Winter Field Day - Please Be Sure To Use the Correct Software!
Hi All, There seems to be more interest and enthusiasm for Winter Field Day than ever, but there's been some confusion on which program to use this weekend. You can't use the Field Day program designed for ARRL's Field Day in June for this contest, since the exchange categories and scoring are different. Instead, please use the Winter Field Day Contest Log: Complete Details on Winter Field Day are here: N3FJP Software Package Users - I just added the the Winter Field Day software to the package in 2014. If you purchased the package prior to 2014 and plan to operate WFD, please e-mail us direct and we will send you your Winter Field Day password. Additional programs we add to the package are always free to registered users, but please don't wait until Saturday to e-mail us! I'll be operating in the Home category and I hope to work you this weekend! Enjoy the contest! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
ARRL Grid Chase & WSJT-X Interface Questions Answered.
Hi All, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas, New Years and holiday season! I am being asked these questions a lot (especially now that the ARRL Grid Chase is underway), so I thought I would send along the following: Can I use Amateur Contact Log for ARRL's International Grid Chase 2018 event? Yes! Like the ARRL's Centennial QSO Party in 2014 and the National Parks on the Air (NPOTA) event in 2016, scoring for ARRL's International Grid Chase is handled by ARRL's Log Book of the World (LoTW). Amateur Contact Log worked just fine for the ARRL Centennial QSO Party, NPOTA and it will be fine for ARRL's International Grid Chase in 2018 too. Grid Chase scoring is handled by upload to LoTW and Amateur Contact Log has all the features you need for that. To keep your Grid Chase score updated, you only have to upload your Grid Chase QSOs to LoTW, just as you would any other QSO record. You don't even have to log the grid! LoTW will determine and confirm the grids you work based on the LoTW records of the stations that confirm on LoTW. You can see the Grid Chase leader board here: It isn't necessary to track the grids you work in AC Log since LoTW is performing that function, but you can always display the grid field to do that too if you like. To display and customize the location of the grid field, click Settings > Edit Fields Displayed. To see your AC Log grid total, just click Awards > 10-10, Grids, Etc., enter the starting record for the time period of interest, enter an L in the Confirmed By field (to only return QSOs confirmed by LoTW) and then click calculate. Complete details on the ARRL Grid Chase are here: Step by step instructions for using AC Log with LoTW are here: If you wish to display your grid field on AC Log's main form, details on customizing AC Log are here: In summary, to participate, just make as many QSOs as you can! No specific exchange is required and contest contacts count too. For example, we have a great opportunity to collect a lot of grids in ARRL RTTY Roundup this weekend ( Then upload your QSOs to LoTW! How can I interface WSJT-X with Amateur Contact Log? Using JTAlertX as the intermediary, when you click Log QSO in WSJT-X, the QSO will immediately log right in AC Log. In this configuration, there is no need to transfer your QSOs later via ADIF! If you haven't already, go ahead and download JTAlertX from and connect it to WSJT-X. While you are there, install the database as well by downloading the database .exe file and running it. When installing JTAlertX for WSJT-X, during the install it will ask you which software you want to create JTAlerts icons for and list 6 programs. Only click the WSJT-X box (unless you have the other programs installed). Then connect JTAlertX to AC Log by following the directions detailed here: -- Enjoy the ARRL Grid Chase and lots of FT8 QSOs in 2018! I hope that you have a safe, happy, healthy and blessed new year! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
CQ WW SSB This Weekend! - A Few Thoughts & Reminders...
Hi All, As we plunge back into the fall / winter contest season, I'd like to share a couple thoughts and reminders with you... 1. Please Participate - It's Fun and Rewarding! There are tons of great reasons to participate in Amateur Radio contests! Radiosport offers a great opportunity to speedily connect with lots of fellow hams, enhance your operating skills, learn about propagation, demonstrate the ability of Amateur Radio, accumulate lots of DX entities in a hurry and discover the strengths and weaknesses of your station. Most of all, it's FUN! This weekend's CQ WW SSB is an awesome contest! Stations all over the world work each other for multipliers and points. Multipliers include totals of both DX entities and CQ Zones on each band worked. It is a smorgasbord of DX and a fantastic opportunity to add DX entities on multiple bands to your log. You can literally work DXCC (100 unique DX entities) in one weekend (at cycle peak, I've done it here with wires and 100 watts). In fact, with reasonable conditions, a decent antenna system and a concerted effort, you can work DXCC, or come very close, on multiple bands in one weekend! If you are a new contester, CQ WW SSB is about perfect to get your feet wet. The exchange is simple. Just send your Call, RST and CQ Zone. To make it even easier, my software auto fills the zone, so you can either type the Call of the station you want to work or click on a DX Spot, and the rest auto fills. If you are clicking and pouncing, just click, send your exchange and press enter. Virtually no typing! You will find my CQ WW Contest Software here: 2. Pre Contest Checklist Even if you are an experienced contester, please take a quick moment now to review this Pre Contest Checklist. It will help you get the software ready for each contest and enjoy it to its fullest! Answers to the vast majority of the pre and post contest support questions I receive are concisely addressed in this link: Please review the above link before every contest! 3. Click & Pounce Auto Advance Enabling DX Spotting and the band map is great for even faster QSO rates and collecting more entities. The band map essentially becomes your "to do" list of stations to work. I've just added a new feature this year to optionally auto advance to the next DX spot, making the process even faster. Previously, after working the station, we would right click on the band map spot to clear it and then click on the next station. Now those couple seconds can be spent hearing and working the next station in the list! Just press Ctrl + Shift + E to enable the feature. When you press enter to log a contact, your rig will instantly tune to the next station (with rig interface enabled). Complete details on using DX Spotting and the Band Map are here: 4. Web Contest Status Uploader Even if it isn't something you are interested in for yourself, please click Settings > Web Upload Contest Status > Other Online Sites and enable them both. It is really fun to follow along in real time and gives others, including casual contesters, a sense of how they are doing! 5. Please Submit Your Log! After the contest, even if you've just been casually operating with a handful of QSOs, please submit your log! It's the best way for the contest sponsors to quantify the popularity of a contest and the style of operating that participants enjoy. Click File > Write Cabrillo File, create the file and then just click on the link, right on the Cabrillo form, to take you to the submittal site. Enjoy the contest! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
New Versions of PA QSO Party Contest Logs Now Available!
