The Rebounder There is a weapon that can be use against cancer, according to Al Carter, that has some real validity. Briefly, the fact is that the lymphatic system is where the disease fighters are. As I understand it, there is three times the amount of fluid in the lymphatic system than there is blood. The blood has a "pump" which is the heart to keep it moving. The lymph system has no pump but moves through a system of one way valves that open to let fluid through and then closes to prevent it going back. The T, or killer, cells are in the lymph nodes and as the lymph flows through the lymph glands the T cells can do their work. It is more complicated than that but that is a rough summarization. For a lot better explanation read Al Carter's book, "The Cancer Answer". It is available at Al Carter's business at 1 888 464 5867. He also has a web site at The rebounder is a 42 inch trampoline, heavily sprung, that one stands on and gently bounces. He also has an excellent video, entitled "The Immune System". There seems to be evidence that a strong immune system can help fight cancer. By "bouncing", not jumping, on the rebounder, the lymphatic system can be moved about 30 times faster than normal. The stronger the "bounce", the more rapidly the lymphatic system moved. When I first was diagnosed with stage four cancer in January of 1991 I learned of the rebounder through the video and got one. I figured that if I lived five extra days by using it I could pay for it with my extra retirement and it would be free in the end. Other companies have trampolines this size as well. I am not an agent for anyone; I am simply trying to help get the word out. I used mine faithfully for about four years and then gradually it got neglected. Now I am using it again. THIS MESSAGE RECENTLY RECEIVED ON FLAXSEED OIL SITE Al Carter wrote: We have several people who have prostate cancer who are rebounding to overcome Cancer. the formula is simple. 1. Drink pleanty of water before your rebound. 2. Rebound vigorusly for one minute every hour on the hour. One minute of extremely hard exercise will increase the number of white blood cells in your blood stream by between 3 to 5 times. At the end of one hour the white blood count is usually back to normal. This is why it is impotant to rebound again, and again. Al Carter
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @
Lignans..Question 20
I want to be sure it is bright yellow oil off the top of the bottle before mixing with the Lignans.CLiff what would the Lingnans do? Harm the eye or what? Does this make the flaxseed oil gritty. .Miz Judy
Розпочато Miz Judy & Mel @ · Останніх @
Need info/ 5
This is our first time to post. Thanks to Cliff for his efforts! Jane was diagnosed 4 years ago with Stage 4 NHL small cleaved cell slow growing. She has not had any treatments yet and has been taking FO&CC this whole time. Now they want to do chemo to shrink some nodes in her abdomen that could press against her liver and kidney. Has anyone had a similar situation? Or any suggestions? We believe in the Flax. Currently taking 4 tbs with 1.5 cups cc. Thanks LJ&Jane
Розпочато leird@... @ · Останніх @
Brian's Post
That was excellent information and contrary to what I had learned. Cliff
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @
the cancer industry
"In his book, "The Cancer Answer", Al carter says that, directly or indirectly, there are more people making a living on cancer than there are people who have it. The new toll free number for Al Carter's book, and an excellent video tape on Cancer entitled "The Immune System" is 1-888-464-5867. The cost for both, delivered, is $36.95." Does anybody else see the irony in this paragraph? Brian ===== All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegs awound? __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
Розпочато Brian Reeves @
Flax in Bread (obscenely long)
--- Cliff Beckwith <spinner@...> wrote: I don't know if this will bring up answers or more questions. I am a cynic at heart so I don't believe everything I read. The flax council of Canada has a web site as you no doubt know. They have a a list of PDF files on flax nutrition (aimed at health professionals, etc.) at this address: One file in particular caught my eye, called "Flaxseed Storage and Baking Stability." It is at In this file they say (in part): Baking effects: ALA in whole and milled flaxseed also appears to be stable to heat equal or greater than the temperatures involved in baking batters and doughs such as muffins and yeast bread. Thermal stability was shown in 1992 by the absence of significant changes in peroxide values and fatty acid composition when both forms of flaxseed were heated for 60 minutes at either 100C (212F) or 350C (662F). Furthermore, gas liquid chromatography showed no signs of new trans isomers of ALA or of cyclic fatty acid formation in samples subjected to these degrees of heat 5 . In a follow-up study the proportion of ALA in the fat of a muffin mix, where 28.5% of the formula was milled flaxseed, was