ARRL Field Day Waiver Rule In Effect for 2021!
Hi All, Kimberly, Chris and I hope that everyone is doing well! In case you haven't seen it already, ARRL's Field Day waiver rule is again in effect for 2021. To enable the waiver rule functions in our Field Day Log 6.5 software, just click Settings > Enable Delta Station Scoring Waiver. You will find our Field Day Log 6.5 here: ARRL's Field Day rules don't normally assign points for Delta station to Delta station contacts. In 2020, to accommodate the social distancing safety practices necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, ARRL granted a temporary rule waiver allowing Delta stations to work all other Delta stations for points. Fortunately, I retained the coding for that scoring option in future versions, so we are all set for Field Day 2021! And don't forget that we can aggregate scores with our club members again this year, with each member of your group operating from their individual homes! The free Club Score Processor, enabling that real time view, isn't necessary for submittal, but it really, really adds to the fun! Our club loves using the Club Score Processor for all the major contests! You'll find ARRL's announcement here: Enjoy! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question, for which Kimberly, Chris and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly, Chris and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, or you would like to change your e-mail, please see this FAQ here for all the steps: 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you hav
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Quick Reminder On Winter Field Day Software / Password!
Hi All, With Winter Field Day fast approaching this weekend and the questions we are receiving, Kimberly asked me to pass along this quick reminder to everyone. Please be sure that you have downloaded the Winter Field Day software, (not the ARRL Field Day software, which we will use this summer) and that you are entering in your password specific to Winter Field Day. Please don't wait until the last minute! If you have registered the package (or WFD specifically) and you can't find your Winter Field Day password, please e-mail us now and Kimberly will be happy to get that out to you! I added Winter Field Day to the package after many of you had already registered, so the WFD password may not be in your original list, but any additional programs I add to the package are free to registered users, so just let us know if you need an updated list! The software you should be running this weekend is Winter Field Day Contest Log 2.7, which you will find here: And the Winter Field Day rules are here: Enjoy Winter Field Day! I hope to work you!!! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question, for which Kimberly, Chris and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly, Chris and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, or you would like to change your e-mail, please see this FAQ here for all the steps: 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Розпочато Scott Davis @
Upgrades to All Programs Now Available, Winter Field Day Reminder & More!
Hi All, Kimberly, Chris and I hope that you are enjoying a very blessed, wonderful, holiday season! We are excited to let you know that... Upgrades to All Our Logging Programs are Now Available! Some of these enhancements were already in Amateur Contact Log 6.7, but they are all new to all the contest programs and many are new to AC Log 6.8 as well! AC Log 6.8 additions are denoted with an asterisk (*). Our latest enhancements include: Automatic Update * All our logging software will automatically check for new updates. When a new update is found, you will have the option of keeping your current version or updating to the latest. Choosing to update should be as easy as clicking one button! As always, upgrades will continue to be free to registered users. These next upgrades should be the last ones that will require you to manually uninstall and reinstall. All Logging Software Signed With a Certificate Authority's Digital Certificate * These releases of all our logging software have all been digitally signed by a Certificate Authority before release, listing the publisher as Affirmatech Inc. You will still likely see the Windows Smart Screen for a while after we publish a new upgrade, but it will hopefully stop more quickly and there should be fewer false positives from Internet protection software programs going forward. Automatic DX Spots Reconnect * All our software will detect if connection with the DX Spotting Telnet host is lost. They will first try to reconnect with the same host. If the connection is unsuccessful, they will try the next host in the list. Click Settings > DX Spotting > Auto Reconnect (upper right) to enable. CW Rig Interface Wild Cards * As you know, I previously added the ability to send rig interface commands from the CW and phone forms, by prefacing the command with RI:. Folks started enjoying this new feature, but needed a way to adjust CW strings on the fly with wild cards, to send the call you are working, serial number, etc. When you enter your rig interface command, format RI: wildcards as follows: RI: <CALL> <SERIAL> <RST>. Toggle Between 3 Rigs Previously, with Single Op, Two Radio in mind, you could quickly toggle between two rigs (after saving their settings on the rig interface form). Now you can cycle between 3 rigs by pressing Ctrl X from the main form! CW and Phone Settings Now Included with Ctrl X Toggle The phone and CW settings that you save on the respective set up forms will cycle along with the rig when you press Ctrl X. You'll find these options at the lower left when you click Settings > Transmit CW / PH. Advanced and Technician License Class Privilege Filtering for DX Spots Added Technician and Advanced filtering for DX spotting (General already existed). Keyboard Tuning Shortcuts now Optional Ability to disable keyboard tuning (requested from blind hams, who use the keyboard shortcuts used for tuning in other ways). CW Text to Speech One of our club members is no longer able to send CW manually (or type using a keyboard to send CW), so I added the ability to record text to send CW via speech to text. Press Crl K to record from your PC's mic input on the CW buffer form. This solution has all the limitations associated with text to speech, so it is by no means a perfect solution, but it at least provides an option to continue to engage in CW for those who's manual dexterity otherwise precludes it. Operator and Station Call ADIF Mapping The Operator and Station ADIF fields can optionally be mapped to the Call value entered in setup or made blank when exporting in ADIF. TCP Networking Port Now User Customizable The Port for TCP Networking (most often used for Field Day and other Mult Multi events), is now user customizable (instead of being locked at 1000). Click Settings > Network to Configure. Block Band Overlap * We've wrestled with this since our very first Field Day and it will be a great help for all multi transmitter events, but now that my son Chris, KB3KCN, who lives right next door, has become active on the air, the need to be able to block being on the same band sim
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ARRL RTTY Roundup Log 3.8 On the Website & This Contesting is Nuts!