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that: New Versions of the Pennsylvania QSO Party Contest Logs are Now Available! The 2017 Pennsylvania QSO Party rules have added additional Canadian multipliers, so I have updated the PA QSO Party software accordingly. In addition, I've also added the ability to log multiple counties (sent from single stations on county lines) by simply using the + as a county separator. For example, to log York and Adams counties, just type YOR+ADA in the county received field and then press Enter. This new, multiple county + option is designed for the default File Share method most of us use. If you are using TCP networking, or you are on a county line yourself, you can still use the Recall method to quickly enter the additional county. Lord willing, I plan to have the new + method of logging multiple counties in the rest of the state QSO party software in their next releases, which should be by January, if not before. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. You'll find both PA In State 4.2 and PA Out of State 4.0 Contest Logs here: Enjoy! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Real Time Online Scoreboard Upload Feature Now Available!
Hi All, On contest weekends, do you wonder how your club is doing in total as the event unfolds? How are your buddies fairing individually, or how is your score stacking up compared to others? Even if you are just operating casually with an HOA restricted station, being able to see your friend's total with a similar HOA set up can be enlightening and motivating! Watching everyone's score in real time is a blast! Last year, QST published an article I wrote (August 2016, page 61), detailing how club contesting has really reinvigorated our local group. Seeing our total club score climb in real time, as well as supporting and encouraging each other throughout the weekend in our text chat room has brought contesting fun to a whole new level. You can read the article here: At the time I wrote the article, I wasn't aware that in addition to the web uploader I had already programmed into my contest software, there were also free, real time online scoreboards available, too. In addition to using the real time score status web page my software creates, I started receiving requests to upload to these other real time online scoreboards as well. Knowing how much fun the existing uploader has added to our group, I've been only too happy to add the additional scoreboard options! The two most often requested scoreboard sites are and To set up the software, first go to both of these sites and create your free accounts. Then, from the contest program's menu options click Settings > Web Contest Upload Status > Other Online Score Sites. Enter your user info and enable the upload. I've included the defaults to both of these sites, and I encourage you to create free accounts and upload to both. In testing so far, seems to be working fine. While the score upload appears to be working properly with both sites, I am aware that the club name, if included, is not appearing on the site. I have reached out to the folks repeatedly, but all of my e-mail to has gone unanswered. All the data, including club name, uploaded to the site appears to be working properly. The administrators of the have been very helpful, supportive and encouraging throughout the development process. Also note that the site allows you to easily create a private room for your club or buddies if you like! With the exception of the state QSO parties, new versions of all my contesting programs with the real time online scoreboard upload feature are now on the web site! Lord willing, I plan to have this feature in the state QSO party software by January, if not before. As always, upgrades are free to registered users! I am looking forward to seeing your call on the online scoreboards this contest season! Enjoy! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Amateur Contact Log 6.0 and VT QP 1.2 are Now Available!
Hi All, Amateur Contact Log 6.0 is Now Available! I wasn't planing for a new release of AC Log just now, but the unrelenting requests to add FT8 to the mode drop down list (even though it could easily have been typed in) finally made my cry uncle! There are a few other goodies I had been working on that you'll find in this upgrade as well! Enhancements include: - You can optionally display digital modes in the DX Spots list based on the frequency of the DX Spot (Click Settings > DX Spotting > Configure > More Filtering > Display Digital Modes to enable). You'll also need to download the latest BandPlan.txt file by clicking File > Download Country Files from AD1C. - AC Log now uses ARRL's LoTW User's list to identify LoTW users (an L is placed in the DX Spots list). Click eLogs > LoTW Users > ID LoTW Users to enable the feature. If you already have enabled the feature in AC Log 5.9, AC Log 6.0 will detect that you don't have the new LoTW user list on start up and download it for you with a single click. - The last LoTW upload date of the station contacted is optionally displayed when tabbing from the call field. (Click eLogs > LoTW > ID LoTW Users on Call Tab). If the station you are working has a recent upload date, that will give you a better sense if he is really active with LoTW or not. - Added FT8 to the mode drop down lists. - Ability to update mode drop down lists without requiring a new release. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. You'll find AC Log 6.0 here: And the upgrade steps here: Vermont QSO Party In State 1.2 Log is Now Available! At the request of the Vermont QSO party folks, I've updated the Cabrillo output format to help them identify unique DX entities. This change only affects the in state version. The out of state version (1.0) is still fine. This upgrade is free to registered users. You'll find Vermont QSO Party In State 1.2 Log here: And the upgrade steps here: Enjoy these new features and enhancements! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Hawaii QP 1.0, Iowa QP 1.7 and VHF 5.6 Contest Logs Now Available!