virtually unchanged after baking at 178C (350F) for 2h (45.1% ALA before:45.0% after). This stability was observed even though oxygen consumption of the flaxseed muffin mix was considerably greater than that of the control muffin mix 6 . A subsequent study confirmed the stability of ALA in baked muffins containing the same amount of milled flaxseed and noted that thiobarbituric acid values, as estimates of ALA oxidation were also unaffected by baking 9 ." "which On reflection, the baking stability of ALA should not be surprising considering that the internal temperature of a muffin approaching doneness would not be expected to exceed the gelatinization temperature of starch. Wheat flour in the presence of sugar, or honey in this instance, would gelatinize around 95C (203F), much lower than the temperature of hot air in the oven from which heat is transferred to the baking product. A further margin of safety for the ALA-conscious consumer is the fact that muffins are usually baked for only 20-25 min. at 204-208C (400-425F) in contrast to some experimental conditions 4 . Elsewhere in the article (sorry for the poor cut and paste): " Flaxseed, either whole or coarsely ground, appears stable to long-term storage at room temperature. Even after 308 days at 22C (72F) there was essentially no change in peroxide value as a measure of oxidation by-products or in the percentage of ALA in fat extracted from the stored flaxseed samples 5 . This demonstration of oxidative stability in common storage was later confirmed by direct measurement of oxygen consumption. One gram samples of whole flaxseed, milled flaxseed and extracted flax oil were held in individual sealed glass tubes for 280 days at room temperature with 12h alternating dark/light cycles. All three preparations showed little change in headspace oxygen during this time although the flax oil sample was more variable. The fatty acid composition of all three samples remained unchanged, suggesting that flaxseed ALA was stable to both heat and light 6 . These stability results with small samples have been corroborated by studies on l kg lots of milled flaxseed which were stored in closed packages at 23C for 128 days. The samples were examined initially and at approximately thirty-day intervals. The packages were triple-layer paper bags with plastic liners, much like those used in the 60 lb. bags normally supplied to commercial bakers. Sensory tests by a trained panel showed no difference in the aroma intensity of water slurries of fresh and stored samples at any of the four storage intervals. Changes in chemical indices of oxidation (peroxide values, free fatty acids and volatile compounds) were negligible 7 . As further evidence of flaxseeds storage stability, 36 consumers could not tell the difference between the taste of yeast breads baked with the either fresh or s
Розпочато Brian Reeves @
Studies 2
Hi Mike, I am glad that you are on the Flax 2 group address now. It has been a struggle to get that done. At least I know more about lists than I did then. I remember being n contact with the Toronto gal back in 1993. My cousin got a tape of program she was on from the CBC. I would still like to have had a study of the same thing that had bread that didn't have the flax. A comparison with Tamoxifen is at least some comparison. except . It is also possible that there is something in the flax seeds, perhaps in the Lignans, that acts as a phytoestrogen which is apart from the Omega 3. I don't remember the sources over the years as to the effect of heat but my understanding is that heat destroys the Omega 3. That is why the oil must be cold pressed. A friend of mine talked with Bruce Barlean recently and Bruce told him that if the pressing temperature goes as high as 200 degrees, which some may be doing to get the last drop of oil, [and, incidentally, still claiming that their product is cold pressed] that the value of the Omega 3 is destroyed completely. I understand the optimum pressing temperature is 110 Degrees. However, I am now seeing a logical explanation to the bread and I am learning. Tamoxifen is a synthetic estrogen. I am quite sure that the Flax seeds contain an estrogen. I now remember that I have heard some claim that the main value of Flax seeds was in the phytoestrogens. The estrogens would not be destroyed by heat but the Omega 3 in that amount would not be any good any more but perhaps is not in enough quantity to be harmful. Incidentally, Tamoxifen is a double edged sword. It will reduce the chances of return of breast cancer by 41%. It will increase the chances of Abdominal cancer by 545%. We have lost one good friend this way already. She was doing fine on flaxseed oil and cottage cheese until a daughter who, by her father's admission, is the smartest lady in Florida, got her off that "snake oil" and onto Tamoxifen. The synthetic estrogens have some value, but many dangers. These are in very fine print on the back of the bottle. This might explain t he studies with a lot of other studies as well involving Flax seeds.