Hi All, In addition to wishing you a very blessed, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a wonderful holiday season, Kimberly, Chris and I are excited to let you know that... ARRL RTTY Roundup 3.8 is Now Available! ARRL RTTY Roundup 3.8 is now on the web site and ready for download! In addition to adding support for the FT Roundup contest, ARRL RTTY Roundup 3.8 includes all the upgrades that my son Chris, KB3KCN and I are adding to all of the contest software, including: Automatic Update The coming versions of all our software will automatically check for new updates. When a new update is found, you will have the option of keeping your current version or updating to the latest. Choosing to update should be as easy as clicking one button! As always, upgrades will continue to be free to registered users. These next upgrades should be the last ones that will require you to manually uninstall and reinstall. All Logging Software Signed With a Certificate Authority's Digital Certificate The next releases of all our logging software will now be digitally signed by a Certificate Authority before release, listing the publisher as Affirmatech Inc. You will still likely see the Windows Smart Screen for while after we publish a new upgrade, but it will hopefully stop more quickly and there should be fewer false positives from Internet Protection Software programs going forward. Automatic DX Spots Reconnect The next releases of all our software will detect if connection with the DX Spotting Telnet host is lost. They will first try to reconnect with the same host. If the connection is unsuccessful, they will try the next host in the list. Click Settings > DX Spotting > Auto Reconnect (upper right) to enable. CW Rig Interface Wild Cards As you know, I previously added the ability to send rig interface commands from the CW and phone forms, by prefacing the command with RI:. Folks started enjoying this new feature, but needed a way to adjust CW strings on the fly with wild cards, to send the call you are working, serial number, etc. When you enter your rig interface command, format RI: wildcards as follows: RI: <CALL> <SERIAL> <RST>. Toggle Between 3 Rigs Previously, with Single Op, Two Radio in mind, you could quickly toggle between two rigs (after saving their settings on the rig interface form). Now you can cycle between 3 rigs by pressing Ctrl X from the main form! CW and Phone Settings Now Included with Ctrl X Toggle The phone and CW settings that you save on the respective set up forms will cycle along with the rig when you press Ctrl X. You'll find these options at the lower left when you click Settings > Transmit CW / PH. Advanced and Technician License Class Privilege Filtering for DX Spots Added Technician and Advanced filtering for DX spotting (General already existed). Keyboard Tuning Shortcuts now Optional Ability to disable keyboard tuning (requested from blind hams, who use the keyboard shortcuts used for tuning in other ways). CW Text to Speech One of our club members is no longer able to send CW manually (or type using a keyboard to send CW), so I added the ability to record text to send CW via speech to text. Press Crl K to record from your PC's mic input on the CW buffer form. This solution has all the limitations associated with text to speech, so it is by no means perfect, but it at least provides an option to continue to engage in CW for those who's manual dexterity otherwise precludes it. Operator and Station Call ADIF Mapping The Operator and Station ADIF fields can optionally be mapped to the Call value entered in setup or made blank when exporting in ADIF. TCP Networking Port Now User Customizable The Port for TCP Networking (most often used for Field Day and other Mult Multi events), is now user customizable (instead of being locked at 1000). Click Settings > Network to Configure. Block Band Overlap We've wrestled with this since our very first Field Day and it will be a great help for all multi transmitter events, but now that my son Chris, KB3KCN, who lives right next door, has become active on the air, the nee
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World Wide Digi DX Contest Log 1.0 Now Available!
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that... World Wide Digi DX Contest Log 1.0 is Now Available! My son Chris, KB3KCN and I have just completed a new, separate program to support the annual World Wide Digi DX Contest! World Wide Digi DX Contest Log 1.0 includes all the features you've come to expect in N3FJP Software including dupe checking, scoring, DX spotting, rig interface, super check partial, band map, an API, easy Cabrillo submittal, etc. Best of all, you'll likely find it very easy and intuitive to use! More details on the annual WW Digi DX contest are here: As always, additional programs we add to the N3FJP Software Package are free to N3FJP Software Package users. If you are a package user, please just e-mail us directly for your World Wide Digi DX Contest Log password and Kimberly, KA3SEQ will send yours along. You'll find World Wide Digi DX Contest Contest Log 1.0 here. Enjoy! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, or you would like to change your e-mail, please see this FAQ here for all the steps: 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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CQ WW SSB - Another Great Club Score Processor Opportunity!
