Think we bricked a quantar. 28
So a friend of mine for a quantar on vhf. Read the repeater saved the original file. Sitting on 155 something and was set up as p25. that’s what we wanted so hit validate to make sure all the settings were good it passed. so we wrote the frequency and wrote to it. Somewhere it failed and now we can’t read or write to the machine. What do we do?
Розпочато TheCuecat @ · Останніх @
Would like to contact Jeff WN3A
I would like to contact Jeff, WN3A. Jeff, is you are on here, please drop me an email. BudStewart@... or N0KBS@... Thanks & 73 Bud -- Bud Stewart N0KBS N0KBS@arrl,net
Розпочато Bud Stewart @
Raspberry pi controller, any info? 16
Does Anyone have any info on this setup? It’s a raspberry pi, a micro sd card, a usb stick, an RMK engineering sound card and a 25 pin connector (used with an Icom FR6000) I’m guessing as a repeater controller. Any place I can find some info on this? Software, name for it? Thanks for any info. Richy
Розпочато Richy Russo N2ZD @ · Останніх @
Rebuild of a DB-224 10
I spent a lot of time digging into the update of changing a DB-224-A to the DB-224-E, setting it up for the 2M band, mostly on this group. The thing that I did a bit differently was not only extending the harness and mast, but I also extended all 4 of the loops to get them from 34" to 37". I cut some pieces of 1/2" aluminum (4 pieces for each loop, 1.5") and used some aluminum brazing rod from the local hardware store. In order to hold these pieces in place, I cut a piece of 5/8" aluminum, about 1/2" longer than the 1/2" piece and sliced it down to about 190 degrees around the 1/2" piece. I crimped the larger piece down so the 1/2" piece had to be squeezed inside the 5/8" piece. I then cut one end of the loop off at about 3" down and added two of the extensions to lengthen each end. It took me a while to get the hang of using the aluminum brazing rod, but I found that when you got the aluminum tubing hot enough (took about 2 minutes of heating with mapp gas), the aluminum rod would start to flow. It takes some practice. I never did burn through any of the aluminum tubing. The rod flow would occasionally droop to the bottom. The real trick that I learned was NOT TO MOVE or do anything until you let the end cool for at least 15 minutes when the brazing was done. If you do, the connection will be compromised and won't hold. To add strength, I added some 3M #33 tape over the extensions. Mast Extension: To extend the mast, I cut the extra ~2' of tubing to add to the top of the mast at an angle (6") and used some stainless steel clamps to hold the two pieces together. Harness: I purchased 25' of RG-83 (didn't bother with the Vapor Barrier coax) and we had some RG11. I covered the completed connections with a marine grade heat shrink tubing, some black RTV to fill the cracks and some 3M #33 tape. I used a trimmed copper pipe brackets to clamp on the shield as a connection for the loop connections. When completed, I found the SWR was about 1.65:1 at our transmitter frequency at 146.64. To get a near perfect match, I used my NanoVNA to find the LC Match (51nH series coil & 4pf shunt) and I have a 1.13:1 match at the coax to the coax to the duplexers. Hope this helps someone else who wants to update the DB-224. Mike, W0IH
Розпочато Michael Foerster @ · Останніх @
LPFM Translator - Precautions/performance concerns 17
A LPFM Translator has moved to a tower we have some machines on. They installed a Single-bay Broadcast FM Antenna, 7/8 Hardline, Crown Transmitter running around 150 watts. What are the recommended precautions to maintain performance of our VHF and UHF machines? 73 Josh W4ZZK
Розпочато Josh (W4ZZK) @ · Останніх @
Sudden low-level whine on MTR 2000 UHF station? 13
Hi Group, I have an MTR 2000 which has developed a bit of an interesting condition. It has a low level whine in the background of the audio that it didn't have a few weeks ago. Whatever it is, it's constantly there, as when the station unkeys, if I put an HT in the vicinity of it in carrier squelch, I can still hear the whine on the exciter. It's probably about 500Hz or so, and warbles slightly. Here's a YouTube short with an audio capture of the issue: Anyone encountered this? I've tried basic troubleshooting and, being an MTR 2000, there isn't much to do, I'm curious if this is the beginning of a power supply failure or an exciter issue. Or a station control module issue. I don't know - that's the fun! Any help? Best, Chris/KF6AJM -- Chris Baldwin, CETSr. (KF6AJM) Trustee - MetroNET Cal. Intertie (KB3PX)
Розпочато Chris Baldwin @ · Останніх @
IRLP Bord V3 schematic needed 6
Hi To All, Our IRLP V3.0 Board has failed. From a visual inspection U6 has severe damage and the part number is no longer visible. I was hoping that a member of the group would have the schematic of this board? Or if someone have a loose board around and could look at U6 and tell me the part number of this 8 pin surface mount IC. Thanks’ to all for looking. Best 73 Carl VA2CMB
Розпочато Carl Beaudry @ · Останніх @
Tele dial DTMF pad 13
Chuck and Stan, I’ve been looking for that schematic for some time now, thanks for sharing that. I also have quite a few of the old tele dials. Does anyone have a source for a stand-alone case once the pad is removed from the phone? Don KD9PT
Розпочато Don Kupferschmidt @ · Останніх @
Anyone ever try?
