Update on 2m ssb code and vfo board
Morning all, N4CNR (Rich) Thought I would give you a update on the new code and changes. I moved to a xiao-esp32-c3 board and a pcf8575 i2c io board , also added eeprom for saving changes, code for this is still in the works, working on ID timer function also, other wise the code is basicly done . I do have to add the si5351 setup back in as we dont use it on the emulator. Here is where you can load up and test the interface, I would like feed back on this ... https://wokwi.com/projects/413345416850244609 using i2c allows for more to be added and using the mini board is less power.
Розпочато Richard Neese @
uBITX V6 New Case? 2
I have a uBITX v6. I'm wondering if there is a much better looking case to replace the rather ugly black OEM case. Anyone know of one I can put my v6 into? Thanks, Richard AG5M
Розпочато Richard AG5M @ · Останніх @
CW keying by PC serial port problem. 9
Hi all, In my uBitx v6, I am trying to do CW keying from a PC through serial port. For this I used DTR line from PC and used optocoupler to couple the CW port in radio like below: Problem is it works for first few word sent, then TX latches up to ON continuously. I disconnected the input line from PC, then also TX remain in ON. Then I connected the O/P line only to radio and kept the I/P line disconnected, power cycle the radio and set the CW mode to enable from radio. After 30 sec or so, the TX again comes to ON automatically. This indicates problem is in the O/P circuit that connects to radio. There is noise somewhere that puts the photo-transistor in conduction mode automatically without any input. But how this is happening ? Thanks
Розпочато VU3KFK @ · Останніх @
uBit assembly 5
Just a comment for new users of the"6": I have seen images of the 6 with the top panel on backwards. The cooling air vent slots are on the back of the panel. The panel can be installed the wrong way back to front. I don't know if it will fit crosswise. Gerry
Розпочато Gerald Sherman @ · Останніх @
Fresh Stock Of Kits 4
Hi Friends We have updated our website with fresh stock for kits like the most popular ones . 1. Easy Bitx Dual Band Transceiver. 2. DIY Micro Bitx Kit . 3. WA2EBY HF Amp . 4. AGC Kit . And other usual kits and Enclosures. Thank you . Sunil vu3sua Our website. https://amateurradiokits.in
Розпочато Sunil Lakhani @ · Останніх @
sBitx microphone/ptt 5
Hi all, Do anyone recommend a good quality mic/ptt for the sBitx? Mine broke and I'd like to try a better quality one. Best regards, Rafael PU2UIT
Розпочато Rafael Diniz @ · Останніх @
Front panel volume & jack nuts - not enough thread exposed 3 #ubitxv6 #uBITX_V6 #ubitx-v6 #ubitxv6-help
I'm new here, so hopefully I'm posting this correctly; I just bought the uBITX V6 kit and have assembled it with no issues other than the fact that the volume control as well as the key, headphone, and microphone jacks don't extend far enough past the front panel to thread any of the nuts on. Have others experienced this issue, or am I missing something - the way the PC board attaches as well as how the cabinet goes together appears to leave no room for any adjustment such that they can protrude any further from the front panel. Thanks in advance for any responses. 73, John N2LCX
Розпочато John Giroux @ · Останніх @
Error in Sound Input 25 #sBITX_v3
Error in Sound Input I got the above error message while using sbitx with an external hdmi monitor and the jtdx program. The built-in RPi4 has 4GB of memory. I've been using the device in this configuration for a few days and occasionally I get this message, which I can eliminate by restarting. My audio settings are: input: plughw:CARD=Loopback, DEV=1 mono output: plughw:CARD=Loopback_1,DEV=0 mono Maybe my audio input setting is wrong? I am sure that I have output when I have the above output settings. When the error message appears, it still works, the sound does not drop. -- Gyula HA3HZ
Розпочато HA3HZ @ · Останніх @
Using JTDX to reduce LAG - SOLVED #JTDX #sBITX_v3
I've been using it with this modification for a few days. The idea to look for a solution in the hardware was given by the fact that the error message came immediately after switching it on. Then I started following the hardware signal reception process and compared it to the factory datasheet and came to this solution. I still use the settings referring to LAG reduction, but now I'm more confident in setting a higher volume and a higher IF (incoming signal sensitivity) level. I also don't reduce the BW, as is stated in the recommended settings. Here's the solution: -- Gyula HA3HZ I made the shielding with self-adhesive copper foil, on which I glued Kapton tape as an insulator. Both tapes are 50mm wide, about 30 cm are needed. --eof
