WET::Re: Yahoo Groups is shutting down. Should we consider moving group to Groups.io
Hi Steve: I sure do agree: I have been on the down hill slide this year since I slipped and fell on some snow covered ICE in FEB. Good luck in the move Bill Thomas
Розпочато idea2man @
CCED Move 2
I was the original List Mom, and started this group after a trip to NAMES. Somewhere along the way I got dropped from the CCED group, as either the owner(List Mom) or as a moderator.. I would suggest that the early information be retained somewhere, I feel that even if it is old that there is a lot of useful information contained therein. I do not have the skills to try to help move the content, but I hope that someone steps forward to do so. I am now 84 years old, and no longer active in the group, or the shop. Wm. Anliker, Original List Mom Wanliker@...
Розпочато WAnliker@aol.com @ · Останніх @
Yahoo Groups is shutting down. Should we consider moving group to Groups.io 2
This may be a duplicate post. My first attempt seemed to get lost. On 28 October this group will no longer accept new posts, and in December the content will go away. I have arranged to help move the Mach1Mach2CNC group to the service on the Groups.io platform. Does anyone know who is the owner of this group and should we try to move the content? I realize this group has been very quite lately, but it would be a shame for all the valuable information stored in its history to disappear from the web. Regards, Steve Stallings www.PMDX.com
Розпочато Steve Stallings @ · Останніх @
Taig 2019ER Mill
Dear Friends ... Thought somebody can make this work for them? Can be upgraded to CNC. Thank you very much! :) http://www.ebay.com/itm/264414914838?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Розпочато Peter Skerda @
Selling Sherline 5400 CNC ready 2
Not sure where the in groups are for Sherline and small CNC machines. Any suggestion of good groups where I can post selling this item would be greatly appreciated. New in Box, outer carton has been opened, but inside boxes and packing is all still in place. Sherline Mill 5400 CNC ready. Is about a 5 year old version, but has stored in climate controlled indoors and not unpackaged. Range of accessories also new in box available with the mill. I believe it is the accessory pack that is optional with the mill. Any suggestions appreciated, Tim G timg@...
Розпочато Tim Goldstein @ · Останніх @
22" travel single axis suggestions 5
Considering creating a special application machine that would require a single axis with 22" of travel. It will not have to carry more than 10 lbs, but needs to have less than .0005" or better .00025" deviation under the spindle through out the entire travel. Not worried about how to drive it mechanically or electronically. Just looking for ideas on the least expensive way to build physical parts of the stage. Ideas? Thanks, Tim G Denver, CO
Розпочато Tim Goldstein @ · Останніх @
DXF to Centroid AcornCNC 2
Hi Guys, I have a Video at this website that may be of interest. I have been a Mach3 user for many years, but its time to upgrade. https://thinkcnc.wixsite.com/cad2gcode Please check it out. Bob Adams
Розпочато stcnc2000 @ · Останніх @
Movement 3
Howdy folks; It's looking more, and more like yahoogroups may be going down the tubes. Folks on the 7X12MiniLathe list are talking about emigrating to: https://groups.io/g/7x12MiniLathe/ I know the list hasn't been all that active of late, but perhaps it's time for discussing it. Bill
Розпочато Bill Vance @ · Останніх @
Moseley 3 band antenna - FREE
I aLSO have a 3 band antenna some traps look a little frail but you are getting 2 antennas If you are interested call me at 8067781379 Charlie Brown N5TYI International Health Service Volunteer http://www.ihsmn.org/donate/ Proud user of Holland Kendall Ministry Eye Glass Inventory/Reader Programs http://kendall-optometry-ministry.org/ --------------------------------------------
Розпочато Charlie Brown N5TYI @
[mach1mach2cnc] Homann Designs (time machine)2017 Christmas Break
Hi All: Did you notice that peter has a time machine and is going back a couple years!! GOD'S BLESSINGS Bill Thomas
Розпочато idea2man @
[mach1mach2cnc] Homann Designs 2017 Christmas Break
Hi All, Another year comes to a close too quickly. Homann Designs would like to take this opportunity to wish all a safe and merry festive season. We would also like to thank all for their support throughout the past year. We will be closed until the 8th January 2016, taking a long deserved annual break. Any orders place during this period may be processed during the break , or once we return on the 8th. We will still be monitoring emails for anything urgent. We wish you a great festive season and look forward to supporting you in 2018. Cheers, Peter -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- web : http://www.homanndesigns.com email : groups@... Phone : +61 421 601 665
Розпочато Peter Homann @
Tech Shop goes out of business 2
It seems that Tech Shop has gone out of business nationally. Jon
Розпочато Jon Elson @ · Останніх @
Current CNC options for Lathes with encoders? 17
