Software for Android 28
Hello to the group and a very happy holiday to all, I am trying to find an app that will work on my android phone or tablet, the software in the wiki claims it is for an older version of the android OS so it won't even let me download it. So the question is if there is a newer version somewhere, or do we need to update the wiki to show that it only works on older devices? Greg
Розпочато Greg Parsons @ 12/23/24 · Останніх @ 12/31/24
Possible easier menu for radio amateurs? 13
Hello. I just wanted to ask if there is any interest from the community or the developers to make the menu easy for radio amateurs, for people that are not engineers? Currently the menu is a big mess with a lot of options and sub-options and so on. So if you want to make a simple measure, you have to go in many menus to change many settings. I know this gives a lot of control, but I will be very nice to have a few buttons on the main screen, like a main menu, that take you to the most used measurements, with all of the settings already set, with bigger font and a few buttons to change some settings only to that current measurement. I also do not know if this is something that the hardware supports.
Розпочато aeternus.arcis@... @ 12/29/24 · Останніх @ 12/31/24
TDR function? 4
Does the nanoVNA have a TDR function? For some reason I thought it did, but I can't find it in the menu. Zack W9SZ <> <> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
Розпочато Zack Widup @ 12/30/24 · Останніх @ 12/30/24
NanoVNA APP does not have New Coax Dislord Functions 10
Hi all Testing NanoVNA App + Windows11 with My New H4 , it seems almost working ok despite some bugs and crasching, but my main problem is : i do not found the new Dislord Coax functions, indeed i am using again this days the RG59 75Ohm coax it has less loss coeff then the RG58 50Ohm Coax measured by to the Dislord coax functions on H4, it has a measured 77.70 Ohm =Z0 specific impedance , and then i measure the SWR and Smith with 50-->77.7 Ohm Dislord conversion function, all seems amasing With H4, Wonderfull Dislord functions , but still no success to do it with NanoVNA App and PC+USB . 73's Nizar .
Розпочато Team-SIM SIM-Mode @ 12/26/24 · Останніх @ 12/30/24
Nanovna or antenna analyzer? 40 #buying #newbie
Newbie here. I am interested in testing antennas for resonance and swr. 80m to 70cm. Both indoors and outdoors. I was thinking of buying an entry level antenna analyzer. Several helpful people suggested getting a nanovna instead as it was said to have a cheap price ($60ish) and extensive capabilities. After reviewing Amazon and eBay for nanovna I don't see much in that price range (at least double and more) and I sense from reading material here and there that there will be a lengthy learning curve with no guarantees it will work for you. Plus it's not obvious which one of many nanoVNA offerings to buy with all sorts of illegal clones and firmware issues abounding. Not really like that with store bought antenna analyzers -Price and features laid out. An I missing something?? Appreciate input. Edward
Розпочато Edward Stavin VE3VYT @ 6/06/23 · Останніх @ 12/30/24
Querry a tuners' settings for L&C with a NanoVNA 5
Is there any way to determine a tuners L and C settings/values such that a fixed PI network could be built to replace the tuner. Case in point. I have a QCX and the 50w amp which exhibits a mismatch between the two. I have set my qrpguys tuner in between and tuned it. Now I want to build a tuned circuit with a toroid and caps to replace the tuner. I'm sure there is a better way but ,,, Bryan N0LUF
Розпочато Bryan Curl @ 12/29/24 · Останніх @ 12/30/24
How to set up for the Demo RF kit for the 30 Mhz band pass filter reading 21 #learning
I received the RF Demo kit for NanoVNA. The cables are indeed fiddly to attach on the pcb board, but I am getting used to it. Just hope that it will last for some long time rather than get mangled, and ruin my investment for the learning. Anyhow I got it to calibrate OK for Open, Short and Load with the Demo Kit board and supplied cables. But when I tried to read for the 30Mhz Band Pass Filter, the readings on the screen didn't come out what is indicated on the board. It was more squiggly curve type graphs on the display. I tried to change the settings with the SPAN and SCALE in the menu, but it made it actually worse or was just showing straight horizontal line. Could someone please explain, what settings the VNA must have to display nice sharp dip of the graph as on the board? What am I doing wrong. I understand the RF board is showing how the band pass filter on the board is blocking the all other frequencies and only letting in 30Mhz in the filter? What should be the settings in the menu of the VNA? Thanks