Hi All, I hope that everyone is doing well and getting psyched for our Fall / Winter contest season! Here is a quick reminder for CQ World Wide SSB next weekend and some preparatory thoughts I shared with our club. Club Score Processor Reminder Every contest is great fun to share with your ham friends or local club in real time using my free, Club Score Processor, but the bigger the contest, the more participation you'll enjoy and the more excitement you'll have! CQ WW SSB next weekend sure fits that bill! After Field Day, I had a lot of great comments about how much groups liked using the Club Score Processor this year. It really adds to the fun, camaraderie and competitive juices on contest weekends! I encourage you to have it up and running for your club to enjoy during all the contests, especially the majors! Once the Club Score Processor is set up, it is on automatic pilot, but it takes just a bit to get your club up and running. Make sure your club members are all set up this weekend, so you are ready to focus on the contest next weekend! My free Club Score Processor and all the instructions are here: Enjoy! Local Club "Who's In" E-mail And here is a excerpt from an e-mail I sent to our local club, the Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society. Please feel free to use any portions you wish, as you get your group ready for next weekend! Hi Gang, One of the biggest SSB DX contests of the year, CQ Word Wide SSB, will be upon us in just over a week!!!! There are many great DX contests annually and CQ WW SSB is among the best. It has lots of DX participation and the exchange is quick and easy. If you have ever thought about giving contesting a try, this is the perfect time to start! Here are a few preparation items that come to mind... 1. New guys - Please PARTICIPATE!!!!! Guys, if you are new to Amateur Radio or contesting, there are so many good reasons to participate in this contest it would take a book to cover them all. Suffice it to say, gaining experience, potentially working nearly 100 different DX entities (or more) in a single weekend, experiencing how propagation changes by band over the course of each day, assessing your station (even if just a baseline), the fun of making a connection, however briefly, with like-minded hams all over the world and enjoying the experience with us in real time via our virtual clubhouse are just a few of the many reasons. If you don't have an HF antenna yet, consider an EFHW 80-10. It covers all the bands, neighborhood friendly and works well. If you don't have time for the EFHW 80-10, get yourself about 40 feet of wire and a couple insulators from Home Depot and put up a simple 20 meter dipole, oriented so that one side is radiating NE towards Europe. That simple, home brew antenna will be a fantastic first step! Dipoles works well, you will get a great feel, learn first hand what this is all about and have a great time! More details on building the dipole are here: New guys, please, please, participate with us next weekend! We are here to help. Let us know what questions you have? You will have FUN! 2. Make sure you are logged into our Discord Virtual Clubhouse! Many NEMARC regulars log in daily, but for some of you it has been a while and some have never given our virtual clubhouse a try. Being able to share the contest in real time doubles the fun! We have a great group of guys who are positive, encouraging, humorous, will help with any questions and fill the void in any propagation lulls. If you haven't logged in for a while, or ever, please make sure you can before next weekend. There is lots more information (and even a video) on our virtual clubhouse here: 3. Double Check Antennas! Check all your antennas now, in case some repairs are needed between now and next weekend. Don't forget, we may or may not have 15M, but 40 and 80 become even more valuable near the bottom of the cycle. Make sure you have goo
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Please Regularly Backup Your Data!
Hi All, It's only been a handful of reports, but I've received a couple e-mail that the latest Windows 10 update is in some cases erasing user files. Settings files were returned to default and even backup files on the hard drive were erased. Setting up a sensible, automated backup plan can be as easy as leaving a thumb drive plugged into your PC. Then, in Amateur Contact Log click File > Backup Options and on the Backup on Close option, point to that device for your daily backup. As long as you choose a device independent of your hard drive (the device holding your primary log file) to store your backup file, your data will be much safer. Taking that minute now will save you from much disappointment later on. It's easy, seamless, automatic and once set up, you don't even have to think about it. The following is from the FAQ page here: What's the best way to protect myself from data loss? What's the best way to protect myself from data loss? Actually, this question is almost never asked, and then only after data loss has occurred, but is it something for all of us to prepare for. Hard drives fail, RF / power surges get in the shack and corrupt files, Windows updates go awry, viruses invade, PC cleaners "clean" too much (I've had multiple reports of "Cleaners" eating log files over the years), components of our operating systems fail and human errors happen. Over the long haul, without protection, data loss is an inevitability. Both Amateur Contact Log and the contest software have built in backup features to help protect your data. The best way to protect yourself from data loss is by backing up your data often, ideally to an external medium. All my logging programs have several automatic backup options that you can configure by clicking File > Backup Options. AC Log creates a backup of your data automatically, once a week by default and also includes an option to save a backup every time you close it to a location of your choice. To fully protect yourself from data loss, I strongly recommend you enable the backup on close option and choose an external medium such as another location on your home network, thumb drive, etc. With this automatic backup feature enabled to an external medium, even if the PC hosting your log file totally fails, you can be sure that the worst case scenario is only losing a day's worth of data, not a lifetime of logging. Please take a minute now and plan a sensible backup process for your data! You've worked hard, maybe a lifetime, to put all those Qs in your log. Please take a minute now and protect them! Enjoy! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Розпочато Scott Davis @
Amateur Contact Log 6.7 is Now Available & Chris, KB3KCN Joins the Team!
