Programmed shut down
I'm wondering what symbol I would use to have my system shut down if there were no button presses for 2 or 3 hours. I would have all button presses going through an "or" gate then to some timer which would reset every time a button is pressed. The timer would send the off command when a certain time is reached. I hope this makes sense. I have some ST-CP systems and some CNMSX-AV systems, some wireless one way and some wired panels. Don Reeve Lewis & Clark College
Reserved joins from SIMPL Windows?
Hi there Can someone tell me how to get access to the reserved join numbers from a SIMPL Windows program? I want to change to SLOW video on VT3500 when watching camera input and FAST when watching normal video. Another example is changing contrast with the light in the living room or sound level (CT1000) depending on key clicks or speech. I cannot "add" enough analogs on the Touchpanel to reach the reserved numbers and I don't know what to do else? Another thing. Do someone knows how to calculate sunrise/sunset times in SIMPL+ (I was thinking about a formula!)? Kind regards Claus, Denmark
VPL-PX30 control problem
Hello, This has been a problem at our office for a long time. 2 programmers at looked at this, we have both been in touch with Crestron Support, nobody can get this. We are trying to control a Sony VPL-PX30 via serial (RS-232) It absolutely does not work. We have confirmed the string with Crestron and Sony. It is good. In fact, that string will work with the Sony software. But it will not when put through the Crestron. We have looked at the code through the Viewport of another computer. The code is the same, weither coming from the Sony software or the Crestron. In fact, the only thing we are left to look at is the timing of the code. Maybe it's either too fast or too slow. If anybody has been able to control the VPL-PX30 through serial, please provide some help. You can send your response to marty6000@... Regards, Martin
Denon AVR-5800
Hello List, Anyone have the serial protocol for the above receiver? Thanks in advance, Tony Golden
I have been programming Crestron for a couple of years now, but I have always used IR or the RS232 codes that come in macros or the database. I now have a unit where I will have to program the RS232 myself. I am using a serial I/O symbol with the hex code for 1 (31) as the parameter, which needs to be followed by "enter". Do I put " 31\x0d" in the parameter box; is the \r code the same as 0d? In the delimiter box, can I put the 0d (or \r) command and leave it out of the parameter box? I hope this makes sense. Thanks, Don *********************************************************************** Don Reeve Lewis & Clark College Field Technician Instructional Media Services Email: reeve@... IT Division Voice: (503) 768-7027 "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society". Theodore Roosevelt ***********************************************************************
Carrier HVAC control?
Hello all, Our house is finally nearing completion -- we'll hopefully be in by Nov 18. We have a Carrier 38BRC036 central A/C and a Carrier 58MXA100 gas furnace with a SBP humidifier unit (the prog. thermostat will control both temp and humidity). Has anyone heard of successful Crestron HVAC control with Carrier? My integrator indicated that he had heard that Carrier had not been yet interfaced to from Crestron and that for whatever reason he was given, it didn't sound likely. Any rumours or just straight facts that I should be aware of or has anyone heard of successful integration? Thanks, Tim tim@...
Digest Number 65
<oztwowheels@...> wrote: In most cases, manufacturers will use the same code set across their model line, so the codes for the 3107 will likely work fine. The only difference could be if the 2109 has buttons on the remote that are needed that aren't in the 3107 driver. -- Geoffrey Reynolds
Toshiba SD 2109 codes
Hi group, I hope I find you all well. Firstly I want to thank Tony Golden and everyone else who helped out with my Allen and Heath problem a couple of weeks ago. Secondly I come grovelling to you once again, this time in search of the IR codes for a Toshiba SD 2109 (Australian model #) DVD player. If anyone has them I would be indebted to you if you could email them to me. I have a sneaking suspicion that the codes are identicle to the Toshiba 3107 (as in the Crestron database) however I would like to use the specific ones if possible to avoid confusion later on down the track. Thanks in advance Shannon Thomson Design and Development Officer University of Technology Sydney shannon.thomson@... or oztwowheels@...
Panasonic serial driver?
Hi there Do someone have information on a Panasonic AG-7130 with a AG-IA232 interface? I can see Crestron has no serial drivers for Panasonic VCRs, so I need to make one myself. It is a 25 pin D-SUB connector, but I don't know anything about the protocol. I cannot find the professional VCRs on Panasonics homepage. Kind regards Claus, Denmark
Dynalite dimmers and relay packs
Does anybody of this group have experience with Dynalite dimmer and relay packs ? Any idea about the prices ? Thanks Frank Leysen
RS-232 control of NEC GT-2000R projector
Hello Group: Thanks to Tony Golden for inviting me to your discussion group. As a neophyte programmer, I could use a little help in formatting the RS-232 language to control an NEC Gt-2000R LCD projector. While I have had success controlling Extron switchers (3*2!\r) and Sharp projectors (POWR 01\r), I need some direction with the NEC unit. The manual lists several RS-232 codes, but I am not sure how to exactly type the syntax into the Crestron symbol. Here is a sample of the NEC's manual: 1. Power ON [function] Switching ON the projector power [Command] C0 00 01 00 CKS [ACK] C0 00 01 00 CKS 10. Contrast [function] Contrast adjustment [Command] C0 00 0A 01 DATA CKS [ACK] C0 00 0A 00 CKS DATA= -31 - +32 (decimal) Would I, for example. for the 'power ON' command, enter the code as \xC0\x00\x01\x00 ?? As the actual projectors are on-site, and not here at my office, I am not able to do testing here. Can any of you give me a clue? Any info would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks! Bob Vann
CN-LIR and Serial Devices
Dear ALL, I have a Pioneer cassette player that does not have IR control option with it, but instead it have wired control (serial control) between the player and the receiver and I can control it if that wire is connected (It's something like Sony S-Control) The problem is I need to control the cassette player without the expensive receiver. The CN-LIR have a "Serial IN" with 4 connection points ("V5", "+S", "-S" and "G"), the serial device I have uses mono mini jack. So how can I connect serial devices to my CN-LIR and learn it by DEAL for Windows? Thank you, Raed.