Not sure where is the bast place to ask as most of the lists I frequent for CNC are specific to a single option. I've got an Orac and a Compact8 Lathe both of which are running nicely from the Mach3 Mill computer, but as yet nothing is hooked up to the encoder and index pulse signals. I was going down the path of Eding USBCNC, but the current interface boards are a lot more expensive than the original USB boards. PlanetCNC offers a similar board to the earlier Eding one and prices look good even adding the extra bit for the software licence. The Pokeys boards look nice price wise, but I'm not sold on Mach4 having been using Mach3 on the mill for years. Does any other software take advantage of the Pokeys hardware? Then we get back to LinuxCNC which I keep downloading but never getting much further along than that despite having a couple of other interfaces that are getting good responses about. Nothing stands out as the ideal solution for a lathe setup like Mach3 is for the mill, or am I missing something? -- Lester Caine - G8HFL ----------------------------- Contact - http://lsces.co.uk/wiki/?page=contact L.S.Caine Electronic Services - http://lsces.co.uk EnquirySolve - http://enquirysolve.com/ Model Engineers Digital Workshop - http://medw.co.uk Rainbow Digital Media - http://rainbowdigitalmedia.co.uk
Розпочато Lester Caine @ · Останніх @
Qcad to CAD2Lathe to Mach3 turn
Hi to all. Checkout my new video at: https://youtu.be/yoGwjAB3Vpw Cheers Bob Adams
Розпочато stcnc2000 @
Solderless DB9 connector breakout board for G540 steppers motors 2
Hi All, Just a quick announcement of the GC-12, a new solderless DB9 breakout board that provides an easy way to connect a stepper motor to the G540 without soldering. https://www.homanndesigns.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=53_69&products_id=343 The GC-12 contains a 3.5mm pitch terminal block along with a trim potentiometer to set the stepper motor current. The GC-12 comes with a DB-9 Backshell that includes a cable strain relief. Cheers, Peter -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Web : http://www.homanndesigns.com email : sales@... Phone : +61 421 601 665
Розпочато Peter Homann @ · Останніх @
Digital readout scale mounting hardware for Milling machine quill axis
Hello, I looking for someone in LA or Orange county California to help design and manufacturer a set of Z axis/Quill brackets for a linear scale. I will be offering them as part of my 3 axis dro systems and as replacements for broken quill scales that we receive for repair. I will buying the bracket kits from you so this will be a paying job. You can contact me off list if you have questions. Thanks, Tim LMSC
Розпочато linearmeasurement @
Shapes Plus 3
Hi Guys, Please take a look at my new video. It creates a DXF file for CAM. https://youtu.be/1Rpx5VxHDTo Cheers Bob Adams
Розпочато stcnc2000 @ · Останніх @
I am learning but still so lost. 13
I have a Chinese table top cnc machine.that have had it for a year and not been able to get it working. Did replace the ball nut on the x axis as it was broken in shipment. I am trying to use linuxcnc got it loaded and running but cannot get things to work at all. When I plug the serial cable into the machine the stepper motors are energized meaning I cannot turn them by hand. I am asking so many questions, that I am embarrassed. I am so lost and need help. Please can someone help me, a telephone call would be great. I am 70 years old and really needed help as i am wheel chair bound. Thanks for listening to my rant. charlie79329@....
Розпочато Charlie Brown N5TYI @ · Останніх @
Easy CNC Guides Needed 9
Would appreciate some assistance from Our Forum Family on what basics I need to do to get my machine setup to initiate a simple part or engraving to get started. First of all, I do have a complete CNC mill, controller, mach 3 and it does appear to be configured properly? This is sort of a sticking point for me. Would like to actually design a simple part to get familiar with the procedure involved. For example, I'm sure there have been many of you that started out that have been there and done that. Pretty new at this and would like to know how you proceeded to obtain get this cnc to work for you. Any an all suggestion would very much be appreciated. I really need a basic, step by step, hands on instructions for a newby. You may consider sending a PM if you prefer. Thanks very much for taking the time to assist with this matter. If I am out of line here please feel free to tell me where to go. PM
Розпочато Peter Skerda @ · Останніх @
Restoring a desktop CNC 3
I have a MaxNC which doesn't work. Last time it failed I went to the seller and their repairs cost a lot and did not last. Even simply doing precision drilling on some grade 8 bolts for my brother ended in none of the motors working. Since factory repair costs too much I've gathered home repair parts to completely replace factory electric hardware and hopefully the software. But I don't know what to do with the software to get it up and running in spite of seeing many YouTube videos that address the subject but not in enough detail. Does anyone know how to set up and run an Arduino with CNC shield hooked up to 4 wire steppers? Is that under Windows or Linux? I want to set it up on two computers, a Windows running Fusion 360 (which is free for hobbyists) and generate G-codes. Then transport them to my garage to run on a Raspberry Pi to run the CNC machine. The Fusion 360 works. One problem is i don't understand Linux enough. So when I saw online instructions saying I need to flash the Arduino, I had to ask what that meant. When I found out it was sending an Arduino binary to the Arduino board, I don't know how to ask Linux to do that, or any of the other steps needed to run a file of G-codes. So, how do I proceed? Thank you.
Розпочато kirk fraser @ · Останніх @
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