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @ · Останніх @
Interesting Thoughts 3
Dear Mike, We are really not far from the same page. I think I can explain the last concern. When Bruce Barlean went to Germany and learned from Dr. Budwig and came back, he set up his situation exactly as Dr. Budwig recommended. This was Dr. Budwig's approval. Other mills at that time were not even in the picture. As the use of this material grew, other mills became interested and began the manufacture also. I doubt that they ever checked with Dr. Budwig as far as approval or disapproval is concerned. In 1993, the Secretary of the Flaxseed growers Association [or something like that] told my cousin that there were 7000 barrels of Flax Oil sold. In 1994 there were 20,000. This information came in 1995. I had already been using it 4 years at that time. The AMA at that time tried to get it shut off, but by that time it was too late. The word was getting around. Arrowhead, Spectrum and other mills began to produce the oil. Bruce Barlean called me one day a little later and talked about a half hour and told me about their background. He mentioned a couple of little things that he thought made theirs just a little better, but emphasized that all oils from other manufacturers were very good as long as they were fresh and cold pressed. This industry is still new. The main advantage of Barlean's is that they will ship wholesale to anyone with a life threatening disease. I get my oil for $16.50 a quart delivered at my door by Air express. As far as I know no other one will do that. Omegaflo will ship at the price they sell to Gersons to anyone on this list. We will link any mill that asks to our website soon to be online. In my case, the majority of men who were diagnosed with what I had almost eleven years ago are now gone. I am cured as far as the American Cancer Society's stastistics are concerned, but that is kind of a farce. Cliff
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @ · Останніх @
tumor on mothers back 3
I have a question to pose for Cliff or anyone else that may know the answer. My mother has a tumor growing on her spine. Don't know what kind of tumor, but she is in great pain all the time. Does anyone having knowledge of flax-oil know of this regimin dissolving a tumor that is not cancerous? I just thought I'd ask. We will know more Monday. She'll be seeing a specialist in the city. THANKS for any help you can offer. Melanie
Розпочато melanie @ · Останніх @
Talking to Dr.Budwig
Miz Judy and Mel, Can you give me Dr. Budwig's address? You can do so privately, if you think it's not apropriate on the list. All best, Joel Miz Judy & Mel wrote:
Розпочато Joel Agee @
Flaxseed oil and PCa 4
Joel : None that I am aware of... Mike Martin
Розпочато mike martin @ · Останніх @
Otto 2
Hi, This is a message from Otto Tutzauer. I became acquainted with him through a daughter whom I used to help with bees when she was in this area. Otto is German, and currently is a widower who spends part time in Germany and part time here with his daughter. A year ago last November he was to return to Germany and his daughter persuaded him to get a physical and he had PCa. He contacted Dr. Budwig upon returning to Germany and this was his message to me. I heard a couple of months ago from his daughter that Otto is doing very well. There is no other treatment. Cliff Hi, Dear Cliff, Thank you again for the address of Dr. Budwig. I met her on Wed.25. I apologize for not reporting immediately, but in the meantime I had to spend several days in Pologne, and Dr. Budwig gave me more than 500 pages of literature to study ... I also wanted this letter for my own reference, therefore it may become quite longish without being too technical, I hope. I will also fax a copy to Yvonne. This is version 0.1 - I will update from time to time. Dr. Budwig looks quite younger than 92 (!), seems physically fit, she is alert and quite sharp. She lives in Freudenstadt, in the middle of the Southern Black Forest - one of the most beautiful areas in Germany. Her scientific findings have been systematically suppressed by industry, medecine and politics. Her scientific findings: All cells need oxygen for living. The oxygen transport agents in the body, Dr. Budwig discovered, are lipoproteins. These are water-soluble compounds produced by the organism, using unsaturated oils and protein. The protein protects the electrons in the unsaturated fat. Venous blood receives these lipoproteins from the lymphatic system before it enters the heart, is pumped to the lungs to receive oxygen, then through the arteries in our body to feed the cells. - Respiration requires electrons to recover the food energy. - Cell membranes are controlled by surface-active