Weird behaviour with power supply 6
Hello everyone :) I have recently came back to the ham radio hobby, and decided to remove some dust from my old FT-817 (not ND) To my surprise, the unit refuses to turn on when connected to a 13.8V power supply, but when I use the 12V charger everything is normal I have checked the power supply with a tester and I see the correct voltage on both ends of the power cable, so I'm a little puzzled. I don't think this should be a problem, since the radio should work just fine even with 12V, still I'd like to understand what's happening Has someone experienced the same issue? I made a quick search on the topics and the FAQ, but didn't find any Thanks!
Розпочато @gabrillo @ · Останніх @
60dbm Neptune Amplifier + or - 25
I would like to know how well the 60dbm Neptune Amplifier works with a FT 817ND for those of you that have and use one? My goal is to use it in the shack and in the field. I realize I can get a FT 857 or FT 897 to do the same thing but would like to keep costs down to purchase other essentials at present. Thanks and 73
Розпочато AG3 - KI6DOZ @ · Останніх @
T-817ND for sale
FT-817ND HF-VHF-UHF all-mode transceiver in excellent condition TCXO installed SSB filter installed Includes original microphone and manual IsoCat digital interface and cables Li-Po power pack 18650 homebrew power pack Aftermarket carry case LiPo balance charger Non-smoking home $700 for all. Prefer to sell as a package, can deliver withing 50 miles of Tomball, TX Cash, check, Zelle payment. Contact me to discuss. 73, Bill - N5BIA webmaster, Owner, Northwest Amateur Radio Society A Texas Nonprofit Corporation A 501(c)(3) organization An ARRL affiliated club Member: American Radio Relay League SKCC 2367
Розпочато Bill Buoy - N5BIA @
Yaesu FT-817 4
I am looking for a plug and play headset with one earpiece, microphone and PTT button that will work on my FT-817. I plan to use this while riding my E-trike. Any suggestions where I might be able to purchase the complete set ?
Розпочато Robert Kovach @ · Останніх @
Frequency programming keypad 35
Does anyone make a keypad for 817? I think bhi did at one time but it's not shown on their website now. Dave
Розпочато Dave Martin @ · Останніх @
mfj-1279 sound card jumpers for ft-818
Hi I wonder if anyone can help. I am looking for the jumper setting for MFJ-1279 sound card interface. My radio is a Yaesu FT-818nd. Any help will be most welcome Thank you Shaun Call: M0HSF
Розпочато Shaun Fisher @
Self destruct finals 16
I have an 817 (ser. No; 1D) no rf output and an 818 ( ser. no; 8J) still healthy. Do I understand correctly that my 818 will not self destruct if I forget to charge it and the internal battery runs down to zero volts? Peter G4BLL -- Peter Burnett G4BLL
Розпочато Peter Burnett @ · Останніх @
Blown final club? I think I have a membership 67
Okay everyone, I think I may have joined the blown final club. I was listening to the maritime mobile net on 14.300 and thought, what the hell? See if 2W might get the net control’s attention. The 817 reported ‘highswr’ on the rear antenna port, so I went to the front and the highswr went away. However in both cases, the power meter only had on bar lite even though power for set for four bars. Highswr into a dummy load on rear port. That’s not right! So, even though the power jack is fubar, I can squirt in DC and at 13V input, I still get from 1 to 0 bars and the radio is only drawing 530ish mA. That sure sounds like a pop PA board. Makes no difference if I’m on HF or VHF, no bars or 1 flickers a bit. I can hear myself on another radio i.e. 146.52 rx and while tx on the 817. This is an older 817, I don’t know the vintage, so this being the weekend, does any one know the approximate cost of a new PA board from Yaesu? Can you still get ‘em? Is the PA even bad? Mike wb8vge FYI…. I put my other 817 on line and the net control gave me a s9 report. I am in ohio, he was on the west coast. That Yaesu 817 is an amazing little rig!
