.SAVEBIAS (was: Importing and exporting data from LTSpice to Matlab) 23
Interesting! I never dug into the docs deeply enough to see this command. I can see several possible uses for it, so tried adding it to a recent model. Apparently, I’m missing something in the command, because I can’t find any file it created: .SAVEBIAS MagStimDriver I tried it with and without file extensions (,csv, .txt) and with and without quotes around the filename. Looked in the current folder the model resides and runs in, the default LTspiceXVII folder, Documents, and Desktop, and nothing… Suggestions? Thanks, Dave Bell
Розпочато Bell, Dave @ · Останніх @
Model conversion for MC33161 15
Hi, I have difficulties converting the attached model into LTSpice. Hopefully somebody of the experts can help me creting an appropriate model for the MC33161. BR, Kurt ############################################################### * SYM=MC33161 .SUBCKT MC33161 23 5 24 7 22 15 1 3 * VREF IN1 IN2 GND OUT2 OUT1 MODE VCC .MODEL COMP SW(VT=1.27 VH=0.025 RON=1K ROFF=10MEG) .MODEL DMOD D (IS=1E-16) .MODEL QN1 NPN (BF=200 RC=8.5) .MODEL QN2 NPN (BF=500) .MODEL M1 NMOS VTO=2.3 KP=100 Bicc 3 7 i=v(3)>1.6 ? 380u : 0 R1 2 3 1MEG BCOND 4 7 V=V(2)>2.5 ? 5 : 0 R3 9 7 250K V3 11 10 2 R4 10 6 12K I1 6 7 24U D2 7 6 DMOD D5 1 9 DMOD D6 9 11 DMOD BCOMP1 12 7 V=2.8<V(1) ? 5 : 0 BXOR1 13 7 V=ABS(V(12,4)<2.5 ? 5 : 0 R5 26 13 44K Q1 15 26 7 QN1 S2 17 7 24 7 COMP R8 17 3 1MEG B2 16 7 V=V(17)>2.5 ? 5 : 0 BCOMP2 20 7 V=0.6<V(1) ? 5 : 0 BXOR2 19 7 V=ABS(V(20,16)<2.5 ? 5 : 0 R9 18 19 44K Q3 22 18 7 QN1 Q4 3 21 25 QN2 R12 3 21 250K R13 25 23 0.3 R15 23 27 10K R16 27 7 100K M1 21 27 7 7 M1 S1 2 7 5 7 COMP .ENDS
Розпочато panikjahn @ · Останніх @
Importing and exporting data from LTSpice to Matlab 3
Hi, I want to use Matlab to run an LTSpice file in a periodic manner. The Matlab file should run the LTSpice file over a period with initial values set, then use the results of the simulation to set the initial values for the next period. I've been able to run the simulation and set initial values through Matlab using LTSpice2Matlab, but I've been having trouble importing data into Matlab. Is there any way to add a script to LTSpice such that the simulation results are stored in a .txt file, or is there another way to import the files LTSpice simulations make? Thank you for your help, K
Розпочато kiyanarrlana@... @ · Останніх @
A simple way to determine the stability of an amplifier.
There are different ways to determine the stability of an amplifier. And there is a simple way, more understandable, derived from the theory, which is discussed in textbooks. I used the possibility of a resistor having two values. These are DC resistance and AC resistance. The product of the feedback magnitude and the open-loop gain is calculated. Then a Nyquist diagram is built and it looks to see if there is coverage -1. There is no coverage in this scheme, so the scheme is stable. I note that the upper calculation frequency must exceed the limit frequency of the operational amplifier. See file draft1.zip in TEMP folder.
Розпочато Александр Бордодынов @
newbie - how to import model 19
Hello, sorry if it's a trivial question I tried to import the model for the transistor BD679 from http://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/supportDoc.do?type=models&rpn=BD679 into ltspice17 this link provides 4 formats: .lib, .sin, .sp2, .sp3 I'm not quite sure which file should I use, I tried to copy the .lib file to my directory: Documents\LTspiceXVII\lib\sub I've also tried to copy the same file to C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceXVII\lib\sub is this correct? then I tried click on "Pick new transistor" on a simple schematic, but I cannot select this transistor. Regards, Mauro
Розпочато Mauro Meneghin @ · Останніх @
NMOS-based switch sampling circuit 9
I‘m testing a NMOS-based switch sampling circuit. The specific file is cmos sw_samp.zip. The NMOS used is parametered by myself. The Vout tracks the Vin when Vgs is high, but it dosen't work when Vgs is low. The Vout maintains oscillation and can't keep the value of Vin when the Vgs changes to 0V. Gon
Розпочато Gon @ · Останніх @
DC/DC solar charger (was: DC/DC Buck converter.)
