Suggestions for waveform viewer
> Hi there, > > > LTSpice is really fun to work with. Assuming that Mike likes to get > feedback, I would like to make some suggestions for enhancements of the > waveform viewer, mainly for documentation purposes: > > * If any parameter of the circuit is stepped with the .step command, it > should be possible in the waveform viewer to see what value the parameter > has in the respective curve. (see example stempodelparam.asc) Preferably > on a legend that can be switched on or off. > > * the number of the cursor should always be displayed, not only on > mouseover. > > * maybe it should be possible to add some draw elements for documentation > > * add a second color profile for the use of the results (via clipboard > copy) in other documents with white background and different colors for > grid, cursors and axis (cursor color is currently not customizable). There > is no doubt that black background is good for working on the screen but > white background is good for documentation. > > What are your thoughts? > > Regards > > Peter Schaich >
Help Files
Dear Mike, I appreciated very much the LTspice program. I would like to thank you and Linear tech. too. I am using LTspice for educational pourposes, it is the best choice for that (IMHO).The are no (the annoying) node/component limitations and it is free. I have a question for you about the help file. It is convenient to look in it to get info (quickly) about the features of the program. Unfortunately it is not updated. A lot of features are missed, some models (like the Resistor model ) are not listed.... Is there a manual around? Or is it possible to update the help file? Regards Massimo -- ''~`` ( o o ) +------------------.oooO--(_)--Oooo.------------------+ | | | e-mail: gaspari@... | | | | ICQ # = 166939207 | | | | PGP fingerprint16: | | 76 80 F2 F9 8D 70 F3 D1 42 2B CD 80 29 49 CB 25 | | | | .oooO | | ( ) Oooo. | +---------------------\ (----( )--------------------+ \_) ) / (_/
Announce version 2.01x
A crash mode relating to schematic editing while inserting a new net has been fixed today in version 2.01x. --Mike __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Platinum - Watch CBS' NCAA March Madness, live on your desktop!
Who Uses LTSPICE at Work?
In what companies is LTSpice used as part of the circuit design process? I'm expecting to receive an M.S. in Electrical Engineering in May, and currently have no job prospects. I'd like to join an organization where I could explore the application of simulation in the circuit design process. I haven't encountered any jobs where circuit simulation is used. I'd appreciate hearing about companies where it IS used, so I may investigate them as possible employers. Thanks, Dale
Does LTspice allow sweeping of parameters?
Hi, In Hspice, I can do the following statement: .ac lin 10 1G 10G sweep my_parameters lin 10 1 10 It basically means that for every ac operating point, the Hspice also does a sweep of my_parameters for the range I gave. Does the LTspice offer similar features? If not, can someone show me a workaround? I would greatly appreciate your help. Hao
Singular matrix: Check nodes u1:v1:hb and u1:v1:hb ?
