857D VFO encoder source ? 7
I know these are available online. I found a fellow who has a lot of them and they're not very expensive. I don't have the URL but you should be able to find them with a search engine. Kevin K7IWW
Розпочато TOM N5ATR @ · Останніх @
One display digit stuck 4
Kent my good man, you are both "right" and a genius. Yes I have the MH-59 Vertex Standard all-everything mic. Unplugging/replugging the mic didn't do anything, so I looked at all the mic buttons, and just started pushing them to see what happened. I'd never really engaged with the mic options before. Things happened, or not. Finally, at the bottom of the button field, there is one in plastic orange labeled FAST -- and that was the culprit. Cycling it changed the tuning and I was able to get it back to reality. Now I have lots of reading to do that I hadn't expected. Never a dull moment. Thanks so much for your expertise and your most helpful response. Charlie ==================
Розпочато Kent Trimble, K9ZTV @ · Останніх @
Factory head cable 12
Is the factory head control cable a straght-through RJ6 modular? The radio I bought came with the extended cable but not the small one to connect the head while attached to the body.
Розпочато Juan Jiménez @ · Останніх @
FW: [FT-857] One display digit stuck 2
The VFO dial in the settings is probably set up to change the 100 HZ frequencies, you will need to get into the menu settings and change it from the 100 Hz setting to the 10 setting. Or, you have it set on fast VFO freq changes instead of slow. Also, see page 39 in the ops manual “Changing the Dial Speed” Regards, Tony VA7TF VE7ACF From: Charlie Fellenbaum - WB4FAW Sent: March 15, 2024 12:29 PM To: FT-857@groups.io Subject: [FT-857] One display digit stuck I have a different primary rig, but often dig my 857 out of it's storage box under my desk to play with it, learn it, and plan how to use it better. When I put it away some months ago, everything was Fine. But when I hooked it up yesterday to test with an ATAS, it wasn't as Fine as it was before the last nap. I soon noticed that the last digit of the frequency display was stuck on "7". So, when I spin the dial like this: 14 . 300 . 17 all digits move as directed except for the trailing 7. This means I cannot got directly on frequency, ever, and often SSB voices are just a bit more donald duck than they should be. Maddening. I tried changing Menu 82 SSB step to change the tuning steps, but no real help here. Suggestions welcomed, please. I will send it to repair if I have to, but would like one shot at fixing it myself. I'm not a competent tech, but can probably work through easy stuff. ================== 73, Charlie WB4FAW Colorado -- +++++++++++++++ Tony VA7TF VE7ACF
Розпочато Tony VA7TF, VE7ACF @ · Останніх @
What do you use for dual-band mobile? I'm in the market... 18
I know I'm skewing a bit off topic, but I'd appreciate input from my few fellow Yaesu fans. I want a simple dual band mobile radio for the car. I'd prefer to stick with Yaesu to minimize learning curve, but open to other ideas. Budget is limited. Sub 500 max, preferably sub 400. I'd prefer a true dual band, compatible with APRS / GPS or easily enabled with add ons, compact size, readable screen. Cross band repeat = bonus. I currently have a Yaesu 857 (shack, go kit) and 817 (as backup). I have a Surface Go tablet that could be mounted in car, and a Digirig, and my cable would work with FT8800/8900. New radios - FT300 (does it all, dual band, GPS TxRx, BT, crossband) ~$475 shipped - FT200 (not truly dual band, no GPS Tx w/o dongle?) ~$375 shipped - price is the only appeal here Used radios - FT8800 (enable digital modes via Digirig + tablet) ~ $300-400 - I like the clear and simple display and positive reviews - Another 817 or 857 (+Digirig+tablet) - getting hard to find either for <$650-750, but I could keep looking for a deal - Jump ship and look for a kenwood D710 or similar for ~ $400 - Just use my 817 as mobile and rig it so it can be easily removed from the car What appeals to you? What do you run? Thanks for your time. 73
Розпочато Patricia KI7IEE @ · Останніх @
One display digit stuck 2
I have a different primary rig, but often dig my 857 out of it's storage box under my desk to play with it, learn it, and plan how to use it better. When I put it away some months ago, everything was Fine. But when I hooked it up yesterday to test with an ATAS, it wasn't as Fine as it was before the last nap. I soon noticed that the last digit of the frequency display was stuck on "7". So, when I spin the dial like this: 14 . 300 . 17 all digits move as directed except for the trailing 7. This means I cannot got directly on frequency, ever, and often SSB voices are just a bit more donald duck than they should be. Maddening. I tried changing Menu 82 SSB step to change the tuning steps, but no real help here. Suggestions welcomed, please. I will send it to repair if I have to, but would like one shot at fixing it myself. I'm not a competent tech, but can probably work through easy stuff. ================== 73, Charlie WB4FAW Colorado
Розпочато Charlie Fellenbaum - WB4FAW @ · Останніх @
Looking for a shop or person that can install pan adapter board for me 4
Hi all, I am looking for a reputable person to install an SDR kits Panadapter Tap Board. Looking to mount the SMA connector that the kit uses on the heatsink of the 857 (unless somebody talks me out of that). So, the heatsink will have to be drilled and tapped. If anybody knows a good person to do this in the US, please let me know. Noah, KE5VQL
Розпочато Noah Chalker @ · Останніх @
Q 2
FYI, I went with the Samlex SEC-1235M as Steve suggested.The 1223 would have been fine, but I found a clean used 1235 cheap on QRZ. It's on its way to me now. I liked the easy to read dual meters - I'm a sucker for dials - and the fact that it's quiet. MFJ 4230 was also in the running. I couldn't find any sellers for the Gamma. Thanks all for sharing your input and experience.
