Jim Butcher - Bingo Winners and Remarque Roundup
Bingo Winners and Remarque Roundup By priscellie This week’s Drop is on the lighter side: we announce the winners of the Peace Talks Prediction Bingo, and we share some great new artwork you may not have seen. Check it out! Peace Talks is here, and Battle Ground is less than 50 days away! Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or support this website by ordering your copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. Bingo Winners This week, we crown the Prize Prognosticators our Peace Talks Prediction Bingo Challenge! Massive thanks to Andrea Gonzales, Skye Starr, Mandie Lyons, Craig Page, and Jordan Walker Key for helping score all the cards. First, we want to give several Honorable Mentions: Honorable Mentions for Humor: @ItsYoshi304, @DrewSnyder, @CeciliaEJohnson, @superpotroast, and @WilliamTrial1. Honorable Mention for Most Out-Of-Left-Field Correct Prediction: @Darsstar, who predicted “New One-Eyed Character.” Epic extra bonus points for coining the ship name “Tooth Tooth” for Toot/Lacuna. Honorable Mention for Technical Wizardry: @Lumbernock’s Bingo Card Generator. And great thanks and admiration to The Nerdy Narrative, whose Prediction Bingo vlog post inspired this contest! But the Grand Prize winners, who win an early copy of Battle Ground, are Isabelle and Joannie for Best Template and a TIE for Best Predictions between Rivvyn and Books31! Congratulations! Remarque Roundup We were supposed to have one more awesome thing to talk about this week, but it had to be shifted back a week. So how about some fun fanart you may not have seen? Check it out in this week's news blog post! And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on Twitter and Facebook to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
Jim Butcher - Ask Jim Anything!
Ask Jim Anything! By priscellie This week’s Dresden Drop is all about sweet antici….. pation. With a gloriously geeky number of days to go until the release of Battle Ground, we also look forward to some fabulous fun scheduled this weekend: most notably, a Reddit AMA with Jim! Virtual Book Festival AMA This weekend, Penguin Random House is hosting Book Your Summer, a virtual book festival with author events galore! You’ll want to hit up their full roster to see the deep bench of talent among their author events, then join Jim this Saturday, when he’ll be doing an AMA (“Ask Me Anything”) live Q&A on Reddit! Submit your burning questions and upvote other fans’ entries you’d most like to see answered. Register for free with Eventbrite to be reminded of the event, or just show up on the r/Fantasy subreddit this Saturday at 12:30 Eastern and dive in! We’ll update this blog post with a link to the specific post and tweet it from @jimbutchernews as soon as we have it. Limited Edition Storm Front Returns Good news for fans who missed the opportunity to buy the Storm Front Con Exclusive Edition! This weekend, August 21st and 22nd, fans in the United States will be able to snag a copy! (Don’t worry, the link will look broken until the sale goes live.) This anniversary re-release of Storm Front includes a new cover by Leo Nickolls and a foreword from Jim. It was intended to be sold exclusively at conventions this year, but then… you know. :D It’s unclear if it will be sold again after this weekend, so now’s your chance! And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on Twitter and Facebook to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
Jim Butcher - AMA Recap & Virtual Tour Schedule
AMA Recap & Virtual Tour Schedule By priscellie Peace Talks is here, and Battle Ground is only a month away! Have you preordered your copy yet? Today, in addition to a recap of the weekend’s Reddit AMA, we announce Jim’s Virtual Book Tour for Battle Ground, with a whole slew of opportunities to order signed copies! You can also support your favorite local independent bookstore or preorder a regular copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store! Or if you enjoy having James Marsters murmuring in your ear, snag the audiobook from our store or through Jim’s publisher. AMA Recap This past weekend’s AMA had a LOT of fun reveals! You’ll want to do a ctrl-F on username jimbutcherauthor to read them all in full, but here’s a taste of the kinds of questions he responded to: Who or what are Bob’s parents? Will there be a sequel to The Aeronaut’s Windlass? Are there any well known historical Summer Knights? How old are the Unseelie Accords? Are soulgazes strictly the purview of wizards, or do other supernatural entities get them as well? Would you rather fight ten Mister-sized Mouses or one Mouse-sized Mister? Battle Ground Virtual Book Tour Next month, join Jim for a trio of live Q&As, two of which are free for everyone to enjoy. You can also preorder signed copies of Battle Ground. Act quickly, as many vendors’ signed copies of Peace Talks went FAST! MYSTERIOUS GALAXY: 9/28, 9:00pm* ET Virtual Q&A via Zoom, moderated by Mysterious Galaxy Events Director Constance Summar. Ticketed event: Buy 1 signed copy of Battle Ground OR a $5 ticket. *Note: We’re double-checking this information, as 9PM Eastern is obviously not the same time at 7PM Pacific. We’ll update this post with a clarification and re-confirm the correct time in a future Drop! BARBARA’S BOOKSTORE CHICAGO: 9/29, 7:00pm CT FREE Virtual Q&A via Crowdcast, moderated by Dresden Files creative consultant and Peace Talks trailer director Priscilla Spencer (who is not a Dresden subreddit mod, despite the bookstore’s website’s claim to the contrary). Signed copies available for purchase. BARNES & NOBLE: 9/30, 7:00pm ET FREE Virtual Q&A Zoom & Facebook, moderated by Jim’s editor Anne Sowards. Signed copies available for purchase. WORLDBUILDERS We haven’t been given dates or times for any potential Q&As, but you can preorder a copy of Battle Ground with a signed bookplate! Hey, Shouldn’t We Be Seeing Sample Chapters By Now? Those start next week! You’ll get your fix soon. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
Jim Butcher - Virtual DragonCon Schedule and Sample Chapters!
