STS Help
By the way, Xantech makes all of Crestrons emitters and the only difference is they put a little diode on it because Crestron is so powerful. Most people just used Xantech and they kept having returned emitters because Crestron would “kill” them. So now they make all their emitters with the diode. So just make sure the emitters are not from some guys three year old shelf or you will destroy them. And also, to all you Crestron programmers, I am in New York at the Crestron class right now and it is GREAT! You guys have to go even if you already know how to program!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their participation on this list. In the month of June, we had 38 posted messages. Even when taking into consideration that a couple of them were mistakenly posted, there was still more activity in June, than all of the previous months combined, since the list's inception in August of '99. That's pretty impressive (I think). Hopefully, it can continue... Tony Golden
Programming advise
I recently purchased a used STS-1500C & ST-CP controller. Over the weekend I 'learned' the IR codes for my current remotes, modifying similar devices from the Crestron db. Then using VT Pro-e, I generated a system. I did not load the system into the controller or touchscreen. I went into customize the setup and found that the touchscreen design only included a very few buttons. 1. Is this normal or should pages & buttons be created for all the assigned functions on a specific device? 2. Are the samples screens available for the STS-1500C? 3. Do others upload their screen designs or is this were the professionls really earn their pay? thanks in advance $
IR Files needed
Does anyone have the IR files for the Toshiba SD-5109 DVD player? It's not in the Crestron db. thanks in advance $
Help with Simpl+
Greatings from Denmark I use Simpl+ to control two drapes in my livingroom. I is a serie of Pulse and Delays, but I need to make som sort of FIFO to be able to push the buttons for each drape (I don't want to wait a minut before pressing the other one!). This is an example on a complete close of one of the blinds: PUSH dark_st { if ((busy_dark_st = 0) & (busy_open_st = 0) & (busy_close_st = 0)) { busy_dark_st = 1; PULSE(350, ir_close_st_h); DELAY(370); PULSE(350, ir_close_st_v); DELAY(3100); PULSE(430, ir_right_st_v); DELAY(2020); PULSE(430, ir_right_st_h); DELAY(450); busy_dark_st = 0; } } What I really want was a PULSE that could wait until IR sprayer to the livingroom isn't busy, but I don't know how to do that. Another thing is to insert the following after "busy_dark_st = 1;": while ((busy_dark_sp = 1) | (busy_open_sp = 1) | (busy_close_sp = 1)) { DELAY(200); } but this does not work. The PUSH event will hang in the above code and I guess it is because it cannot see the busy outputs change to low again. Do any of you have an idea? Kind regards Claus
Old mini systems
Ok, you Crestron programming veterans, I have a doozie for you. I have an old Cresnet II mini system with a wired panel CNWP-64 from the mid to late 1990's. It has run pretty smoothly until a department decided to upgrade the projector from an old electrohome to a Sharp PDG210. Now, after re-vamping the old cresnet program, I have discovered that SIMPL-windows cannot communicate with the system. Some good folks at Crestron have told me to update the monitor and the operating system. However, the monitor files for this relic are seemingly non-existent and I can't check what's installed either. I would like to avoid using the old dos-based program because it has a lot of unnecessary "features" programmed by my predecessor's predecessor and there's no driver for the system. Any help would be appreciated. At this point, i'm willing to try anything. Thanks, John McMahon Central Michigan University Learning Technology Systems Support Manager
Phillips ProDVD170 Serial
Has anybody come across the Serial port driver for the Phillips ProDVD 170 with an RS-232 connector on it? John
ST-CP Upgrade File
I just checked the FTP site and there's a new 40100s.upz file for the ST-CP. Anyone know what is new in that version? Thanks, -- Geoffrey Reynolds
Security Macro
Greetings fellow Crestron compatriots. One of my internal clients wants to have an access code to restrict access to a ST1550/CNMSX-AV system. Is anyone familiar with the macro Crestron provides for this? It seems simple but it's not working right for me. Thanks, John
Since it was empty, I took the liberty of placing a few links on the Links page. Feel free to expand with any links relative to Crestron. -Tim tim@...