Hi all, I am trying to get the vacuum tube models from Duncan Amps working and have run into some trouble. I'm quite new to all this and don't know where to start looking. Here's the error log: Thanks for any help, Bill Questionable use of curly braces in "belim li 0 v=pwr(limit{v(a,k),0,1e6},{{lip}})*{{lif}}" error: Error: undefined symbol in: "[v](a,k),0,1e6" Questionable use of curly braces in "berpf rp 0 v=1-pwr(limit{-v(gg)*{{raf}},0,0.999},{{ras}})+limit{v(gg),0,1e6}*{{rap}}" error: Error: undefined symbol in: "-[v](gg)*((raf)),0,0.999" Questionable use of curly braces in "berpf rp 0 v=1-pwr(limit (-v(gg)* 0.024778659 ,0,0.999) , 2.040491735 )+limit{v(gg),0,1e6}*{{rap}}" error: Error: undefined symbol in: "[v](gg),0,1e6" Questionable use of curly braces in "begr gr 0 v=limit{v(gg),0,1e6}+limit{(v(gg))*(1+v(gg)*{{mur}}),0,-1e6}" error: Error: undefined symbol in: "[v](gg),0,1e6" Questionable use of curly braces in "begr gr 0 v=limit (v(gg),0,1e6) +limit{(v(gg))*(1+v(gg)*{{mur}}),0,-1e6}" error: Error: undefined symbol in: "([v](gg))*(1+v(gg)*((mur))),0,-1e6" --- Expanded Deck Component Count --- B's 16 C's 6 R's 10 V's 3 tot: 35 --- Expanded Netist --- * C:\EE\ltspice\tubes_12AT7_DM.asc v1 g 0 sine(-50 5 1000) ac 10 v4 n001 0 300 r1 p n001 1 r2 g 0 1meg v2 n002 n003 sine(0 12.6 60) ac 12.6 r:u1:v1:cool n003 u1:v1:ha 6.2 r:u1:v1:load u1:v1:ha u1:v1:hb 1m b:u1:v1:esens u1:v1:hd 0 v=v(u1:v1:ha,u1:v1:hb)*1000 b:u1:v1:epwr u1:v1:he 0 v=v(n003,n002)*v(u1:v1:hd)/(pwr(6.3 ,2)/ 42) r:u1:v1:h1 u1:v1:he u1:v1:hf 91k c:u1:v1:h1 u1:v1:hf 0 1.05e-005 b:u1:v1:eh2 u1:v1:hg 0 v=v(u1:v1:hf) r:u1:v1:h2 u1:v1:hg u1:v1:hh 270k c:u1:v1:h2 u1:v1:hh 0 1.05e-005 b:u1:v1:eh3 u1:v1:hj 0 v=limit(v(u1:v1:hh)-0.75,0,1e6)*4 r:u1:v1:h3 u1:v1:hj u1:v1:hk 91k c:u1:v1:h3 u1:v1:hk 0 1.05e-005 b:u1:v1:ghot u1:v1:hb n002 i=(1/(v(u1:v1:hg)+0.001))/(42 - 6.2)*v(u1:v1:hb,n002) b:u1:v1:elim u1:v1:li 0 v=pwr(limit (v(p,0),0,1e6) , 1)* 0.0037 b:u1:v1:egg u1:v1:gg 0 v=v(g,0)- 0 b:u1:v1:erpf u1:v1:rp 0 v=1-pwr(limit (-v(u1:v1:gg)* 0.024778659 ,0,0.999) , 2.040491735)+limit (v(u1:v1:gg),0,1e6) * 0.18 b:u1:v1:egr u1:v1:gr 0 v=limit (v(u1:v1:gg),0,1e6) +limit ((v(u1:v1:gg))*(1+v(u1:v1:gg)* 0.005857103),0,-1e6) b:u1:v1:eem u1:v1:em 0 v=limit(v(p,0)+v(u1:v1:gr)* 14.27427 ,0,1e6) b:u1:v1:eep u1:v1:ep 0 v=(abs(v(u1:v1:em))** 1.35)* 2.36e-005 *v(u1:v1:rp) b:u1:v1:eel u1:v1:el 0 v=limit(v(u1:v1:ep),0,v(u1:v1:li)) b:u1:v1:eld u1:v1:ld 0 v=limit(v(u1:v1:ep)-v(u1:v1:li),0,1e6) b:u1:v1:ga p 0 i=v(u1:v1:hk)*v(u1:v1:el) b:u1:v1:egf u1:v1:gf 0 v=(abs(limit(v(g,0)- 0 ,0,1e6))**1.5)* 0.00012 b:u1:v1:gg g 0 i=(v(u1:v1:gf)+v(u1:v1:ld))*v(u1:v1:hk) c:u1:v1:m1 g 0 1.8e-012 c:u1:v1:m2 p g 1.6e-012 c:u1:v1:m3 p 0 4.5e-013 r:u1:v1:f1 p 0 1000meg r:u1:v1:f2 g 0 1000meg r:u1:v1:f3 0 0 1000meg .tran 20ms .end Singular matrix: Check nodes u1:v1:hb and u1:v1:hb Iteration No. 8 Fatal Error: Singular matrix: check nodes u1:v1:hb and u1:v1:hb Iteration No. 8
Accessing the Value field for an expression
Is there a way, in LT SPice, to access the value field of a component in a schematic, for use in a {} formula? For example, let's say I have a component, R1, which is 47k. I know that the voltage across R1 will typically be about 0.8V. I need to estimate the current through this resistor in another equation in LT Spice, say for example, as {0.8 / R1.Value}, accessing the Value field of R1 for the calculation. I already know that I can set up a .param for R1, and set that to 47k and then just use {R1} as R1's Value field. That works just fine, then, for elsewhere calculating using R1's value, since R1 is a .param setting, which works fine in expressions. But this is a bit "noisy" on the schematic, with all the .param's floating about and it takes extra steps to add. It's also more "natural" to want to simply right-click on R1 to change it's value, than to go hunting around for the .param and changing that, instead. Is this possible? Or is .param the way to get this done? Jon
How does one debug a model?