Hi All, I have several quick announcements to share. As always, additional programs I add to the N3FJP Software Package, as well as upgrades to existing programs are free to registered users! Hawaii QSO Party 1.0 (In State and Out of State) Contest Logs are Now Available! I've added support for the Hawaii QSO Party! You'll find both the in state and out of state versions of the software here: For the Hawaii party, counties are further broken down into smaller subsections, so be sure to enter the abbreviation for the subsection as you log the QSO. Iowa QSO Party 1.7 (In State and Out of State) Contest Logs are Now Available! I've updated the Iowa QSO Party software to accommodate the rule changes for CW & digital as discrete modes and the multiplier change (consolidated NF, LB into NL). You'll find both the in state and out of state versions of the software here: VHF Contest Log 5.6 Now Available! I've updated the VHF Contest Log to include support for the ARRL10 GHz & Up contest! You'll find VHF Contest Log 5.6 here: New FT8 Mode & Solar Eclipse QSO Party Information Reminder. And in case you missed my last announcement on the new FT8 mode and accommodating the Solar Eclipse QSO party, all those details are here: Enjoy the new programs and upgrades! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply register once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
New FT8 Mode, WSJT Interface & Solar Eclipse QSO Party Information
Hi All, I hope that everyone enjoyed Field Day and is having a great summer! The excitement surrounding the announcement regarding the new FT8 mode ( and the Solar Eclipse QSO Party graphic on the cover of QST this week have created quite an e-mail buzz at N3FJP Headquarters! In hopes of quelling the avalanche of e-mail, here are the answers to what everyone has been asking: Do I have to wait for the next version of Amateur Contact Log to start logging my FT8 contacts? Am I limited to entering the modes listed in the AC Log mode drop down list? No, you can enter FT8, or any mode you like in AC Log's mode field right now! The mode drop down list isn't user customizable, but you can type any mode you want in AC Log's mode field. In addition, AC Log will default to the mode value you entered in subsequent QSOs (with rig interface mode return disabled). AC Log will pass any mode you enter to ARRL's TQSL software for signing and upload, but keep in mind that as new modes come to life, it sometimes takes a while before TQSL / LoTW will accept them. If you receive a mode error when you attempt to upload to LoTW, that error is being returned by the TQSL software, not AC Log. The LoTW folks will have to add the new mode on their end before TQSL will accept it. As an aside, I never use the drop down list myself. In most cases, it is much quicker to simply type in the mode than have to do a mouse grab, scroll down and select. I want to use the WSJT-X software so that I can operate FT8. Will your software interface with WSJT-X? My software will interface with WSJT-X via JTAlert. You'll need to connect WSJT-X to JTAlert and then connect JTAlert to my software. You'll find more details on connecting a number of digital programs with my software here: By the way, if you would like to encourage the WSJT-X folks to interface directly with my software, please send them the information detailed here: Are you going to write a program for the Solar Eclipse QSO Party? I would love to support the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, but unfortunately creating contest specific applications requires considerable time in development and testing, this is a one time event, the rules don't fit well into an existing template, I'm already supporting more than 120 logging programs and with all the other projects on my plate, I'm pretty well maxed out on the contests that I am able to support. However, after reviewing the solar eclipse QSO party rules (, I see that they will accept the ARRL VHF contest exchange format. My VHF software doesn't display the 160 - 10 meter bands in the menu options by default, but I have updated VHF Log 5.5 to display the additional band menu items by pressing Ctrl + Shift + B. You'll find my VHF Const Log 5.5 here: A few other things to keep in mind: - For the Solar Eclipse party, you can work the same station again after 10 minutes, so you will definitely want to click Settings > Allow Duplicates, so that it is checked. The program is not set up to time for 10 minutes, so you will receive a duplicate warning based on the criteria of the VHF contest regardless of elapsed time (and mode change), but you will still be able to log the contact. - RST is part of the exchange, so you will want to click Settings > RST Settings > Record RST so that it is checked. - Choose the ARRL-222 contest on the set up form, as that is designed for a 6 digit exchange. - None of the scoring and grid displays will be accurate. Grids that change color will not return when you leave a HF band and then come back. - Select the HF band from the menu options or use rig interface. If the HF bands are not appearing in the menu, press Ctrl + Shift + B. In short, my VHF contest software isn't designed to support the Solar Eclipse QSO Party, but with the modifications I've added, you should be able to record the exchange and submit a Cabrillo file of your results. Enjoy the event! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Field Day Software Primer Video
Hi All, To get new Field Day folks up to speed on the N3FJP Field Day software prior to Field Day, or if you need a quick review yourself, this video will have everyone ready to go when they arrive to your Field Day site. Please share this with all who you think may attend! I hope to work you from the NE3MD site this year! Enjoy Field Day! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
VHF 5.4 Supporting ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest Now Available & Indiana QP Abbreviations!
Hi All, VHF Contest Log 5.4 is Now Available! I've update VHF Contest Log 5.4 to support the brand new ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. You'll find the latest version of the software here: Even though the ARRL 222 MHz and Up Distance Contest was intended to replace the ARRL UHF Contest, you will notice that I have left support for the ARRL UHF Contest in the software, as that is now being administered by a third party. New Indiana QSO Party Abbreviations! The Indiana QSO Party folks have instituted new county abbreviations for this weekend's contest. If you've already installed a previous version of the Indiana QSO Party software, upgrading isn't necessary (and upgrading will not affect your previously downloaded county file anyway). Instead, to update your county file, just click File > Download County File. Is Field Day Contest Log Version 5.4 the Latest? Lots of folks are getting set for Field Day, installing software and e-mailing to see if I have any Field Day software revisions planned between now and Field Day. I am not planning any new releases to the Field Day software before this year's event. Version 5.4, released in January should be it, so go ahead and install it! By the way, it is excellent that so many of you are getting set this far in advance! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Amateur Contact Log 5.9 & CQ WPX 4.2 Are Now Available!