Wires x on the xpr8400? yes sounds stupid but I have 20khz entitled xpr and was wondering if anyone has ever tried to run wires on one of these machines.
Розпочато TheCuecat @
Molex #03-06-2152, where to find? 8
I have been looking and can't seem to find any, even on epay. The pins are available but not the housing. I need around 4 of them for a TKR-750. I believe that is the correct part number for the 15 pin connector. Am I wrong on the part number? Any sources out there? Thanks!
Розпочато Jonathan Peakall @ · Останніх @
RA-35/40 Eclipse repeater 26
Has anyone been able to connect a RA-35/40 interface to an RF Technology Eclipse repeater for Allstar. The only information that I can find for the back IO is the attached image. Kind regards Steve
Розпочато Steve Brodie VK4SJB @ · Останніх @
Teledial DTMF pad 5
Does anyone know how to make these old TELEDIAL pads work? I have some here, brand new in the box. I have one working with a Multi-Switcher. But I cannot figure out how i made it work and i cannot get one to work with my RC210 test setup... There are 8 wires hanging out of it. I only used two on the switcher. Stan, WA2UET
Розпочато Stanley Engel @ · Останніх @
Duplexer question 5
So a while back i bought a Sinclair Q201GC-2. I made a new harness for it. Then decided to tune them myself. Ive had a few repeaters over the years. I always had someone else with more equipment than myself to tune them in the past. I bought a Libre VNA & a Siglent SSA3021X spectrum analyzer with tracking generator. I figured that's at least a good start to having some of my own test equipment. Then learn how to do this. What i wanted to ask it normal to see more than one reject notch when looking at each can individually? I have 145.330- repeater pair. When i look at each can individually, say on the TX side for example. I have a notch at 144.730 then pass at 145.330. But when I widen my view of everything say 15 megahertz. I see another reject notch way up around 151/152 MHz.
Розпочато N4FOX @ · Останніх @
220Mhz duplexer 11
Good morning, I'm looking for a duplexer for a 220 repeater. I'd like to buy used, but don't know where to shop for them? I saw Bridgecom has them new, but don't know how good they are: Thanks for any help or advice you can offer. Have a great day, Nate/N9BBM
Розпочато nathan@... @ · Останніх @
Some radio items for sale
All for local pickup and cash in scottsbluff ne. I may consider shipping on the xts3000 package if shipping and PayPal fees are covered by buyer. 2x xts3000 uhf 403 to 470 mhz range and yes it's confirmed in cps. Comes with 4 nimh batteries (2 are brand new) 2 standard chargers 2 impres chargers 2 public safety mics with 450 to 470 stubby helical antennas. Only issue is missing side buttons on the radios (replacements are in the mail). Batteries hold a charge but no warranties on battery life. Will take $600 for the lot. We were going to use for gmrs but decided to stick with our cp200xls radios. The girlfriend doesn't like the weight of them. Cp200 is lighter and easier to use is reason for sale. Commscope DB-404-B UHF repeater antenna. Like new, never been installed outdoors. $450 2x Ubiquiti AirFiber AF24 (non HD model) carrier class ptp microwave links. $450 Willing to make a cheaper package deal on everything together if someone wishes to take the lot for cash. DM for pictures.
Розпочато Part 15 Engineer @
Ge Phoenix,2 questions? 25
hello everyone, do you remember what was the company that add a "programmer" for the X2212 ship? and i need the photo and the pinnout of the rear connector ! i need to know where is the COS signal,on what pin and the other on the same occasion so i would print the paper here! i am trying to recycle an old phoenix here as an AllStar node . 73/s everyone gervais ve2ckn
Розпочато Gervais Fillion @ · Останніх @
Repeater for sale
I still have my MastrII UHF repeater on Coburg Ridge in Eugene, Oregon, for sale. $1500 firm; serious inquiries only 541 602 4712
Розпочато David Frechette @
Looking to sell a CAT SQ-1000 Squelch board 7
Anyone give me an idea of what this is worth Brand new SQ-1000
Розпочато Jeff Oberg KB8SXK @ · Останніх @
For sale 2 Hamtronics TD-3 tone decoder kits.
Parts bags are still sealed. Just looking for a fair offer
Розпочато Jeff Oberg KB8SXK @
hustler and hygain hf beam???? 7
hi would you know a "Group" about hf antenna? i wonder if hygain baught hustler hf antenna division? i am buying an hustler 3 element hf beam ,10/15/20 meters,,th3 junior the saler said but i cannot find any manual. it will arrived all dismantle here ! And by what i found Hygain are selling the same antenna??? i am not sure at all! i will try next winter this one on hf,,new experiences!! 73 gervais,ve2ckn i know it is not repeater builder stuff ,,maybe someone with more experiences can gave me a hand
Розпочато Gervais Fillion @ · Останніх @
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