Розпочато mike bryce @ · Останніх @
Flight of the Bumblebees Pictures, Etc. 2
Flight of the Bumblebees Pictures, Etc 120 FOBB Results are listed on 85 Bumblebees. 35 Home Stations. Congrats to K0TTW who is sitting at top of the Bumblebee List. Congrats to AB8CA who is sitting at top of the Home Station List. Check to see all FOBB results (It still open for entries if you are a procrastinator) Bumblebee Pictures are still being accepted with an email to fobb-pictures@... Be sure to include your call sign, name, and location so I can tag your photos properly. The 2024 Bumblebee Pictures that have been submitted can be found at Next Sunday, 18AUG24, is the annual QRP Skeeter Hunt. 1700-2100 UTC. Get you Skeeter Number now and participate. See for information and rules. The first Monday of every month is the ARS Spartan Sprint. See information and rules at 72, Jody – K3JZD and Phil - K4PQC Adventure Radio Society Trustees
Розпочато Jody - K3JZD @ · Останніх @
A new reality? 16
I've been a member of this group since I bought an FT-817 from an SK estate maybe 8 years ago. I was curious about the radio's popularity and on paper it seemed a great value. Shortly after I started using the radio I found several issues with the radio: QRP wasn't really for me (I was struggling with compromise antennas and felt 100w would help), I wasn't a fan of the menu system, the internal battery charging procedure was fairly complicated, and the tiny display wasn't compatible with my middle-age eyes. I'll concede most of those issues could be addressed by spending money on various items (an amp, an ext CAT display, external batteries, etc), but I soon sold off the radio to someone better suited to the things the radio offered. Time went on, the FT-817nd was cancelled, and soon Yaesu had released the FT-818. It retained all the issues I had with the original FT-817, but soon I found myself buying a new FT-818 - I thought maybe I was missing something, since the radio had come back. My second look at the FT-818 showed me nothing had changed, and soon my FT-818 found a new home. Fast-forward to today. Now, having twice owned and twice sold my FT-817/818 radios, I would not be likely to buy a third FT-817/818, but the reports that Yaesu may not be repairing 20+ year-old FT-817 is going to have a serious impact on future potential buyers of this classic radio. (Has anyone reached out to John Kruk for a definitive answer to the FT-817 repair question and the availability of RF/Transistor boards for sale to do-it-yourself repairs?) It used to be that new hams bought FT-817/818 radios based on price and capabilities (it got them on local repeaters AND hf, it included VHF/UHF antennas AND a power source), but today those new hams are snapping up Chinese radios at very low prices and are not really looking at the FT-817/818 family of radios. Owner complaints can shape the resale market, and I would caution current owners to think hard about deciding to post their frustrations with the given situation regarding original FT-817 radios. When Ten-Rec was sold to a new owner, and the new owner announced that in-house repairs were going to be made at market rates, not the previous discounted rates, people that previously bought and owned Ten-Tec radios started complaining far and wide about the new policy, convincing nearly every ham that Ten-Tec radios were 'unrepairable' and therefore should be avoided on the resale market... What made this even more amazing to me, was that prior to the company changing hands, the reputation Ten-Tec radios had was one of quality and the ease of home repairs since the designs used conventional parts! Owner complaints had changed the reputation of a quality, easy-to-fix line of radios into a pariah and something to be scoffed at when found on Hamfest tables. Another example was the display issue on the Icom IC-7610. Shortly after releasing the radio, some owners found their displays were developing issues. It wasn't consistent across all radios, but it was becoming a fairly common issue. Owners started complaining about the failures publicly and repeatedly, and soon Icom (as I recall) isolated the issue to production issues at a supplier for some displays, but there was no easy correlation to serial number or manufacture date. Icom addressed the problem and has publicly stated that any IC-7610 displays that exhibit this issue will be replaced at no cost to the owner without time limits. Yet, today, a quick google of the IC-7610 turns up countless references to the display issue from several years ago. People today considering an IC-7610 still ask if the display problem continues, others won't even consider the radio because "there's a problem with the display"... Then there's the Kenwood TS-590s (or was it the TS-590sg?) where the exhaust fans were installed backwards, or the brief run of TS-2000 that were 'dead' due to faulty filters from the factory. Both issues impacted a very small percentage of radios, both were easily overcome/repaired, but still those issues linger around those radios (TS-