Hi All, Amateur Contact Log 5.9 is Now Available! Amateur Contact Log 5.9 enhancements include: - Click the blue label above most fields for a Worked / Confirmed summary. For example, with Croatia in the country field, click the blue label that says Country. The total number of times the entity is worked is listed. If there is at least one confirmation the back color is blue. If there aren't any confirmations the back color is green. Only bands on which there is at least one QSO are included in the list: The above will display for many of the fields including states, grids, etc. - Addition of the free Callook call book lookup service (only includes USA call signs). Remember to be sure to only use one call book data source at a time. - Display a list of QSOs with unconfirmed countries (List > QSOs with Unconfirmed > Countries). - Display a list of QSOs with unconfirmed states (List > QSOs with Unconfirmed > States). - Display a map of worked states. On the Awards form, after clicking Calculate, click the View Map button next to the States label. - Obtain the long path bearing by clicking on the Bearing label (while it is currently displaying the direct bearing). - Press Ctrl + Shift + B to disable prompt on close (when a call is in the Call field). These next features originated with the contest software in mind, but are included in AC Log too. Please see the CQ WPX summary below for more details: - Auto advance to the next DX spot on enter (Press Ctrl + Shift + E to turn on the auto advance option). - Clear a DX Spot from your keyboard (press Ctrl + Shift + X with the call you want to clear in the call field). - Press Ctrl + Shift + Z to advance to the next DX Spot. As always, upgrades are free to registered users! You'll find Amateur Contact Log 5.9 here: And the upgrade steps here: CQ WPX Contest Log 4.2 now available! We are always looking for ways to increase our contest QSO rates! During ARRL International DX SSB, working mostly Click & Pounce in the Assisted category, I realized that there was an opportunity for an efficiency enhancement with the band map. I use the Band Map as a check list, working each station that I can, right clicking to clear it afterwards (or if I don't hear him / can't get him) and then moving on to the next station. That requires a mouse grab and two mouse clicks. It only takes a second or two, but that's often just long enough to miss the call sign of the next CQing station, requiring the need to wait for him to call again, or listen while he works someone else first. I realized how cool it would be to immediately jump to the next station the moment we press enter! CQ WPX version 4.2 allows us to do just that! With rig interface enabled, as soon as we log the previous contact, 4.2 will automatically remove the spot we just worked from our Band Map (if we have Block Duplicates selected on the DX Spotting Filter form), tune our rigs to the next spot and fill the Call field for us, all without requiring a mouse grab! With focus on the main form: Ctrl + Shift + E Toggles the jump to next spot option. Ctrl + Shift + X Deletes the currently selected spot (the call must be in the call field) Ctrl + Shift + Z Jumps to the next spot in the band map. Some other beta testers and I tried this new code here during CQ WPX SSB and it is definitely a QSO rate enhancer! Just remember to turn it off before you call CQ yourself! Here is a brief video demonstration. Make sure that you watch full screen, so you can see the stations spotted on the band map automatically disappear: Here is a complete list of the enhancements in CQ WPX 4.2: - Auto advance to the next DX spot on enter (Press Ctrl + Shift + E to turn on the auto advance option). - Clear a DX Spot from your keyboard (press Ctrl + Shift + X with the call you want to clear in the call field). - Press Ctrl + Shift + Z to advance to the next DX Spot (rig interface must be enabled). - Option to automatically spot DX on entry (enable by pressing Ctrl + Shift + T). - Obtain the long path bearing by clicking on the Bearing label (while it is currently displaying the direct bearing). - Option to log the contact by clicking on the blue dialog label. - To update the contest elapsed time counter to robot calculated time, click on the operating time label. - Additional API commands. As always, upgrades are free to registered users! You'll find CQ WPX 4.2 here: Lord willing, I plan to have these enhancements added to the rest of the contest software well before the fall contest season begins! Is Field Day Contest Log Version 5.4 the Latest? Lots of folks are getting set for Field Day, installing software and e-mailing to see if I have any Field Day software revisions planned between now and Field Day. I am not planning any new releases to the Field Day software before this year's event. Version 5.4, released in January should be it, so go ahead and install it! By the way, it is excellent that so many of you are getting set this far in advance! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Vermont QSO Party Contest Log 1.0 Now Available!
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that.... Vermont QSO Party Contest Log 1.0 is Now Available! Just in time for this weekend's contest, both in state and out of state versions of the Vermont QSO Party Contest Log 1.0 are now available! I didn't expect to have these programs ready in time for this year's contest, but things came together more quickly than I anticipated. The Vermont QSO Party Contest log is a new program in the N3FJP Software Package and free to package users! Just use the state QSO party password we sent you in your package list. You can download the new software here: And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
NCJ NA Sprint Contest Log 4.3 Now Available and New Indiana QP Abbreviations!
Hi All, I have three quick announcements to share: NCJ NA Sprint Contest Log 4.3 Now Available! The NCJ Folks have updated their Sprint rules to include additional multipliers (details here: I have updated the NCJ NA Sprint contest log accordingly. As always, upgrades are free to registered users. You'll find the latest version of the NCJ NA Sprint Contest log here: And the upgrade steps are here: Please note that only the CW / RTTY version requires updating. The SSB contest is managed by a different organization and unaffected by this change. New Indiana QSO Party County Abbreviations Ready for Download! The Indiana QSO Party folks have updated their county multiplier abbreviations. To update your abbreviation list, from the Indiana QSO Party software, click File > Download County List File. Winter Field Day - Package Users Password Interest in this weekend's Winter Field Day looks to be quite strong (details here:! The Winter Field Day program is a relatively new addition to the N3FJP Software Package, first appearing in 2014. If you are an N3FJP Software Package user and your password list doesn't include the Winter Field Day software, don't wait until Saturday morning to contact us. Please e-mail us now for your password and Kimberly will send you an updated list. Also, don't forget to use the latest version (1.8), as the Winter Field Day software has been updated for recent rule changes. As always, additional programs I add to the N3FJP Software package are free to registered users! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
New Versions of All Log Programs Available, 20 Year Milestone & More!