Is there some way to monitor nodes internal to a model? Bill __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more
Importing models from Spice3
I found this model for a 1N5242B zener: .SUBCKT 1n5242b 1 9 DF 1 9 DFMOD .MODEL DFMOD D N=1.63427 IS=4.58223E-011 RS=1E-005 EG=1.11 + XTI=3 CJO=4.12979E-011 VJ=0.41419 M=0.268521 FC=0.5 + TT=1E-008 TNOM=25 RL 1 9 1.03409E+007 RLMOD .MODEL RLMOD R TC1=0 TC2=0 TNOM=25 ES 9 90 10 20 1 DR1 90 31 DREV1 TEMP=25 .MODEL DREV1 D IS=1E-015 N=0.705303 RS=0.951722 TNOM=25 VR1 31 1 0.0664062 DR2 90 32 DREV2 TEMP=25 .MODEL DREV2 D IS=1E-015 N=2.2101 RS=0.151369 TNOM=25 VR2 32 1 0.00467224 VTRIM 20 0 0.640417 IBVC 0 10 0.001 RBVC 10 0 12000 RBVCMOD .MODEL RBVCMOD R TC1=0.00077 TNOM=25 .ENDS I'm planning to put this into LT Spice. I can handle the obvious, applying parenthesis on the .model's. But what I'm more curious about is the use of model indirection on things like resistors, using the R command. For example: There is this leakage resistor in the model: RL 1 9 1.03409E+007 RLMOD which refers to this model: .MODEL RLMOD R(TC1=0 TC2=0 TNOM=25) However, this refers to RLMOD which is included as a .model in the .subckt. Does this work in LT Spice? Or should I change this to: RL 1 9 1.03409E+007 [tc=0,0] And if so, where do I specify the nominal temperature, for which that value is accurate? (The help doesn't even suggest that model names can be added to 'R' lines, so I'm guessing that I can't use them.) Thanks for any suggestions here, Jon
Announcement: LTSputil.exe Version 2.0
Hello, I have uploaded an enhanced version of the raw file utility program ltsputil.exe. It allows you to convert, merge, equalize and export your LTSPICE simulation raw files to other programs. Now it can process swept simulations too. Especially the export function has been greatly enhanced. The program runs still in the DOS box. Take a look to the help file in the "Files" download area for the new features. Version 2.0 is very compatible for most options, but the export option -x needs one paramter more now. I have also uploaded the last freeware version(1.3) of the graphic program This is the only version running under W2000. All older version will fail. Newer versions are no more freeware but at a reasonable price( I have no connection to this company. Have fun with these programs. Best Regards Helmut
Displaying multiple plots
I just discovered (maybe everyone else already knew) that if you choose View / Simulation Data after a plot is displayed, you get a second independant plot window. If you rerun a simulation, only the last plot window you opened will update. You can update other plot windows by deleting and then adding the trace. This is handy for comparing the results of changes to the circuit. A word of caution, it looks like only the trace being displayed is of the old run. If you add a trace to this plot window, it will come from the new data (RAW file). It does not appear that you can get the same node name to display twice (old and new) on one Window. This can get rather confusing as there is no clear indication of what is old data and what is new data so use this feature (?) carefully. Similar results could be achieved with access to all nodes and loops of the old run by having multiple instances of the simulation open, each with a different name. Mike, is there a way to tell which plot window will be updated when the simulation is re-run? ie, Which is considered the active plot window? Also, is there a way to get all plot windows to update on re-running the simulation in case you use this feature to be able to clearly see multiple traces?
Ways to minimize simulation time?
What sort of things would one do to minimize the time required to process a simulation? Bill __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Tax Center - File online, calculators, forms, and more
IBIS support?
Is there any support for IBIS models in LTSpice? Assuming that there isn't, are there any suggestions for what to do if a manufacturer only has an IBIS model for a part that I'd like to model? Specifically, I'm looking to model the drive capabilities of the 74lvth245 and 74lvc1g125 from TI to see how cleanly they can drive a spi bus with some 50 or 60 devices on it. Thanx, -Jon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan W. T. Graham grambo@... Design Engineer with Oztek Corp. WPI/NASA GSFC Global Precipitation Mission 603.622.6402x205 Intel IXP1200 Applications Team Alumnus fax 425.920.7258
Thanx: RE: IBIS support?
