Telex IP-223
It looks like we might be able to get our hands on some IP-223 units. i have not worked on these, I have seen them in service. Normally, you have a dispatch console that talks via Ethernet to the IP-223's. Can two IP-223's talk to each other, or is there a different Telex box that can then talk to to a 223? I would like to be able to have a 223 at a remote site, and I could then have an appliance box that I could wire in a microphone and a speaker, and work with that remote radio, not using a large console. Tom K8TB
Commercial Digital Modes
What digital modes are in use commercially? A group I am associated with has one of their departments on a conventional (non-trunked) UHF digital repeater. They have both Kenwood and Motorola portables. Apparently, a now departed supervisor arranged to have the system set up and acquired some portables with the system. The rest of the company channels are regular analog. Poor record keeping, no one currently on staff knows who the system was procured through or what to order for additional radios. It is not P25 or DMR, as far as I can tell. What other options are out there these days? Thanks, Michael WA7SKG
Free for Shipping Costs: Motorola RF Signal Generator S-1318A-1
Functional vintage RF signal generator, good from 25MHz. - 960 MHz. + other functions. This is an estate item; we'd would rather see it go to someone who'll use it than the dumpster. Includes original manual. Unit weighs nearly 20lbs. I use Pirate Ship for reduced shipping costs; can give quotes on shipping. Photos here:; 30dB attenuator was inline for all measurements. The unit was being offered across multiple platforms. Email me directly as I don't read the list traffic; I'm good on QRZ. Thanks, Robin Midgett K4IDC
Vintage Radio Specialty FM Deviation Meter / Scope
Fully functional Radio Specialty FM deviation meter / scope. This is from an estate, not interested in trades. $150, shipped, CONUS. Unit is in excellent condition, fully functional. Photos and videos here: Thanks, Robin Midgett K4IDC
Hytera 982S, RIM-LITE-No TX Audio
Good day all!! Having on heck of a time with this Hytera 982S repeater interfacing with a rim-lite for allstar Everything seems to work correct except no audio is passed from the repeater to the "RIM-Lite" I can receive fine audio sounds great when I do a *81, get the courtesy tone just no tx audio from the handheld. I can here it on the repeaters speaker but it will not pass. Have the same setup on a Hytera 622 repeater that works as it should. The 622 and 982s have the same DB26 pinouts I been pounding on this for a few weeks and I think I'm so turned with my old brain I better ask LOL I attached my wiring, pin assignments along with the pinout data Pin 16 "ptt" voltage 1.7volts keyed .05 Pin 3 .40 volts With my very limited knowledge I'm think the PTT voltage may be an issue. Any Help or nudge in the right direction is greatly appreciated. :)
TK-880 as Tx radio
If you have one, could you share programming settings? I’m using KPG-49D for version 1.0 radio.
Problem provisioning front panel button on TKR-750-1 v2.0
I have Kenwood TKR-750-1 v2.0 I'm trying to provision a front panel button for "Low Power ON/OFF" Attempting to write the code plug to the repeater results in an error dialog box stating the setup is wrong. Using KPG-91D v2.00 programming software. The only pre-requisite I have found is the requirement the channel is configured for high power. Have I missed something? How does one configure a low/high power button or is this not really an available option on this model? 73 Eric WD8KNL
ChatGPT gets it wrong
Q: Is LMR400 coax cable suitable for use in repeater antenna systems? ChatGPT said:Yes, LMR400 coaxial cable is commonly used in repeater antenna systems and is suitable for such applications in many cases. Here’s why: ChatGPT goes on to list LMR400 coax's selling points: low loss, high power handling, durability (?), flexibility & broad freq. coverage. I then rephrase the question: Q: Is LMR400 coaxial cable suitable for use in duplex antenna systems where low PIM is important? ChatGPT said:LMR400 coaxial cable is generally suitable for many antenna systems, but when low PIM (Passive Intermodulation) is critical such as in duplex antenna systems where multiple frequencies are used simultaneously it may not be the optimal choice. Here's why: ChatGPT then explains what PIM is & why it's a problem. But then it fails on suggested alternatives: Better Alternatives for Low PIM: For systems where low PIM is a top priority, coaxial cables designed specifically for low PIM performance are recommended. These typically use special construction methods, such as: Foam dielectric insulation (to minimize signal distortion). Improved materials for the inner conductor and shield, such as silver-plated copper or tinned copper, which can reduce PIM levels significantly. Special PIM-tested connectors to further minimize PIM sources. Foam dielectric & tinned copper lowers PIM? Not in my experience. Do use ChatGPT with caution - it still has much to learn ;) Bob NO6B
cleaning out stuff -- a collection of CTCSS boards
Cleaning out my lab. Here is a collection of CTCSS stuff, mostly not new, but there are a couple new things in there, including what appears to be a TS-64 on some kind of accessory board, a ST-146, and who knows what else. $100 plus postage. Please reply by private email -- do not reply to the group. 73, Jeff n1kdo
TOT TLN4636 drawing wanted
Anyone have a schematic drawing of the Micor Compa (repeater) station time out timer TLN4636 ? I thought I had one in my Control and Appications (orange strip) manual but no joy. I have the CMOS version, but not the transistor (discrete) version. -- - Regards, Karl Shoemaker To contact me, please visit SRG's web site at for the current email address.
