest 64bit image. This is my first try with the 64 bit build. I had a V2 Radio (serial # 0001 !!) I backed up and restored my settings, and everything was looking good. Then, while being a little careless, smoked the finals. Whoops. Easily fixable. But, why wait when I also have a V3 board I purchased previously for a custom build. I swapped it into my V2 case. Works fine with the stock build. So here's the thing. The 64 bit build I already have from my V2 has my backed-up settings from the V2 which includes the calibration settings that are no longer needed on the V3 radios. Can I just swap the microSD into the new one, or do I need to start from scratch, or delete those calibration settings first? I have a few 64bit 4.2 comments as well. Just things I noticed: --My Web interface is good, except the FT8 screens are corrupted. Text overruns and calls and locations prefixed with control chars. --When clicking on a user calling CQ DX <CALLSIGN>, my radio responded DX W2NDG FN21 instead of <CALLSIGN> W2NDG FN21 --I can't get a USB headset to work, even with the utility --Running QSSTV causes the sBITX app to lock up Other than that, this is great software. I love the additional features. Thanks! --Neil, W2NDG computers don't make mistakes. they amplify them
Розпочато Neil Goldstein @ · Останніх @
uBitX firmware N8ME with VU3GAO mods 8 #ubitx6-help #v6 #firmware
I searched for possible descriptions in the feed without finding anything helpful, hence my appeal for help: Have been using my uBitX v6 for a about 2 years with no issues. The N8ME/VU3GAO firmware was loaded shortly after the rig was completed. Hooked up the radio today and began to use it. It worked fine and initially I could bring up the CFG - configuration screen. After adjusting couple of parameters, I dropped back to use it and it would no longer transmit no could I tune frequency. When I tried to go back into the config configuration menu - the screen went white, I could hear receive audio, but I could not get get back to the main screen until after the rig is powered off and back on. Starting the rig back up brings up the main screen, but the rig can't be tuned, and will not transmit. The receiver does work on the last frequency I tuned. Can the Arduino be reset or is this something that will require a reload of the firmware? Thanks for any suggestions that will get this little gem back working again. Jack - KD4IZ Parkton, MD
Розпочато Jack Spitznagel (KD4IZ) @ · Останніх @
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