Virtual DragonCon Schedule and Sample Chapters! By priscellie There’s SO MUCH TO BE EXCITED ABOUT this week! Not only do we have the beginnings of Jim’s schedule for this weekend’s Virtual DragonCon, but we have TWO sample chapters from Battle Ground. Read on for all the details. Four weeks to go until the apocalyptic conclusion this summer’s epic Dresden Duology! Have you preordered your copy yet? You can order a signed copy from one of the vendors below, or you can also support your favorite local independent bookstore or preorder a regular copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store! Or if audiobooks are your jam, snag James Marsters’ reading from our store or through Jim’s publisher. Virtual DragonCon DragonCon has begun to roll out their schedule for this weekend’s virtual festivities! The Urban Fantasy Track has unveiled their panel schedule, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Keep an eye on this post. It’ll be periodically updated as we add new information. IMPORTANT NOTE: Pay close attention to which panels are marked LIVE! You’ll want to catch those as possible as they air. Panels marked (LIVE) air for free the first time, but if you miss the livestream, you will need to purchase a DragonCon Streaming Membership to access those archives. Panels NOT marked as (LIVE) will be uploaded to DragonCon’s YouTube channels for free viewing at folks’ convenience for perpetuity. The timestamp on this schedule indicates the time the video will be made public. TBA: Multi-Author Urban Fantasy Panel (LIVE) Friday, September 4th, Time TBA, Fan Tracks Livestream Topic and panelists TBA Favors, Bargains, and Glamours: The Fae in Urban Fantasy Saturday, September 5th, 10am ET, Urban Fantasy Track YouTube Fae of many forms and intentions appear in Urban Fantasy. Our panelists will discuss the characteristics of the types they use in their work. Panelists: Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Cecilia Dominic, Lisa Manifold, Bishop O’Connell, and Carol Malcolm (M) Jim Butcher Spotlight Panel (LIVE) Monday, September 7th, Time TBA, Main Programming Livestream Moderated by the magnificent Carol Malcolm, Director of DragonCon’s Urban Fantasy Track. The Dresden Files: Peace Talks Trailer Cast and Crew Panel Monday, September 7th, 11am ET, Urban Fantasy Track YouTube Join Jim Butcher, director Priscilla Spencer, and the cast and crew of the Peace Talks Trailer as they recount their experiences on this epic-level undertaking! Suzanne Solomon moderates a hilarious discussion that explores the challenges of filming a book trailer for a fanatically devoted fanbase, which actors are most like their characters, what Easter eggs are hidden in the production design, and more! We’ll also be sharing previously unseen material you won’t want to miss. Panelists: Jason Bernardo, Jim Butcher, June Dietrich, Liz Fenning, Sarah Flannery, Stephen Gibler, Kitty Krell, Birgit Lüdemann, Wade Morrison, Tonya Nelson, Stephanie Piotrowski, Jeremy Royce, Christopher Showerman, Shelby Smith, Priscilla Spencer, Kris Stone, and Suzanne Solomon (M). At Least One More Panel, Date and Time TBA Again, keep an eye on this page for updates! Sample Chapters Read Chapters 1 and 2 exclusively at Tor! You won’t want to miss these. They’re all the fandom is going to be able to talk about until the book comes out. Or until we post Chapter 3 in a future Drop. Is “deranged cackling” an appropriate sentiment for a news post? Asking for a friend who is an author. Signed Books and Battle Ground Tour Later this month, join Jim for a trio of live Q&As, two of which are free for everyone to enjoy. You can also preorder signed copies of Battle Ground. Act quickly, as many vendors’ signed copies of Peace Talks went FAST! Copies ordered through Mysterious Galaxy, Barbara’s Bookstore, and B&N will be signed books. Copies ordered through Worldbuilders will be a standard hardcover with a signed bookplate. MYSTERIOUS GALAXY: 9/28, 9:00pm* ET Virtual Q&A via Zoom, moderated by Mysterious Galaxy Events Director Constance Summar. Ticketed event: Buy 1 signed copy of Battle Ground OR a $5 ticket. *Note:
Jim Butcher - DragonCon Roundup: Battle Ground Trailer Revealed!
DragonCon Roundup: Battle Ground Trailer Revealed! By priscellie HECK YES! This week’s Drop is the explosive new book trailer for Battle Ground, which debuted yesterday at Virtual DragonCon. We also have a roundup of Jim’s other panels from the con and a fabulous giveaway from Badali Jewelry, for all your fannish needs. Let’s dive in, starting with the splashiest of this weekend’s surprises! This book trailer was filmed back in December, concurrently with the trailer for Peace Talks, but it represents a MASSIVE step up in terms of high-stakes action! It was directed by Priscilla Spencer and stars Jason Bernardo as Harry, Sarah Flannery as Murphy, June Dietrich as Ethniu, Liz Fenning as Mab, and Chris Showerman as Marcone. And after you’ve watched that, check out DragonCon’s Virtual Cast and Crew Panel for both trailers: The Dresden Files: Peace Talks Trailer Cast and Crew Panel Join Jim Butcher, director Priscilla Spencer, and the cast and crew of the Peace Talks Trailer as they recount their experiences on this epic-level undertaking! Suzanne Solomon moderates a hilarious discussion that explores the challenges of filming a book trailer for a fanatically devoted fanbase, which actors are most like their characters, what Easter eggs are hidden in the production design, and more! We’ll also be sharing previously unseen material you won’t want to miss. Panelists: Jason Bernardo, Jim Butcher, June Dietrich, Liz Fenning, Sarah Flannery, Stephen Gibler, Kitty Krell, Birgit Lüdemann, Wade Morrison, Tonya Nelson, Stephanie Piotrowski, Jeremy Royce, Christopher Showerman, Shelby Smith, Priscilla Spencer, Kris Stone, and Suzanne Solomon (M). The other free panel from DragonCon is this multi-author discussion of the Fae in Urban Fantasy: Favors, Bargains, and Glamours: The Fae in Urban Fantasy Fae of many forms and intentions appear in Urban Fantasy. Our panelists will discuss the characteristics of the types they use in their work. Panelists: Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Cecilia Dominic, Lisa Manifold, Bishop O’Connell, and Carol Malcolm (M) Jim’s other three panels will be posted in about a week, so we’ll link to those in a future Drop. They will require a DragonCon Streaming Membership, a one-time purchase of $10 that grants access to DragonCon’s vast archive of exclusive content for one year. Dresden Jewelry Giveaway In honor of DragonCon, Badali Jewelry is holding a giveaway of some of their most coveted Dresden pieces! One lucky winner will score a collector’s set of Dresden Files Jewelry, consisting of an Officially Licensed sterling silver Shield Bracelet, an 8mm Ice Opal Earring (your choice of pierced or magnet), and a Limited Edition Winter Lady Pentacle. How to Enter: 1. FOLLOW @BadaliJewelry on Instagram. 2. LIKE the original Giveaway post. 3. COMMENT your favorite Dresden Files character on the instagram post. Bonus entry: TAG up to two (2) friends who you think would be interested in joining in! Shop Badali’s full Dresden Files collection on their website! This giveaway runs through September 16th. Countdown to Battle Ground Three weeks to go until the apocalyptic conclusion of this summer’s epic Dresden Duology. If you missed it last week, you can check out the first two chapters at Tor.com! Have you preordered Battle Ground yet? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, preorder it in hardcover, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store, or order a signed copy from one of the Signing Tour hosts below: MYSTERIOUS GALAXY: 9/28, 9:00pm* ET Virtual Q&A via Zoom, moderated by Mysterious Galaxy Events Director Constance Summar. Ticketed event: Buy 1 signed copy of Battle Ground OR a $5 ticket. *Note: We’re double-checking this information, as 9PM Eastern is obviously not the same time at 7PM Pacific. We’ll update this post with a clarification and re-confirm the correct time in a future Drop! BARBARA’S BOOKSTORE CHICAGO: 9/29, 7:00pm CT FREE Virtual Q&A via Crowdcast, moderated by Dresden Files creative consultant and Peace Talks trailer director Priscilla Spencer. Signed copies available for purchase.
