Help finding entire protocol 12
Hi all, Have been following group for quite sometime but not able to locate where to find Budwig protocol and preparation. Please help me how to prepare and especially what additional things to add for colon case.
Розпочато kumar p @ 12/11/24 · Останніх @ 12/30/24
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig’s Healing Plan - Plz read and save
Hello New Members, The information below is posted regularly and is based on Dr. Budwig's books - The Oil-Protein Cookbook[1952] and Cancer-the Problem and the Solution[1999] and is on my website at On the site, click on FUNDAMENTALS at the top of the front page to read more details about the Budwig plan; also, view the video at the bottom of the front page to see the oil/protein muesli recipe being made and please read member testimonials. Join the site for a month or more of online Budwig recipes on video or with photos. Unfortunately, 99% of websites & books, other than Dr. Budwig's books, have incorrect information about her plan. Authors & websites offering "Budwig information" that includes supplements are giving advice that could interfere with healing. Dr. Budwig did not include supplements & wrote about avoiding most, but not all, of them. It's also important to follow the FULL Budwig plan below, instead of only flax oil/cottage cheese[FO/CC]. Below are Guidelines, in brief, for the Budwig Diet & Lifestyle Plan - you don't have to eat all the foods on this list each day. ADJUST THE AMOUNTS TO FIT YOUR SIZE & DIGESTIVE ABILITY. Each food or liquid below has an important purpose. They all fight cancer, heart disease, arthritis & more. There's a good reason for following the schedule as stated below, but if necessary, adjust it to your needs. The Budwig plan may take 3 months or more before significant improvement occurs. It's also possible to feel worse during the 2nd month; as cancer cells begin to die, some may go into the bloodstream. The plan needs to be continued even after becoming cancer-free or the cancer could return. Eating forbidden foods & experiencing severe stress can promote cancer. Dr. Budwig's Program: 1. 1st thing in AM--Sauerkraut Juice, raw and homemade. Raw unheated kraut contains natural enzymes, probiotics and vitamins - all help the digestive system metabolize foods and improve immunity. Almost all sauerkraut in stores has been pasteurized [heated] and won't be as powerful as raw kraut. 2. Just before breakfast-- green or herbal tea with one teaspoon of raw honey, a cancer-fighter. 3. Breakfast--Blend 3 Tbs Flax Oil [45ml] & 6 Tbs Quark or Cottage Cheese [90ml]+3 Tbs [45ml] milk for thinning. Grind & add 2 Tbs [30ml] whole flaxseeds, fresh fruit, pure fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp [5ml]raw honey. This recipe has helped heal hundreds of cancer patients & is slightly different than Dr. Budwig's quark recipe which starts with blending FO, milk & raw honey, then adds quark. She placed the ground flax seeds in a bowl, then layered fruit & FO/CC on top. Afterward, if hungry, eat 1 slice of whole-grain bread, raw veggies, quality cheese -1 oz Edam, Gouda, Emmentaler, Camembert. Watch a video of FO/CC being made at [Bottom of page.] 4. Mid-morning -Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrot juice, beets w/apple, celery). Very Important. 5. Before Lunch - Champagne or sparkling wine w/ 1Tbs[15ml] whole flaxseeds, freshly ground, OR ground seeds in a small glass of fruit juice. Champagne helps the absorption of ground seeds, allowing nutrients into the brain. 6. SUNBATHING [weather permitting] outside 10 to 20 minutes around noon without sun lotion or glasses, expose as much skin as possible to get vitamin D & healing energy of the sun. Afterward, avoid washing with soap. Give vitamin D several hours to be made on the skin & absorbed. Sunlight through glass does not make vitamin D. 7. Lunch - A raw vegetable salad + Budwig FO dressing. If still hungry, eat foods from the DINNER menu below. 8. Lunch Dessert - an important 2nd serving of 3 Tbs.[45ml] FO & 6 Tbs.[90ml] Quark or Cottage Cheese + 3 Tbs[45ml] milk, well blended. Add raw fruit, pure fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp [5ml] raw honey and/or other flavors [JB suggested non-sugar dark cocoa, shredded coconut] 9. Mid-afternoon - 1 Tbs. [15ml]whole flaxseeds, freshly ground, in 2 to 8 oz of pure fruit juice, homemade or store-bought. Flaxseeds are strong cancer fighters and are high in fiber for good digestion
Розпочато jfanciullacci @ 12/29/24
A2 or Desi cow milk can be used (your local region cow, must be native cow)
Розпочато sundarthevedic@... @ 12/18/24
