DL2SBA j-vna software 12
Anybody knows if I can use the above java based software with my nano. I find their pc interface rather primitive.Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
Розпочато F4WCV @ · Останніх @
Source of decent NanoVNAs on eBay 2
Thanks for the info - useful to know. I had to laugh when I read this though: "About Us 1.We are professional factory to make kinds of motorcycle CNC accessory,such as kinds of modified brake clutch levers,rearsets,foot pegs,steering dampers,kickstand sidestand,handlebar clamp,swingarm spool bolts and so on." Predumably it means they must have at least one engineer on the premises, even if the wrong type. The Ebay seller I bought from seems to specialise in mobile (cellular) phone cases. Regards Mike drkirkby@...> wrote:
Розпочато Mike Brown @ · Останніх @
How to fool yourself you have a good calibration 2
Take a look at this video. Please understand that it was the first ever YouTube video I made, I was suffering from Hayfever, so I keep sniffing. I think it demonstrates just how bad you can perform a calibration, and get results that look excellent https://youtu.be/9HEchzY0Gvw -- Dr. David Kirkby,
Розпочато Dr. David Kirkby from Kirkby Microwave Ltd @ · Останніх @
"Hand capacitance" 7
Hello team, While I was measuring an handheld VU antenna, I noticed that the nanovna was suffering of "Hand capacitance" influence. My unit is an original one, shielded. What can I do to improve it? Have you noticed the same? What about calibration, do you think your hand will influence it? Cheers! LL
Розпочато CT2FZI @ · Останніх @
The SMA Connectors 5
I only use to one connector, could someone please explain to me how these both work and what the arrows mean. Thanks.
Розпочато Leith ZL1LAC @ · Останніх @
A few entry level questions 7
After discovering the Nanovna I decided to order one. A short introductory discussion formed on AMFONE.NET, which mentioned this group, so I decided to join. I’ve been reading through the posts and already learned a lot. It sounds like most of you are part of an advanced user group. I’m wondering if anyone can suggest any entry-level on-line resources which would summarize what should / must be done when you first receive the Nanovna? I’m wondering about matters such as does the firmware need to be updated and from where it would be obtained, is calibrating required each time you use it, and the matter about extra shielding be added to some units? I apologize for asking these entry level questions in what appears to be a very advanced user group, but I’ve always believed that the only dumb questions are those we don’t ask. Bob, WA2SQQ
Розпочато Bob Kozlarek @ · Останніх @
August firmware release notes in Files section 4
I translated and placed a copy of hugen's August 2nd firmware release notes in the Files section. The latest '20190802' releases are here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-JViWLBOIzaHTdwdONX2RP8S4EgWxoND Regards, Larry
Розпочато Larry Rothman @ · Останніх @
Defective NanoVna 13
I just received a NanoVna from Amazon (AURSINC). It is a black one with the shields. The receive side shows a signal at 300 MHz with input connected to dummy load. The signal is so strong that it shows at -6 dB from the top of the screen. I have two others that are from other sources and they show a very small signal at around 300 MHz that does not interfere with measurements. The interference on this one is so bad that it is unusable. Any idea what this could be and is it something I can fix without returning it to Amazon? Tried calibration and it did not help. Any help greatly appreciated. Jim K.
Розпочато jimcking@... @ · Останніх @
Features wanted for NanoVNASharp software 6
There are several features missing in current version: * Two permanent markers. There is only one marker displayed when hovering with mouse over graph. Not so easy to make a screen shot and still displaying marker value. * With two markers a delta marker funktion would be fine. * Sometimes the plots are rather noisy, so an averaging funktion would help. Ernst
Розпочато dk1vi @ · Останніх @
Has anyone sorted out device state interactions between CALIBRATE->DONE->SAVE and RECALL SAVE? Supposing that one applies RESET before CALIBRATE: - then DONE->SAVE n might store only calibration data.. - or some default (or current) DISPLAY settings also get saved..? - does RESET also wipe out any DELAY setting? After e.g. DONE->SAVE 2, how does RECALL 2 affect currently different DISPLAY settings? Similarly, has anyone sorted DISPLAY->TRACE vs DISPLAY->FORMAT interactions?
