Erase Recall 4
How do I erase these so they all become empty? I haven't found a way to do that.
Розпочато Jim Brown @ · Останніх @
NanoVNA H4 and sd card 8
I tried to install a 8GB microSD card formated in both fat32 and extFat. When installing the card into the NanoVNA H4 the screen does not come on. I need to remove the sd card to regain normal operation. Any suggestions? 73 Phil ON4VP
Розпочато Phil, ON4VP @ · Останніх @
Finger problem after upgrading to H-4 firmware level 29July24 8
I am getting some type of phase noise on my display, yet that noise does not show up when using nanovna-saver. See attached pic? Obviously doing something dumb? -- Bernie Murphy, VE3FWF *Real* radios glow in the dark
Розпочато Ham Radio @ · Останніх @
I have a short coax between NanoVna and the test fixture, will it cause problems? 7
The NanoVna is much easier to use when there is a short length of coax cable between it and the DUT, or test fixture. My cable is about 1m, 3 feet, of low loss cable. If we forget cable loss, what other problems may appear. So far, I have only used lower frequencies like 1-300MHz. But what happens when the cable is one or more lambdas. What happens with short and open calibrations and calculations. 1 meter of RG58 has 3dB loss at 1GHz, I hear, but I have a little better cable.
Розпочато Leif M @ · Останніх @
Measurement differences 6
Oldest small vna being used to test a random wire. ISSUE. 1. On battery using the inbuilt screen I get one set of results, on usb power I get another more favourable set of results. 2. Battery is slightly puffed out. QUESTION. Will a new battery solve the issue? Anyone else noticed this? Kind regards Simon.
Розпочато Simon @ · Останніх @
What software do I need to upgrade or reset my H4? 3
What software do I need to upgrade or reset my H4? I purchased a H4 used on eBay, and it's all hosed up. I thought I'd reset it and found an answer online that suggests software is requireWhathat software is required. I also downloaded the firmware, and it appears that I also need software to update. Can anybody help a guy out? Thanks in advance. 73, Steve KA9MOT
Розпочато Steven Hays KA9MOT @ · Останніх @
Virus detected in NanoVNA pre-compiled Windows software 4
VirusTotal detected a virus on the pre-compiled Windows software offered on this page: In the 7z file: MaxSecure Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen 1/64 security vendor flagged this file as malicious After decompressing the 7z file, the same virus was detected in NanoVNA-App.exe file. Sent with [Proton Mail]( secure email.
Розпочато beampower @ · Останніх @
Benefits of upgrading firmware? 2
My H4 shows Version # 1.2.27 build Feb 20, 2024. Is it worth upgrading it and what benefits to an upgrade are there? Also, my NanoSA required that I open it up and short pins before I could update it. Is that the same with the NanoVNA?
Розпочато Jim Brown @ · Останніх @
Model identification and proper firmware 2 #firmware #hardware
Hello I have this nanovna labelled "-H", but from info online (including the wiki here) it seems to have the PCB case from the original nanovna along with maybe a -H pcb? The info screen says "NanoVNA-H", and the pcb "NanoVNA-H v3.4". What version does this look like? Would it be a clone? What would be the right firmware for it? Assuming it's indeed a -H, which variant of the hugen firmware would be correct (MS/SI/SM_HT)?
Розпочато dev@... @ · Останніх @
Nano VNA Firmware Upgrade 22
Hello Can someone please point me in the direction of instructions of how I can update the firmware of my nano VNA. The firmware is currently 1.0.45. I am new to the group and have searched the topic and there are many answers but no specific step by step instructions I can see. Can someone please point me in the right direction. Thanks
Розпочато Mike Osborne @ · Останніх @
SD card format? 6 #beginners1
New H4 owner. Does the mini SD card have to be formatted before use? 73 Paul W2ECK
Розпочато w2eck @ · Останніх @
Several dumb questions 5
Ok, don't flame me. I have a bench DG8SAQ, VNWA so I'm familiar with operating a VNA. I need this one for field use. Mainly SWR, attenuation and cable loss. It's the menu system of the NanoVNA that's giving me issues. There isn't much documentation. (1) I've lost the text at the top showing what trace is what. At one point it was showing me Trace 1 as SWR and Trace 2 as attenuation. That's what I'm trying to get back to. (2) It escapes me how to save the settings in Recall window. There does not appear to be a SAVE button. I also have two recalls that show 50kHz / 900 MHz and I'd like to erase those. I did put the SIM card in the slot. Is it defaulting to that? At the moment I'm measuring Mini-Circuit BNC attenuators. I'm sure there will be more questions as I progress through the learning curve.