Jim Butcher - Chapter Three, DragonCon Videos, New MiniCon, and More!
Chapter Three, DragonCon Videos, New MiniCon, and More! By priscellie Just TWO WEEKS to go until the publication of Battle Ground, the second novel in this summer’s Dresden Duology! We have all kinds of goodies for you this week to crank your frenzied anticipation up to Eleven, including the third chapter of Battle Ground, three more videos from DragonCon, and the announcement of a new virtual con appearance this weekend! Have you preordered Battle Ground yet? You can order a signed copy from Mysterious Galaxy, Barbara’s Bookstore, or Barnes & Noble, or a copy with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. Alternately, you can also support your favorite local independent bookstore or preorder a regular copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store! Or if audiobooks are your jam, snag James Marsters’ reading from our store or through Jim’s publisher. There’s no wrong answer! Trailer Milestone Last week, we shared the live-action book trailer for Battle Ground, and tomorrow, we anticipate hitting 50k views! As per tradition, we’ll be counting down to that milestone. Join @jimbutchernews on twitter as we rewatch the trailer together and share awesome behind-the-scenes tidbits. Battle Ground, Chapter Three The third and final sample chapter for Battle Ground is here! If you missed chapters one and two, be sure to read those first. Jim Joins Muskogee MiniCon Muskogee Public Library will be hosting a free virtual event this Saturday! Come chat on Discord with Jim and fellow authors Lev Grossman, Terry Brooks, Shawn Speakman, Tracey West, and Patrick Carman! Jim will be speaking at 3pm Central on September 19th, and the session will be recorded for the benefit of those celebrating Rosh Hashana that day. New to Discord? Learn more here. DragonCon Uploads Complete DragonCon has uploaded ALL their 2020 programming to their streaming service! Two are available for free, and three require a Streaming Membership, a one-time $10 purchase that grants access to their complete programming catalog from this and all past DragonCons for a full year. The following are free: Favors, Bargains, and Glamours: The Fae in Urban Fantasy Fae of many forms and intentions appear in Urban Fantasy. Our panelists will discuss the characteristics of the types they use in their work. Panelists: Patricia Briggs, Jim Butcher, Cecilia Dominic, Lisa Manifold, Bishop O’Connell, and Carol Malcolm (M) The Dresden Files: Peace Talks Trailer Cast and Crew Panel Join Jim Butcher, director Priscilla Spencer, and the cast and crew of the Peace Talks Trailer as they recount their experiences on this epic-level undertaking! Suzanne Solomon moderates a hilarious discussion that explores the challenges of filming a book trailer for a fanatically devoted fanbase, which actors are most like their characters, what Easter eggs are hidden in the production design, and more! We’ll also be sharing previously unseen material you won’t want to miss. Panelists: Jason Bernardo, Jim Butcher, June Dietrich, Liz Fenning, Sarah Flannery, Stephen Gibler, Kitty Krell, Birgit Lüdemann, Wade Morrison, Tonya Nelson, Stephanie Piotrowski, Jeremy Royce, Christopher Showerman, Shelby Smith, Priscilla Spencer, Kris Stone, and Suzanne Solomon (M). The following require a Streaming Membership: Jim Butcher: 20 Years of Harry Dresden Come spend an hour with the mind behind your favorite magical detective as he discusses the pending release of the new Dresden book, Battle Ground, to the things that inspired Jim along the way. Panelists: Jim Butcher, Chris “Crispy” Lloyd (M) Necessary Evil: Villains in Urban Fantasy Villains in Urban Fantasy range from annoying to truly dangerous, and our panel of authors will discuss how the different types affect their characters and the plots of their stories. Panelists: Carol Malcolm, Eric R. Asher, Jim Butcher, Faith Hunter, Jeanne C. Stein, R.R. Virdi. Mighty Men of SF and Fantasy Kevin J. Anderson, Jim Butcher, and Jonathan Maberry talk about their careers–sometimes funny, sometimes poignant, but always interesting. Panelists: Kevin Anderson, Jim Butcher, Jonathan Maberr
Jim Butcher - The Final Countdown to BATTLE GROUND!
The Final Countdown! By priscellie ONE WEEK remains until the conclusion of this summer’s Dresden Duology, and we have a slew of tantalizing treats to get you suitably psyched! Check out the reveal of the Worldbuilders bookplate, visual transcripts and behind-the-scenes images from the Battle Ground trailer, and the announcement of a new illustrated version of Storm Front! Still need to snag a copy of Battle Ground? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, preorder a regular copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store, or order from one of our virtual signing partners in the section below. Or if you’d rather immerse yourself in the dulcet decadence of James Marsters’ performance, snag the audiobook from our store or through Jim’s publisher. Worldbuilders Bookplate Reveal The team at Worldbuilders is proud to reveal Adam Mathison-Sward‘s exhilarating bookplate art, featuring Harry and Butters’ climactic polka-powered ride from Dead Beat! Preorder a copy of Battle Ground with a signed bookplate and enjoy Adam’s fabulous artwork while supporting worthy charities. You can also shop the rest of Worldbuilders’ Dresden collection. Announcing An Illustrated Storm Front Shawn Speakman of Grim Oak Press has unveiled a full-color deluxe edition of Storm Front, lavishly illustrated by Chris McGrath! Preorders now through the end of September are open ONLY to fans who own the limited or lettered editions of Shadowed Souls. Orders will open to the general public starting October 1st at 11am PT. And international fans rejoice: this is available worldwide! Virtual Events & Preorderpalooza Starting Monday the 28th, we have a week of fabulous virtual Q&A events, including opportunities to order signed copies of Battle Ground! (These are actual signed copies, not copies with signed bookplates.) MYSTERIOUS GALAXY: 9/28, 10:00pm ET / 7:00pm PT Virtual Q&A via Zoom, moderated by Mysterious Galaxy Events Director Constance Summar. Ticketed event: Buy 1 signed copy of Battle Ground OR a $5 ticket. BARBARA’S BOOKSTORE CHICAGO: 9/29, 9:00pm ET / 7:00pm CT FREE Virtual Q&A via Crowdcast, moderated by Dresden Files creative consultant and Peace Talks/Battle Ground trailer director Priscilla Spencer. Signed copies available for purchase. BARNES & NOBLE: 9/30, 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT FREE Virtual Q&A via B&N’s Facebook, moderated by Jim’s editor Anne Sowards. Signed copies available for purchase. Note: Jim had a power outage that prevented him from participating in this past weekend’s Muskogee MiniCon event. We’re working on rescheduling that now and will announce the new date and time as soon as it’s available. Trailer Transcripts Both trailers already have captions for our deaf and heard-of-hearing fans, but we now have visually descriptive transcripts for our fans in the blind community! They may also be of interest to folks who don’t want to undermine their mental images of the characters with live action performers and anyone who wants one more source to mine as they hone their last-minute theories. Remember, two very significant scenes from the Peace Talks trailer haven’t been seen yet… Read: Peace Talks Trailer Transcript and Battle Ground Trailer Transcript Haven’t seen the trailers yet, or want to watch them again with the new transcript info in mind? Here are Peace Talks and Battle Ground! Behind the Scenes Photos While we’re at it, enjoy a sneak peek at the making of the Battle Ground trailer! Photos on the web-only version of today's post: https://www.jim-butcher.com/posts/2020/the-final-countdown And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
Jim Butcher - Questionpalooza Redux!