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save 8
Hi all In response to Todd’s message, here is the post written by Sandra: Below are Guidelines in brief of the Budwig Diet – you don’t have to consume all the foods on this list. Membership to our site, gives you videos or articles in detail about each item below. This information is from Dr. Budwig’s books. 1. 1st thing in AM–Sauerkraut Juice, preferably raw & homemade [We have a video on our site showing how to make it] . Raw unheated kraut has enzymes, probiotics and vitamins which help the digestive system metabolize foods & improve immunity. Most sauerkraut sold in stores is pasteurized [heated] and nutrients are damaged. It won’t help as much. 2. Just before breakfast– green or herbal tea 3. Breakfast–3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese+ 3 Tbs. milk if needed for thinning, well blended, after blending, add 2 Tbsp flax seeds, freshly ground, add fresh fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, 1 tsp raw honey. Afterward, if hungry, choose whole grain bread, raw vegetables, & an oz of quality cheese: Edam, Gouda, Emmentaler, Sbrinz or Camembert. 4. Mid-morning – Homemade Vegetable Juice (carrots, beets w/lemon or apple) . Homemade carrot or beet juices are very important cancer-fighters. 5. Before Lunch – Champagne or sparkling wine with 1 Tbs of flaxseeds[freshly ground] OR ground flax seeds in small glass of fruit juice. The champagne helps with absorption of the seeds. 6. SUNBATHING outside 10 to 20 minutes around noon [weather permitting] without sun lotion or glasses, expose as much skin as possible. Avoid washing with soap after sunbathing. Give the vitamin D time to be made and absorbed[24-48 hours] 7. Lunch – raw vegetable salad with a variety of raw greens and vegetables + Budwig dressing using 1tbs flaxseed oil, 2tbs fruit juice, 1tsp mustard. If still hungry, boiled or steamed veggies, grains and beans, lentils, or potatoes. [If a member of this site, see “DINNER” in the Menu for over 25 recipes] 8. Lunch Dessert – It’s important to have a 2nd serving of 3 Tbs. Flax Oil & 6 Tbs. Quark or Cottage Cheese with a little milk, well blended. Add raw fruit, fruit juice, raw nuts, raw honey and/or other flavors you like. You can also use non-sweetened cocoa for a dark chocolate flavor. Dark chocolate fights cancer if used in small amounts. It cannot contain sugar. 9. Mid-afternoon – 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground & added to 3 to 8 oz of pure fruit juice, homemade or store bought. 10. STRESS REDUCTION/RELAXATION PRACTICE — Meditation to relax the mind, EFT to change thinking, & other techniques that reduce stress as shown on the Budwig-Videos website for those who join. [EFT is Emotional Freedom Technique]. Chronic stress can be very damaging. [We have a video for relaxation methods for members of this site.] 11. Late afternoon – Papaya or pineapple juice, 3 to 8 oz, with 1 Tbs. whole flaxseeds, freshly ground. 12. Dinner – Cooked grains and nutritional yeast flakes such as Red Mill Nutritional Yeast with B12 or grains with vegetables w/oleolux, nutritional yeast flakes & spices. Vegetables such as spinach, asparagus, broccoli, & cabbage add cancer-fighting nutrition. Grains suggested by Dr. Budwig: brown rice, buckwheat, millet and oats. Dine early. 13. Evening – 1 glass Red Wine [optional]. Go to sleep early – before 10pm if possible. 14. AVOID chemicals, preservatives, damaging fats, meats/poultry/eggs/fish, sugar, sugar substitutes, highly processed foods, most supplements, ozone treatments, dental infections and wean off drugs if possible [under doctor’s care] 15. Most people do not need ELDI oils, which Dr. Budwig created mainly for patients who are too weak to eat. These oils are sold in Germany. They are rubbed on the skin or used as an enema if needed. [Some people make a version of ELDI oil at home by mixing 75% flax oil with 25% wheat germ oil to help preserve it. ] Posted by Sandra Olson, M.Ed. Owner of this group since 2007
Розпочато jfanciullacci @ 11/22/24 · Останніх @ 11/27/24
making quark from goat milk 8
Hello Has anyone received the Budwig protocol email from Sandra Olson since June 2024? I have not received her email since that time. Todd
Розпочато Todd St John @ 11/22/24 · Останніх @ 11/26/24
15 Key Points of Dr. Budwig's Protocol - Plz read & Save 8
Hi all, Through the collective wisdom of this group, I'm wondering if anyone used the Budwig Protocol to treat Multiple Sclerosis? Thanks for your help, Andrea
Розпочато Andrea Forhan @ 11/12/24 · Останніх @ 11/14/24
Simplify Your Journey to Wellness with the Task Triage Toolkit!