Hi, The following is somehow off-topic. Lately, I was asked to build a charger for 24V acid batteries. The source is a high-volt solar panel (PV). I uploaded the basic circuit I thought of for it (SolarChrg_v1.zip). The duty cycle of the switching MOSFET could be controlled continuously to get the highest possible current (MPPT). But it lacks detail of the floating V1 which I used to implement by using discrete components (because suitable ICs for this job are not available for me). I said it is off-topic because, at its input, there is a current source instead of a voltage source. Also, its current output is of interest instead of getting a regulated/fixed voltage. But, I will likely not able to build it because suitable ferrite cores for it are also not available in my city and I don’t have the privilege to order them from abroad. Anyway, although this rather simple circuit seems to work well on LTspice, it may not be so in real. Only some of you, out there, may find the answer. Kerim
Розпочато Kerim @
DC/DC Buck converter. 14
Hi everyone !! I assembled the circuit as shown in the attached image. However, some of the results diverged from the calculated values. The currents in inductors L1 and L0 are significantly higher than expected. I would appreciate any tips on what could be adjusted in the circuit to improve the results and bring them closer to the specified values. I used in LTspice, a simulation I conducted in Psim with an ideal model of the converter. For the conditions I specified, the currents in inductors L1 and L0 should be 4 A and 10 A, respectively, but both are showing an average value of 14 A. I suspect there may be an issue with the circuit. I would be grateful for any advice, insights, or guidance you could provide! Link: <offsite storage> - LTspice Link: <offsite storage> - DC/DC converter.
Розпочато paulistinha3313@... @ · Останніх @
XL4016 LTSpice model 17
Hi there, I am trying to simulate a buck converter with XL4016 , but I didn't find any LTSpice model for it. Is there anybody that could help me with that ? I found on the EasyEDA site, the following information: https://easyeda.com/component/c378a0dac95445c5b1f8abb64093b4ac ​Description: Simulatable symbol for XL4016 8A 180KHz 40V Buck DC to DC Converter in TO-220-5 package. Supplier: LCSC Supplier part number: C55881 Supplier page: https://lcsc.com/product-detail/DC-DC-Converters_XL4016E1_C55881.html Manufacturer Datasheet: http://www.xlsemi.com/datasheet/XL4016%20datasheet.pdf Uses LTspice model developed by signality.co.uk for EasyEDA I saw that XL4016 is included in EasyEDA and KiCAD, but I would like to work with LTSpice... So, if someone has the LTSpice model for the XL4016, please help me with that! Best regards, Bob
Розпочато Bobinuta Bobinel @ · Останніх @
adding a noise using BV source in LTspice 15 #NOISE
Hello,In the zip file on the link below there are both photos and simulations of my power supply source and idial aproximations simulation of the power supply signal. . I want to add a BV source to convert the idial approximation into more accurate representation of the source. There is no such option as shown in the photo.How do i define BV source in LTspice? Thanks. https://ltwiki.org/?title=B_sources_%28complete_reference%29 https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/Temp/john23/moise_sim.zip https://groups.io/g/LTspice/photo/294510/3840063?p=Created%2C%2C%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C0
Розпочато john23 @ · Останніх @
Archive Formats - was Re: [LTspice] mutual inductor/transforme not working 10
Don't post files that we can't open (what is a .gz file?), post your .asc file in the Temp folder and let us know you have.
Розпочато Jerry Lee Marcel @ · Останніх @
EMG Single vs Dual power supply Gain Question 15
Hello, I just have a quick question with LTSpice simulation. Added into the Temp file as of 2 pm, Oct 11, I have an EMG circuit with a passive high pass, Instrumentation Amplifier and Sallen-Key low pass filter. The physical circuit works just fine, but my issue is the gain, based on the LT1167 and OPA2333 datasheets does not match. More specifically, if I leave the amplifiers with a dual power source, the gain is exactly as I expect. However, when I move to using a single voltage supply and reference voltage divide, the gain becomes very strange, basically shrinking and seems to show an increase voltage rail-to-rail. Am I simply missing a crucial aspect of Gain being effected by use of the voltage reference pin or is there something in LTSpice I am not taking into account? Thank you.
Розпочато 19apt1@... @ · Останніх @
Compatibility of CAD Programs with LTSpice Macro Models 2
I am trying to load the Analog Devices Macro Models into Altium Designer and it turns out they do not support LTSpice Macro Models for the Analog Devices models that come included in the LTSpice library of standard components. Does anyone know of a CAD program that does?