Розпочато Patricia KI7IEE @ · Останніх @
help please- .1watt hf output except fm- full power 7
hello problem with 857d in storage for couple years original owner bought in 2008- yr of production 2007 put away a couple yrs ago, replaced with 991a brought out to use in a new vehicle problem now on hf uhf / vhf- all modes operate fine hf- all bands receive fine, transmit the problem fm- all hf bands full power- no issue all other modes less than .1 watt out into dummy load - cw, am,ssb- also monitored on another receiver. voltage on display 14.2- using fluke 77 at input leads- 14.3 visually inspected main and power boards, checked in an out connectors- all seem ok. all board mounting screws tight did a relay cleaning did full reset cannot find pa board schematic to start tracing power distribution. seems like power distribution problem to me any ideas / suggestion will be appreciated tnx bob donchez wb3hyb
Розпочато ROBERT Donchez @ · Останніх @
scratchy recieve audio 4
My ft857d has just developed a problem in recieve mode, in the cw, cwr and dig positions. This problem exists with nothing attached to the set as well... the fault seems intermittent as well and comes and goes continuously. Initially when first switched on its ok till it warms up a bit. Removed the covers and give it a quick look over. The fault appears to be getting worse. I had a look thru the posts but could not find any relation to my fault. any body got any ideas would be appreciated.....thanks.
Розпочато opalminer99 @ · Останніх @
It's a surprise! 6
I'll be darned. Yaesu tech support just informed me that what I bought is actually the 857D. No wonder it doesn't have the DSP slot. Made my day! 🥳 73, Juan
Розпочато Juan Jiménez @ · Останніх @
No DSP-2 socket? 8
I bought a used FT-857 today, S/N 6K660152. I cracked it open to check for installed options and to my surprise, there is no DSP-2 socket or switch! Anybody have a clue what in the wide, wide world of sports is a-going on here? Also, it is worth installing the DSP-2 board on this radio? Juan
Розпочато Juan Jiménez @ · Останніх @
Filters 8
So, the manual talks about three filter boards for this radio but only two install spots are available. That means a choice has to be made. Which two of the three are the more worthwhile filters?
Розпочато Juan Jiménez @ · Останніх @
FT-857D RF Power Mod 20
I am reducing FT-857D MAX RF Power to 50W by the Service Menu for JA’s mobile station application. It would be very much appreciated if someone could answer my following questions. 1. For what do the MID2, MID1, MIN work? 2. Are there any other values of the Service Menu that I need to change when changing the RF power? Thanks in advance. 73/88, // HIRO, JJ1FXF
Розпочато HIRO, JJ1FXF @ · Останніх @
Unable to send USING USB or any mode except DIG in FLDIGI 2
Running a FT-857D on Windows 10 using a Digi Rig as the interface. FLDIGI 4.2.03 I have tried other versions also I can only send data if the radio is set to DIG,. BUT when using Digital Master 780, ALE, Winlink (HF VARA) and many other software programs , I can send MODEs (Contestia 4/250 etc) and it works using USB. But when I use FLDIGI and select USB, not tomes and I can hear my voice. It is like VOX is active and it's not. Why would FLDIGI operate this way?
Розпочато Barry Wells @ · Останніх @
1st IF filter 9
Hi all! Does anyone know where I can buy a new 1st IF filter? It is marked as "TEW T68Q". Thanks!
Розпочато nikson.star555@... @ · Останніх @
857D and MFJ-939 5
Hi folks... I have 2 857D's one with a YT-100 and one with the MFJ-939. I would like to digital sound card modes with the 857D that has the MFJ-939. How do I set up the 939 to work as an external tuner to free up the CAT port? I could not recommend another YT-100 even though it has an 8 pin pass through. It frequently does not tune correctly. It has been back to the factory on 2 different occasions for repair (one warranty, and one I paid for). Tuning on 60 meters is a pain. Many times pressing the tune button will lock the radio in transmit and no tuning action happens and I have to turn the radio off. It often leaves the radio in AM mode. Sending CW will sometimes cause it to start tuning. FT8 will cause it to start tuning even at 5 watts. I bought another YT-100 thinking I had a lemon, but also has all of the anomalies. Probably gonna buy a 939 for other 857D, but not sure how to set it up. I really like the TUNER function from the face of the radio with the 939, but need that CAT port. Any advice is appreciated. Hank K4HYJ
Розпочато HB @ · Останніх @
Continue 3
I do want to continue my membership in the FT 857 io group. I am a ham, KD8QBF, and I own an FT 857d...the discussion s are helpful. Thank you Dan
Розпочато Dan Cameron @ · Останніх @
Pricing, finally! 10
If I had left work on time this evening, I would have missed the email from Yaesu with FT-857 information! I have posted their announcement here: http://www.gigaparts.com/parts/radioinfo/zys-ft-857.php We're hoping to be able to fill initial orders in mid-February. Here is a link for accessories: http://www.gigaparts.com/store.php?type=radio&action=search&partassocs_sku=Z YS-FT-857 I don't want to spam this group with advertising, so if you have any questions, please email me offline. 73s! --Robby C. Sperr GigaParts, Inc.
Розпочато Robby C. Sperr @ · Останніх @
Main tuning knob not working 3
My FT-857 developed a new problem. Everything has worked perfectly for years. Suddenly the main tuning knob no longer functions. It has been a mobile unit for about ten years. Does anyone have any idea how to fix this? Or can recommend a repair service for it? I've tried to take the head a part to see what I can do but I'm just too fumble-fingered. Anyway, new to the group. I didn't realize how popular the FT-857 is. I've had mine since it first hit the market. I bought an FT-891 to keep mobile. Seems fine but the crazy menu with all the three-letter boxes drive me nuts. 73, Doug -- K0DXV
Розпочато Doug Person @ · Останніх @
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