Hi All, I'm excited to let you know that... Amateur Contact Log 6.7 is Now Available! AC Log 6.7 includes the following enhancements: - Support for up to 3 rigs interfaced simultaneously (previously 2 rigs). Swap between rigs by pressing Ctrl X from the main form. - Ability to specify CW and PH settings files to associate with a specific rig. When you toggle with Ctrl X, your CW and phone settings will automatically update, too. You'll find these options at the lower left when you click Settings > Transmit CW / PH. - Grid Sent on AC Log's Setup form (in response to Parks on the Air (POTA) requests). - Added Technician and Advanced filtering for DX spotting (General already existed). - Ability to disable keyboard tuning (requested from blind hams, who use the keyboard shortcuts used for tuning in other ways). - Added Satellite Name to the eQSL upload. - Ability to record text to send via speech to text mic input on the CW buffer form. - Operator field can be mapped to the Call value entered in setup or made blank when exporting in ADIF. - Option to include Station Callsign in LoTW upload (in case an override of an Operator value is required). - To be identified as an LoTW user in AC Log, the station must have uploaded in the last two years. - Reordered LoTW All Since and All Confirmed download buttons to better reflect the priority of the All Since button, which is the one that should typically be used most often. - Added a button on the LoTW Form to view LoTW queue status. - Added additional Tool Tips on the LoTW form. - Port for TCP Networking is now user customizable (instead of being locked at 1000). Lord willing, this enhancement will be included in future releases of my contest software as well. You'll find Amateur Contact Log 6.7 here: As always, upgrades are free to registered users! Please simply follow these upgrade steps here: Enjoy! Chris, KB3KCN Joins the N3FJP Software Team! Actually, both my sons, Chris, KB3KCN and Brad, KB3MNE are excellent programmers, who have already been a great help to Kimberly and me. You are already enjoying their contributions, as they both have helped out with code and design ideas whenever they've had the opportunity, but until now, their time constraints have been quite limited. I am very excited to let you know that Chris is now going to be taking a much more active role in the future development of N3FJP Software! Eventually, we hope that Brad will be able to take a more active role as well. Not only is this a tremendous blessing for Kimberly and me to be able work more closely with our sons, we have all been brainstorming quite a bit and we are very excited about our shared vision of the future of N3FJP Software! You probably won't notice many changes right away, because many aspects of our vision will start fresh and may take a few years to develop, but Lord willing, with Chris and eventually Brad's help, we have lots of ideas for taking our software to the next level and the future of N3FJP Software looks bright indeed! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Regis
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Field Day Contest Log 6.4 & New OH QSO Party Logs Now Available!
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that... Field Day Contest Log 6.4 is Now Available! In late May, I modified the Field Day software (version 6.3) to support ARRL's 2020, COVID-19, Delta scoring rule waiver. Lord willing, with the hope that it will be safe to gather for Field Day in June 2021, I've updated the software in version 6.4 to default back to standard Field Day rules. I also retained the ability to easily enable the Delta scoring waiver option, should it be needed again, for several reasons. First, June 2021 seems far ahead, but there are many steps that must succeed before everyone on the planet is safely immunized and it is safe for all demographics in all areas of the country to gather, Second, ARRL reports that Field Day 2020 is shaping up to be one for the record books! ARRL Contest Program Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said that “As many participants chose to operate from home this year — and given the 2020 rules waivers, we have seen a tremendous increase in entries over last year’s event.” More details are here: The clear success and popularity of ARRL's 2020 Delta scoring waiver rule makes it sensible to keep the option coded in the software for the future as well. Should ARRL again invoke the Delta scoring rule, Field Day Contest Log 6.4 is ready. Just click Settings > Enable Delta Station Scoring Waiver to enable the option. You'll find Field Day Contest Log 6.4 here: The Field Day Contest Log 6.4 upgrade is free to registered users! Just follow these upgrade steps here: Ohio In State and Out of State QSO Party Log's Now Available! Ohio QSO Party Contest Logs (In State 4.4 and Out of State 4.3) have been updated for the rule change to include 160 meters. You will find the Ohio QSO Party software here: As always, all of these programs are free to registered users! Just follow these upgrade steps here: Enjoy! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving th
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Club Score Processor 1.2 Now Available & A Few Thoughts on Clubs!