Розпочато nivri.sevarg@... @ · Останніх @
LTspice Webinar 2
Presented by Electronic Design magazine. It takes a "business-type" registration; In the past I've "faked it" LTspice 24 Webinar: Faster, Better, Easier Circuit Simulation Event Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 Event Time: 2pm ET / 1pm CT / 11am PT / 7pm GMT Hosted by: Electronic Design Sponsored by: Analog Devices Summary Join this webinar to learn about the new features in LTspice 24. Explore the new frequency response analysis feature, particularly useful in optimizing loop compensation for switch mode power supplies. Attendees will Learn: Review new features and enhancements found in LTspice 24 Learn how to create Bode plots for the feedback loops of switching power supplies Explore advanced power supply analysis techniques https://www.electronicdesign.com/resources/webinars/webinar/55127269/ltspice-24-webinar-faster-better-easier-circuit-simulation
Розпочато Jim Wagner @ · Останніх @
Simulation stalls (was: problem uniting two circuits in LTSPICE) 3
Hello Andy,I have done what you said shown in the attached ZIP file. However the simulation just getting stuck at 46% i dont know why? I tried to run it on several computers. Is there a way to solve this problem? Thanks. https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/Temp/john23/united_sim_updated.zip
Розпочато john23 @ · Останніх @
problem uniting two circuits in LTSPICE 3
Hello , I have built two circuits , One is a sequencer and the other is a pulse stabilizer for this sequencer. Seperatly they are working great.(attached two_separated file) I have connected them as shown in the photo below. I..the united simulation gets P12 and out+ are the same thing but they show different voltage. Why is that? How do I connect these circuits together properly? Thanks. https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/Temp/john23/united_sim.zip https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/Temp/john23/two_separated.zip https://groups.io/g/LTspice/photo/294510/3839764?p=Created%2C%2C%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C0
Розпочато john23 @ · Останніх @
Updating the component library in LTspice 24.0.12 8
All, I have working with a serious bug in the component update under version 24.0.12 THE FOLLOWING IS MY MESSAGE TO ADI. "After my update of LTspice 24.0.2 on 10 Oct 2024, the program is no longer usable in my applications. Because Analog Devices has stripped the NJF parts, LTspice 24.0.2 is disabled on my computer. When I update version 17.1.15, the NJF file is 27 KB. When I update version 24.0.12, the NJF file is 2 KB and will only list 7 JFET parts. These parts are LS844, LSK389A, LSK389B, LSK389C, LSK170A, LSK170B and LSK170C. I have a number of folders with many JFET simulations. With LTspice 24.0.12, these files will no longer run. When I update LTspice 17.1.15, I see "Change Log 6/17/24 ADM705" at the top of the list. When I update LTspice 24.0.12, I see "Change Log 10/08/24 ADAQ7767-1" at the top of the list." THIS IS THE REPLY THAT I RECEIVED FROM MStokowski AT ANALOG DEVICES "There is a problem with the latest library download. I have a workaround for you: Uninstall LTspice 24. Then, download the latest version and reinstall. When asked to update components, say no. The standard.jft should be back up to 27kb. Don't update components. We're looking into fixing this issue." I reinstalled 24.0.12 and am now waiting for a 24.0.12 update from ADI. Thanks, Mike F
Розпочато Mike Fraser @ · Останніх @
Compressing a line of text 8
I have a meas directive for dissipated power in a driver chip; it’s ugly and useless on the schematic page: .meas Pu2 MAX V(N004)*Ix(U2:In)+V(V+)*Ix(U2:V+)+V(V-)*Ix(U2:V-)+V(N003)*Ix(U2:Bias)+V(N002)*Ix(U2:OUT) FROM 1m TO 60m I don’t suppose I could do something like: .param Pwr .meas Pu2 MAX V(N004)*Ix(U2:In)+V(V+)*Ix(U2:V+)+V(V-)*Ix(U2:V-)+V(N003)*Ix(U2:Bias)+V(N002)*Ix(U2:OUT) FROM 1m TO 60m .meas Pu2 MAX {Pwr} from 1m to 60m Dave
Розпочато Bell, Dave @ · Останніх @
converting power supply signal into pulse signal 3
Hello , I have a power supply which outputs +12V -12V as shown below in the CSV sources and plots and LTSPICE files .I get stable 12V -12V after a second. Is there a way to take the voltage after its being stable and make a pulse as shown below(or close to it) after 5seconds or so?(automatickly without using MCU) Or at least when the "device recognises we have 12V and -12V stable then it releases them at once(not like the power supply does it)? Thanks. https://groups.io/g/LTspice/photo/294510/3838752?p=Created%2C%2C%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C0 https://groups.io/g/LTspice/photo/294510/3838753?p=Created%2C%2C%2C20%2C2%2C0%2C0 https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/Temp/john23/Power%20supply%20source.zip
Розпочато john23 @ · Останніх @
Закрито Unexpected waveforms (was: CSV source not workingproperly ...) 4
Hello,I have plugged the CSV sources in my simulation . As you can see in the photos inside the zip file, the CSV source is good(has noisy pattern) But in the output of the circuit photo i have areas where its straight line and areas where its noisy. Did i made the simulation correct? Thanks. https://groups.io/g/LTspice/files/Temp/john23/New%20folder.zip
Розпочато john23 @ · Останніх @
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