Questionpalooza Redux! By priscellie Yikes! We discovered a glitch that prevented the last two emails from going through. Here's yesterday's email. You can read the contents of last week's Drop on our website. This week’s Dresden Drop brings new Q&A events, writing classes, preorders for a deluxe edition of Storm Front, and a spotlight on some fabulous fanart! Read on! Both books in this summer’s Dresden Duology are out in the wild! You can now read Peace Talks and Battle Ground, volumes 16 and 17 of this anticipated 25 book saga. “This is urban fantasy at its best, combining spectacular magic and deeply explored character.” —Publishers Weekly Still need a copy? Support your favorite local independent bookstore or order in hardcover, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. You can grab a signed copy from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY recommend confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. Friday, Friday, Friday! Jim is going to be BUSY this Friday, October 9th! In the morning, he’ll sit down for a Q&A hosted by James Marsters and a series of personalized meet-and-greets at a Virtual New York Comic Con, and in the evening, he’ll teach two writing classes virtually through Arizona State University. NYCC: 20 Years of Harry Dresden: 11:30am-12:00pm ET / 8:30am-9:00am PT Join Jim Butcher and series narrator James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) as they dive into the world of Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden, Chicago’s first (and only) Wizard P.I. NYCC: Jim Butcher Meet-and-Greet: 12:30-1:30pm ET / 9:30am PT Join bestselling author Jim Butcher in a personal online one-to-one video meet and greet! Ticket includes a branded video recording of the experience as a memento and a copy of Battle Ground with a signed bookplate. ONLY 30 SLOTS AVAILABLE. ASU: Fundamentals of Writing: 8:00-9:00pm ET / 5:00-6:00pm PT The first of Jim’s two writing craft classes covers the fundamentals. This class is FREE to the public! Register at the link to watch via Zoom, or watch it on Facebook. This event will NOT be recorded, so you’ll need to catch it live! ASU: Scenes and Sequels: 9:30-11:30pm ET / 6:30-8:30 PT The second of Jim’s two craft classes covers “scenes and sequels,” a subject Jim broached in an excellent LJ post back in 2006. In this paid two-hour workshop ($89 for ASU students, $99 for guests), he’ll go into much more thorough examination of these essential structural elements of fiction. This class filled up before we could promote it, but interested parties can join the waitlist. Q&A Replay Did you miss last week’s Q&As? Check out Jim’s interviews at Barbara’s Bookstore and Muskogee Public Library. Grim Oak Press’ Storm Front On Sale Now Shawn Speakman of Grim Oak Press has unveiled a full-color deluxe edition of Storm Front, lavishly illustrated by Chris McGrath, and you can preorder your copy now! Magink Begins We’re super jazzed about an endeavor by artist Adam Mathison-Sward, who you may recognize from his work on Jim’s short stories “Christmas Eve” and “Everything The Light Touches” and Worldbuilders’ bookplate for Battle Ground. Every day in the month of October, he’ll be posting a new inked Dresden Files illustration, and every Saturday, he’ll livestream his work! You can vote on each Viewer’s Choice illustration in the prior Monday’s illustration on his Instagram, which for this week is here. Follow his work on Instagram or Twitter! Here’s his schedule and October’s pieces so far: And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
Jim Butcher - Marsters Madness and Bookplate Bonzana
Marsters Madness and Bookplate Bonzana By priscellie “[Battle Ground] is urban fantasy at its best, combining spectacular magic and deeply explored character.” —Publishers Weekly This week’s Dresden Drop brings a Q&A with Jim and James Marsters and gorgeous new bookplate art from Tyler Walpole! I’d say “let’s start with the pretties,” but BOTH stories involve pretties, so… let’s start with the illustrated pretties? Let’s go! Battle Ground Bookplates Did you buy a copy of Battle Ground before we started offering them signed, or do you prefer unsignable electronic or audio formats? We have a solution! We’re thrilled to unveil the art for Tyler Walpole‘s stunning bookplates for Battle Ground, which will feature signatures from Jim Butcher and the artist. They have an adhesive backing, so you can stick one in a book, on the back of your e-reader, or anywhere else that suits your fancy. Tyler’s batch of Peace Talks bookplates sold out in 8 hours, so for Battle Ground, he’s giving everybody a fair shake and notifying fans in advance of when they’ll be released. Subscribe to his newsletter to get all the necessary info, including the date and time the plates will go on sale and a link to purchase when the time comes! Note that these are different from the Worldbuilders bookplates, which are illustrated by Adam Mathison-Sward. Or if you want a signed copy of the book (NOT a bookplate), awesome indie booksellers Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore still have signed inventory available for purchase and ship internationally. Want to see more of Tyler’s Dresden work? He created literal HUNDREDS of illustrations for the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game, available in physical edition or electronically on iOS, Android, Steam, Switch, Kindle, and more! NYCC Rewind On Friday, Jim sat down with James Marsters (Spike on Buffy and narrator of the Dresden audiobooks) as part of the Virtual New York Comic Con. The two discussed a host of fascinating subjects, both personal and professional, and took turns low-key fanboying each other. All in all a great time! Check it out on NYCC’s YouTube. And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks or Battle Ground? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in hardcover, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. You can grab a signed copy of Battle Ground from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY recommend confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders.