Thanks for all the leads on this one, I'll see what I can come up with. Thanx, -Jon -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jonathan W. T. Graham grambo@... Design Engineer with Oztek Corp. WPI/NASA GSFC Global Precipitation Mission 603.622.6402x205 Intel IXP1200 Applications Team Alumnus fax 425.920.7258
Using LTC Op Amp Models
Greetings All, I have a question for Mike E... Mike, Is the recently added 'GMIN across Current Sources' hack needed when using the Lin Tech Op Amp models in LTC.lib? I ask this because in times gone by the Lin Tech SPICE Model Library came with a copy of the demo version of PSPICE on the disk and presumably the models were written (and tested?) with that simulator in mind. Thanks Russell
What's wrong with this model?
I can't seem to get this model for a TLC555 (555 timer IC) to work correctly, the output is pegged at 12v. Any thoughts? Dave. ********************************************************************** ******** * TLC555 TIMER MACROMODEL **************************************************** ****************************************4/1/92************************ *****DBB * REV N/A ******************************************************************** ********************************************************************** ******** * COMMON * | TRIGGER * | | OUTPUT * | | | RESET * | | | | CONTROL * | | | | | THRESHOLD * | | | | | | DISCHARGE * | | | | | | | VDD * | | | | | | | | .SUBCKT TLC555 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EREF 15 1 (8,1) .5 GSOURCE 8 3 (8,26) 12.5E-3 GSINK 3 1 (26,1) 67E-3 VD1 8 27 DC .8 VD2 28 1 DC .85 VREF 30 1 DC 1.2 C1 29 1 700E-15 RREF2 30 1 100E3 RREF 15 1 100E3 ROUT 3 1 100K R1 6 1 500E9 R2 2 1 500E9 R3 8 5 75E3 R4 5 9 75E3 R5 9 1 75E3 R6 10 11 1E3 R7 13 14 1E3 R8 8 12 150E3 R9 4 8 500E9 R10 20 19 1E3 R11 16 17 1E3 R12 8 18 150E3 R13 8 21 150E3 R14 22 23 1E3 R15 8 26 150E3 R16 24 25 1E3 R19 7 1 500E9 R20 29 26 1E6 D1 1 11 DMOD D2 12 11 DMOD D3 12 14 DMOD D4 1 14 DMOD D5 18 17 DMOD D6 1 17 DMOD D7 18 19 DMOD D8 1 19 DMOD D9 21 14 DMOD D10 21 25 DMOD D11 1 23 DMOD D12 18 23 DMOD D13 26 25 DMOD D14 1 25 DMOD1 D15 3 27 DMOD D16 28 3 DMOD E1 10 1 (6,5) 1000 E2 13 1 (2,9) 1000 E3 16 1 (15,12) 1000 E4 22 1 (15,21) 1000 E5 24 1 (15,18) 1000 E7 20 1 (4,30) 1000 M1 7 29 1 1 MOSMOD .MODEL MOSMOD NMOS (LEVEL=1 KP=1 VTO=1 RD=5) .MODEL DMOD D (RS=1E-6) .MODEL DMOD1 D (RS=1E-6 IS=1E-9) .ENDS Symbol ------------------------ Version 4 SymbolType CELL RECTANGLE Normal 192 46 -159 -253 WINDOW 0 17 -144 Center 0 WINDOW 3 17 -103 Center 0 SYMATTR Value X_555 SYMATTR Prefix X PIN 16 48 BOTTOM 10 PINATTR PinName GND PINATTR SpiceOrder 1 PIN -160 -64 LEFT 10 PINATTR PinName TRIG PINATTR SpiceOrder 2 PIN 192 -144 RIGHT 10 PINATTR PinName OUT PINATTR SpiceOrder 3 PIN 80 -256 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName RESET PINATTR SpiceOrder 4 PIN 192 -16 RIGHT 10 PINATTR PinName CONT PINATTR SpiceOrder 5 PIN -160 -96 LEFT 10 PINATTR PinName THRESH PINATTR SpiceOrder 6 PIN -160 -208 LEFT 10 PINATTR PinName DISCH PINATTR SpiceOrder 7 PIN -32 -256 TOP 8 PINATTR PinName VDD PINATTR SpiceOrder 8 Schematic ------------------------ Version 4 SHEET 1 880 680 WIRE -496 32 -496 48 WIRE -496 -48 -496 -64 WIRE 32 320 32 288 WIRE -144 176 -304 176 WIRE -144 144 -256 144 WIRE -304 144 -304 128 WIRE -304 176 -304 144 WIRE -304 32 -256 32 WIRE -304 48 -304 32 WIRE -304 -48 -304 -64 WIRE -304 -64 -16 -64 WIRE -16 -64 -16 -16 WIRE 96 -16 96 -64 WIRE 96 -64 -16 -64 WIRE -304 -64 -496 -64 WIRE 256 240 256 224 WIRE 256 224 208 224 WIRE 208 96 304 96 WIRE -256 64 -256 32 WIRE -256 32 -144 32 WIRE -256 128 -256 144 WIRE -256 144 -304 144 FLAG 32 320 0 FLAG -496 48 0 FLAG 