Rock Creek Park and Cell Phone Towers 2
send me rickss email please jh Bill Adler wrote:
Розпочато John S Hoffman @ · Останніх @
Walking on Porter Street the last several days, it was very disappointing to see so many houses where the drive way is immaculately clear of snow or the path from the sidewalk to the house is pristine, but the sidewalk has never felt the touch of a shovel. Dangerous, too. On a positive note, the 7-11 at Connecticut and Porter seems to have started to take minimal steps to clear a walkway into the store that we can detour over to access the Metro. Perhaps my previous calls to Southland Corporation's 800 number (posted on the door to call in emergencies) actually helped. The building probably has the main responsibility (anyone know who owns it?), but this was the only retailer on the commercial strip willing to generate such negative feelings. Gabe Fineman
Розпочато Gabe Fineman @
sidewalks; real estate 2
sidewalks on Connecticut Avenue have not bee cleared by stores either -- there's a lovely dry spot in front ofthe store and a foot of snow on the broader sidewalk -- what's the responsibility ofhte shopkeeper? has anyone heard about Miss Mazza actually closing a deal to sell the buildings on the west side of Conn. Avenue between Ordway adn Porter? I had heard she was trying to sell, but the deals fell through -- _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566 _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566
Розпочато Margaret Siegel @ · Останніх @
Shops between Ordway and Porter
I heard an announcement for Metro Connection on WAMU that stated the building on Connecticut Avenue from Ordway to Porter has a new owner. I missed most of what was being said, but the announcement implied there would be many changes in the stores that are there. Does anyone on the list have any additional information? Leila Afzal
Розпочато Leila Afzal @
TheMail 3
Nothing to do with snow, but I haven't received the e-newsletter The Mail for quite a while now. Did it die, or have I just been removed from the list? Or are those two things functionally the same? stephanie faul
Розпочато Stephanie Faul @ · Останніх @
As long as we're whining... 3
What is it with the north entrance to the Dupont Circle Metro? I hardly ever use that station -- maybe once a month or less -- but it seems like the escalators have been out of service since last summer, and last night the elevator was out, too. What's taking so long to get it fixed?
Розпочато Stephanie Faul @ · Останніх @
Venting re: garbage pickup 3
I see in today's Post that the city will finally deign to pick up our garbage, but only if we move it from the alley to the street. First they don't pick it up for over a week (or more for some people), and then they expect us to haul it all the way around an icy alley (or back through our house)??? Give me a break!!! I propose that we all dump it in front of DC government buildings if this keeps up (which is all too likely given the weather report). Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest. ______________________________________________________
Розпочато Stuart Weiser @ · Останніх @
child care
Hello all, just had baby and new to the area (in the military). Need full time child care for 6 week old in mid March. Seems infant care is rare and expensive. Looking for qualified centers or individuals. Help!!!! Thanks Monica
Розпочато Omeyocana@... @
(No subject)
Take the LP's to the Cleveland Park branch of the Library. The records sell very well at the used book sales.
Розпочато pmcg3401@... @
News you can use
Thank you for the information, this is great!!! Sincerely, Cristian Shoemaker New Business Development Manager FINCA International tel: 202-682-1510 fax: 202-682-1535 cshoemaker@... Bill Adler <billonline@adler To: cleveland-park@...> cc: Subject: [cleveland-park] News you can 01/28/2000 05:02 use PM Please respond to cleveland-park Two tidbits from the Metropolitan Police's email newsletter: 1. You can renew your car registration on-line (no kidding!) at 2. Dial 311 to get call the police for a non-emergency. Here are some of the "reasons" to call 311: Property crimes that are not longer in progress and the offender is not on the scene. These include crimes such as vandalism, thefts, graffiti, stolen autos and garage burglaries. Animal control problems. Illegally parked vehicles or vehicles blocking alleys or driveways. Minor vehicle crashes where there are no injuries and traffic is not blocked. --Bill Bill Adler Adler & Robin Books ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Post a message, send it to: cleveland-park@... To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: cleveland-park-unsubscribe@... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Want to send money instantly to anyone, anywhere, anytime? You can today at - and we'll give you $20 to try it! Sign up today at It's quick, free, & there's no obligation! -- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar! --
Розпочато cshoemaker@... @
Fighting Banana Republic
Alas, I no longer live in CP -- I've moved up to Friendship Heights, where we've been suburbanized, big-time, with all kinds of chains: Border's, Banana Republic, Gap, Maggiano's, etc. It's good in some ways, since it produces a thriving retail area, but it's also bland and predictable. I would urge you all to try to stop the introduction of chains, since they don't serve the neigborhood and actively rob the area of character. If chain stores do open, avoid shopping there and urge your friends to do the same. We had a T.G.I.Friday's on the corner of Wisconsin and Jenifer that went out of business (YAY!), I think because it appealed to a market that didn't fit the neighborhood. So even if the androids do take over, there's hope if you spend your money elsewhere.
Розпочато Stephanie Faul @
(No subject)
My mother-in-law cleaned out her closets and sent us a carton of LP records. Other than a couple of albums, we don't want them (no storage room.) Does anyone have any ideas where we could donate/giveaway these albums (many are classical recordings)? It seems such a shame to toss them in the trash.
Розпочато Leila Afzal @
trash removal
Did I read correctly in The Washington Post that we were supposed to put our trash and recycling out in the street (not the alley) on Saturday for Friday pickups? Although I did this, no pickup occurredon Saturday, Jan. 29. What happened? Rona Mendelsohn
Розпочато Rona H Mendelsohn @
Mazza update 5
I'm wondering how, if at all, we can make some kind of difference here. I for one am tired of 'upscale' retail and much prefer our neighborhood's small businesses. Does anyone think there's a chance to save some of these restaurants, etc? Any idea on who to contact at Starwood? I would be REALLY sad if Uptown Scoop went the way of the dinosaur. Kerry Jo
Розпочато Kerry Jo Richards @ · Останніх @
(No subject)
may have some real value, careful you may be tossing some cash
Розпочато Omeyocana@... @
Garbage, yes, recycling, no
Bill, I called Kathy Patterson's office this morning about the garbage issue. The person I spoke with said she would call the correct DC agency. Guess she did! Rona
Розпочато Rona H Mendelsohn @
checking 3
this is a check to see if i am on this group. bil rice
Розпочато Bill Rice @ · Останніх @
Icebreakers 2
Is anyone but me appaled at the mounds of ankle-breaking ice on the curbs and sidewalks on Connecticut? The main streets are okay, but side streets and crosswalks are still hazardous. Something should be done.
Розпочато Isabel Furlong @ · Останніх @
Ordway street got picked up as well -- but no signs of recycling trucks -- not to be greedy, but are there any indications that streets will get plowed again, or some ofthe plowing widened to make streets two lanes wide? _____________________________________ Margaret A. Siegel Masiegel@... Phone: (202) 244-4636 Fax: (202) 244-9566
Розпочато Margaret Siegel @
Introduction 2
Hi, everyone-- My name is Kelly, and I'm an artist and graphic designer. My husband and I live in the apartment building across from the Zoo. When we decided to move into DC from the MD suburbs a year ago, we couldn't think of a better neighborhood to move to in terms of character, uniqueness and safety, as well as proximity to Metro, than the Cleveland Park area. I dream of one day owning a beautiful, mission-style bungalow here! - Kelly Scannell Talbott kelly.talbott@... 301-975-3090
Розпочато Kelly Scannell Talbott @ · Останніх @
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