2 Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR radios on one computer
Is it possible to run 2 Airspy HF+ Discovery SDR radios on one computer simultaneously? Can one use the same driver or does it require two different drivers to run both radios at the same time? I am feeding two separate CW Skimmers with IQ signals from each Airspy HF+ Discovery radio and I am wondering if there will be an issue? Please let me know. Thank you, Alex
Pinning of windows in the display
I have Airspy working well. Unfortunately, when fooling around to see what all was in the software I seem to have lost the ability to pin individual windows. It's almost embarrassing, but I sure need an answer. Thank you _Karl
Latest Beta x64 RTL-SDR support
I downloaded the latest SDR# Beta x64 version. It did not recognize my RTL-SDR V2. I noticed it does not have the install-rtlsdr batch file. I downloaded the SDR# Beta x86 version. Both the .NET8 and .NET9 versions have the install-rtlsdr batch file and support my RTL-SDR once the batch is run. Does the SDR# Beta x64 version support RTL-SDR dongles? Am I missing an installation step? Thanks, Mike N2MS
Audio Cable
Hi Are there any members using Muzychenko Audio Cables ? I have this installed on one of my PCs the full licence version and want to transfer it to another PC . When I try to do this a pop up appears saying I need permission to do this ! I am logged in as the Adminstrator with full rights I have tried copy& paste transfer from USB stick etc with no luck It will copy to the stick fine but when I try to move it to file/folder the popup appears Does any one know if this program is protected ? Ie one license one PC Have contacted the vendor but no reply as yet Any thoughts ? or is it me ? DerekH
Noise floor - understanding
Hi all, I read one of the posts here recently which mentioned disconnecting the antenna and connecting a dummy load to compare noise floor. I have just done that test with my Airspy HF+ Discovery, SDR# shows a flat line at -127dB (hopefully see a screenshot attached). I'm probably not understanding correctly but as the sensitivity is listed at around -140dB, shouldn't that flat line be at that point or is this a different measurment? Would appreciate help to understand. Thanks Martin
Basic AM and FM settings?
Recently bought and HF+ Discovery. Running Win 10. Antennas are a 5 element yagi for FM and and Pixel for LW-HF. FM is very distorted. The one in the first image has a LOT of hiss and sounds terrible in general. AM also sound pretty bad as is is choppy and just weird, LSB and USB sound just ok. What am I doing wrong? I bet that the fix is something simple but I have no idea as to what it is. Attached are audio files of both stations Zack N8FNR
Interfacing SDR Sharp with a Yaesu radio
Is there a way to interface SDR Sharp with a Yeasu 101MP, so it follows band changes and frequency? Has anybody tried to connect SDR Sharp to a CW Skimmer? Thank you, Alex
Black Friday 2024/ (Separating TX's & Rx's)
You remind me of my previous occupation as an op at, "Speedbird London" HF "LDOC" Station, (London Heathrow Airport). The transmitter site, (10KWPEP) was near Farnborough, Hampshire and the Receivers/Aerials were located near Guildford, Surrey; The station Marconi TX control head and six RACAL RX's were connected to the remote sites via a digital system, (Megastream?). Originally the station had transmitters on site with an enormous Log-Periodic on top of the hangar - 5 Megs to 21 Megs. Compared to what we now have in the amateur field, the setup was very clunky and it could be tough going, monitoring six open HF channels simultaneously, especially in the Summer months when there were thunderstorms within 500 miles of so. I tried to persuade management to buy DSP speakers and get Wellbrook loops installed but they wouldn't spend the money. A handful of SDR Sharps would've transformed that station, now alas, no more. 73's Ed.