Розпочато HA3HZ @
Using JTDX to reduce LAG 17 #sBitx #JTDX
It is difficult to find a description for jtdx, and what is there was written 6 years ago. Fortunately, the description already addressed the slow PC problem and included an automatic RX filter. The next step is the LAG problem, which is only visible with jtdx, because when the number of stations in the audio track exceeds 30, there is little time for decoding. How little time is left can be read in the description at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FT8 Out of the 15 second period, 12.64 seconds are the transmission time, leaving 2.36 seconds for decoding. It is understandable that with a large number of stations this can only be done with a fast PC. What can someone using the RPi do? My experience shows that the Lag value is at most -0.55 seconds / 0 stations or -0.50 / 2 stations. This is constantly changing. So our device takes 1.8 seconds to operate. There is not much we can do: - set the decoding functions to reduce LAG. (some settings need to be changed, experiment) - select option 3 from the Autoseq options and do not forget to set the Auto RX frequency filter accordingly. - since there is little possibility to reduce the signal between the radio and the jtdx input, keep the IF and volume values ​​low. - another option is to reduce the receiver BW - you need to learn to use the auto RX Filter, check from time to time that when you want to monitor the band, the filter is turned off. In the receive window, the activated state of the filter is gray. - I think that the time between the end of the transmission and the start of the next period is 15 - 12.64 = 2.36 sec. When I excluded the other stations with the RX filter, I saw the best Lag value of -0.55 / 0. The remaining time is 2.36 - 0.55 = 1.81 seconds that our device uses, this is the time lost from decoding. I am curious if this time could be shortened? What does our device use the 1.81 seconds that it loses from decoding for? Does anyone know the answer? -- Gyula HA3HZ
Розпочато HA3HZ @ · Останніх @
Foust Gonsett SSB filter method 14
Perhaps it's time we have another look at the Gonsett method for filtered single side band generation, for those who are not aware of the process have a look at the following link, https://www.noobowsystems.org/restorations/sb-34/sb-34-e.html The method seems like it would pair quite well with a 9MHz filter for side band generation as it produces an IF frequency 5 times it's carrier and crystal frequency. side band selection is achieved by mixing 36MHz or 54MHz (for upper and lower sideband respectively) with the 9Mhz carrier to generate a 45MHz output. How convenient the uBITX already uses a 45MHz roofing filter. The method Mr. Gonsett created enabled his radios with switch between Upper and Lower sidebands with no shift in frequency, along with consistent filter performance. Just food for thought, 73 Justin N2TOH
Розпочато Justin Kelly @ · Останніх @
sBit 4? 5
I got an advertising email from Raspberry about their new high resolution 7" display. I had made a couple of inquiries about whether it was a drop-in replacement for the old display. I had mentioned it to Ashhar. He informed me that they are toying with the idea of a 10" display version of the sBit. He indicated they have a few displays to play with. I suggested that since this would need a redesign of the sBit that perhaps it might be a good idea to upgrade the Pi at the same time to a Pi 5, since I understand that the 4 and 5 Pis are not exactly the same size. A couple of other items I suggested were using a USB memory instead of the uSD card. I understand these USBs are faster, also that they stand up better to write cycles. Also, adding the WINE utility so we can take advantage of some existing Windows software. I have an atlas program that also uses the map to make propagation predictions. Anybody have any thoughts and comments? Gerry Sherman Sent by the Windows 11 Thunderbird
Розпочато Gerald Sherman @ · Останніх @
Sbitx-v3 logging change logged items 7
Getting ready to change what gets logged to make friendly for POTA. Has anyone taken this on yet? -- Patrick
Розпочато N8boapsc@... @ · Останніх @
Running WSJT-X on sBitx 11 #sBITX_v3 #wsjt-x
