Airspy mini & images
Hi! If I tune my Airspy Mini (via spyserver) hooked to an external ham vhf/uhf antenna I find a lot of images of WFM band in the 30-33 Mhz range. Also in 48 and in 10 meters ham. I am alone? There is a way to eliminates it? Ciao Roberto ===== SDR## 1921 Windows 11 running in Parallels Desktop MacBook pro M1Max Airspy+ HF Discovery (on line) Airspy R2 (on line) Airspy Mini (0n line) Spyserver: rob-casa-ge (dot) ddns (dot) info:5555 Airspy+ HF Discovery rob-casa-ge (dot) ddns (dot) info:5556 Airspy Mini QTH Genova Italy nbrc.mynetgear (dot) com:5555 Airspy R2 QTH Breuil Cervinia (Aosta Valley) Italy
Bitdefender False Positive
This morning, Bitdefender decided the following: "The file C:\SDR\sdrsharp-x86\SDRSharp.exe is infected with Gen:Suspicious.Cloud.4.ew3@aGLkMUo and was moved to quarantine. It is recommended that you run a System Scan to make sure your system is clean." To check, I downloaded a new copy of the #1921 beta and when unzipped, Bitdefender complained again. At this point I'm assuming it's a false-positive, but wanted to post here to see if anyone else is seeing this. Thanks! -- Mike.
SDR# With G-31 ?
Hello, Really enjoy using SDR# and my AirSpy HF+ Discovery. Truly excellent products. Looking forward to the Ranger release. I have a quite old WinRadio G-31 that I have just hooked up again. Great radio, but have never liked the software for it. Anyone know if SDR# would work with ? Or, any other software package? Thanks, Bob
Help me setup my SpyServer
Hi, brand new AirspyHF+ fresh out of the box. Connected it via the supplied USB cable to my RPi5 running Bookworm OS from RaspberryPi. Connected my Win11 laptop via SSh to the RPi5 and installed libairspyhf and spyserver. Run beta version of SDR#1921 Server is Busy. libusb reports Amtel Corp AirspyHF+ on the RPi5 but airspyhf_info states no devices attached. Running SDR#1920 gets me a Server is Busy. Ready to throw the toys out of my cot unless someone can shed some light on where I went wrong. TIA
Consulta Tecnica basica
Soy nuevo en esto y me gustaria saber si hay alguna forma optima de conectar el airspy discovering. Tengo el cable de bajanda de antena que es un RG213 con conector UHF macho!! Mi consulta es la siguiente se recomienda armar un chicote o simplemente un adaptador!. No hay nada mejor que preguntarle a la fuente... y si conviene ponerle chicote cual seria el mejor tipo de cable!! RG58, RG316. Desde ya muchas gracias por todo su tiempo y trabajo se valora. EDIT: Added translation: I'm new to this and I'd like to know if there's an optimal way to connect the airspy discovery. I have the antenna downlink cable which is a RG213 with a male UHF connector!! My question is the following: is it recommended to put together a whip or just an adapter! There's nothing better than asking the source... and if it's convenient to put a whip on it, what would be the best type of cable!! RG58, RG316. Thank you very much for all your time and work, it's appreciated.
New SpyServer Builds Available
It's time to update your SpyServers. Many many enhancements, including low bitrate IQ, server-side FFT zooming, etc. Get the latest version that works in your platform:
Timestamp for Spyserver connections?
Maybe it's there, but is it possible to have Spyserver report the time a connection is made and broken? Thanks!
New SpyServer Builds Available
Dear Prog, In my LAN, I run the Spyserver from an old PC, near an HF Discovery, working as server and a laptop as client. The performances are very good. Testing Spyserver 1921 I have found a different behavior with respect to the SpyServer 1920. With the SpyServer 1920, the AGC status of the SDR# running in the server PC, changes the behavior of the Gain slider of the SDR# running in the client PC: server SDR# AGC checked, client Gain slider deactivated and viceversa. With Spyserver 1921 the client Gain slider of the client PC is always active. I usually set the AGC status running the SDR# of the server once because it holds the status. Is this difference a new feature? Regards.