Jim Butcher - Inktober Villains, Cold Days, and More!
Inktober Villains, Cold Days, and More! By priscellie This week, we continue celebrating fabulous fanart and debut Subterranean Press’ special edition of Cold Days! Get all the goodies below… Obligatory New Book Promo Battle Ground is here! Don’t miss the second novel of this summer’s epic Dresden Duology, which Publishers Weekly is calling “urban fantasy at its best.” Signed hardcovers of Battle Ground are still available from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore. Hardcovers with signed bookplates are available from Worldbuilders. Unsigned copies of Battle Ground and all Jim’s back catalogue are available in print, audio, and ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. Inktober/Magink Continues Two weeks ago, we shared some of Adam Mathison-Sward’s illustrations for “Magink,” his take on the popular “Inktober” event. Here are some of our favorites so far. See them all on Adam’s Twitter or Instagram, then cast your vote for Saturday’s Viewer’s Choice Livestream! We’ve also learned of another artist doing a Dresden theme for Inktober. Tattooist, illustrator, and professional pumpkin carver Luke Schroder is inking 31 days of Dresden villains! You can find them all on his Facebook, but here are some of our favorites: Subterranean Press Announces Cold Days The days are getting colder (in the Northern Hemisphere at least), so it’s fitting that Subterranean Press would choose this week to debut their limited edition of Cold Days. They write, “Our [deluxe collectible hardcover] edition of Cold Days will be printed on 80# Finch Opaque, our preferred paper for higher-end limited editions, with a number of full-page interior illustrations, as well as a full-color dust jacket. Vincent Chong will once again be handling the illustrations. Limited: 500 numbered hardcovers, signed by author: $85“ Battle Ground Bookplates Tyler Walpole is putting his double-signed (by himself and Jim) bookplates for Battle Ground on sale NEXT WEEK! His plates for Peace Talks sold out in 8 hours, so make sure you’re looped in. Subscribe to his newsletter to get all the necessary info, including the date and time the plates will go on sale and a link to purchase when the time comes! These signed bookplates have an adhesive backing, so you can stick one in a book, on the back of your e-reader, or anywhere else that suits your fancy. Tyler’s bookplates were also used in the books sold through the NYCC one-on-one meet and greet with Jim and the virtual signing with Bard’s Tower, so if you ordered through either of those vendors, you already have this gorgeous art coming your way! Note that these are different from the Worldbuilders bookplates, which are illustrated by Adam Mathison-Sward. And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in hardcover, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. You can grab a signed copy of Battle Ground from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY recommend confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. The post Inktober Villains, Cold Days, and More! first appeared on Jim Butcher.
DOUBLE BIRTHDAY SPECTACULAR! By priscellie This week, we celebrate two birthdays: Jim’s was yesterday, October 26th, and Harry’s is this Saturday, on Halloween! And accordingly, this week’s post is a DOOZY. Contents including a new contest, the release of Tyler Walpole’s bookplates, a nomination in the Goodreads Choice Awards, an unmissable podcast appearance, and SO MUCH MORE! Trust us, you’re going to want to read all the way to the end… Goodreads Choice Awards Peace Talks has been nominated in the Best Fantasy section of the 2020 Goodreads Choice Awards! Jim is in the running alongside some of the most beloved names in the genre, including N.K. Jemisin, Naomi Novik, R.F. Kuang, V.E. Schwab, and perplexingly Brandon Sanderson, whose nominated book doesn’t come out for another three weeks (Priscilla is counting the days. That series is phenomenal!). The opening round of voting runs from today to Sunday, November 8th, so you have just shy of two weeks give all the nominees a shot and cast your vote for your favorite! Best of luck to all the contenders! Bookplate Blowout Tyler Walpole’s breathtaking bookplates for Peace Talks and Battle Ground are now on sale! These artist edition 5″x7″bookplates are signed by Jim Butcher and the artist and have an adhesive backing, so you can add them permanently to the interior of your book or the back of your e-reader, or put them in a frame to hang on your wall. Act fast–the previous batch of Tyler’s bookplates sold out in under 8 hours! A Conversation With Legendarium Jim’s recent visit on the Legendarium Podcast contains a series of revelations, including plans for another Dresden novel between Battle Ground and Mirror Mirror! This interview features Jim at his most candid and personal, and it’s absolutely unmissable. “It’s My Birthday Too” Fanfic Contest Over the course of the year, we’ve recognized fanartists, cosplayers, and our canniest prognosticators. Now, for our final contest of the year, we’re celebrating Harry’s Halloween birthday with a spotlight on fanfic authors! This month’s challenge: Write your own microfiction about either a birthday OR a holiday in the Dresdenverse! Entries are due November 24th. Three winners (one grand prize and two runners-up) will receive their choice of a Mika Kuloda Art Print from Worldbuilders! A few ground rules: Keep it under 1,500 words–this is a bit shorter than Jim’s “Job Placement” microfiction. The principal characters in your fic should be named characters from the series. Must be PG-13. No explicit sex or gore. Take your cue from the stories Jim has contributed to multi-author story anthologies. Endeavor to keep your stories generally consistent with the world and story events of Jim’s novels. 1,500 words is not a lot of room to establish a high school AU. :D Jim’s fanfic policy still holds. Jim will be playing NO ROLE in judging this competition and will NOT be reading any of the fanfics entered, to ensure he will have no knowledge of their contents. Any potential resemblance of story elements to later published works will be purely coincidental. We reserve the right to post our favorite entries on Jim-Butcher.com, but we will not monetize stories and we make no claims of exclusivity. You’re welcome to share your story wherever you’d post any other fanfic, provided you do not derive income from that platform. You also may not sell your fanfic. You still can’t profit off fanfic based on Jim’s work. This is like Fanfic 101. Be cool. Don’t make us regret doing this. Submit entries (pasted text, attached MS Word document, or AO3 link) by November 24th to yearofdresden (at) gmail.com. Jim’s Birthday Quoteathon For Jim’s Birthday, we asked fans to share their favorite lines and moments from his two decades of novels, and we’d love to keep the lovefest going all week! If you haven’t yet, add your voice to the thread. It's @longshotauthor's birthday! In celebration, reply or quote-tweet with the line or moment from the Butcherverse that made you laugh the most. Lines from Peace Talks and Battle Ground are ok as long as they're not spoilery