Розпочато Ken N2VIP @ · Останніх @
Ft-817 bad finals update 15
Gang A update on the status of the FT-817 Final unit First off a bit of Yaesu clarification The board that holds the output transistors is called the Final Unit and is number FR006000. Which mounts on top of the PA board, FR005190 According to Yaesu part lady, NO Final units are in stock. NONE are planned to be ordered. According to the Yaesu service guy, Yaesu WILL NOT service the original FT-817. They will service the FT-871-ND and the FT-818. Ah! You say! Don't they use the same final board? I asked that, too. Mike wb8vge
Розпочато Mike Bryce @ · Останніх @
Ft-817 PA board 4
Gang, from what Ive been reading, it doesn't sound good for the home team. I plan on calling yaesu tomorrow afternoon and find out the status of the PA replacement board. So, two questions; Has anyone actually replaced the active MOSFETs on the PA board? I watched Peter from TRX Bench do it, and it look daunting. And two, incase there are no replacement boards from the factory, any one have a spare PA board they are will to sell? Mike wb8vge
Розпочато Mike Bryce @ · Останніх @
eBay filters 27
Hi all. Has anyone tried the Chinese filters available on eBay for around $100? If so do they work or should I just set fire to a $100 bill? 73 Kevin K5KTM
Розпочато Kevin - K5KTM @ · Останніх @
The 2024 Flight of the Bumblebees is now History
The 2024 Flight of the Bumblebees is now History. There were 207 Bumblebee Numbers assigned this year. Wow! Phil - K4PQC, and I were really pleased from seeing the interest shown in getting out and operating portable in this long standing QRP CW event. And we could not have done it without Bruce - WA7BNM generously providing the FOBB auto-logger. The band conditions made operating QRP CW from portable locations a real challenge everywhere. But I guess if we choose to work QRP CW, we like challenges. Right? The weather was a mixed bag, with severe storms in some areas of the country and very high temperatures in other areas. I got well cooked where I was at. Some Bumblebees had to revert to becoming home stations due to the weather. Others had to cut their operations short. At least one Bumblebee confessed to getting quite wet. But, assuming that everyone returned home safely, then all is well. Be sure and enter your Results and Comments. Even if you were only able to make a few FOBB Contacts. It has been pointed out that pictures of Bumblebee operations have been part of the Flight of the Bumblebees tradition. I know that I always snap a few pictures of all of my portable operations - maybe most of you routinely do that also. But we lost the ability to send in pictures of our operations whenever we switched to using So, we will setup another web page to display the pictures that Bumblebees and Home Stations wish to submit. It will probably be called '2024 FOBB History', and it will be available on Send your FOBB photos to: fobb-pictures@... Be sure to include your call sign, name, and location so I can tag your photos properly. . I will post them to the web site as time permits. Sorry, no prizes or awards for best picture or best location. And, while you are waiting for the 2025 Flight of the Bumblebees on July 27, 2025, you can try your hand at the Monthly ARS Spartan Sprint on the First Monday of Each Month. That Monthly QRP CW event was also originally intended to promote outdoor operations. But the evening hours make that difficult to do East of the Mississippi. So, it has pretty much evolved into everyone operating from indoors. See for Spartan Sprint information and rules. 72, Jody – K3JZD and Phil - K4PQC Adventure Radio Society Trustees
Розпочато Jody - K3JZD @
FT-818ND with accessorys and collins YF-122CN 455KHZ-300hz Filter for Sale 6