Hi All, It was super to work so many of you during Field Day! Thank you so much for your QSOs and even more for your very kind words and encouragement! Lots of groups and clubs used Club Score Processor for the first time during Field Day. As a result of your enthusiastic responses and kind suggestions... Club Score Processor 1.2 is Now Available! It was great to receive so many enthusiastic reports of how much groups enjoyed the Club Score Processor during Field Day, and how they plan to continue using it for other contests throughout the year! Based on the reactions of our own group, I knew you all would love it! Many group coordinators and individuals sent words along the lines of Alan, W4ANT, who wrote in part... "This was really the first contest I paid attention to the [Club Score Processor's] "live" scoring [club web page total]. I'm not a big gun, nor a hard core contester, but watching the live scores being posted, I found myself desirous of trying to catch the guy who was ahead of me by a couple Q's or points. Agree with Mike it does add a new, fun dimension." Our club, the Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society, has been using the Club Score Processor for nearly 5 years on all major contests. I can definitely echo Alan's comments first hand. We have folks at all levels who participate. Since guys know each other, their typical contest effort and what their stations are like, they naturally identify comparable operators. Then, the good natured competition at all levels ensues. I can't stress enough that we are simultaneously competitive, in the friendliest of ways, while completely supportive and encouraging. It really does add a huge increase in fun. When your buddy is just ahead, or just behind and catching up, you can't help but stay in the chair longer on contest weekends, making Qs and interacting with each other in our Virtual Clubhouse (text chat room). Since every QSO from every member helps our club grand total, that keeps us energized as well. After contests, guys are looking to improve their stations whenever they can. The constantly updating web page that the Club Score Processor creates is the centerpiece of our club's contest weekends. It is one of the primary reasons our club has flourished the last few years! More on that below. Along with the encouraging reports for Club Score Processor, there were three main requests, that are now added in version 1.2: - The ability to add a text message at the top of the web page. - The ability to add HTML, so that an image such as a club banner may be displayed. - The ability to include scores from folks running other logging software programs besides N3FJP in the club's real time total. I should mention that since the web page that Club Score Processor creates gets quite a bit of attention throughout contest weekends, our group much prefers the clean, minimalist approach, without text or banners. In the heat of a contest, the quicker and easier something can be interpreted the better! That said, those features are now available in version 1.2. I love the idea of including everyone in your club's real time total, regardless of their choice of logging software, so I've added code to check the uploaded file for an alternative XML format that is very easy for other developers to create. Just have folks using other logging software ask their contest software developer to include an upload of their current statistics, as detailed at the bottom of the page here, and Club Score Processor will do the rest: Club Score Processor is free to everyone, but only one person in your group needs to run it. Your group's Club Score Processor coordinator can just uninstall the previous version from Windows Control Panel and install version 1.2 from here: Please make sure the individual coordinating Club Score Processor for your group sees this announcement. Thanks and enjoy! A Few Thoughts on Groups and Clubs While on the subject of groups and clubs, since our club is thriving, I wanted
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Club Score Processor - Email Template for Communicating User's Settings
Hi All, Lots of groups and clubs are setting up the Club Score Processor now for Field Day next weekend, which is awesome! Your group is really going to enjoy sharing the fun camaraderie of seeing how everyone is doing individually and collectively, as you operate from your individual homes, in real time! Some have been writing that even though there are only a few, simple settings for each user to enter in their copy of the Field Day logging software, the person coordinating the Club Score Processor is having to spend a few minutes helping each member. Here is the e-mail template that I use for our club that has worked well, so please pass this along to the person coordinating the Club Score Processor, to use for your group. Just change the bolded values, which will be specific to your group and member, as needed: --- Hi Bob, Thanks for joining in! Setting up the web contest upload in N3FJP Software is easy and only takes a minute. From the menu options in the contesting software, click Settings > Web Upload Contest Status > N3FJP HTML Formatted. Then copy and paste these settings (case matters): FTP URL: User Name: xxxxxxx Password: xxxxxxxx File Name on Website: W1AW.html Leave all the other values to default and click Upload Now at the lower right. The status of your upload will be displayed at the bottom. If all goes well, it will include words along the lines of "Transfer Complete". I can't add you to the processor on my end until you do a successful upload, so once you do, please let me know and I'll update the total processor. Then you will see your call sign in the list here: Thanks and 73! Your Call ----- By the way, my software will provide the web upload settings to the other contest programs, so you will only need to do this for each member once and then your members will be all set for the rest of the contests we have to enjoy each year. If you've not yet set up the Club Score Processor for your group, it's easy, but don't wait for Field Day. Do it now! The six easy steps are here: As of this morning, our Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society has 17 on the list so far. Enjoy Field Day! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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Field Day Clarifications, FAQs & Club Score Processor Fun!