Hi All, I have several announcements to share, but first, a thank you... Twenty Year Milestone - Thank You! It's nearly impossible to believe it's been 20 years since I first started dabbling in Amateur Radio software. My goal in 1997 was to write some logging programs for my station and maybe share them with the local group. Kimberly and I never foresaw or imagined that N3FJP Software would become what it is today! We would not have been able to do this without all your kind words, support and encouragement along the way. Thank you! I am having more fun in radio now than ever. Lord willing, we are just getting started! Upgrades for Amateur Contact Log and all My Contesting Software are Now Available! The latest enhancements include: - Added ability to select the sound card or device (RIGblaster, SignaLink, etc.) that you want to use to play your audio wave files (Settings > Transmit > Phone). - Added ability to record wave files for transmit (Settings > Transmit > Phone). - Removed Windows Media Player dependency. - Flex radio users can now connect to their rig via the Flex API to read and change the frequency and mode of the active slice (Settings > Rig Interface and select Flex API). - Additional DX Spotting filter options including blocking stations in your country and blocking stations not in the Super Check Partial list (to hopefully cut down on inaccurate DX spots). Click More Filtering on the DX Spotting set up form (Super Check Partial filtering for contesting software only). - The CW % wildcard will now send the county abbreviation instead of the full county name (state QSO party programs only). As always, these upgrades are free to registered users! All the latest versions are available for download from Just uninstall the existing program from Windows Control Panel and then install the latest. Getting Ready for ARRL - RTTY Roundup by Interfacing Digital Software! The ARRL RTTY Roundup is this weekend! Dave, W1HKJ and author of Fldigi has updated his digital software to interface with my programs via my new API. Dave just made some changes in Fldigi to support ARRL RTTY. If you are planning to use Fldigi this weekend, please be sure that you are running Fldigi 3.23.19! If you are planning to use Jeff, N7YG's software, please be sure you are running his latest versions too. If you haven't interfaced any of the growing list of digital programs with my software including Digital Engine by Jeff, N7YG, Fldigi by Dave, W1HKJ, JT Alert by Laurie, VK3AMA, PSK Express by Jeff, N7YG and W4ELP Lookup Bridge program by Ed, W4ELP, you'll find quick start steps for each of these programs and links to more support here: Don't wait until the day of ARRL RTTY to get set up! And if your favorite digital program doesn't yet interface with N3FJP Software, please encourage the developer to visit this link to get started! Getting Ready for Winter Field Day - Please Use Winter Field Day Contest Log Version 1.6 or Later. The Winter Field Day folks have updated their rules for the 2017 running of Winter Field Day (January 28 - 29 this year). Please be sure you are running my Winter Field Day software version 1.6 or later. Prior versions will not support the current rule set. You'll find the complete Winter Field Day rules here: Request for Customized AC Log Screen Layout Screen Shots. One of the great features of Amateur Contact Log is each user's ability to customize the screen layout, fields displayed and tab order that suits your specific needs best. I'd like to create a web page or video of some of the very cool layouts that users have come up with, to help others generate ideas. If you have uniquely customized Amateur Contact Log and are willing to let me display your screen shot, please send one along! Ideally, please include the DX Spotting band map in the shot too. If you've never take a screen shot before, it's easy. Just tap the PrtScn key, start Windows Paint and click Edit > Paste. Save the file as a .jpg and send it along! If you have't yet explored all of AC Log's user customizable layout features, this video will get you started: New Country List Update from Jim, AD1C! Jim, AD1C just released a new country file update on December 31. To update N3FJP Software, just click File > Download Country Files from AD1C. You only have to do that once, from any of the programs, to bring them all up to the latest. More details on Jim's latest release are here: And if you haven't thanked Jim lately for all his hard work, please do! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
NAQP Contest Log 4.4 is Now Available!
Hi All, I have a little early Christmas cheer for you all... NAQP Contest Log 4.4 is Now Available! I just recently received word that the DC (District of Columbia) multiplier has been added for NAQP. Meanwhile, I have been working on the rest of these enhancements that, Lord willing, I plan to have available in all my software soon. Feature enhancements include: - Added new DC (District of Columbia) multiplier for NAQP. - Added ability to select the sound card or device (RIGblaster, SignaLink, etc.) that you want to use to play your audio wave files (Settings > Transmit > Phone). - Added ability to record wave files for transmit (Settings > Transmit > Phone). - Removed Windows Media Player dependency. - Flex radio users can now connect to their rig via the Flex API to read and change the frequency and mode of the active slice (Settings > Rig Interface and select Flex API). - Additional DX Spotting filter options including blocking stations in your country and blocking stations not in the Super Check Partial list (to hopefully cut down on inaccurate DX spots). Click More Filtering on the DX Spotting set up form. As always, upgrades and new programs I add to the N3FJP Software Package are free to registered package users! Just uninstall your current version of NAQP from Add / Remove Programs in Windows and then install version 4.4: Since the next NAQP contest is coming up soon and the NAQP folks added a multiplier, these new features are only in NAQP 4.4 right now. My goal is to have new versions of all the programs with these new enhancements by mid January. I will let you know as soon as I have the rest of the programs updated with these new features! I hope that you all have a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a wonderful holiday season! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log 5.3 is Now Available!