Good evening from rural Virginia. I am an older ham recovering from 2 strokes. This is my 3rd Yaesu. First 2 were 817NDs. I will not be able to take this unit to parks and hike anymore. So I thought I would try using it at home as a base station. Well, that did not go anywhere. It is tested, never used on or transmitted on. I will sell the radio, filter and all accessories below at below, less than what I paid for them. Including the filter which now goes for many more dollars than I paid. I, as a ham amd not interested in making money, I would love to see this unit USED and not just sitting. The prices of filters are beyond reason. First, what it cost me (minus the taxes) I have original receipts for all. Most bought from HRO 10/8/2020 1. FT818 $609.95 2. YF-122CN 300 Hz Bandwidth Collins 455 kHz IF CW Narrow Filter for FT-817/818 FT-857 etc.. $169.95 (it is installed) 3. Z-817 LDG autotuner $104.95 4. 817 / 818 -ESG Portable Zero escort stand OD green, aluminum $74 5. CatDisplay from Christopher Day using Cat cable. $148 (did not come with cable). Includes Windcamp 817S Battery that goes in unit. Includes Charger (I just charged it yesterday and tested it) works fine Original batteries and original cover in box with all other items including antennas, battery (probably ok but easy to replace) manual, nifty guide. Total cost to me (+) = $1106.85 2 years ago. Cost to you (maybe less if you are a new ham. proof necessary). Will sell only as a bundle. Will not break it apart. $675 + 15$ shipping. Total $690 As is: will not accept returns. Zelle, or Postal Money order. Double Boxed and insured Email me at guy at eastroad dot org I will share my phone # and answer questions if needed. Some Pictures here: I will send other pictures if requested. All is pristine. PS.. I build most of my own equipment and repair radios for others too. For many years now Recovering some funds for heath reasons. 73, Guy N1GMM
Розпочато Guy Mengel N1GMM @ · Останніх @
Ft-817 power connector 16
Hi, gang... well the subject says it all. I'm looking for the little coaxial power jack for the 718. I've searched Amazon and eBay. I don't want to spend $25 for a connector with a hunk of wire on it. The plug in the back Anderson power pole thingiee would be okay, but apparently there's some rather nasty ripoffs floating around. Is there a Mouser part number handy? Thanks.. Mike WB8VGE
Розпочато Mike Bryce @ · Останніх @
Yaesu FT-718 power conditioner 12
Hey, gang... Things have been slow in the shack, so I've raised from the dead a project I started back in 2018. This is a power conditioner for the 718/818. Unlike Phil's design, I can't remember his call, this is an external box. The photos show a early proof build unit. There are Anderson power poles for input supply. A field replaceable fuse Reverse polarity protection All kinds of noise and spike suppression Can do 3A output all day long without adding heat to the 718's chassis the whole shebang mounts into a cast aluminum Hammond box. A new design is being worked on, and if there is enough interest, I might move forward with this project. Might have a need for a few beta testers soon. I'm Mike, WB8VGE
Розпочато Mike Bryce @ · Останніх @
2024 Flight of the Bumblebees 5
FT-817's set the world on fire for Portable QRP Operation. Now would be a good time to get your FT-817/FT-818 out there and turn it into a Bumblebee !! 2024 Flight of the Bumblebees The annual Flight of the Bumblebees will be held on Sunday, July 28, 2024. The event will be in a four hour daytime window, from 1700 to 2100 UTC. This casual QRP CW event consists of 'Bumblebees' who are operating portable stations at outdoor locations, and 'Home Stations' who try to work as many of these 'Bumblebees' as possible. This event is open to all operators. Anywhere. Being at the top of the sunspot cycle, this year's event has the potential to be very interesting. Operators who want to go out and setup a portable station at some outdoor location, and be a highly sought after 'Bumblebee', need to obtain a "Bumblebee Number". The window for obtaining your 2024 'Bumblebee Number' is now Open. The web site will explain the whole process. I'll be out there as a 'Bumblebee' - hoping to work you during the event. 72, Jody - K3JZD
Розпочато Jody - K3JZD @ · Останніх @
This 2.4 KHz SSB filter has been tested in my FT817. The mounting PCB is a bit short so I just added an external connector. See the pic for details. If you wish, you can order the exact mounting PCB for the FT817 by contacting Arthur, SP6AB. This filter also is used in some Kenwood radios. Price: $25 US plus shipping from Ottawa, Canada
Розпочато Ham Radio @ · Останніх @
FT8 works FT4 Does Not 8
Hello, I am new to digital HF. I am using an early FT-817 with W-SJTX or JSTX and experience the same issue, that has me stumped. I am able to use FT8 without any issue, but FT4 just does not work. I have tried changing settings and levels, with no success. The interface is Rigblaster Plug And Play (6 pin data jack) with USB soundcard. I am using the following: PKT RATE 1200 DIG MODE USER-U DIG DISP 0 DIG MIC 12 DIG SHIFT 0 I saw a post where someone said to adjust menu #55 USB offset, but my radio goes to #51. Any wisdom on this would be appreciated. Thanks, Marc
Розпочато Marc WR2I @ · Останніх @
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