lipoids. - The immune system is governed by bioelectric energies stored in energy depots. - The nature constant (PLANCKH) is the basis of all natural processes in living matter - Electrodynamic processes are decisive for nerve functions Of course this mechanism is quite more complicated, I still do not understand the most important aspects of bio-electric, magnetic and resonance phenomena and the interaction with the sun as I do not yet have the basic knowledge of physics and chemistry to graps these concepts. The oil/protein ratio in our food is therefore important. Unsaturated oil + protein is an essential food, not a medecine. If our cells do not receive enough oxygen and building substances, they start degenerating. Our normal "civilized" food contains many saturated fats with hardening or antioxydant treatment (for longer conservation). They cannot accept oxygen, and are bio-electrically inert, even poisonous. They block the circulation, hinder cell life. In addition we eat too much denatured sugar and proteins (and many other poisons), which prevent normal oxygen circulation, we take medications - sleeping pills, narcotics, etc. - we are killing ourselves, or the food/tobacco/pharma/etc. industries (and the medical world) are killing us. The consequences are lack of energy, heart insufficiency, infarctus, muscle degeneration, diabetes, atheriosclerosis, pneumonia, anaemia, dermatoses, cancer, etc. About cancer treatment - Operation increases the frequency of metastases - Growth-inhibiting irradiations or chemicals do not help, as there is no excessive growth, but degeneration; they only weaken the organism even more - Statistically here is a clear correlation between the density of doctor population and cancer mortality (Dr. MITTMANN) The Budwig Treatment (for me): Massage (twice a day): To clear the lymphatic system, massage the entire body, especially the spine, with El-Di (electron-differentiating) oil, then shower hot for 5 min, soap slightly, and shower cold for 5 min. Return to bed for 15-60 min. Eating (start of treatment, for 4 weeks, recipes and explanations see below, variations are allowed)
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @ · Останніх @
Lignan Rich ? 2
NYH and David : Persons of the Board, you had better all make sure that you understand that there is no standardized method for adding Lignans to Flax Oil. The lignans are found in the fiberous portions of the seed. Unlike Omega 3, its not an issolated compound that can be put back into the oil. Its the actual plant material. The amount of lignans, added to flax oil would me extremely small, because its the found in the "meat" of the seed. When you see that clumpy stuff on the bottom of the bottle, those are your lignans - and what you see is what you get. During the pressing operation, Omega 3's become concentrated due to the shear volumn of seeds necessary to create the oil. Lignans do not become concentrated during the pressing operation. So there is no reason to pay for something that your not really getting. That is one of the problems with the industry, all these claims and no standards for ensuring what your getting. But the Good News is - you really don't need em. Lignans are beneficial in the protection against heart desease. Since the focus of the Dr. Budwig program is on cancer, you will be getting all the Omega 3's plus ALA's which are proven to be beneficial. ALA or Alpha Linolenic Acid has be proven to retard blot clot formations thus reducing the risk of heart attach. SDG's present in Lignans are benefical in cancer as well as heart desease, but when Dr. Budwig formulated her program there was no such thing as Lignan rich flax oil. Flax Oil (without lignans) has been proven to make arteries more elastic and pliable. Respectfully Mike Martin
Розпочато mike martin @ · Останніх @
Adding water 3
Hi all, I have been mixing the flax oil and cc in a blender. Since the cc is a little thick, I have been adding a half a cup of water, which lets it mix more easily and also makes it easier to clean the blender. Can anyone think of any reason that adding water might interfere with the effectiveness of the flax/cc combination? Thanks, Dave
Розпочато Dave Cooper @ · Останніх @
Digest Number 17 2
Hi All I'm new on this group. I believe in omega 3s will reverse out almost any disease. If you wish to study this scenario further there are about 7000 web pages dealing with the EFA balance here is just a couple of well written ones. This one has a very interesting summary and what looks like the most valuable test you could get. I also use cod liver oil and fish oils as well as flax oil. Rick
Розпочато Rick Muenzer @ · Останніх @
FW: [FlaxSeedOil] message 2
Cliff, is this what you're talking about? I still had it. Henrietta