Hi All, I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Just a quick note to let you know that: ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log 5.3 is Now Available! I just received word earlier today that the abbreviation for the Mexican section DF is to be changed to CMX for this year's 10 Meter contest. I have updated both the North American and DX versions of the ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log accordingly. As always, this upgrade is free to registered users! To upgrade, just uninstall the previous version from Windows Control Panel and then install the latest: The complete upgrade steps are here: Another DX Spot Filter! When contesting, incorrectly posted DX Spots can sure nibble at our QSO rates. We click on what we think is a new station to work, only to discover the correct call is already in our log. To hopefully cut down on that lost time, I've added an option to only show call signs that are in our Super Check Partial List. This isn't a perfect solution as new contest calls will be filtered in their debut, but it might be a help. To enable the feature, click Settings > DX Spotting, click the More Filtering command button and check the appropriate check box. For more information on Super Check Partial and to download the latest Super Check Partial file, click Settings > Super Check Partial from the menu options of any of the contest programs. You'll find this new feature in ARRL 10 Meter Contest Log 5.3 and Lord willing, the rest of the contest software soon! Enjoy the 10 Meter Contest everyone! Let's keep our fingers crossed for good conditions! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
CQ WW DX SSB - ATNO in Amateur Contact Log!?
Hi All, CQ World Wide DX SSB kicks off this Friday evening here in the USA (8:00 PM Eastern) and runs for 48 hours. Even if you don't consider yourself a contester, please jump in and give it a try! CQ WW DX SSB is BIG and there is a smorgasbord of DX to work. Whether you want to test your station, you are going for a high QSO rate or you just want to get some new DX entities in your log, this is a super opportunity to make great strides towards your 5 Band DXCC award! The contest couldn't be easier. Just exchange your signal report and CQ Zone ( Complete rules are here: My CQ World Wide DX logging software is here: And please be sure to review the pre-contest checklist here: Is the DX an All Time New One (ATNO)!? Have you ever wondered, while contesting, if the juicy DX entity you are trying to work is already worked or confirmed in your Amateur Contact Log file? When contesting, in the heat of the fray, there's never been a quick way to check, until now! One of the many new features this year in N3FJP software is that you can now set my contest programs to query AC Log to find out! Here's How: - From Amateur Contact Log 5.6 or later, click Settings > API and check the upper checkbox that says TCP API Enabled (Server). Leave the lower Client checkbox unchecked. - In my CQ WW contest software, check the lower checkbox to Enable Entity Confirmation Check via API. Leave the upper Server checkbox unchecked. That's all there is to it. Just bring up the CQ WW software, enter a call in the contest software's Call field (for an unconfirmed entity in AC Log) and press the space bar to tab. When you tab from the Call field in the contesting program, a status query will go out to AC Log via API to check the confirmation status and the result will be displayed in CQ WW contesting software's dialogue box, if unconfirmed! If you are running AC Log 5.6 or later, the alert options that will appear in the contest software include: Entity is an All Time New One Entity isn't confirmed on any band or mode Entity is confirmed, but hasn't been worked on current band and mode Entity is confirmed, but is unconfirmed on current band and mode To use this feature, please keep Amateur Contact Log running, but it doesn't have to take up any screen real estate. Once configured, you can leave Amateur Contact Log minimized all weekend, so you can give your full attention to the CQ World Wide DX contest software. If you want to give this new feature a try, please go ahead and set it up now, so you are all set before Friday evening rolls around! Enjoy the contest everyone! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Quick Digital Tutorial for CQ WW RTTY This Weekend - Fldigi, PSK Express & N7YG Digital Engine
Hi All, I've been receiving lots of requests for quick, step by step instructions for interfacing Fldigi, PSK Express and N7YG Digital Engine with my CQ WW RTTY software for this weekend's DX contest. The following is written with CQ WW RTTY in mind, but most applies to Amateur Contact Log 5.7 too. First, a couple caveats. I've been around the block in SSB and CW contests, but operating digital is brand new to me. I am only now becoming familiar with these digital programs myself. Both Dave and Jeff have active support groups for their applications, where they and other much more seasoned users can help you. I'm not equipped to support Dave and Jeff's software. If you have questions about using these programs, need additional support, have bug reports, want to receive future announcements or would like to offer suggestions for future enhancements, please join and post to their users groups: Fldigi by Dave, W1HKJ: PSK Express & Digital Engine by Jeff, N7YG: Also, Jeff, N7YG has just updated PSK Express ( to correct the state / province transfer and Digital Engine ( so that the waterfall properly shows frequency. If you are planning to use Jeff's software this weekend, please be sure you are running either of these latest versions. Updating PSK Express is super easy. Just click Help > Check for Update and follow the prompts. For the Digital Engine, uninstall your current version from Windows Control Panel and then install the new version. What follows are just the details on interfacing these digital programs with my software. If you need help using, programming macros, setting sound card levels and other functionality of the respective programs, please post to the appropriate users group above. Hopefully the following will be enough to get you started interfacing these programs with my CQ WW RTTY software (and AC Log): Configuring my CQ WW DX RTTY 1.4 