Розпочато PDXer @ 2/05/23 · Останніх @ 12/29/24
New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII User guide? 12
Does a user guide exist for this model? It came with a flow chart but am looking for something more expansive on its functions etc.. Am a newbie at this device,
Розпочато Retroradio @ 12/22/24 · Останніх @ 12/23/24
Latest calibration not saved at shutdown button 6
Hi All I just have my New Nano-VNA-H4 from SEESII , i calibrate it on different spans and empty memory's, all seems working fine, but it does not save the latest recalled calibration memory , at startup it always open the first recall calibration, is this normal ?, How to save the latest recalled calibration for next startup . 73's Nizar
Розпочато Team-SIM SIM-Mode @ 12/16/24 · Останніх @ 12/18/24
Measuring Attenuators 33
Hi All, New to the group. I have a SAA-2N w/N connectors and cal set. With the necessary adapters (SMA to N etc..) I am not sure I understand if my measurements are correct. Measured (stimulus) from 1MHz - 100MHz; calibrated w/cal set. I then connected a 30db attn and it reads -25.6db @ 30MHz, what is going on? Note: this attn is marked 7-16.5GHz and is an SMA. (I have many of these attenuators and several tests on various units produces nearly the same results) Mike C.
Розпочато Mike C. @ 8/24/21 · Останніх @ 12/16/24
windows 10 allow NanoVNA saver to start without warning 3
I installed NanoVNAsaver (really just putting the .exe from the zip file from github on my PC). It works but gives a security warning each time it is started. I looked at file properties and didn't find any obvious way to fix this. How do I change settings to allow this to start without warning?
Розпочато JimLS @ 12/14/24 · Останніх @ 12/14/24
Step by step on measuring inductor and self resonance 23
Have watched several videos on this and they all seem to leave out most of the setup. Looking to measure inductance but most interested in self resonance frequency. Resonance will be about 2 MHz I am guessing. Have it across Port1/S11 as seen in the videos but don't have display of anything like in the videos. I have looked at the Absolute Beginners Guide but doesn't cover this.
Розпочато JimLS @ 12/10/24 · Останніх @ 12/13/24
settings for spectrum analyzer use? (I understand it has serious limits) 10
I realize this hardware is not made for this and results will be poor but I want to give it a shot anyway. New user of the H4 version. Looking to get some idea of signal strength of some local FM and TV stations. I tried setting the start and stop freq for the FM band and looking at logmag of S21 and got nothing - just an almost flat line near the bottom of the screen. Thinking I am missing a few settings. I have searched and read some but haven't found a complete list of settings needed. If I need to do this as some smaller freq bands I could do that.
Розпочато JimLS @ 12/02/24 · Останніх @ 12/11/24
USB isolator suggestions? 25
Measuring balanced antenna feeds with the nano is easy if it is not connected to anything and well decoupled from "ground". It would be nice to remove the influence of connecting a USB cable to a PC so NanoVNA Saver can be used. I see two possible solutions: - a wideband RF 1:1 transformer on the S11 port - USB isolation of the RF path to ground The nice thing about USB isolation is that it should be possible to make it generically broadband and there are lots of isolators out there cheap. As one might expect, none of the inexpensive products (not fiber optic) say anything about parasitic capacitance on the ground side. Does anyone on this list have good/bad experiences with specific brands and models that show low coupling in the 3 to 30 MHz region? failing that, I'm thinking the RF transformer may be the best way to go. All thoughts welcomed! Brent, AB1LF
Розпочато Brent DeWitt @ 12/02/24 · Останніх @ 12/08/24
#NanoVNA-H Firmware for 75 Ohm port? 10 #nanovna-h
Is there firmware for the NanoVNA-H that supports selecting the port impedance (as is available on the VNA-H$)?