Hi All, With just 17 days to go until we kick off Field Day 2020, one of the highlights of the Amateur Radio season is about to start! I'm receiving lots of requests for clarification about how club members will operate from their individual homes and still have their QSO's count towards the club total, under the Field Day aggregate score 2020 waiver rule. Here is the FAQ I'm receiving most and my answer: How does our club submit our Field Day entry under the new 2020 rules? If you are submitting in the Delta category, you must upgrade to Field Day Log 6.3: If your club is physically together, with all stations within a 1,000 foot circle, operating under a single call sign (except for GOTA), you will submit your results normally as detailed here: If your club is not operating within a 1,000 foot circle, you will each operate under your own call. You will NOT combine your logs. Aside from agreeing on a club name, there is no need to coordinate your submission with the rest of your club. Just submit your entry as detailed here: When you go to to submit your log, you will see a Club or Group Name field. Enter your club's name exactly as your club has specified. ARRL will combine everyone's score within your club and report your grand total when they publish the 2020 Field Day results. You can still see your club's combined total grow in real time on Field Day weekend, enjoy each other's company and have a great time virtually while operating individually for Field Day 2020. You'll find more on how we have a blast doing that with our club in many of the great contests each year, in the Field Day and Clubs section! ARRL Field Day FAQs. In response to the questions ARRL is receiving, they just released their own Field Day FAQs, which covers lots of additional detail as well. You will find the ARRL Field Day FAQ page here: Please Find Your Field Day Password Now! If you haven't already entered your registration information, please don't wait until the last minute to realize that you can't find your password (or register the Field Day software). If you can't find your password, Kimberly is happy to help, but the week leading up to Field Day gets crazy, so if you can't find yours, please e-mail us now. As always, upgrades are free to registered users! Club Score Processor Setup Running the free Club Score processor is entirely optional, but adds so much more fun to every contest, including Field Day, that I am thrilled to see many new clubs and groups giving it a try for the first time. Watching your club's score grow in real time, as well as seeing how each of you are doing individually, along with the banter in our virtual clubhouse on the Discord app, adds a quantum leap of fun to contesting! Here is an example of our Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society's totals web page at the end of 2015 November Sweepstakes SSB: The club score processor is easy to set up, as long as one individual in your club has a basic understanding of putting a web page on the Internet. If one person in your club has ever put a web page up using an FTP program or basic web publishing software, you will be fine. Just don't wait until the last minute. This is definitely something you want to set up well in advance (now). You'll find the six easy steps for the one person in your group coordinating the Club Score Processor here: Enjoy Field Day! I'm looking forward to working you!!! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply th
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Field Day Log 6.3 is Now Available for New 2020 FD Rule Changes!
Hi All, In case you haven't heard, Field Day 2020 is now a whole new ballgame! Field Day Log 6.3 is Now Available! Yesterday, ARRL announced a special waiver for Field Day 2020: 1) For Field Day 2020 only, Class D stations may work all other Field Day stations, including other Class D stations, for points. Field Day rule 4.6 defines Class D stations as “Home stations,” including stations operating from permanent or licensed station locations using commercial power. Class D stations ordinarily may only count contacts made with Class A, B, C, E, and F Field Day stations, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows Class D stations to count contacts with other Class D stations for QSO credit. 2) In addition, for 2020 only, an aggregate club score will be published, which will be the sum of all individual entries indicating a specific club (similar to the aggregate score totals used in ARRL affiliated club competitions). Ordinarily, club names are only published in the results for Class A and Class F entries, but the temporary rule waiver for 2020 allows participants from any Class to optionally include a single club name with their submitted results following Field Day. The full text of ARRL's announcement, with additional details is here: I have updated the Field Day software to accommodate point scoring for Delta station to Delta station QSOs. If you plan to operate in a category other than Delta, version 6.2 is fine, but if you will be operating in the Delta class, please upgrade to version 6.3. You will find version 6.3 here: And the upgrade steps here: As always, upgrades are free to registered users! Field Day and Clubs! I am very excited about ARRL's 2020 modification! While, Lord willing, we will be able to share Field Day together at the same location in 2021, the opportunity for clubs to experience a contest weekend together virtually this time will be a new, fun and exciting experience for many! Lots of clubs, who are passionate about Field Day, haven't yet experienced the joys of participating as a club in the many other great contests we have to enjoy annually. The same techniques that clubs will use this Field Day, in the social distancing environment to stay together while apart, can be applied to ARRL November Sweepstakes, ARRL International DX, CW World Wide DX and many other contests. Sharing contest weekends together virtually, as we each operate from home with lots of fun, support and camaraderie, has taken Amateur Radio joy and excitement to a whole new level for our club! Regularly operating together virtually to turn in combined club scores has thoroughly invigorated our group! I'm very glad that many of you will be able to experience it for Field Day 2020! Last time I wrote in more detail how our club shares contest weekends together using tools like: - The Virtual Clubhouse text chat room we set up on the free Discord App: - My free Club Score Processor, so you can see how your club is doing individually and in total in real time: - And I should have mentioned Zoom, which is new to us in the last few months, but is an awesome tool for both impromptu and scheduled virtual gatherings: For lots more details, please see the How can our group enjoy Field Day together virtually, while staying apart? section here: And if you aren't currently participating with a club, find one or start one! Enjoy Field Day gang, and see how your club fairs in total compared to our Northeast Maryland Amateur Radio Contest Society! We are planning to bring it Field Day weekend! :) I'm looking forward to working you! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like t
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Field Day Log Version 6.2 Upgrade Required, Together While Apart & Other Important Tips!