Розпочато Henrietta Colwell @ · Останніх @
PCa 4
To those whom it may concern, One thought occurred to me again today that I had kind of forgotten though I have mentioned it lots of times. The issue of whether or not Flaxseed Oil makes PCa worse instead of better is very important. If it makes one worse, I have been dead for a long time and don't realize it. There was a period of around five years that I did no standard treatment at all with a semi aggressive PCa and used a lot of Flaxseed Oil and cottage cheese. I have a fair number of friends and acquaintences that are walking around with no problems who are also dead and don't know it. If the theory that Flaxseed oil makes PCa worse is not entirely valid, then a lot of men are going to die earlier than necessary with the blessings of the Medical establishment. Each must decide to do whatever makes him the most comfortable. Cliff PS. My cousin and I have talked about the effect on the economy. We feel that we have saved the government a lot of Medicare costs. However, it is costing them a lot more Social Security so it is balancing. Cliff
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @ · Останніх @
Posted with permission
yes, you have my permission. i don't mind if you use my name. i wrote to you about 8 or 9 months ago, saying the oil haven't lowered my markers, but after the stroke and such, it took almost 11 months. normally cancer markers for women with overian and uterine cancers keep rising, and my last markers were 32 in july. really i didn't even want to know on the last ca 125 test for i was scared it had risen. thank the lord, the oil and excersing and everything finally dropped down to 26. i was so surprised. you do have my permission . also, another gentlemen that had lung cancer really bad, is doing really well. his wife came to me about 6 months ago, and we talked and she bought a large 32 ounce of flax oil, and purchased 3 all together. now she finally buys her own wholesale, and she is one person who took my advice seriously. a lot of people just don't want to believe about the oil, and it's so hard to get them to take the oil, even when they are close to death. keep up your good work with passing on the flaxoil messages, and i'll do my part in texarkana, texas. Cynthia
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @
Prostate Caancer 10
Hi, Prostate Cancer is the best kind of cancer to have if you have to have cancer. Normally, it is slow developing. I do not know that anyone really knows the cause. My doctor told me that some men will have it by 40. As the age group increases the percentage of men with PCa in each group also increases. He said that by the time a man is 85 he would gurantee that he had it. Many, if not most, men die with it and never know it. If caught early, it is one of the easiest to fight with standard methods. Once it is advanced, it is considered incurable. Mine was advanced before it was diagnosed. My brother had a situation even more advanced at diagnosis. It is very complicated problem. There are at least 30 different strains, all of which react differently to any treatment approach. Most are slow developing; a few are very aggressive. With advanced PCa the main standard treatment is Hormone therapy. This prevents the production of Testosterone which does not cause PCa but once it is there it is like throwing gasoline on a fire. This works for a while but is not a cure. Some strains are not affected by a lack of Testosterone. I am close to 11 years now since diagnosis. The use of Flaxseed oil, and now Beta Glucan and high vitamin C plus the rebounder are now the main weapons I am using, plus anti oxidants and other things recommended by Moonbeam on another list. I seem to be in no danger. I am awaiting a PSA result with some trepidition and rising heart beat. Ha! Except it isn't funny. One man I met on the PCa lists fought PCa with advanced bone involvement for over 15 years with every new chemo or idea that he could find. He used Flax Oil for awhile and it seemed to help but he did not stay with it. I don't know if he is still living, but I doubt it. If he is it is the very last stages. Cliff
Розпочато Cliff Beckwith @ · Останніх @
infra red saunas
Hi all....anyone have experience using infra red sauna tx.?? I have been told and also read that they have been known to shrink tumors with tx. daily for a month or more. Most of anything I know is in ads that sell them so anyone out there have any real experience???? The smallest one is a two seater and costs about 3,000.00.It is supposed to be much like hyperthermia but wish I could find someone really knowledgeable. Thanks , Judy Hoffman
Розпочато JudyK @
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