New Beta of SDR#
Greetings, As reported, the current beta version 1921 (13 Nov 24), has caused some plugins to no longer operate. It appears that his happened when DotNet9 was introduced. Two plugins that I have enjoyed using are FreqMan and Mode Presets, that were developed/updated/whatever by The Wraith 2008. Both of these plugins are excellent and I am really appreciative to TW2008 for his efforts (like the efforts of Prog and the other plugin developers). It was suggested by a user at Radio Reference to use Frequency Manager, which is in the basic installation package, instead of FreqMan. Unfortunately, this plugin does not do scanning. FreqMan would scan a frequency range or scan discrete frequencies (channels from scanner terminology). I used discrete scanning a lot for the VHF/UHF amateur stations in my area. Then when I realized Mode Presets didn’t work. I thought that Frequency Manager could replace Mode Presets. However, Frequency Manager’s settings for each station/frequency are missing some attributes that I like to set. The attached picture shows the attributes that can be set in Mode Presets. Specifically not being able to set WFM stereo on or off is a real drawback. I do not know who created the Frequency Manager plugin. I would like to email him with some ideas. I know as time moves on, software changes are needed to take advantage of new features and changes made to operating systems. I just find it a shame to lose some of the nice plugins that we have gotten used to. People are very busy these days and have projects they are working on that don’t always align with my or others’ wants. It isn’t the end of the world, we still have great Airspy SDR software program and great Airspy hardware with which we can enjoy our listening endeavors. I just want to say what is on my mind about these topics. Carry on, George, NJ3H
S-Meter v2.1.1.1
hi, in the new Big Book 2024 on page 104 an S-Meter v2.1.1.1 is mentioned (see image) but I don't understand where you can download the plugin... does anyone know the link? Thank you!
Printable mounts for the R2 and HF+
Found some interesting printables for Airspy radios on Printables. This one is for the HF+. https://www.printables.com/model/486551-airspy-hf-stand And this one is for the R2. https://www.printables.com/model/729177-airspy-support I am seriously considering getting one of each printed. Zack N8FNR
Black Friday 2024
I am glad to announce that we are offering a generous 25% discount for this year's Black Friday. Check it out: https://airspy.com/purchase
airspy host tools on Fedora 39
Hello, I have an Airspy R2 connected to my Fedora Core 39 computer. When I run spyserver and try to connect to it, I get the following output: SPY Server v2.0.1921 Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Youssef Touil - https://airspy.com Reading the configuration file: spyserver.config Listening for connections on Accepted client running SDR++ Device was sleeping. Wake up! Could not acquire the device I have the host tools installed and airpspy_info can see the adapter: juecker@fedora:~$ airspy_info airspy_lib_version: 1.0.10 Found AirSpy board 1 Board ID Number: 0 (AIRSPY) Firmware Version: AirSpy NOS v1.0.0-rc10-6-g4008185 2020-05-08 Part ID Number: 0x6906002B 0x00000030 Serial Number: 0x735863DC32798FE3 Supported sample rates: 10.000000 MSPS 2.500000 MSPS Close board 1 I assume that I need to compile the updated host tools but when I follow the instructions, I get an error with cmake. Has anyone run into this before: juecker@fedora:~/Downloads/airspyone_host-master/build$ sudo cmake ../ -DINSTALL_UDEV_RULES=ON CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:3 (cmake_minimum_required): Compatibility with CMake < 3.5 will be removed from a future version of CMake. Update the VERSION argument <min> value or use a ...<max> suffix to tell CMake that the project does not need compatibility with older versions. cmake: /builddir/build/BUILD/libuv-v1.47.0/src/unix/process.c:972: uv_spawn: Assertion `!(options->flags & ~(UV_PROCESS_DETACHED | UV_PROCESS_SETGID | UV_PROCESS_SETUID | UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE | UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE_CONSOLE | UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_HIDE_GUI | UV_PROCESS_WINDOWS_VERBATIM_ARGUMENTS))' failed. Aborted
Spyserver v1921, Use Full IQ locked out?
Maybe I've missed something in the discussions here, is there a reason "Use full IQ" is not available when connected to spyserver running v1921? I could have overlooked something in the config file. I've had it active before, and I just started noticing it was not available. Thanks!