Toshiba TV Discreets?
Hello all Wondering if anyone has discreet IR codes for Toshiba televisions. The model I am working with is 61HX70, but I imagine any TV discreets for their big screens will work. Thanks in advance. Joe
Extron SW-6 RS-232
Has anyone had any success with the Crestron Driver for the Extron SW VGA/audio Switcher? We can run the switcher from a computer using Extron software but cannot get it to switch using the RS232 module from SIMPL. -John John McMahon, Jr. Coordinator, Learning Technology Support Manager, I-TV Operations BlackBoard System Administrator Central Michigan University OIT Academic Services 007F Woldt Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 517-774-1401 | 517-774-3072 fax
Denon 5800
Does anyone have a copy of the Denon AV5800's serial protocol? Thanks, Tony Golden
Volume control
I am sending a toggled signal into an analog ramp symbol for mute control. The problem is that when you mute, then change the volume (without unmuting first), the ramp starts at the bottom instead of resuming from where you muted. Is the analog ramp symbol the right one to use? Don Reeve *********************************************************************** Don Reeve Lewis & Clark College Field Technician Instructional Media Services Email: reeve@... IT Division Voice: (503) 768-7027 "To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society". Theodore Roosevelt ***********************************************************************
I'm about ready....
3 move into my Crestron house! The building that started in hot July is about to come to a wintery completion. I'm pretty stoked. I've been watching this eGroup for awhile to get a feel for everything. I'm a coder by trade (vb, java, jvscript, vbscript, html, some c++). I was able to load simpl and crestron home onto my pc via my integrator and saw the logic diagrams used to control the system (didn't dig too deeply though). I was wondering what to expect as far as coding my system (my integrator is cool with my position and expects me to muck with the code that comes with it). Is it all "logic objects" based or is there a scripting language that either replaces or enhances it? Is it much of an open system? If so, how easy is it to utilize hooks into other software and/or have other software hook into it? Also, if it's scriptable, is the scripting language more powerful than the "logic objects" based system and which does everyone prefer? I'm pumped about coding my own house. I initially have only audio distribution with the PAD8 but the house's lighting system has been wired with homeruns (and power to the light instead of the switch) so automated lighting of some sort is on the horizon. I was wondering if anyone has heard when Crestron's video distribution unit will be available. I've seen it in their brochures but noticed that it cannot yet be ordered. I couldn't find anything on their website either. Any type of advice about my first weeks with my Crestron system that can be bestowed upon me by y'all would be greatly appreciated. My move-in date is the weekend before Christmas. Thanks for any info/insight, Tim tim@... ------------------------------------------------------------------ You've received MurlMail! -- FREE, web-based email, accessible anywhere, anytime from any browser-enabled device. Sign up now at - At Your Service
current Crestron system owner
Lisa, Thank you for your prompt reply. -Tim ------------------------------------------------------------------ You've received MurlMail! -- FREE, web-based email, accessible anywhere, anytime from any browser-enabled device. Sign up now at - At Your Service
Problems with .umc User Macros - Anyone?
Hi Group: Anybody else ever experience this?? I'm having a problem with a few (.umc) User Macros. I'll either have another programmer create one and email it to me or simply download one from the Crestron FTP site to find it un-usable. When placed in the User macro folder, SIMPL Windows ignores it when I try to 'reload from disk'. If I try to OPEN the file with SIMPL Windows (like you should be able to), I get an error message stating "Invalid file extension. File must be a smw, umc, or usp file" BUT.. the file IS a .umc file. AND I have no problem dealing with other .umc files. I have tried withnthe same results on 5 DIFFERENT COMPUTERS!! So - you're now guessing that the file is corrupt. NOPE! I emailed the file to Crestron and they had no problem with it. (Either opening it or adding it to their User macro folder). Also, the file worked ok for an associate in another city. (TONY G - I had the same problem with the "example" file you did for me last month. -It simply would not work.) This is the third User Macro that I have experienced this with. I have re-installed SIMPL Windows (1.51.08). I have the correct directory path in Preferences. Anybody have any Ideas?? This is really, really frustrating! Thanks for your help!! Hope you all have a great holiday season! Bob Vann
Figured out the User Macros...
Well, Gang, thanks for the replies & ideas. Still not sure WHY the problem happens, but here is the workaround that seems to work: You'll recall that SIMPL would not open these macros. WELL. . .from within SIMPL Windows, I started SIMPL+. Once that was running I opened the .umc file under SIMPL+ and immediately saved it (Save as user macro) back into the User Macro folder. Re-started SIMPL Windows and TAAAA DAAAA!! The user macro was right there in the list. To respond to your questions: these files were were not zipped, I only experienced this on certain user macros. My copies of SIMPL Windows (on 5 computers) were all downloaded from Crestrons FTP Site, and the filenames contained no odd characters. Maybe it was the binary/ascii thing. Anyhow, thanks for all your help. A Happy Holiday Season to you All!! Bob van
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