Розпочато Jim Brown @ · Останніх @
NanoVNA 2.8" display version
All, I have both the NanoVNA-H4 4" version as well as the NanoVNA-H 2.8". Both were purchased via Temu. The 2.8" version indicates architecture: ARMv6-M Core Variant: Cortex-M0, and Platform STM32F072xB whereas the 4" version indicates ARMv7E-M Core Variant: Cortex-M4F and STM32F303xC. I was able to update the firmware on the H4 to DiSlord NanoVNA.H4.v1.2.29.bin (using ST-Link/V2 ISOL and SWIM cabling), however I can not get the DiSlord NanoVNA.H.v1.2.29.bin to run properly on the 2.8" version. I currently have it successfully running Hugen79 1version 1.2.27. Does anyone have any idea why DiSlord NanoVNA.H.v1.2.29.bin would not work on a 2.8"? Please let me know what debug steps I might make to provide more details. Thanks, Rob
Розпочато rmohr@... @
H4 - FW upgrade from v 1.2.20 to v 1.2.29, but version indication unchanged 4
Hi all, I just upgraded my H4 FW from v 1.2.20 (Mar 12, '23) to the latest I found, v 1.2.29 using DFU, but the device still indicates no change in version (v1.2.20). Am I missing a step or something... TIA
Розпочато manor @ · Останніх @
New to Nano VNA 2
I have a nano vna-H, and am learning, with the help of this group, and the You Tube videos. scrolled thru the question list, and have not found an answer to my question. How do I activate the vertical number field on the right side of the vna? I appreciate your assistance with this question 73 Steve Marshall WW4RX
Розпочато Steve Marshall @ · Останніх @
Is it possible to detect frequency bands with NanoVNA 13
I want to measure the amplitude of frequency bands in the surrounding environment using a NanoVNA device. Is that possible? For example, I have a flying drone controlled by a remote at a frequency of 5.4 GHz. When the remote is in use, I want to use the NanoVNA to detect the presence of this frequency. How should I proceed? Currently, I'm using an antenna connected to the S11 port, but I observe that the logmag and SWR indicators hardly change when the remote is used. Is there any way to help me detect the presence of this frequency band? Thank you for your support
Розпочато hai.truong.csnott@... @ · Останніх @
Updating firmware 3 #bootloader #firmware
Hello, I'm new to this group and also a new NanoVNA -H4 user. At the moment of my purchase it came with Dslord v1.2.27 firmware on it. I now try to update the firmware to lastest v1.2.29 with a dfu file. I downloaded DfuSe Demo v3.0.6 but when entering dfu mode my device manager shows STM32 BOOTLOADER and not STM device in dfu mode as shown in multiple videos. How can I correct this? Thanks for helping out a new member. 73 Phil ON4VP
Розпочато Phil, ON4VP @ · Останніх @
Latest version NanoVNA SAA-2N by Zeenko 7
I purchased a SAA2N from R & L in 2023. The actual unit was mfgd by Zeenko. I have FW Version 1.3.07. Can anyone confirm that I can upgrade the firmware, what the new version is, and where I can obtain said firmware? 73, Greg N9GB
Розпочато Greg @ · Останніх @
Nanovna Saver 10
Hi All, I'm relatively new here. I was able to install Nanovna Saver on Linux Mint 21, but unfortunately it's version 5.5 and I'm having a hard time trying to update it to 6.3 (or how to uninstall 5.5 and install 6.3 directly). could someone lend a bit of guidance here? Also is this the "best" application that runs on Linux to support a -H? TIA, Frank KD2WIR
Розпочато Frank I @ · Останніх @
Marker: frequency rounded to nearest mhz 14
For some reason now when I try and enter a marker frequency eg: 447.850 mhz it gets rounded to the nearest megaherz on the display . In the above example , the display shows 448.000 mhz. I have tried entering the same frequency in kiloherz (447850) and gigaherz (0.447850) but doesn't make any difference. Have calibrated the unit several times... no help. Any suggestions? tnx Mike VE7SML
Розпочато Michal Smialowski VE7SML @ · Останніх @
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