256 304 0 FLAG -304 240 0 FLAG 304 96 VOUT SYMBOL C:\Program\ Files\LTC\SwCADIII\lib\sym\voltage -496 -64 R0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 0 37 42 Left 0 WINDOW 3 36 64 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName V1 SYMATTR Value 12V SYMBOL C:\Program\ Files\LTC\SwCADIII\lib\sym\res -320 -64 R0 WINDOW 0 -50 45 Left 0 WINDOW 3 -55 74 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName R1 SYMATTR Value 1.8K SYMBOL C:\PROGRAM\ FILES\LTC\SWCADIII\lib\sym\res -320 32 R0 WINDOW 0 -42 37 Left 0 WINDOW 3 -48 69 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName R2 SYMATTR Value 1.8K SYMBOL C:\PROGRAM\ FILES\LTC\SWCADIII\lib\sym\Misc\x_555 16 240 R0 WINDOW 0 4 -144 Center 0 WINDOW 3 2 -99 Center 0 SYMATTR InstName U1 SYMATTR Value TLC555 SYMATTR SpiceModel TLC555 SYMBOL C:\PROGRAM\ FILES\LTC\SWCADIII\lib\sym\cap 240 240 R0 WINDOW 0 43 23 Left 0 WINDOW 3 42 51 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName C1 SYMATTR Value 0.01µf SYMBOL C:\PROGRAM\ FILES\LTC\SWCADIII\lib\sym\cap -320 176 R0 WINDOW 0 -38 32 Left 0 WINDOW 3 -57 57 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName C2 SYMATTR Value 0.1µf SYMBOL C:\PROGRAM\ FILES\LTC\SWCADIII\lib\s
Monte Carlo
Anyone got a way of doing a monte carlo run (AC or AC sweep) using the resistor and capacitance tolerances ? Brian -- Brian Howie | Tel: 0131 343 5590 BAE SYSTEMS | Fax: 0131 343 5050 Sensor Systems Division | Email brian.howie@... Silverknowes | bhowie@... Edinburgh EH4 4AD | Web site ******************************************************************** This email and any attachments are confidential to the intended recipient and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient please delete it from your system and notify the sender. You should not copy it or use it for any purpose nor disclose or distribute its contents to any other person. ********************************************************************
Random Function and Monte Carlo
Mike, I found your use of the RAND function for Monte Carlo a very interesting work around. In using this approch it looks like the value generated by RAND repeats each time the simulation is run. It also appears that the RAND function is biased more towards 1 than 0 based on purely casual observation. I also figured out (duh) that you want to space the seed numbers choosen for RAND further apart than the number of random points being used to maximize independance. To others in the the group, here is a very simple sample circuit using the RAND fuction to perform a tolerance study. I modified Mike's approach to make it a little easier to identify what is being done and set the tolerance to calculate +/- the desired tolerance. You may need to take care of the word wrap on the last line to eliminate the extra line feed, depending on how you cut and paste. Version 4 SHEET 1 1340 680 WIRE -80 256 -80 144 WIRE -80 144 64 144 WIRE 64 144 64 256 WIRE 64 336 64 448 WIRE 64 448 -16 448 WIRE -80 448 -80 336 WIRE -16 464 -16 448 WIRE -16 448 -80 448 FLAG -16 464 0 FLAG 64 144 Out SYMBOL C:\Program\ Files\LTC\SwCADIII\lib\sym\res 48 240 R0 SYMATTR InstName R1 SYMATTR Value {R1calc} SYMBOL C:\PROGRA~1\LTC\SwCADIII\lib\sym\current -80 336 R180 WINDOW 0 24 88 Left 0 WINDOW 3 24 0 Left 0 WINDOW 123 0 0 Left 0 WINDOW 39 0 0 Left 0 SYMATTR InstName I1 SYMATTR Value 1 TEXT 160 184 Left 0 !.param R1calc={R1*(1+2*Tol*(RAND(X)-1/2))} TEXT 160 208 Left 0 !.step param X 1 200 1 TEXT 160 160 Left 0 !.param Tol=0.1; +/-10% tolerance TEXT 160 136 Left 0 !.param R1=1000 TEXT 160 232 Left 0 !.op TEXT 160 320 Left 0 ;Select V(Out) when simulation starts. It should be 1V +/- 100mV
Bad IR irlr2905 model?