Розпочато Oristo @
A subtle omission... but with a work around. 5
Now stay grounded gang... especially if you feel your NanoVNA is nothing short of junk because it falls short of meeting your routine anddemanding avocational requirements. https://www.calright.com/product/agilent-hp-8722es-s-parameter-vector-network-analyzer-50-mhz-40-ghz/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI6fzb-pLx4wIVhp6fCh0fCAzMEAQYDCABEgLn4fD_BwE i know... I know... I forked over nearly $50 myself, so I feel your pain. I too am working hard at scrutinizing both the hardware and software of these devices, with the intent of contributing to the burdensome task of convincing the world that they are fools to invest such an outrageous price for something that improves their RF measurement capabilities by just a minimally few orders of magnitude, while for just a mere 30 dB more we all could own a piece of quality test equipment far more worthy of complaining about. EUREEKA! I believe I’ve found it! There’s no provision for saving data collected in the field other than being tethered to a laptop or a similar collection platform. OMG! Did we get ripped off or what??? I knew I should have sprang for the $45 K <Sheesh!> Oh well? As a wise person once told me many times over... Hind sight is 20/20. Live and learn I guess! That’s the way the cookie crumbles... It’s water over the dam. Another fine mess mess I’ve gotten us into Ollie! I’ve discovered however... that there’s more than one way to skin a cat... even if it risks running out of clichés... or other perfectly unreasonable reasons to gripe. There actually is a means to gather data, disconnect from the DUT, relocate to your workstation area, connect the device to your computer, and finally download the data for use in the analysis software of your choosing. It’s a bit of an inconvenience... BUT GIVE ME A BREAK!!! SHOULDN’T I AT LEAST GET SOMETHING USEFUL FOR MY FIFTY BUCKS? On a humorous note however... here’s the procedure. The NanoVNA must remain powered on at all times for this to work successfully. 1) With the data you wish to “save” and port to your remotely located workstation, navigate to STIMULUS > PAUSE SWEEP. The data at the top of the screen will freeze to confirm you have paused the sweep. 2) Take care to not inadvertently alter the current state... either by the toggle switch or touchscreen, remove the NanoVNA from the DUT, observe that the desired data remains on the display, transport it to your workstation, hotplug the device into a USB port, then tap on the display a couple of times. This appears to initiate handshaking and establishes its connection with the workstation. 3) Launch NanoVNA Sharp on your workstation and click on connect. The result will (should) be the a displayed copy of the same data displayed on the NanoVNA. You can then use the facilities of NanoVNA Sharp to save a copy of the data to your workstation. To be clear, the data is not saved within the NanoVNA, and once the pause is lifted, or the device is power cycled, the data will be purged and replaced. A note to those who may exercise influence over the firmware developer, I have a suggestion that I think might add some value to the NanoVNA... ALTHOUGH IT WONT LIKELY EVEN COME CLOSE TO MAKING IT WORTH IT’S OUTRAGEOUS 50 DOLLAR PRICETAG FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. GEESH! WHAT SHYSTERS!!! ... but to get back on my soapbox... It might be a relatively easy task to enable the firmware to allow the user to optionally store either CAL or measurement DATA in the 5 memory locations, in any mix or order of their choosing, by simply assigning C0, M1, C2,... etc. as an identifier in the vertical column, and providing the choice in the RECALL/SAVE menu. i.e. RECALL DATA, RECALL CAL, SAVE DATA, SAVE CAL. I’m going to figure out how to get my $50 worth out of this extraordinarily sturdy, stable, accurate, capable and and incredibly useful piece of junk if it kills me... before I finally toss it where it belongs... in my shirt pocket... so I at least have it where I can get access to it without having to walk all the way across the room to make a measurement. Gads! What a rip off! How did I ever fall for this? Oh well...
Розпочато Gary O'Neil @ · Останніх @
Test drivers wanted.
Anybody wish to volunteer to perform the task of loading and comparing firmware’s and/or versions/release levels? It would be nice to avoid the judgmental pitting of one against any all others; so I think what is needed and most welcomed by most of us at this stage of our collective level of knowledge and understanding; is a general, but informed, overview with useful comments of how each behaves... not a detailed blow by blow walk through of every operation. The intent is to establish a sense of stability (bugginess), ergonomic improvements, feature adds/changes, and general user observations to guide users with meaningful and relevant information when assessing if and when a change or upgrade might better serve their own needs. Not doing so relegates the task to all of us flailing through the exercise on our own. The redundancy of this approach is likely to escalate into multiple divergent and opinionated threads causing the task of making an informed decision unachievable. That said... If you feel you can take this on before we become overwhelmed with firmwares coming at us from every direction, you will certainly be of high value to the group; both by those that are new to VNA’s, and those who are seasoned, experienced, and most able to contribute in a focused manner to educate and advance our understanding and utility of the NanoVNA in particular, and VNA’s in general. -- 73 Gary, N3GO
Розпочато Gary O'Neil @
Problem with shorts and load in cal kits 4
I expect that the short and load in all cal kits included in the NanoVNA suffer this problem. When you mate two RF connectors you should *always* rotate the nut, and *not* the whole body of the connector. It is particularly important with precision connectors, but it is not a good idea to rotate the body of any connector. See this link http://na.support.keysight.com/pna/connectorcare/Connector_Care.htm click on “making connections” then go to #4. 1. CRITICAL: Rotate only the connector nut - NOT THE DEVICE OR CONNECTOR BODY - until finger-tight, being careful not to cross the threads. Damage to both connectors will occur if the male center pin is allowed to rotate in the female contact fingers. Unfortunately it is impossible to do this on the shorts or loads in the male cal kit I have. (As I wrote earlier, the opens are best left of)f, but the problem would not exist with the opens as nothing touches the centre pin. Although it’s possible to eliminate the problem with better quality loads, I see no way to eliminate the problem with the short unless the firmware was updated to consider the delay of the shorts. My own companies shorts, opens or loads don't suffer this problem. Whilst our loads could be used with a NanoVNA, the shorts would produce less ccurate calibrations due to the firmware limitations of the NanoVNA. I am unsure if this will make much practical difference on the NanoVNA, but CrossRF sell similar shorts as in the cal kit I received, *so having a spare short and a better quality load might be worth owning * i Dave. -- Dr. David Kirkby,
Розпочато Dr. David Kirkby from Kirkby Microwave Ltd @ · Останніх @
Battery size 5
Does anyone know how big a battery in mAh (charging wise) the unit can handle? Frank
Розпочато Frank S @ · Останніх @
Possible bug? 3
I'm using the latest FW 08_02_19 800_ch version. I have a possible bug. Set sweep range: Start 46 MHz Stop 54 MHz Then set Marker | Center. You'd expect the marker to be a 50 MHz, but instead it's at 46 MHz. If you attempt to move the marker, the sweep range changes. -- 73, Mike, N1JEZ "A closed mouth gathers no feet"
Розпочато Mike N1JEZ @ · Останніх @
300 MHz spike... 2
What causes the spike to show at 300 MHz when it switches and what has been done in the later software to get rid of the spike? Burt, K6OQK -- Sent from my Android thingamabob with K-9 Mail. Please pardon the spelling errors as the dog can't spell so good.