Hi, Let me know if you get this. Got a question to ask, do you purchase items or stuff through Amazon. Albert
Requesting help with programming Midland XTR / SYNTECH 11
Happy holidays! The Wa. state EOC asked me if I could program a few Midland XTR / SYNTECH 11 (Low Band) radios. I replied "Sure" but then I discovered my software had been modified for six meter ham. The radios require 45 mHz frequencies. (4 channels) I am hoping I can come up with un-molested programming files. Fingers crossed! Thanks. Tim Hardy AE7TH / NNA0GQ
Requesting help with programming Midland XTR / SYNTECH II
Just to be, well, it's Syn-Tech II, not! Just like Mastr II. ;c)
Equipment rack/cabinet
Hello all, Looking for a 19" radio/equipment cabinet, preferably somewhere in the twin cities/greater Minnesota area. Ideally, about 3' high, no more than 4' to house a receiver & link transmitter. Please reply if you have something. Thanks! Mark
Another LiFePO4 question
Hi All, Subsequent to my previous question I have received a Victron charger. Later today I will do some testing to see if it is RF noisy and if the settings can be customized. However, I have another question. My old set up was a Samlex power supply with the battery charger. It would use the mains and then switch to the battery when needed. Now of course I can't use the charger side of it, which is why I got the Victron. So, I suppose I could skip the Samlex and just run on the battery with the charger. But then if the charger or battery has issues then the repeater is kaput. And of course, LiFePO4 batteries have brains which can have issues and lock you out. So, I am thinking of using a 120VAC relay which is activated when the mains is on and the NO contacts allow the repeater to run on the mains. Then if the power goes out, the NC contacts run the system from the battery. How are you folks doing it with LFP batteries?
Seeking Antenex/Laird CW-27 NMO Mount WIDEBAND mobile antenna
Seeking Antenex/Laird CW-27 NMO mount mobile antenna. This is a wideband antenna with a long whip 67.5 inch overall. May have been sold under different names like Pulse etc. It is NOT a C-27 or NMO-27 narrow band tuneable antenna. -- The Real RFI-EMI-GUY
larger weatherproof steel enclosures
I have a few larger weatherproof outdoor enclosures available. These were used in the electric utility industry to enclose controls for switchgear. All connections go through the bottom panel. Minimum internal dimensions are approximately 17" x 15" x 9", weight is ~50lbs. The cabinets are made of steel with a neoprene gasket & drip lip around the front door; the gasket might need some attention as these cabinets are ~40 years old. The cabinets have a mounting bracket along the rear that extends above and below the back panel. The front door can be pad locked. There is an internal panel that swings out and it can be removed if desired. There is a 120 VAC duplex outlet & a screw terminal strip inside on the raised, drilled and tapped back panel. All the internals are still in the cabinet, new owner can strip out what isn't'll take an hour or less. These cabinets are great for remotely located antenna connections, antenna match units, switches, etc. $100 each, several available. Photos here: Thanks, Robin Midgett K4IDC
smaller plastic weatherproof enclosures
I have a few smaller weatherproof outdoor enclosures available. These were used in the electric utility industry to enclose controls for capacitor banks. All connections go through the bottom panel. Minimum internal dimensions are approximately 13" x 7-1/2" x 6", weight is ~10lbs. The cabinets are made of plastic with a rubber O-ring gasket around the front door. The cabinets have an aluminum mounting bracket along the rear that extends above and below the back panel. There's a spring loaded stainless steel latch on the door that can be pad locked. There are threaded inserts in an aluminum panel on the inside of the door. There are bosses with stainless steel female threaded inserts in the back panel, 6-32 TPI stainless screws included. Bulkhead mounted PolyPhaser surge arrestor included. Units have been outdoors for more than 10 years, so there is evidence of that. These cabinets are great for remotely located antenna connections, antenna match units, switches, etc. $60 each, 6 available in Nashville, TN; will ship. Photos here: Please contact me directly because I don't read the list traffic; I'm listed on QRZ. Thanks, Robin Midgett K4IDC
UHF Yaesu DR-2X and BCD-440
I am installing a UHF Yaesu DR-2X using a Bridgecom BCD-440 Duplexer. Is using 2' RG142 N-Male to N-Male Duplex Cable adequate or should I be using a different cable type, such as LMR-400, or other? Thank you so much. Michael K2MTB
Andrew 45AW center pin
Does anyone have a center pin (or two) for Andrew A45AW (N male 7/8 spiral) connectors? Matt AL0R
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