Hi, all! As we all know, navigating health challenges and managing the daily tasks required for wellness can be overwhelming. With the need to balance diet, sun therapy, stress reduction, and ELDI oils, it’s easy to feel swamped. That’s why I’m excited to share a resource I came across that can help you prioritize and streamline your daily activities: the Task Triage Toolkit. I'm unaffiliated - I just thought y'all would relate! This toolkit helps take the emotion out of decision-making, reducing overwhelm and making it easier to stay on track with my wellness journey. What this Toolkits helps with: Prioritization Made Easy: The toolkit helps you focus on what’s most important, ensuring you don’t get bogged down by less critical tasks. Stress Reduction: By organizing your tasks and creating a clear plan, you can significantly reduce stress and anxiety, which is crucial for overall health and well-being. Efficiency: Spend less time figuring out what to do next and more time on actions that support your health goals. As a dedicated follower of the Budwig Protocol, I have occasionally found myself overwhelmed with the numerous daily tasks required to adhere to the diet and lifestyle changes, and managing complex medical conditions. The Task Triage Toolkit was a game-changer for me. It helped me break down my tasks, prioritize them, and create a manageable daily schedule. This not only made it easier to stick to the Protocol but also allowed me to enjoy the process without feeling stressed. Thank you for being part of this incredible community dedicated to health and healing. I hope this Toolkit helps you as much as it has helped me. Stay well, Marni
Розпочато Marni @ 11/12/24
AutoImmune Thyroid disease - Hashimoto 7
Hello, I have autoimmune thyroid disease i.e. Hashimoto and wondering anyone in the group suffered from this, and how they overcome from this. Slowly and slowly antibodies destroy thyroid gland. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you
Розпочато Eskaay @ 10/24/24 · Останніх @ 10/28/24
GIST update
I have got advanced GIST, been on imatinib 6 months and on BD 4 - 1/2 months. My first scan showed shrinkage in all tumore, the second scan showed no shrinkage but stability on all of them except one. That one increased in size quite a bit on omentum. Could that be pseudprogression or swelling before healing? I feel great , my BP has never been better, energy level at the highest in last 5 years - all of that thankfully to BD. Iam 90% truthfully to BD apart that I eat meat once daily for a dinner usually! Cheers Goran
Розпочато Goran Medic @ 10/24/24
Seeking information from a Bladder Cancer patient 16
Hello All, I am posting for a friend of mine who lives in the USA. She has been recently diagnosed with Bladder cancer (not staged yet) I am sharing some information she provided to me: For the past two years, I was experiencing lower back pain and multiple UTIs every 2 months. The last 3 UTIs had blood and passing of a small clot which was not a norm for UTI. They finally determined it was bladder cancer. I’m scheduled for surgery for removal of the tumor on May 22. My oncologist will take samples around the area to confirm if any activity has moved beyond the growth area, they will fill the site with toxin to kill and desensitize the area. Assuming from the biopsy that the cancer has not spread to muscle or outside the bladder there should be no further surgery and no Chemo (I pray for this). If it did spread, a treatment plan will be developed. I am looking for the following to share with her: -information about online bladder patient support groups to recommend to her -treatment experiences of other bladder cancer patients (pro and con) - perhaps a bladder cancer buddy etc. This is an extremely smart group and I hope that a bladder cancer patient may post publicly or write to me privately. I will present information about the Budwig Protocol to her but not she will be able to do it. As I told her, "I want to give you information not conversation." Thank you very much in advance for any information you can provide Monica
Розпочато Monica Amparo @ 5/10/23 · Останніх @ 10/20/24
Tea 4
Hello, In her book, The Oil Protein Diet, Dr. Budwig lists her recommendations for herb teas. She writes that mallow tea is especially helpful for the immune system. I don't think this is MARSHmallow tea; is anyone familiar with mallow tea? If so, where can I purchase it? I wrote to the Budwig Center in Germany but did not receive a reply. Thank you! Barb, USA
Розпочато Barbara @ 10/07/24 · Останніх @ 10/09/24
Hi All, I remember seeing posts of people that use Mistletoe as an IV. I wonder if someone would kindly share why they take it, does it help and are there any side effects? I am reading Maria Treben's book 'Health through God's Pharmacy' find the whole book fascinating. I kept skipping the Mistletoe but have finally read it and was impressed with the tea version which made me remember people here that use it in as IV. It would be much appreciated. Kindest regards, Dana
Розпочато dsmills2 @ 9/16/17 · Останніх @ 10/08/24
making quark from goat milk 18