Hey all, I'm trying to run wsjt-x natively in the sBitx_v3 by following the directions in the "sBitx V3_Hello Manual_V1.0" who's link I got from HFSignals. Seems to work ok, cat control changes frq's etc. The time displayed in the app is UTC (I assume) since it is exactly 7hrs ahead of my local time in AZ (UTC-7). I have the app set to decode only (no tx) but I get nothing, except the "decode" button lights up blue here and there... My antenna is a Chameleon F-Loop V3 tuned to the 20M wspr freq. using a RigExpert stick with an SWR of 1.04 Looked around in the group messages but nothing came up that would help me, so any help would be great... Thanks
Розпочато Jose Martinez Jr @ · Останніх @
Reverse polarity protection on the sBitx? 46 #sBitx #sBITX_v3
Looking for responses and opinions on what people are using for reverse polarity protection on the sBitx? -JJ
Розпочато JJ - W9JES @ · Останніх @
Sbitz V2 image question 4
Hi I have a sbitx v2 with 3.02 32 image installed on it. My question is do I have to update the board to v3 to run JJ Martins 64bit image? The RPI is a pi4 4GB version Ian
Розпочато Shazian1 1 @ · Останніх @
uBITX V6 - Original TFT Display module 4 #ili9341 #uBITX_V6
Hi, Sorry to reopen an old thread. I modified my uBITX V6 to use a Nextion display, but I happen to be reusing the original TFT display for another project. The display may not be operating under the recommended voltage conditions on the uBITX V6. On the TFT module I received, jumper “J1” was closed, which means the on board 3V3 regulator is bypassed. Extracts from the Touch Sensor IC (XPT2046) and LCD Driver IC (ILI9341) datasheets are shown below. XPT2046: ILI9341: On the UBITX V6 (Raduino) PCB, the power supply to the TFT module is 5V and the signal levels from the Arduino are 5V. The ILI9341 is being operated above the absolute maximum supply voltage limit and there is a risk of damage occurring. If jumper J1 is open on the TFT module, the supply voltage to the IC's will be regulated to 3V3, but the interface signals ideally need to be level shifted to 3V3. 73, Dave
Розпочато Dave (G8PTN) @ · Останніх @
IW2NDH Panadapter Kit for uBitx 13
I just received the Panadapter kit to add to my uBitx V6 radio. Along with the Panadapter I also got the I-F Buffer which is needed to connect the Panadapter to the uBitx. The installation is simple, just 6 solder connections to connect the I-F Buffer to the radio, then a coax with SMA connectors (which come with the I-F Buffer) to connect it to the Panadapter. I used a 3D printed case from files downloaded from the website. This makes a great addition to the uBitx radio. It’s nice to see other activity on the band and tune right to it. The span is selectable from 16 KHz to 192KHz Luca (IW2NDH) has a U.S. rep so shipping is quick. Mine arrived in approx 4 days via USPS. Here is the website for more details. https://jackdev23.wixsite.com/panadapter
Розпочато Sam Harbold @ · Останніх @
Sbitx for sale
Thu 8/29/2024 12:53 I am selling my sBitx v3. I'm the original owner. It has the W9JES 64bit software V4 You can use the internal SD card or boot and run from an external USB flash drive for easier software update and experimenting. Reason for sale, I have a Sbitx V2 and build a Sbitx V3. Asking $350.00 and free shipping in the continental "USA. Tom Crowley KT4XN crowleytj at hotmail com
Розпочато Tom Crowley KT4XN 1738 @
Prefab sBitx RPI4 Heat Dissipation 3
When I was working with my transceiver in ~106F temperatures last month, there were some obvious heat issues with the RPI with multiple applications loaded. I bumped into the thermal throttling threshold a few times. Even at home it's running in the 70s or 80s depending on what's running and I run it all day lately. Anyways, I figured that I'd crack mine open and try to mitigate that a bit. I typically run my RPIs in standalone cases with active cooling of some sort. Probably not wise to place a fan right next to the transceiver. I found that I was able to apply the RPI 4's 'OEM' set of heat sinks with the room afforded us between the PI and the transceiver board. I thought that I was going to have to mill off some of the aluminum material on the sink for the CPU because of the crystal directly below it but there's about ten thousandths between the heat sink and the xtal. The default heat sinks appear to have decreased the average temps by about ten degrees F. Hopefully, I won't have to try this out in those high temps again but with an external fan blowing in from the side these heat sinks may help mitigate the heat a bit more. I have a DC blower fan that I'll try at some point. Which reminds me, I need to print or build a battery holder for the back. Anyone know of any STLs for that? I figured that I'd share. Just an FYI.
Розпочато Kevin @ · Останніх @
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