Software: (use the same password as the CQ WW SSB / CW program) Regardless of which digital program you plan to use, the first step will always be to start my software before starting the connecting program. From CQ WW RTTY 1.4's menu options click Settings > Application Program Interface and check the upper check box that says TCP API Enabled (Server). Leave the lower check box unchecked. That is the only step required in N3FJP Software. Everything else is handled by the connecting program. Digital Engine by Jeff, N7YG: Download Link: User's Guide: Support: Comments: Probably the easiest of the three to configure, this program was specifically designed by N7YG to function as a companion to the suite of N3FJP software and provides a simple digital modem with a floating waterfall that can reside on the same screen as the logging software. The Digital Engine detects which N3FJP program it is connected to and configures automatically. Note that the waterfall is a little tricky to move. Sometimes it continues to follow your mouse after you stop dragging. Just click again to disconnect. Setup: - From the menu options click Logger Selection and select N3FJP. The name of the N3FJP Software program you are connected to will appear in the title bar and frequency will appear below with rig interface enabled. - Configure macros, or press F4 to transmit and F5 to receive. - For CQ WW RTTY, Select RTTY from the waterfall - Can be customized to fit on one screen - To send a value to N3FJP Software, Left click the text in the decode window and select the field - Click Log contact to log. - Typical logging sequence for CQ WW RTTY: A. Left click on a Call in the decode window and click send to call sign. Default CQ zone and RST values appear immediately in CQ WW RTTY. B. If working a US or Canada station, left click on the State / Province and click send to State / Province. C. Click Log Contact Fldigi by Dave, W1KHJ: Download Link: User's Guide: (Interfacing with N3FJP Software begins on page 135). Support: Comments: Fldigi is excellent, widely used digital software that supports many digital modes. Note that as a contest interface, Fldigi currently requires you to capture the CQ Zone, while N7YG's programs will accept the default that N3FJP Software fills when the call is sent, so there is an additional user action required when using Fldigi for CQ WW RTTY. Dave and I are considering possible ways to streamline that now. Also note that while both the N7YG applications send each field value to N3FJP as you select them from the decode window, Fldigi only sends the call in advance, so don't expect to immediately see the other exchange values in CQ WW RTTY. When you click Fldigi's Save button, the rest of the fields in CQ WW RTTY will fill and save. Setup (these are the very basics. Dave has LOTS more documentation in his Users's Guide): - Click Configure > N3FJP Logs - Unless you are connecting to a different PC, just leave the defaults and click Connect. - Click Configure > Contest and select CQ WW RTTY - Click Configure > UI > Log > QSO and enable the RST defaults. That way you won't have to take the time to capture the RST values during the QSO. - Click Op Mode > RTTY to set up for CQ WW RTTY - Configure macros. - To send a value from Fldigi to CQ WW, Right click the value in the decode window and then select the field. Only the Call field is sent immediately. The rest are held in Fldigi's queue and displayed in Fldigi until save is clicked. - Clicking the Save button (button with blue down arrow) will write the values to N3FJP and save the contact. - Typical logging sequence for CQ WW RTTY: A. Right click on a Call in the decode window and click call. Default CQ zone appears in CQ WW, but still must be captured manually in Fldigi. B. Right click on the CQ zone and click CQ Zone. C. If working a US or Canada station, Right click on the State / Province and click CQ State. D. Click button with the blue down arrow to log the contact E. Then click the yellow brush in Fldigi to clear the existing values in the Fldigi software. PSK Express by Jeff, N7YG: Download Link: Support: Comments: A full featured digital program that supports a variety of digital modes including RTTY. Like the Digital Engine, PSK Express detects which N3FJP program it is connected to and configures automatically. Also note that while Digital Engine uses Left clicks, PSK Express uses Right clicks. Note that with regards to interfacing with my software, PSK Express and Digital Engine function very similarly, but PSK Express can't be sized down like the Digital Engine. If you only have one monitor, the Digital Engine may be the better choice. Setup: - From the menu options click N3FJP > Setup > Enable Interface. If successful, the name of the program and current frequency will display on the main form. - Configure macros, or press F4 to transmit and F5 to receive. - For CQ WW RTTY, Select RTTY from the Mode drop down (under the Windows menu option near the top) - To send a value to N3FJP Software, Right click the text in the decode window and select the field - Click Log contact to log. - Typical logging sequence for CQ WW RTTY: A. Right click on a Call in the decode window and click send to call sign. Default CQ zone and RST values appear immediately in CQ WW RTTY. B. If working a US or Canada station, right click on the State / Province and click send to State / Province. C. Click Log Contact Conclusion As you can see, even covering just the most basic functions in the briefest way possible covers a lot of ground, so I really encourage you to read Dave and Jeff's documentation, join their e-mail groups and seek support there as needed. Dave, Jeff and I have been working really hard the last few months on the interface features of our respective programs. There is a lot going on under the hood, so please view this CQ WW RTTY contest as a first, initial test. We all realize that there are likely lots of opportunities for improvement that will come to light in the contest environment this weekend. We welcome your feedback and suggestions on Jeff and Dave's e-mail groups after the contest! Enjoy CQ WW RTTY DX this weekend! We hope to work you! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Amateur Contact Log 5.7, CQ WW RTTY 1.4, Interface w Fldigi, N7YG & H.R. 1301!