DC spike
Hi I see a DC spike only at the beginning of my signal on my AirspyHF. Is this normal behaviour? How long should the DC spike be present for? It looks fairly brief. Thanks Al
SDR Sharp Scheduler
Greetings, I wanted to schedule a recording this evening using the Broadband: Simple Recording plugin. I noticed that I have to use the local time (my computer is set to local time). Is there a way to be able to use UTC without setting that as my computer's default time zone? Thanks, George
Question about spurs on Airspy Mini plugged to a GPSDO
Hi! Not a major issue as I only really noticed this before I calibrated my Mini (plugged into a GPSDO via an attenuator). Running at 6MSPS I see spurs spaced every 24MHz apart across the whole frequency range of the Mini. There are much smaller ones (9dB above noise floor) spaced 12MHz in between. The stronger spurs are typically 30-40dB above noise floor with the gain set to 16. The firmware version is the latest offered for the Mini and the spurs are present on a Pi and 2 different PCs with/without an antenna. Just wondering if these spurs are stronger than usual on my device. Thanks in advance! -- Graeme
SpyServer 64bit for pi.
Hi, Can anyone point me to a tutorial to install and setup 64bit spyserver on pi3 please? I found some sites that show the 32 bit version and different ways to install on the pi - some burning an image and others pulling from git or somewhere. Thanks.
Project HLine3D Amateur Radio Astronomy Hardware/Software
Hello, Some of you may find this of interest Project H Line 3D' is a collection of documents and programs designed to be a beginners guide to antenna fabrication, reception, recording, software processing, and graphic display of the 21 cm Hydrogen line. The project makes use of an RTL-SDR and LNA as the radio front end. The Hydrogen Line is an observable increase in RF power at 1420.MHz that is created by natural hydrogen atoms. The Hydrogen line is most easily detected by pointing a directional antenna toward the Milky Way where neutral hydrogen is abundant. Properties of the hydrogen line curve such as its shape and Doppler shift can be used to measure the shape and properties of our Galaxy. Project H Line is designed to be inexpensive and easy for students to build an antenna and set up for drift scans which involve pointing the antenna towards the sky and letting the Earth's rotation drift the Milky Way into and through the view of the antenna. The project includes a design for a 13-element circular patch feed Yagi that can be built using common materials available from a hardware store .. The 13-element Yagi results in about 15dBi gain and a 30-degree 3dB bandwidth. The software portion of the instructions uses the AirSpy SDR# Studio + Kaminski IF_Average plugin to record log files every few minutes. The *.txt files are then converted by an included Java IF_Avg2CSV program by Jamison Adcock into a logarithmic dB scale and a format compatible with Rinearn 2D and 3D graphics packages. Hydrogen 21cm emission line RF from the Milky Way Galaxy Doppler Shifted from the high 10-100 Km/Sec velocities of the galactic arms This is a 24 hour data acquisition using a 'Drift Scan' technique ( fixed antenna position & let the Earth's rotation 'move the sky' ) 5 minutes per saved file. Best Regards, Alex Pettit Project HLine3D
Who is?
Hi! I have seen in the Airspy Directory a Airspy HF+ shared in Genoa or in a very near proximity. I live in Genoa, and I’ll like to enter in touch with the one who is sharing sdr:// (reported by the directory was not reachable). Thank you if you read me Grazie se mi leggi, collega! Roberto (seguo anche quanto viene scritto da Prog su X/Twitter con user @Arruba_) ===== SDR## 1921 Windows 11 running in Parallels Desktop MacBook pro M1Max Airspy+ HF Discovery (temporary off line) Airspy R2 (on line) Airspy Mini (temporary off line) Spyserver: rob-casa-ge (dot) ddns (dot) info:5555 Airspy+ HF Discovery QTH Genova Italy nbrc.mynetgear (dot) com:5555 Airspy R2 QTH Breuil Cervinia (Aosta Valley) Italy
Problems with TETRA showing different frequency on 1920 and 1921
Hi! As from object, I found that the last beta of 1921 don’t show correctly the frequency on 462 Mhz band. I center a Tetra channel and the signal is misplaced on Spectrum. The same channel tuned using 1920 work as expected. Any idea? I attach two screenshot showing the problem. Thank you for any help. Roberto ===== SDR## 1921 Windows 11 running in Parallels Desktop MacBook pro M1Max Airspy+ HF Discovery (on line) Airspy R2 (on line) Airspy Mini (temporary off line) Spyserver: rob-casa-ge (dot) ddns (dot) info:5555 Airspy+ HF Discovery (actually out of service due to a failed upgrade to r1921 spyserver… I’ll fix as soon as possible) QTH Genova Italy nbrc.mynetgear (dot) com:5555 Airspy R2 QTH Breuil Cervinia (Aosta Valley) Italy
