Rules and guidelines
Hi moderators, I can't see any post here. Is the transfer complete. What are the rules for the new platform. Thank you
39 Feeds And Speeds Hacks, Tips, And Techniques
39 Feeds And Speeds Hacks, Tips, And Techniques Sometimes you just get stuck. You need to do something and it doesn’t look like it’s possible. We’ll start with a series of hacks for those situations.
CNC Question
Hi guys, I have definitely been bitten by the CNC bug and have spent many hours researching machine designs, motion control, etc. About ten months ago I embarked on my own first design for a CNC router that I could use in my woodworking business. I bought an inexpensive 3 axis system from Stepperworld, not so much for production work but mainly as a learning tool. My design worked but wasn't practical because of weight, poor design and inadequate power from the steppers. So I have now started to design a better router system using many of the ideas I have found on the net. I do have a couple of questions though - maybe someone out there can help. I purchased the Xylotex 3-axis system with the 497 oz. in. NEMA 23 steppers and plan on running DeskCNC as the control software (mainly because my PC is using Windows 98 OS). I was led to believe that Mach 3 can't run on that OS - is that correct? Does anyone have experience with this control/software combonation and if so, how well has it performed for you? I will be using 5/8" - 8 acme lead screws (until I can afford ball screws!) with Delrin-type lead nuts. Can anyone tell me with this configuration what speeds (ipm) can I expect during cutting and rapid? Rich
Cutting Tool Applications, Grooving And Threading
Grooving and threading are both single-point machining operations performed on lathes, automatic lathes, or machining centers. This post explains in details Grooving or recessing operations, face grooving, internal grooving, parting or cut off operations, insert geometry, chip control, tool positioning, operational stability, screw and threads, and many more.
Things Beginning CNC Milling Machine Users Need To Succeed
Let’s assume you have a working CNC machine that you’ve just acquired, but that you know very little about CNC. Let’s further assume it is a mill and that you will be focused on cutting metal. You’re ready to start milling custom chopper parts, build a tool changer, or scratch build a Colt 1911 handgun. With CNC, you can build almost anything and you’re chomping at the bit to get started on your pet projects. Not so fast! Remember, you just got the machine and you’re a beginner. You’re not ready for those projects yet.If you have some idea how to make your first CNC parts, charge ahead with these 10 suggestions. Here are 10 things you should focus on to maximize your chances of becoming quickly successful:
I am a very recent addition to this forum (Today). I am posting because I just discovered that Kellyware is no longer exists. Does anyone know when he shut it down and why? I have been using it for close to 20 years and in a panic. I am using his Max32 USB control board and have had really good results. Any suggestions on a replacement software? I liked KCam because it was very affordable. Been retired for 20 years and would hate to give up my CNC hobby! Thanks, Fred
CNC Machining: 22 steps,Tips And Tricks with pictures
Machining for precision takes more than clicking some buttons: surprised? Here are 22 CNC Machining Steps, Tips And Tricks that you will love
Work Holding
I think this may be the best forum to ask this question as it's less about CNC machining and more about general machining. The photo is of the ACME bronze nut on my X axis mill table. Clearly a casting with the numb turned to 25mm and an almost press fit into the X axis location. I think the way it was made was that it was held in a 4 jaw chuck and turned to be that exact 25mm. Then perhaps held in a collet chuck on the mill and bored and tapped? And the backlash on this little beast is almost 0.025" So I'd like to reproduce it but with an adjustable backlash remover. Something like the attached CAD drawing. I don't want to spend over $100 on a 1" x 5 TPI ACME tap. Likely a boring tool with the right profile can be used on the with the advantage that I can have the lead screw out of the mill for trial fits as I sneak up to the dimension. Is first turning the nub to 25mm while the replacement slightly larger bronze piece is held in the 4 jaw the right way to go? I want the horizontal hole for the thread to be exactly perpendicular and on center to the nub. Is a 5C collet holder accurate enough on the mill so I can drill and then bore to the thread size? I can see at the same time using an end mill to flatten the drilled surface so that it's placed against the back of the 4 Jaw and then the 4 jaw is adjusted until the bored hole indicates that it's on center. Or should the ACME threaded hole be drilled and tapped first and then somehow held so that the 25mm numb is turned? The centerline of the threaded hole has to be exactly 19.80mm (although I might have measured wrong and it's 20mm since the rough dimensions of the casting are 40mm x40mm. If I get that height wrong of course the leadscrew will be too low relative to the bearings on the end of the X axis table. Looking for suggestions and ideas. John
10 Tips For CNC Milling Machine Users
If you have an idea in mind on how to carve-out your first CNC parts, begin with our 10 helpful tips. You’ll get a lot of information you need on how to proceed with your first milling project.