Hi All, Just in time for CQ WW DX RTTY this coming weekend.... Amateur Contact Log 5.7 and CQ WW RTTY 1.4 are now available! Dave, W1HKJ (author of Fldigi), Jeff, N7YG (author of PSK Express and Digital Engine) and I have been working really hard the past few months on the Application Program Interface (API) to N3FJP Software for their digital programs. To accommodate all the new features of their respective programs, I've added additional API commands to my software. To set up my software to interface with these digital programs, start N3FJP Software first. From the menu options, click Settings > Application Program Interface and check the upper check box that says TCP API Enabled (Server). Leave the lower check box unchecked. Then start the digital program of your choice and refer to their help as needed (Configure > N3FJP Logs in Fldigi and N3FJP in PSK Express). In addition to the new API commands (0.8), I've added a few other enhancements, including: - Ability to quickly and easily switch between two rigs as configured on the rig interface form (Just press Ctrl X from the main form to switch between rigs). - To clear the band map, click on the band map and then press Shift C (this only affects the band map, not the DX Spots list). - Ability to add an offset on frequency change such as clicking on a DX spot, as configured on the rig interface form. When you click on a DX spot in CW, you may wish to be up or down a few Hz, so you aren't calling on the exact same frequency as everyone else. In digital, you may wish to specify the sweet spot of your waterfall pass band. - To quickly display the frequency column in the QSO list in any contesting program, click Ctrl + Shift + F. As always, these upgrades are free to registered users. Just uninstall the previous versions from Windows Control Panel and then install these: Amateur Contact Log 5.7: Download Page: Detailed upgrade steps: CQ WW DX RTTY 1.4: Download Page: Detailed upgrade steps: More Contest Program Upgrades Coming Soon! By far, the main emphasis of this AC Log and CQ WW RTTY upgrade is the digital interface integration. With these two now complete, Lord willing, I will begin updating the rest of the 100+programs with these latest enhancements after we receive feedback on how CQ WW RTTY goes this weekend. Dave, Jeff and I will do our best to stay ahead of this coming season's digital contest schedule. The Latest Digital Programs that Interface with N3FJP! Dave, W1HKJ has just released his latest version of Fldigi, which interfaces with my software! Fldigi is a widely used, free digital program, supporting a variety of digital modes. You must upgrade to Fldigi 3.23.14 to interface Fldigi with my software: Fldigi 3.23.14: Support: And you will find the latest versions of Jeff, N7YG's free programs here. PSK Express is a full featured digital program that supports a variety of digital modes including RTTY, etc. N7YG Digital Engine is a scaled down version of PSK Express, specifically designed by N7YG to function as a companion to the suite of N3FJP software and provide users with a simple digital modem and floating waterfall, that can reside on the same screen as the logging software: PSK Express Support: N7YG Digital Engine Support: Even if you are more familiar with one program than another, please try all the digital options! There are some differences that may make one more appealing to you. You may find one works better for contesting and the other for general rag chew. Dave and Jeff have both been working really hard to make this happen, so please be sure to thank them both! Other Programs Now Interfacing with N3FJP Software In addition to Dave and Jeff's latest work, here are other programs that now interface with N3FJP Software: JT Alert: (Digital bridge software emphasizing JT modes) W4ELP Lookup Utility: (Interfaces my software with DM 780 - including the free version) Win4K3Suite: (Rig Interface for Elecraft radios) If you would like to see other digital programs interface with my software, you can help make that happen! Developers often add upgrades based on feature requests from their users and it may be your prompting that makes the difference! Please refer the developer here: Please take two minutes, RIGHT NOW and add your voice to our call for the US Senate to pass the Amateur Radio Parity Act! Now that H.R. 1301 has unanimously passed in the US House, it is on to the US Senate. Adding your voice to our call for Senate passage literally takes less than two minutes, costs you nothing and may just be one of the most important things you'll ever do for Amateur Radio's future. Please simply go here and follow the prompts: Don't forget to encourage your ham friends to do the same! Thanks for your support! And in response to the questions we always receive when we neglect to include the following in our e-mail announcements... Package Upgrade Information... If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package or N3FJP's Software Package and CD for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail directly and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package includes more than one hundred programs for contesting, net management and general logging Amateur Radio applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive free passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. There are no annual / maintenance costs of any kind. Simply pay once and you are set with N3FJP Software for life! You'll find all the details on the Register Now page here: Donations are Gratefully Accepted! And in response to the often asked question for which Kimberly and I are very grateful... "I know your upgrades are free, but I also realize how much time and effort coding these enhancements and new programs take and that your pricing policy doesn't fully reflect that. Can I send you something to show my appreciation for your continued efforts?" Yes, thanks so much, your continued support in any amount is very welcome and deeply appreciated! You can use this page: or send your contribution by mail, payable to Affirmatech Inc., to: G. Scott Davis 118 Glenwood Road Bel Air, MD 21014-5533 Thank you so much for your continued support! Thanks! As always, thanks for your kind words, support, linking to our web site and spreading the word about our software. Kimberly and I really appreciate it! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect... p.s. If you want to unsubscribe or need to change your e-mail address for future announcements.... The way Yahoo groups are set up, it is much easier for subscribers to unsubscribe from the old e-mail address than for the list owner to do it for you. In addition, Yahoo now prohibits list owners from adding anyone, so it is impossible for me to add your new e-mail address. Fortunately, it is very easy for subscribers to unsubscribe and resubscribe. Here are the links to the announcements group: And users group: Please go ahead and make that change. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
Please Help Test Fldigi - N3FJP Contesting Implementation!
Hi All, The testers, Dave, W1HKJ (author of Fldigi) and I are working through the Fldigi - N3FJP Software interface testing process now. Most of the input Dave and I have received so far has been AC Log related. Operating quickly, smoothly and efficiently in contests has its own set of feature requirements. I've been around the block with CW and SSB contests, but I've not ever seriously operated any digital contests. If you are a seasoned digital contester, we really need your input, not only on whether the interface is working correctly now with the contest software, but what needs serious digital contesters have, that may not be fully addressed in the current implementation. Please help us make the Fldigi - N3FJP Software contest implementation the best it can be! In addition to AC Log, I have a beta version of the Field Day software that will interface with Fldigi ready for testing! If you are a seasoned digital contester who is already familiar with Fldigi and N3FJP software, please join us here: You'll find the download links for the current versions of the test software here (Fldigi, AC Log and Field Day Contest Log): If you would like to see the software work a certain way, now is the perfect time for your input on the Fldigi - N3FJP group! Thanks in advance for your help! 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio community with contesting and general logging software since 1997. 1 Peter 3 vs 15: Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect...
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