Jim Butcher - Inktober Wrap-Up
Inktober Wrap-Up By priscellie Hello, my lovelies! Today is a stressful day, and my attention span is putting goldfish to shame, so let’s relax with some awesome fanart, yeah? Goodreads Choice Awards The opening round of the 2020 Goodreads Choice Awards is still going strong! Peace Talks made the short list in the Best Fantasy category, and Jim is in excellent company, vying against some of the most beloved names in the genre. Check out all the nominees! You have until Sunday, November 8th, to make your selections. Inktober Wrap-Up “Bonus Villain: Jim Butcher” by Luke Schroder Throughout the past month, we’ve been admiring the work of Adam Mathison-Sward and Luke Schroder, two illustrators who chose Dresden themes for Inktober. Here’s a sampling of the pieces they’ve produced since we last checked in with them! From Adam: From Luke: You can see all of Adam’s images on his Twitter or Instagram and all of Luke’s on his Facebook. Be sure to leave them lots of love in the comments of your favorite illustrations! Call for Photos Did you dress up as one of Jim’s characters this Halloween? We’d love to see your photos and include them in a future drop! Send them in to yearofdresden@... and let us know how you’d like to be credited. Thanks to those of you who have already submitted images! Remembering Rachel Caine We’d be remiss if we didn’t acknowledge the passing of Rachel Caine, one of the defining voices in the urban fantasy genre, who succumbed to a battle with cancer on Sunday. Her career was exceptionally prolific, producing nearly 50 novels since her debut in 2003. Her engaging stories gained her legions of dedicated readers, and her humor, wisdom, and generosity of spirit earned her the appreciation and admiration of colleagues, new writers, and people throughout the industry and beyond. We offer our sincerest condolences to the many who loved her and her work. If you haven’t read any of her work or have gaps in your reading list, here’s a thread of her ebooks currently on sale. We suspect Dresden Fans would most enjoy the Weather Warden and Morganville Vampire series, but we encourage folks to take a look around and read a synopsis or two of her various series. In such an impressively sprawling body of work, there’s bound to be something for everyone! And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. You can grab a signed copy of Battle Ground from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY recommend confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. The post Inktober Wrap-Up first appeared on Jim Butcher.
Jim Butcher - A Harried Halloween and Goodreads Goodness
A Harried Halloween and Goodreads Goodness By priscellie For this week’s Dresden Drop, we have your Halloween photos, a surprise addition to the second round of the Goodreads Choice Awards, and a reminder to submit to the Fanfic contest! But first, a request: Show Us Your Tattoos We’ve seen some absolutely STUNNING Dresden tattoos lately, and we’d love to include a compilation in an upcoming Drop. If you have any Butcher-inspired ink you’d like to show off, send your photos to yearofdresden (at) gmail.com. Please include your name, your artist’s name, a link to where folks can contact the artist or find more of their work, and what pronouns I should use for both of you. Double Dragon Boss Fight at Goodreads Surprise! Enough fans suggested Battle Ground as a write-in vote that it’s been added to the Semifinal Round of the Goodreads Choice Awards! Now, both Peace Talks and Battle Ground are in the running for Best Fantasy of 2020. Hope this doesn’t split the vote! :D This is the second of three rounds, so regardless of whether you voted last week, you can vote again now. The semifinals run from November 10th to 15th, so check out the nominees and cast your votes in your favorite categories by this Sunday! Jim is in contention alongside some of our favorite authors, including NK Jemisin, Brandon Sanderson, Naomi Novik, VE Schwab, RF Kuang, Rebecca Roanhorse, and many more, and it makes for some excellent company. Seriously, if you’re looking for your next great read (or a holiday gift for the discerning SFF geek in your life), this list is a phenomenal place to start! Halloweenathon After three or four November 3rds last week, we’re bringing back an October 31st! In last week’s Drop, we asked you to send in your Dresdenverse Halloween costumes from this year, and you delivered. Thanks so much to Sarah, Jesse, Lauren, Brian, Magda, Bonnie, James, and Rea for repping the series as they celebrated a pandemic-safe holiday! Check out all their fabulous costumes at the Jim-Butcher.com post. Reminder: Microfiction Contest By popular demand, we’ve added a fanfic contest to the Year of Dresden! Throughout the month of November, fans can submit their own microfictions based on the following prompt: Write about either a birthday OR a holiday in the Dresdenverse. Submit entries to yearofdresden(at)gmail.com by November 24th. Read all the details in our Double Birthday Spectacular post under the “It’s My Birthday Too” subheading. Three winners (one grand prize and two runners-up) will receive their choice of a Mika Kuloda Art Print from Worldbuilders! And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. We believe you can grab a signed copy of Battle Ground from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY RECOMMEND confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. The post A Harried Halloween and Goodreads Goodness first appeared on Jim Butcher.