Hi All, I'm already starting to receive lots of Field Day e-mail, which is great! I'm very glad that you are all planning ahead! I'm also receiving requests for advice on how groups can best enjoy Field Day (and other contests) together virtually, while staying safely apart. Here are many of the common questions and my responses... Must we upgrade to Field Day Log 6.2? Yes, if you haven't already done so, please be sure all the Field Day PCs have been upgraded to Field Day Log 6.2 (released 1/8/2020). Previous versions will not accommodate the new Price Edward Island (PE) section, so you will not be able to log those QSOs with PE until you upgrade. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. You'll find the Field Day software here: And the upgrade steps here: Please don't wait until the last minute to install the software. There aren't any planned changes to the Field Day software before Field Day 2020, so go ahead and install it now. How can our group enjoy Field Day together virtually, while staying apart? Our NEMARC club hangs out together virtually for every major ARRL and CQ contest, so I have a lot of firsthand experience to share with this question! Since we won't be able to physically be together this time for Field Day, operating together virtually is our plan for Field Day 2020 as well. Some folks enjoy contesting as a lone wolf, spending the weekend in solitary pursuit, but running with the pack and contesting together as a team has more than doubled the enjoyment for many in our club. We all operate from our individual homes and we each submit our own scores, but we thoroughly enjoy each other's company, as well as the fun of seeing our current club total and individual scores in real time on our leader board virtually. Very briefly, here's how: - We have a text chat group that we set up on the free Discord app, which has evolved beyond contesting. It is our virtual clubhouse. Guys sign in almost every day to chat, alert members to DX, seek help and offer advice. This works beautifully during contests too, as there is lots of fun, encouragement, newer guys can ask questions and others can answer when convenient. Of course we have good natured banter and camaraderie, just as if we were physically together. The virtual clubhouse has become the backbone of our club in many additional ways that would take too long to explain now, but you can get a little more sense of how we use it from this video here: - We use my free Club Score Processor, so we all can see how we are doing as a club, as well as individually, in real time. The real time leader board display that the processor creates is an automatically refreshing web page. You can be sure all club members keep the leader board and virtual clubhouse displayed on their desktops all weekend. Of course, there is friendly competition within the group, but the key, especially for new folks, is that they understand there is zero pressure and that more importantly, we are a TEAM, working together. Every QSO helps the group, so jump in and have fun! With ARRL's 1,000 foot Field Day rule, I don't think ARRL will be combining individual scores to create a club total, but there's no reason you can't see how your club fares against other clubs in your region directly. Comparisons to other clubs aside, it is great fun to see how everyone in your club is doing throughout the weekend, evaluating results with similar setups, seeing if someone needs help, etc. You'll find my free Club Score Processor here: I have lots more information on how you can operate together virtually in this article that I wrote for ARRL (published in August 2016 QST) here: I am very grateful for this question. These methods have thoroughly revitalized our local club over the last few years. Our membership is growing and we are more active and vibrant than ever. I know they will bring positive energy
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N3FJP Software Distributed Multiop & Hamvention QSO Party
Hi All, I hope that you all doing well, hunkering down and staying safe. I have a couple announcements to share. Distributed Multiop / Multi Transmiter via VPN with N3FJP Software As we adapt to life with social distancing, I've been receiving lots of questions on how to use N3FJP Software in a distributed multiop / multi transmitter setup, where a common log file can be updated from multiple operators and locations simultaneously over the Internet, just like you are used to in a Local Area Network (LAN) configuration. Updating a common log file in real time by multiple stations over the Internet, instead of a LAN, can best be performed by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). My knowledge of VPNs is rudimentary at best, but my son Chris, KB3KCN is knowledgeable and he set one up between our homes. Using the VPN, we are able to simultaneously log to our shared database, with both of us connected in real time with full functionality, just as if we were on a traditional LAN! File share works great, which allows for editing, sorting, deleting, etc., from the server or the clients. The messaging / band status features work fine over the VPN, when enabled with File Share too, so the TCP option should be fine as well. You just have to enter the IP of the sever, rather than the PC name. Here are the step by step VPN setup instructions that Chris put together using WireGuard: Again, the steps above are only for logging to a common database in real time over the Internet. Setting up multi station logging with N3FJP Software on a LAN does not require a VPN. Hamvention QSO Party I've also been receiving lots of questions on which of my contest logs would be best to use for the Hamvention QSO Party. After review, the RAC Contest Log will be the best choice, as it is set up for dupe checking for both SSB and CW, with entry fields that can be used for this event. The Hamvention exchange is signal report and first year in attendance (enter 2020 if never attended), so just enter the year in the Prov / Serial field. The scoring is just the number of QSOs, so ignore the score statistics and just report your total QSOs, + (number of contacts with W8BI X 10) to 3830 Scores. You'll find the complete Hamvention QSO Party rules here: And the RAC software here: Everyone, please stay well and enjoy the safe connections we continue to be blessed with through Amateur Radio. And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: http://www.n3fjp.c
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Operator Field With TQSL 2.5.2 & 2020 Field Day!