I've downloaded several MOSFET models from IR most of which have worked fine. As luck would have it, the model for the device I've settled on (irlr2905)appears to have a problem with it's body diode. If I sim a simple test circuit with the gate grounded and a 10 Ohm load on the drain pulled up to a +/-15V square wave (5usec on, 10us period)I end up with +/-1.5A of drain current @ 5usec on, 10usec period. I've substituted the 3 lines associated with the .MODEL MD D.... definition with a .model from a similar device and it then sims as expected. Any ideas? Thanks, Dave .SUBCKT irlr2905 1 2 3 ************************************** * Model Generated by MODPEX * *Copyright(c) Symmetry Design Systems* * All Rights Reserved * * UNPUBLISHED LICENSED SOFTWARE * * Contains Proprietary Information * * Which is The Property of * * SYMMETRY OR ITS LICENSORS * *Commercial Use or Resale Restricted * * by Symmetry License Agreement * ************************************** * Model generated on May 1, 01 * MODEL FORMAT: SPICE3 * Symmetry POWER MOS Model (Version 1.0) * External Node Designations * Node 1 -> Drain * Node 2 -> Gate * Node 3 -> Source M1 9 7 8 8 MM L=100u W=100u .MODEL MM NMOS LEVEL=1 IS=1e-32 +VTO=2.12211 LAMBDA=0.00253057 KP=89.8437 +CGSO=1.59702e-05 CGDO=4.72193e-07 RS 8 3 0.0163371 D1 3 1 MD .MODEL MD D IS=2.1332e-09 RS=0.00746571 N=1.33902 BV=55 +IBV=0.00025 EG=1.2 XTI=3.0372 TT=0.0001 +CJO=1.14753e-09 VJ=1.45996 M=0.550171 FC=0.5 RDS 3 1 1e+06 RD 9 1 0.000153706 RG 2 7 2.19226 D2 4 5 MD1 * Default values used in MD1: * RS=0 EG=1.11 XTI=3.0 TT=0 * BV=infinite IBV=1mA .MODEL MD1 D IS=1e-32 N=50 +CJO=1.42098e-09 VJ=0.5 M=0.671346 FC=1e-08 D3 0 5 MD2 * Default values used in MD2: * EG=1.11 XTI=3.0 TT=0 CJO=0 * BV=infinite IBV=1mA .MODEL MD2 D IS=1e-10 N=0.4 RS=3e-06 RL 5 10 1 FI2 7 9 VFI2 -1 VFI2 4 0 0 EV16 10 0 9 7 1 CAP 11 10 3.75131e-09 FI1 7 9 VFI1 -1 VFI1 11 6 0 RCAP 6 10 1 D4 0 6 MD3 * Default values used in MD3: * EG=1.11 XTI=3.0 TT=0 CJO=0
file format of binary .raw files
Hi, I am trying to import waveform data generated by switcherCAD simulation to labview. I am able to do that for the ASCII .raw files. But for the binary .raw files I don't have any clue that how the data is stored. Could you help me in understanding the format of the binary .raw files generated by SwitcherCAd. I am able to read the binary .raw files generated by Win SPICE. Thanks Amlendu Shekhar
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