Jim Butcher - A Culinary Diversion
A Culinary Diversion By priscellie A quick note before we get into the meat (har!) of this week’s post: Peace Talks has made it into the FINAL ROUND of the Goodreads Choice Awards! Folks have until November 30th to cast their ballots. Regardless of whether you voted in the prior rounds, this is a fresh slate and you can vote again. Check out all the excellent nominees and make your voice heard! We know many of our American readers will either not be celebrating Thanksgiving this year or doing so in a more limited way for the safety of their loved ones. With that in mind, we thought we’d fill that culinary void by sharing some fun and delicious Dresden-inspired recipes! And don’t forget to submit your microfictions and photos of any Dresden tattoos. Details below the feature. Dresdenverse Dining Need a new quarantine challenge? Recreate some of your favorite dishes from Mac’s and other parts of Harry’s Chicago in the (increasingly stir-crazy) comfort of your own home! Catherine Barson Eastis of The Gluttonous Geek has you covered. Check out the Dresden dishes on her website, including the debut of a new addition to her Dresden recipe collection, then read our interview with Catherine below! Mac’s Steak Sandwich Za’ Lord Elite’s Chicago-Style Pizza Mac’s Summer Lemonade Darkhallow Beef Roast with Pumpkin Oatcakes Kringle Cookies Lasciel’s Denarian Baklava Wild Hunter’s Pie And premiering here: The Red King’s Cochinita Pibil Priscilla: What inspired you to start creating recipes for fictional worlds, and how long have you been at it? What was your first dish? Catherine: I had been playing in the kitchen since I’ve had access to the one in my ex-boyfriend’s apartment back in 2009. It was during the recession and we were both underemployed, so I had to get creative with whatever we had in the pantry or freezer. Funnily enough, he and his friends were also the same folks who introduced me to the Dresden Files. Technically my first geeky recipe was when I made a bourbon chocolate cake and decorated it (badly) to look like the Tardis for one of our friend’s birthdays. Starting six years ago, though, my curiosity reignited when I received A Feast of Ice & Fire, the Official Game of Thrones Cookbook, as a wedding present. Between playing with that, creating my own recipes for our own last-minute premiere feast, competing in local geek bar Battle & Brew’s cookie competitions, and creating recipes for my geek fashion blogger (The Lady Nerd) roommate’s “Dinner and a Movie” segment I was hooked. The ideas would not stop flowing, and my English major brain could not stop translating story analysis into food. So I did it. I started the blog in May 2015 and premiered with recipes for Borsht and Ratatouille inspired by Red from Orange Is the New Black. I’ve learned a lot since I started with a crappy point-and-shoot camera and an inflated sense of arrogance. I’m honored that ya’ll have stuck around with me on this journey as I’ve worked to develop my art and my role as an artist. Three of the items used to summon Molly in Peace Talks are Nutella, a Ring Pop, and Dr. Pepper. What food items could Harry use to summon you? Single malt Islay Scotch whisky, white cheddar or blue cheese, cured meat, shiitake mushrooms, yellowtail sashimi, rosemary flavored anything, and Spaghetti-os. Honestly, though? Putting out a charcuterie board at a party will summon me faster than Toot-Toot on a deep-dish. The Denarians could probably win me over with some really good cheese. Which of your Dresden dishes was your favorite to create, and which would you most encourage fans to try? My two favorite to develop were the Kringle Cookies and the Bob the Chocolate Skulls because they just felt snarky and fun — they were probably my least favorite to craft because making anything cold ingredient-based in the South is a nightmare. Curse my warm hands! My favorite to cook was the Red King Conchinita Pibil because I can just set it to slow roast while leisurely making the mango salsa and sipping margaritas. As far as what to try? Well, that depends on your level of e
Jim Butcher - Palling with the Paranet
Palling with the Paranet By priscellie In this week’s Dresden Drop, we catch up on Adam Mathison-Sward‘s delightful Paranet Pals fan comic! But before we dive in, we have a couple pressing reminders and one exciting announcement: Love for Battle Ground Congratulations, Jim! Battle Ground has been named one of Amazon’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy novels of 2020. Check out the full list. It makes for a fantastic holiday buying guide for all the SFF lovers in your life. Congrats as well to all the other authors who made the cut! Microfiction Contest Ends TONIGHT Today is the LAST DAY to submit to the microfiction contest! We gave our fans this prompt: Write about either a birthday OR a holiday in the Dresdenverse. You have until midnight Pacific tonight to enter your <1500 word ficlet to yearofdresden(at)gmail.com. Read the full rules in our Double Birthday Spectacular post under the “It’s My Birthday Too” subheading. Three winners (one grand prize and two runners-up) will receive their choice of a Mika Kuloda Art Print from Worldbuilders! Final Round in the Goodreads Choice Awards Peace Talks has made it into the FINAL ROUND of the Goodreads Choice Awards! Folks have until November 30th to cast their ballots. Regardless of whether you voted in the prior rounds, this is a fresh slate and you can vote again. Check out all the excellent nominees in all categories and make your voice heard! And now, today’s featured treat: Palling with the Paranet For the last several weeks, illustrator Adam Mathison-Sward has been creating a delightfully silly fan webcomic called The Paranet Pals. You can see all seven comics he's created so far in today's post on our website. Follow Adam on twitter or instagram for more. New installments every Sunday! And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. We believe you may still be able to grab a signed copy of Battle Ground from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY RECOMMEND confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. The post Palling with the Paranet first appeared on Jim Butcher.
Jim Butcher - A Long-Expected Drop: New Interview and Tattoo Compilation
A Long-Expected Drop: New Interview and Tattoo Compilation By priscellie Apologies for failing to publish this week’s post on time! A combination of personal obligations and Pandemic Brain effectively sabotaged yesterday’s efforts, but we’re back in business today, and we’ll be back to our usual Tuesday posting schedule next week. In today’s Drop, we share a new interview with DragonCon Urban Fantasy track lead Carol Malcolm, plus the results of our call for images of your Dresden Files tattoos! Checking In With Jim DragonCon’s Carol Malcolm has launched a new author interview series, starting with Jim! This hour-long video includes all kinds of tasty new tidbits, including more details about the next Cinder Spires book and the newly-announced Dresden novel Twelve Months, plus significantly more Brutus and Fenris cameo time than the average Q&A. We recommend! Watch it on YouTube. A Skin Game In the past several weeks, we asked you to send in photos of your Dresden-inspired tattoos, and you delivered! You can view them all in today's post on Jim's website. Thanks to all who submitted their ink--citations below. We also included several we found online that were too good not to show off, so the information isn’t always complete. Fellow fans, if you can fill in any of these gaps, we welcome any corrections at yearofdresden@.... Jim Returns to the Dresden Files Podcast Jim’s long-awaited interview with The Dresden Files Podcast folks has been rescheduled for this Friday at 11am Mountain Time! A link to the stream will be tweeted when it starts. If you miss it, no worries! We’ll link to it in next week’s Drop. Fanfic Contest Update Y’all submitted SCORES of stories, which will take a LOT longer than our previous contests to judge! I’ve recruited a team to help distribute the work. Expect the results to be announced toward the end of the month. Thanks so much to all the entrants and my awesome judges! And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. We believe you may still be able to grab a signed copy of Battle Ground from Mysterious Galaxy and Barbara’s Bookstore (though we STRONGLY RECOMMEND confirming availability of signed stock before placing your order at either place) or a book with a signed bookplate from Worldbuilders. The post A Long-Expected Drop: New Interview and Tattoo Compilation first appeared on Jim Butcher.