Hi All, I hope that you all are hunkering down, staying safe and doing well. I have a couple quick announcements to share. Operator Field in N3FJP Setup With TQSL 2.5.2 ARRL has just released TQSL version 2.5.2, which performs additional consistency checks on upload to LoTW. With TQSL 2.5.2, the Operator field for the QSO records you are uploading must either be empty, or match your TQSL certificate call sign. Please click Settings > Setup and make sure that the value in the Operator field is either empty or contains your call sign. If the field contains a value other than your call sign and you have entered QSO records, TQSL 2.5.2 will not upload those records, so you will either need to edit those records, or make sure your LoTW uploads are up to date before upgrading to TQSL 2.5.2. Until now, AC Log and all my contest software have warned about using a value other than a call sign in the Operator field, but allowed users to override the recommendation. Future versions of my software will only allow a blank value or call sign in the Operator field on the Setup form. More details on TQSL 2.5.2 are here: Field Day 2020 - Encouraging the Echo Class! ARRL recently wrote here: “Due to the unique situation presented this year, this can be an opportunity for you, your club, and/or group to try something new,” ARRL Contest Manager Paul Bourque, N1SFE, said. “Field Day isn’t about doing things the same way year after year. Use this year to develop and employ a new approach that is in line with the current circumstances.” "Social distancing and state and local requirements very likely will impact just how — and even whether — you are able to participate in Field Day this year." Following that release, I've been contacted by a number of folks, wondering if they could still set up a multi transmitter station for their club, with each transmitter at a different club member's house and logging in real time, networked over the Internet. While using cloud storage or the TCP option may work, not only are these methods untested on a large scale with the Field Day software, they would not be applicable for Field Day 2020, given this Field Day rule (4.1 specifically) here: All equipment (including antennas) must lie within a circle whose diameter does not exceed 300 meters (1000 feet). If social distancing is still in effect, your group is definitely going to have to operate individually this year. Our group has already begun discussing and encouraging our members to set up / enhance our home emergency power backup systems (generators, batteries, solar, etc.) and plan to operate 1E (home station, emergency power) this year for 2020 Field Day. Setting up a home station with emergency power takes some thought, research and planning, so it's a great topic for your club to discuss, a great opportunity to get started now and a great diversion, too! Everyone, please stay well and enjoy the safe connections we continue to be blessed with through Amateur Radio. And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of
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Maryland QSO Party 4.2 Logs Now Available!
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that I have updated the Maryland QSO Party in State and Out of State contest logs to accommodate the newly released rule set. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. You'll find version 4.2 here: The upgrade steps here: And the updated rules, just released by the Maryland-DC QSO Party committee here: Everyone, please stay well and enjoy the safe connections we continue to be blessed with through Amateur Radio. And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, or you would like to change your e-mail, please see this FAQ here for all the steps: 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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VP8PJ - South Orkney Is.
Hi All, If AC Log is still showing Antarctica when you type VP8PJ in the Call field, please click File > Download Country Files from AD1C and then restart the software to update your country list. It will then show South Orkney Is. Please make sure that any QSOs you've made with VP8PJ this week are logged as South Orkney Is. in the country field. You'll need to manually edit the country value of any QSOs that you have already logged as Antarctica with the VP8PJ DX-pedition. By the way, Jim, AD1C's country list has grown over the years. If you are still running AC Log 5.3, or any of my contest software released prior to February, 2016, you'll need to upgrade to the latest version(s) to accommodate Jim's current country files. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. Enjoy! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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PE Section Added to Field Day & Others. New Versions of NM QP!
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that: I have added the new Prince Edward Island (PE) section to: ARRL Field Day Contest Log 6.2 ARRL 160 Meter Contest Log 4.8 ARRL November Sweepstakes Contest Log 7.1 Winter Field Day Contest Log 2.6 I'm not anticipating any additional changes to the Field Day software between now and Field Day. Since everyone will need to install the new version this year, please go ahead, beat the rush and install the latest now! Also, New Mexico QSO Party In State 2.0 & Out of State 1.9 are now available! These programs have been updated for the rule changes adding 2 meters and 440. As always, upgrades for all of these programs are free to registered users. You'll find the upgrade steps here: And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that we add to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... If you wish to be removed from this e-mail list, or you would like to change your e-mail, please see this FAQ here for all the steps: 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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Winter Field Day This Weekend - Please Use the Correct Program!
Hi All, Kimberly and I are receiving an unusually large number of e-mail from folks who are confused, thinking they can use the ARRL Field Day software for Winter Field Day this weekend. The ARRL Field Day software is designed for the ARRL Field Day in June and won't work for this weekend's Winter Field Day contest. Please be sure that you have installed and entered the correct password for the Winter Field Day software, which you will find here: If you are a registered package user and can't find your Winter Field Day password, please e-mail us direct right away (don't wait until Saturday) and we will be happy to send it along. Winter Field Day begins at 19:00 UTC Saturday and runs until 19:00 UTC Sunday. If you are planning a remote, networked setup, please be sure to get your equipment configured in advance! All the networking details are here: And here: Complete Winter Field Day details are here: I hope to work you this weekend! Enjoy! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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Sat 8:39am