Hi everyone, my name is Jenny and I have been part of this group for a few years. I am asking for my once upon a time brother-in-law and his family. I will let you know what his situation is. Forgive me, because I only learned of it a little while ago. Recently he had been losing a lot of weight in the past two months. About 65 pounds. They at first thought it was Crohn’s but it turns out he has stage four colon and liver cancer. He is in his mid-50s with four kids and is just such a wonderful man. I let the family know that I would post here and ask if anyone was in the same or similar situation and if what they were doing with the Budwig protocol helped with these cancers combined. I believe Mass General is going to be starting chemo soon. Thank you so much in advance. We are all keeping our fingers crossed and prayers for Him😊 Jenny M
Розпочато Jenny McCarthy @ 10/01/24 · Останніх @ 10/06/24
immersion blender 4
Hello, Can anyone recommend a battery-operated or rechargeable immersion blender to use for the cottage cheese and flax oil mixture? I use an electric one now, but I need one for when our power goes out. Thank you! Barb, USA
Розпочато Barbara @ 9/28/24 · Останніх @ 9/30/24
OT: ISO Brain Tumor Support Group 3
Hello All I am trying to provide some information to D, the sister of a good friend of mine. D’s’ brother had a benign brain tumor, was operated on (in US) about a month ago and has had some post surgery complications. He now seems to be back on track and recovering nicely, albeit rather slowly. Since this is a smart, knowledgeable and compassionate group, I wanted to ask if anyone has a suggestion for an online brain tumor support group. I found one online at but wondered if there might be any others. Thank you so much Monica
Розпочато Monica Amparo @ 9/23/24 · Останніх @ 9/24/24
Iron deficiency 10
Hello everyone! I hope everyone here is happy and healthy and doing really great! I have a question regarding iron deficiency. My cousin, who started the Budwig protocol very recently, has very low red cell blood count and is basically with no energy, it’s hard for him to talk or to even lift a glass of water. Do you have any recommendations about what could be done to help him? He was diagnosed with colon cancer with metastasis to liver and lungs 2 years ago. And for 2 years he was treated with chemotherapy, which did not help. His hemoglobin was always low during that time and he even had a blood transfusion a couple of times , which was helping for a period of time, but then his hemoglobin would fall down again. The doctors stopped the treatment and he’s been basically left to die (which hopefully won’t be the case) and they are not helping anymore apart from an occasional visit by a nurse. he’s in pain, he has no energy, he has swollen legs and belly… we started the diet about 2 weeks ago. His sleeping improved, which is great because before he hadn’t been able to sleep... How can we help him? Is there anything we can do to improve his iron levels? Or will they improve in the course of the diet? Is there anything we can do to help with his pain and swollen legs and belly? Thank you for your support! Much love to you all!!! Marta
Розпочато Marta @ 9/08/24 · Останніх @ 9/13/24
Is wine necessary? 4
Hello everyone, I’m looking for some advice regarding wine in the protocol. We have a patient with stage IV cancer (liver, lungs, colon). We are just starting out with the protocol and are looking for information. We have read that he should drink sparkling white wine but we are not sure if alcohol is good in our circumstances. Would alcohol free wine have the same effect or is it actually important to have a normal wine. We are a bit confused. Some explanation would be much appreciated! Thank you!, colon). We are just starting out with the protocol and are looking for information. We have read that he should drink sparkling white wine but we are not sure if alcohol is good in our circumstances. Would alcohol free wine have the same effect or is it actually important to have a normal wine. We are a bit confused. Some explanation would be much appreciated! Thank you
Розпочато Marta @ 8/25/24 · Останніх @ 9/02/24
Friendship dairies 5
Hi Everyone, Wish all returning and managing super health., I have been learning and reading everyones kind share and concerns., Thank you all., I love to get some feedback on the possibility of using Cottage cheese from Friendship farmers . Has anyone have has had a good positive response. There milk may not be %100 RBST free, Bye it is low sodium %15 protein and %1fat . Any thought I appreciate Many blessings Georgiana
Розпочато Georgiana Battochio @ 8/16/24 · Останніх @ 8/17/24
is sheep yogurt ok for FOCC? 8
I'm not supposed to have cow or goat dairy because these trigger excessive immune response on my lung sarcoidosis chronic autoimmune. However, sheep dairy is ok. I can get organic sheep yogurt, but I can't find sheep cottage cheese at any health food stores. Does anyone think that sheep yogurt would ok for Bugwig FOCC mix? Thank you! Derald in CA/USA
Розпочато D. Franklin @ 8/16/24 · Останніх @ 8/17/24
making quark from goat milk 16
Hi everyone, I've been using goat yogurt since I cannot tolerate cow dairy and cannot locate the goat variety of cottage cheese for purchase. It had been keeping me alive and somewhat healthy, but I have not gotten fully better. I now have my own goats who have given birth. I will start milking them in the near future. I am hoping to make goat quark. If that is impossible, then goat cottage cheese. If anyone has any recipes, tips, advice, or guidance that they would like to share, I would appreciate it. Thank you! Sent using Hushmail
Розпочато Catherine Gill @ 7/17/23 · Останніх @ 8/16/24
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