I get a chuckle out of the arguments presented by both sides of CNC vs MANUAL machining. Hats off to the accomplishments to the abilities of all of you! You are ALL machinists! Celebrate! I am so thankful the GOOD LORD blessed me to have both worlds in my own shop, and the good sense to know which to choose when a job comes in the door. Denis
Hi All: This person has done a lot of detail work in this report but from my 60 years of design, machining, and building things from small parts to a multi station paint line I fine that he is to broad in his statements. 1) CNC is more precise then manual machining. Not true because parts can be hand lapped to millions of an inch and CNC does not machine that close. 2) CNC repair is not expensive. Let him try and fine a cheap repair man to come 30 to 60 miles to study the problem and change the parts on a CNC machine that is not running right. Or to change a chip shield that requires special tools to get to the screws that hold it in place. I make these comment from personal experience. Bill Thomas
Let's take a detailed look at the ADVANTAGES OF CNC OVER CONVENTIONAL
Looking for software for Acumtion 4-axis driver
A *long* time ago (circa 2003?) I bought a Sherline multi-axis mill and got the Acumtion controller that attaches to the parallel port of a PC. Does anyone have a source for the program that runs this? I'm trying to get this up and going again. I have everything except the software that ran the motors from the G-code. Any help is greatly appreciated. -Kip Mussatt
ReWET: [CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO] CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO transfer process has finished
HI STEVE: I got the message!! Thanks again for all your work on the groups. Bill Thomas
WET THANKS FOR ALL YOUR WORK STEVE Bill ThomasRe: Farewell - CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO has now moved to CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO on (note: hyphens, not underscores)
[CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] wrote: Links: ------ [1];_ylc=X3oDMTJxNGh2YjhlBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE3NjI4OQRncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNDE5OTIEbXNnSWQDMTAwNDM1BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3JwbHkEc3RpbWUDMTU3MjA2NDYyNw--?act=reply&messageNum=100435 [2];_ylc=X3oDMTJkdHFyYXFvBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE3NjI4OQRncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNDE5OTIEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDbnRwYwRzdGltZQMxNTcyMDY0NjI3 [3];_ylc=X3oDMTM3dTFpYjBpBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE3NjI4OQRncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNDE5OTIEbXNnSWQDMTAwNDM1BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA3Z0cGMEc3RpbWUDMTU3MjA2NDYyNwR0cGNJZAMxMDA0MzU- [4];_ylc=X3oDMTJkdGdtZG9xBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE3NjI4OQRncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNDE5OTIEc2VjA3Z0bARzbGsDdmdocARzdGltZQMxNTcyMDY0NjI3 [5];_ylc=X3oDMTJjNGlzdmpoBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE3NjI4OQRncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNDE5OTIEc2VjA2Z0cgRzbGsDZ2ZwBHN0aW1lAzE1NzIwNjQ2Mjc- [6] [7]
Farewell, with live links - CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO has now moved to CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO on (note: hyphens, not underscores)
Oops. In the previous post the links were not active. Here it is again. The time when Yahoo will no longer accept new content for this Yahoo group is 28 October, only two days away. This group is being transerred to a new group on the web site and is already in the transfer queue. This message is being posted because it has become apparent that the transfer will not complete before the deadline for new posts on Yahoo. Indeed it may be several weeks before the transfer completes as the transfer queue has grown dramatically over the past week. An archive has been captured in case something goes wrong, but that only preserves content, not subscriptions. Because of the delay, I have decided to go ahead and announce that the Yahoo group is closed and to enable new subscriptions and posts to the version of this forum. If you wish to participate before sends you a welcome email, you can register manually on the web or via email. Otherwise you should be automatically subscribed to the new forum on once the transfer is complete, and an email will be sent to confirm your subscription or to not subscribe if you do not wish to join. The web link to view messages in chronological order on the new forum is: You can also view in a format threaded by topic here: If you prefer to interact with the forum via email, the addresses to use are: Post: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: Group Owner: Help: Once the group is transferred, I will contact previous owners and moderators to ask if they wish to participate in similar roles on the new forum. If the number who accept is insufficient to assure the future of the group, new owners and moderators will be solicited. Hope to see you on the new group. Regards, Steve Stallings