SDR# Beta is not working
Hi folks, I heard there was a new version of SDR#, so I downloaded it and copied the files to my SDR# folder. When I ran the dot9 exe (because 9 is more than 8, right?) it said I have to load some dot9 stuff, which I went and did. I don't know where the installer puts them, but presumably it knows. Went to run SDR# again and saw a crash.txt file appear on my screen with the following message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at <Unknown>.Utils.GetIntSetting (IL offset: 0x0) at <Unknown>.Program.Main (IL offset: 0x9a) I'm no programmer, so I don't know what it means. I'm hoping there's a programmer reading who can tell me how to fix this. This is the first time I've ever had an SDR# update that didn't work the first time. Ken VE3HLS So Phisai, Thailand OK18sc
Auto Bandwidth Feature
FM DXing is a niche part of the overall radio hobby, so please tune this discussion out if that isn't your focus. I'm mostly interested in talking with those who develop plug-ins, with the hope that we can improve SDR Sharp for this niche audience of users. For the past several years, the AirSpy HF+ Discovery has been recognized as the most sensitive receiver available for FM DXing. It's fast RDS decodes, FM Co-Channel DSP feature, and other tools have made it the "go to" hardware/software combination for serious FM DXers. I own four of them, using them to automatically log RDS signals and plot them on a map in real-time, this is available only in the U.S., and it's called Rabbit Ears: FM reception map A few months ago, some FM DXers began to experiment with inexpensive TEF6686 radios being marketed on sites like AliExpress. Lead by coders like Sjef, PE5PVB, changes were made to the radios firmware, enhancing their performance, especially for FM DXing. One of the advances was the creation of an "Auto Bandwidth" option, which allows the receiver to automatically detect changes in signal strength on FM stations, and adjust the bandwidth 311 KHz for strong stations down to as narrow as 56 KHz for weak stations. The bandwidth can also be adjusted manually. DXers soon discovered that the Auto BW adjusted very well to rapidly changing signal levels, such as those experienced during e-skip and meteor scatter. It was also perfect for the unattended "autologging" that many of us do on Rabbit Ears or using RDS Spy. During "live" DXing sessions, it also adjusted to rapidly shifting conditions, allowing for more stations to be logged during brief openings vs. manually changing bandwidth on an SDR. I'd love to see a plug in that allowed for this same "auto bandwidth" capability while in Wide-FM mode. Are there any developers who are interested in coding such a plug-in. I think you'll find lots of fans eager to help you beta test it.
New SDR# Beta Build with dotnet 9
Improved performance and lower resource utilization, to say the least. Get the beta: https://airspy.com/download
Modding Experiments With The YouLoop
Found this interesting article about changing the size of the YouLoop. http://radio-timetraveller.blogspot.com/2024/09/modding-experiments-with-youloop.html Zack N8FNR
FM Broadcast Chuffing Sound
Greetings, I have an issue with a particular station that I get chuffing with. There is a short mp3 attached along with the SDR# screen capture. I am listening to 91.3 MHz using the R2 and SDR# version 1920 from 25 Apr 2024. This situation occurs with one particular station in my area. The signal is very strong here on the FM broadcast band. The station antenna is 653 above average terrain and is running 75,000 watts. I am located about 20 miles from the station in question. The signal strength is 30 above S9 on the S-meter plugin. If you listen closely you will hear some kind of chuffing sound in the background. I have played with the R2 gain control, but I am unable to get rid of it. I have determined that when I uncheck the stereo box within the Radio window, the chuffing sound totally disappears. Rechecking the stereo box, the offending noise returns. I have checked plugins and other settings windows to be sure that none of them have enabled options that would have an audio quality impact. I listened with my RSPdx using SDRuno and there is no such noise even in stereo FM mode. I checked with SDR Console running with the R2. I get the same offensive background sound. Has anyone experienced something like this? Any thoughts you have are most welcome. Tonight: I reinstalled 1920 (into a new subdirectory) and 1921 beta. There wasn't any difference from yesterday. In fact, I didn't even install any plugins other than the ones that are provided with the installation file. I do not notice this happening with other stations. Some of the local low-powered stations require an upward adjustment to the Gain control. As I mentioned, in monaural (stereo unchecked), this problem does not occur. As a workaround, I use the Modes Preset plugin. I cannot get it to turn off stereo when pushing on the station's push button. At one time I had this working correctly. But now it isn't. Same version of Sharp and the plugin. No idea why it isn't working now. This plugin is very nice, though. I have sent a message to The Wraith 2008, but have not heard back as of yet. I really like using the R2 for FM broadcast (and other VHF/UHF stations. I am hoping there can be some resolution to this issue. Any comments or ideas are most welcome. If you want to see a particular screen capture, please let me know. Regards, George, NJ3H Redmond, Oregon USA
Next beta version
Hi Prog, I'm really enjoying the latest beta version 1921-next, especially after updating to the latest 5.0.0 firmware on the HF+ Discovery. However, another user informed me about having a problem with resizing the spectrum window by dragging the dividing line up or down. When I tried it, I noticed the same issue. Since this is still a beta version, perhaps that issue can be added to the list of bugs to be fixed. Thanks for the greet SDR products and software. -- Ken, WBØOCV East Falmouth, MA USA 41.5997N, 70.5614W FN41ro
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