SpyServer Questions
Hi Group, Sorry about reposting this, but I still haven't received any assistance. ‐-------------------- Looking for someone who has Spyserver set up and running. I got Spyserver set up on a Raspberry Pi 5, and am listening on a MS-Surface on my local network. I'm very pleased with this setup, but there are a few things I can't understand. 1. The widest filter setting I can get for Wide FM is 156,250 Hz. I read somewhere that the ideal filter setting for quick RDS decodes is 192,000 Hz, though 200,000 Hz would be nice. I tried entering 200,000 in SDR# v.1920, but the highest it seems to allow is 156,250. I also changed the maximum filter width in Spyserver.config to 200,000 and still only get 156,250 in SDR#. Did I leave something out? Is there another way to do this, or is this a limitation I have to live with? 2. I'm happy I can run my Airspy R2 at 8 MHz bandwidth without any stuttering. I can't say that about any of the other SDR servers I have tried here. My problem appears when I make IQ recordings. This afternoon I was listening to 90.0 MHz in the FM broadcast band. 4 MHz bandwidth displayed on the spectrum/waterfall. I made 5 minute IQ recording, centered on 90.0. When I play back the file with the Baseband File Player only one signal is displayed across the spectrum/waterfall. The frequency cannot be changed. And, the tuned frequency is shown as 89 MHz, not 90 MHz, the frequency I was tuned and the frequency the display was centered on while recording . To add to the confusion, there is no station on 89.0 MHz. Should I not expect to be able to make IQ recordings of more than one station at a time, considering the SDR# client can display several megahertz at a time on the spectrum/waterfall? If the client can make IQ recordings of only one Broadcast FM station at a time then the recording ought to be centered on the frequency I was tuned to, no? Thanks for any assistance. Ken VE3HLS So Phisai, Thailand OK18sc
SpyserverI/HF+/SDR# frequency error
I've set up Spyserver with an HF+ on both a Pi4 and Windows10 and notice somewhere around 400 Hz of frequency error on SDR# when tuned into WWV on 15MHz. I tried setting a frequency compensation in Spyserver's config file but when checking WWV on 25MHz it's off, sorry I can't say exactly at this point. Any reason this might be happening? The HF+ is dead on when I have it connection by USB. Thanks1
Recommend a USB C Male to 3 USB Female Cable Adapter?
I am getting an Airspy Discovery HF+ soon. One thing I want to do with it is take it car camping and use an Android phone in quite remote locations. Would like to be able to listen with headphones to MW and FM at the same time that it is connected to the phone and external battery. It looks like one of these would be perfect but most that I find on Amazon have very mixed reviews. Can anyone recommend a brand that they have found to be reliable? Zack
Airspyserver not visable in MAP
My problems are the same as in this topic After upgrading to the latest version of airspyserver arm64 (5-10) build, airspy doesn't show up in the available servers map. My setup is still the same. I downgraded via wayback machine to the 1700 version and al works well, anyone know this is a bug or a solution? John
Airspy Server - comand line
Hi all, I have been running Airspy Server on my HF+ Discovery and looking at all the IP addresses of the people who have connected to it and wonder if I can get any better information displayed in the window. At the moment, it tells me if sleeping, the IP of a connection and then when it is released. Are there any comand line options or additions to the config file to show more information. I don't mean trying to gather private information, just simple things like a time stamp of connection and disconecting, maybe what frequency they are tuned to, gain settings use, etc. Speaking of gain, I have noticed that quite a few connections are turning the gain up to maximum, I know this because I can have 2 connections and when I connect at the same time, the gain is up at full and all I can get is noise or distorted signals, so maybe the connected people don't understand the way the gain works as it completly ruins the reciever. I rarely have the gain above 2 or 3 so it makes it useless if someone else has set it up at 8. I unfortuanatly have to disconnect them so I can control the gain myself. I don't like doing this but surely the users are not getting anything useful anyway. I know I can fix the gain, but I need control remotely anyway. Anyway, that last thing was nothing to do with my original question. Thanks Martin
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