Розпочато John @ 11/28/24 · Останніх @ 12/04/24
Закрито HTML message editor not available for this group ? 4
I'm not able to get the HTML editor when I write a message , also reply to messages from other users. This is happenig only on Nanovna-Users Group . Where I'm wrong ? Of course I set the preference on my profile. Thanks in advance for any suggestion . Best Regards Maurizio IZ1MDJ
Розпочато Maurizio IZ1MDJ @ 12/01/24 · Останніх @ 12/02/24
Crystal measurement scripting - UART readout 6
Hello. I have a NanoVNA-H4, with DiSlord 1.2.40 firmware. I would like to write a python program to measure and sort crystals for use in a crystal filter. Is there a way to read out the parameters via the USB connection? I have tried to navigate the manuals and the help menu, but have not found anything if it is possible to read it out via USB. 73 de Thomas LA3PNA.
Розпочато Thomas S. Knutsen @ 11/29/24 · Останніх @ 12/02/24
Where to bye a good quality and accurate 50 Ohm SMA Load ? 5
Hi All Where to bye an accurate 50 Ohm +/- 0.1 Ohm SMA Load to ensure a good quality NanoVNA calibration ? Indeed the most important capability of a nanoVNA is to be calibrated by an external reference 50 Ohm load, the firmware with it's float point computing will do the rest, all quality or default of NanoVNA will be affected by the quality of the calibration Load 50 Ohm , if it has a large band resistor behavior without resonnance or parasitic inductors or capacitors and if it has an accurate resistor value to be refered to, i am not so sure that the loads given by NanoVNA vendors are very accurate , ohmetre measurement gives 50 Ohm +/- 1 Ohm wich is no so good . i would like to bye a better 50 Ohm load reference to be sure to have a good wide band value calibration . 73's Nizar
Розпочато Team-SIM SIM-Mode @ 12/01/24 · Останніх @ 12/01/24
What nanoVNA and from Where 14
Hello to all, After a couple of hours searching on web, I still don’t know much about what version of nanoVNA to get, from what manufacturer, and where to buy… I would like to offer a nanoVNA to my father for Christmas. The main purpose will be to teach him analysing RF transformers and antennas on HF and VHF, but I would like some precision and accuracy. Probably I am requesting too much, but, what versions should I look, made by who? I am in Europe, so it will be better to purchase from European stores or Chinese sellers on Aliexpress, I think. The screen size is not important because it will be used connected to the computer. On screen I see it can only perform 200 points of measure and on computer it can do 1024. Is not a nice rate but it is what it is. Can you please give me some recommendations? Thank you all in advance! Best 73 Pedro Madeira CT7AHV/C91AHV
Розпочато Pedro Madeira CT7AHV @ 11/29/24 · Останніх @ 12/01/24
TDR function and setting the upper frequency - different results than examples I have found...
New user of NanoVNA H4. Bought it to tune some 500 MHz stub traps but sure I will find many other uses. Tried TDR function on a spool of coax and got factor of 2 difference on needed max frequency for the length (needed to lower frequency). Then I found another example that looked to double that (4 times what I ended up with). May just be some setting changes but would like to understand the differences or if I have just made some error. The example I was following is They gave the approx. max freq as: Freq (MHz) = 5850 x vel factor/length in meters which for 250 ft (76m) and vel factor of 0.70 gives about 54 MHz I ended up at 31 MHz to just get the reflection pulse on the right side of the screen. The video has been up for a while and I found no corrections so I am guessing some setting is different but I believe I followed all the settings given. Any insights on this would be appreciated.
Розпочато JimLS @ 12/01/24
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