Jim Butcher - Holiday Gift Guide
Holiday Gift Guide By priscellie Before we dive into this week’s main feature, we’d like to start with a link to Jim’s interview with The Dresden Files Podcast! The hosts cut right to the chase, asking original, detail-oriented questions that provoked fresh, intriguing, and at times astounding responses from Jim. It doesn’t appear to have been transcribed yet, but folks are discussing the new bombshells here. Also, for folks who rely on transcripts, you can now enjoy a writeup of Jim’s appearance on the Legendarium Podcast a few weeks ago. And now, the main event! The holidays are fast approaching, but there’s still time to get Jim-inspired goodies for the fantasy fan in your life. In this week’s Dresden Drop, we’d like to spotlight some of the small businesses and artists producing officially licensed Butcherverse goodness, including some brand new pieces! Badali Jewelry This family-owned and operated small business has been creating officially-licensed, handcrafted jewelry for fantasy book series for over twenty years. Their line of Dresden Files pieces includes Harry’s shield bracelet, force ring, and pentacle (with optional ruby), plus other fabulous series goodies, like necklaces featuring Bob the Skull and Lasciel and Nicodemus’ coins. They also feature lines for some of your favorite other series, including works by Brandon Sanderson, V.E. Schwab, JRR Tolkien, Patrick Rothfuss, Pierce Brown, Gail Carriger, and now Christopher Paolini. And just in time for winter, they’re bringing back a limited run of the much-coveted Winter Lady Pentacle Variant AND announcing a new piece! The Bob necklace is now available in three color ways: two orange for Good Bob, two blue for Evil Bob, or one of each. And it gets better: For Jim’s fans, they’re offering 15% off all orders sitewide with the promo code FUEGO15. Order by December 9th for Priority Shipping or December 14th for Overnight. Worldbuilders Market Worldbuilders Market is a geek-centered nonprofit supporting humanitarian efforts worldwide. They carry a variety of awesome geeky merchandise from a wide range of creators from across the fantasy, science-fiction, and gaming community. Every purchase helps support their mission: to unite the geek community into a massive force to fund education, opportunity, and sustainable self-sufficiency for families and communities worldwide. You can jump directly to their Dresden line to snag posters, enamel pins, t-shirts, and even cell phone cases! Other creators with fantastic merch at Worldbuilders include Mary Robinette Kowal, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Patrick Rothfuss, Kevin Hearne, N.K. Jemisin, Neil Gaiman, and Seanan McGuire. And don’t miss their legendary end-of year fundraising drive, including streaming events, auctions, prize draws, and more! Evil Hat Productions This independent gaming company believes passion makes great games, and fans agree: The Dresden Files RPGs swept the ENnies and won the Golden Geek and Origins Awards for Best Roleplaying Game of the Year. They also sell Dresden-themed FATE dice, because… dice. Dice, man. Dice need no explanation. You can also tackle the surprisingly challenging Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game in physical or digital forms. The electronic edition, published by Hidden Achievement, is available for iOS, Android, Steam, and the Nintendo Switch, and can accommodate solo play, multiplayer in person, and multiplayer remote for all your social distancing needs. Art Posters Several official series artists are selling prints of their Butcherverse illustrations: Chris McGrath defined the look of the Dresden Files, illustrating the main series hardcovers. Dan Dos Santos created the covers for the Sci-Fi Book Club Omnibus Editions, including the fan-favorite illustration of Harry riding Sue into battle. Tyler Walpole illustrated the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game and provided additional imagery to the Dresden Accelerated RPG. Adam Mathison-Sward illustrated the bookplates that accompanied Worldbuilders’ copies of Battle Ground. Mika Kuloda provided artwork for the canceled LARP project Dre
Jim Butcher - Congratulations, Fanfic Winners!
Congratulations, Fanfic Winners! By priscellie In this week’s Dresden Drop, we celebrate the winners of the Fanfic Contest. But we have a bunch of other treats to share before the great reveal. Read on! First, a very Happy Hanukkah to those who celebrate! A number of fans have sent us variants of this genius idea by VanillaStudio, and we had to share it, in honor of our favorite Jewish dino-wrangler. Behold Butters’ Hannukiah, the Menorasaurus Rex! Pod Squad Next, Jim appeared on the Mike’s Book Reviews vlog, uploaded this morning. We haven’t had the chance to listen yet, so check it out and get any scoops before we do! Gettin’ Ficcy With It And now, our featured story! Inspired by Harry’s birthday on Halloween, we challenged fans to write under-1500-word microfictions about either a birthday or a holiday, and y’all delivered in the greatest possible way. Reading these stories was a treat, and we continue to marvel at the talent and creativity in every aspect of the fandom. Thanks to all who participated! Grand Prize: PsychicScubaDiver for “Hogs Wild” First Runner Up: Daniel Van Nostrand for “Easter Search” Second Runner Up: Houston Southard for “Entity, Eggs, Ennui” Honorable Mentions: Dina Navon for “First” and Eric T. Johnson for “Every Mouse Has His Day” You can read the winning stories here! Extra special thanks to our team of judges, who spent countless hours reading and evaluating *67* sensational stories. They included Andrea Gonzales, Garrett Jones, Mandie Lyons, Jordan Walker-Key, Suzanne Solomon, and Priscilla Spencer. The Grand Prize winner and two Runners Up will receive their choice of art prints from Worldbuilders. We’ll be in touch over the next week to get your preferences and your contact info! And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday in 2020 for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. The post Congratulations, Fanfic Winners! first appeared on Jim Butcher.
Jim Butcher - Microfiction #6: The Good People
Microfiction #6: The Good People By priscellie Christmas is almost here, and we’re bringing a gift for everyone, regardless of whether you celebrate. Our second-to-last Drop in the “Year of Dresden” celebration is our sixth new microfiction! This Molly-POV story takes place concurrently with “Christmas Eve,” so expect Battle Ground spoilers aplenty. Read “The Good People” and enjoy an illustration of Molly by Stjepan Sejic, drawn for Priscilla at SDCC 2015. (Man, remember cons? We can’t wait until it’s our turn to get the vaccine.) We wish all our fans a safe and joyous holiday season, no matter the distance that separates us, filled with good health and renewed appreciation for what truly matters in life. The Year of Dresden is almost at an end! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday in 2020 for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. The mailing list is also the best way to be alerted about upcoming books, short stories, and other goodies in the Dresden Files and Cinder Spires series. The Dresden Files doesn’t end here! Still need a copy of Peace Talks, Battle Ground, or anything else by Jim? Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order in print, audio, or ebook through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. The post Microfiction #6: The Good People first appeared on Jim Butcher.
Jim Butcher - Are you ready for more Toot-Toot and Mister‽
Are you ready for more Toot-Toot and Mister‽ By Angie Announcing a brand new short story from the Dresden Files universe! What could be better than a team up between Toot-Toot and Mister? Harry doesn’t know that there’s a threat but Toot-Toot is looking out for him with the help of Mister. Find out if they successfully defend against the invader in “Little Things”!The post Are you ready for more Toot-Toot and Mister‽ first appeared on Jim Butcher.
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