Розпочато Burt K6OQK @ · Останніх @
Some basic load measurements - numerical input methods
Hi Peter The numerical input seems to be a bit flaky on my Nano (which has 2-trace 900MHz antenna analyser firmware), although it works better for CW frequency input than position. Touchscreen calibration is quite a way off on mine, so I have to tap to bottom right of the button or number I'm trying to adjust. The font is supposed to be bigger on the antenna analyser firmware so I guess touchscreen issues may be more problematic on others - maybe that is your problem? I don't recall seeing clear instructions for numerical input so, partly for my own benefit, here's what I'm seeing: The display shows no decimal point but one may be implied. eg When in logmag reference adjust mode the digits appear to represent steps of 0.01dB, so a change of +1000 moves the reference 10dB higher. In CW Freq setting the digits seem to represent steps of 100Hz. Rocker switch input You can tap on a digit to make it adjustable and you can the step it up or down using the rocker switch. If you hold the rocker in, the digit is 'highlighted' and its background goes black. The rocker can be used to shift the highlight to another digit. Press in again, the highlight disappears and the digit is then adjustable. Once set correctly pressing the rocker switch in briefly stores the numerical setting. NB It appears that you need to wait a few seconds between presses on the rocker switch or it ignores the input. Keyboard input Tapping to the far right of the numbers brings up a numeric keyboard. This can be operated by tapping on the touchscreen or by using the rocker switch. (On my 2-trace 900MHz antenna analyser NanoVNA this seems buggy. In reference position adjust mode the 'enter' button doesn't seem to do anything but if it is held the keyboard clears from the screen. The keyboard works fine when setting CW Freq. You can choose whether to input the frequency as GHz, MHz or kHz. Just enter the digits then tap G, M or k to enter the set value. (eg to set 800 MHz you can enter 0.8G, 800M or 800000k.) Regards Mike
Розпочато Mike Brown @
NanoVNA Calibration Document
This document was created by Larry Goga. He extended and added excellent material that began as Message# 233. The document primary objective is to serve as a reference for new comers to the application of the Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) and assist in the required calibration process.
Розпочато alan victor @
New Touchscreen calibration procedure in Wiki
I just created a new Wiki entry on how to calibrate the nanoVNA's touchscreen. https://groups.io/g/nanovna-users/wiki/Touch-Screen-Calibration-Procedure You'll need to connect it to something that can emulate a serial terminal to perform the task. Regards, Larry
Розпочато Larry Rothman @
Some basic load measurements 47
Resending from website as it didn't seem to go through as a message. Also my pasted table from Excel lost formatting so I tried to fix it to be more readable. I just did some very simple resistance and SWR measurements using a HP 8753ES with 85046A, resistance was measured using a calibrated Agilent 34401A in 4 wire mode. I did a very basic one port 3 point cal using a Anritsu OSL which is specified to over 3 GHz. I took measurements at 900 MHz. Load R ohms SWR SWR notes OSL 50.052 1.001 Flat Cheap BNC 51.104 1.908 Sloping up with freq Nano load 49.044 1.019 Flat Narda 12.4 GHz 49.536 1.018 Flat Tiny SMA 50.787 1.009 Flat I am guessing there is some significant reactive component in the BNC terminator. All three of the SMA loads showed a flat SWR with frequency so I'm thinking they all have a minimal reactive component. The difference in resistances while keeping SWR low was a bit of a surprise to me. The load that came with the Nano is over an ohm off of the load I used to calibrate yet the SWR remains at a low 1.019. Why is this? I did the math and surprisingly this is indeed correct, per calculation the SWR should be 1.021 vs my measured 1.019. I'd say this is darn close seeing one measurement is DC resistance and the other is at 900 MHz. So my conclusion is that SWR is not a sensitive number to see resistance differences. Once I read some of the references cited I can do some more advanced measurements. Peter
Розпочато Peter Gottlieb @ · Останніх @
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