Farewell - CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO has now moved to CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO on (note: hyphens, not underscores)
The time when Yahoo will no longer accept new content for this Yahoo group is 28 October, only two days away. This group is being transerred to a new group on the web site and is already in the transfer queue. This message is being posted because it has become apparent that the transfer will not complete before the deadline for new posts on Yahoo. Indeed it may be several weeks before the transfer completes as the transfer queue has grown dramatically over the past week. An archive has been captured in case something goes wrong, but that only preserves content, not subscriptions. Because of the delay, I have decided to go ahead and announce that the Yahoo group is closed and to enable new subscriptions and posts to the version of this forum. If you wish to participate before sends you a welcome email, you can register manually on the web or via email. Otherwise you should be automatically subscribed to the new forum on once the transfer is complete, and an email will be sent to confirm your subscription or to not subscribe if you do not wish to join. The web link to view messages in chronological order on the new forum is: You can also view in a format threaded by topic here: If you prefer to interact with the forum via email, the addresses to use are: Post: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: Group Owner: Help: Once the group is transferred, I will contact previous owners and moderators to ask if they wish to participate in similar roles on the new forum. If the number who accept is insufficient to assure the future of the group, new owners and moderators will be solicited. Hope to see you on the new group. Regards, Steve Stallings
Farewell - CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO has now moved to CAD-CAM-EDM-DRO on (note: hyphens, not underscores)
The time when Yahoo will no longer accept new content for this Yahoo group is 28 October, only two days away. This group is being transerred to a new group on the web site and is already in the transfer queue. This message is being posted because it has become apparent that the transfer will not complete before the deadline for new posts on Yahoo. Indeed it may be several weeks before the transfer completes as the transfer queue has grown dramatically over the past week. An archive has been captured in case something goes wrong, but that only preserves content, not subscriptions. Because of the delay, I have decided to go ahead and announce that the Yahoo group is closed and to enable new subscriptions and posts to the version of this forum. If you wish to participate before sends you a welcome email, you can register manually on the web or via email. Otherwise you should be automatically subscribed to the new forum on once the transfer is complete, and an email will be sent to confirm your subscription or to not subscribe if you do not wish to join. The web link to view messages in chronological order on the new forum is: You can also view in a format threaded by topic here: If you prefer to interact with the forum via email, the addresses to use are: Post: Subscribe: Unsubscribe: Group Owner: Help: Once the group is transferred, I will contact previous owners and moderators to ask if they wish to participate in similar roles on the new forum. If the number who accept is insufficient to assure the future of the group, new owners and moderators will be solicited. Hope to see you on the new group. Regards, Steve Stallings
Yahoo groups is shutting down, should we save the content? - lets do it
Andy, Steve, Group. Who is listed as the owner on Yahoo? Can I claim owner based on me startling the group originally? I have no Idea how I stopped showing up as the List owner. But it has been that way for several years. Bill, List Mom.
Yahoo groups is shutting down, should we save the content? - let
For some reason I can’t paste what I have copied, probably this damned iOS upgrade. I have been trying to follow along with the gyrations of the groups I like to read, and one of the last posts from Bill List mom... Includes a URL that does not work. It was described as the Yahoo Group JobShopHomeShop for off topic material. Is it supposed to be dead? Now that I’ve been alerted to it i kind of want to read it. Also, Bill, I’ve seen reference to your handle and/or email as both Wanliker, and Wcanliker. Is one a typo or are both correct? Thank you all so much, for all of your efforts to support those of us who aren’t so good at this stuff, or haven’t really had a chance to give it a real shot yet... Paul Cypress, Calif
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