Philips IR driver
Hello List, Does anyone have an IR file for a Phillips CDR775 CD player/recorder? Thanks in advance, Tony Golden
Digest Number 47
Tony and the Crestron E-Group, Here is a Phillips Manual for the DVD170 Pro Model with RS-232 commands. I hope it works. -John
Digest Number 46
Tony, It looks like we're in the same boat. I have several Phillips DVD170 Pro's without drivers. The model 170 has an RS-232 port. I contacted Phillips and they sent me a tech manual that was in development. I'm not sure if it will help but I can pass it along to you if you need it. I would be interested in an IR driver if I can't get the RS-232 port to fire up. Let me know if you'd like the manual, it's in an Adobe Acrobat file format. Cheers John -- ========================================| John McMahon, Jr. Learning Technology Support Manager OIT Academic Services Central Michigan University Woldt 007F Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 517-774-1401/517-774-3072-fax ========================================| "Life without liberty is like a body without spirit." -Kahlil Gibran Crestron@... wrote:
Philips drivers
Yeah, I like the "crazy" stuff too -- it's just harder to make time for it. I looked at the document John sent, and it's pretty straight-forward, although it won't work for the player I'm using. I can make a module for it anyway, if you want one, John. Tony Golden
VT4000 on Ebay
I thought someone might be interested in this, It might be good for a demo or on the test-bench, if you didn't want to re-sell it. Tony Golden
Philips IR driver
Just in case anybody else needs it, here's a driver for the Philips CDR775 CD Player/Recorder I was asking about last week. Tony Golden
Sony VCR Discreet On/Off
Does anyone have an IR file for Sony VCR discreet on/off? I have not been able to get the file from the crestron web site to work - any suggestions appreciated Joe Krouse Sound Specialists
I'm in the process of having a house built. The electricians are in there now. I'm having an AV, PAD8, and AMPX installed as well as two CT1000 (more for when lighting goes in) and a half-dozen audio controls (CNWP12-F). Initially audio is the only thing that will be hooked up to the Crestron system. All voice, data, coax, and light power (for any lights I wish to automate in the future) is being homerunned to the Crestron area of my basement for current and future inclusion/configuration. Wiring cost is the con, dynamic configuration is the pro I suppose. Up until a few days ago, I was resigned to the fact that I won't be putting lighting control in until later due to two factors: 1) Purchasing an entire Lutron system would require too much money at this point. 2) I could, and was prepared to purchase, the 4-channel dimmer module (CLI-120N-4A) and 8-channel switching module (CNLHI-8) to suit my needs but the lighting controls that Crestron currently has are not very intuitive for houseguests nor for future resale. The buttons are rather small, requiring groping in the dark, and they don't support intuitive dimming though I realize that this might be able to be handled through software and two of the buttons. Being rather new to home automation, my first thoughts about Lutron and Crestron integration is that the Crestron AV coupled with software already can handle pretty much all of your needs with lighting and it basically comes down to switching so having to purchase a Lutron "brain" to coordinate the switching seems to be overhead. This brings me to my question and concern. Retrofitting lighting controls later in the game may be my only choice but as the electrician is in the house now, I want to put my mind to rest knowing that there is no cost-effective lighting solution that I'm overlooking. I'm prepared to purchase the two Crestron lighting modules mentioned above (putting us only a few hundred dollars over our automation budget) if there are lighting controls out there that can talk to the Crestron system without the need to purchase any unneeded components I would definitely entertain coordination of them into this system. If Crestron had a lighting control that looked like some of Lutron's sweet ones and, of course, communicated via the C-Bus, I would be putting those in. Sorry for the rambling. If there is anyone out there who can assist or unmuddy my waters, I would greatly appreciate it Future Crestron HA owner, Tim tim@...
Allen and Heath DR128 Control codes
HI everyone. Tony Golden suggested I join this group for help with Crestron projects. Well I'm stumped. I`ve looked everywhere for the RS232 Control codes for a Allen and Heath DR128 DSP and found nothing. Their web site ( show some sort of control code but nothing I can get to work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks again Tony, this looks like a pretty good resource pool. Shannon Thomson Design and Development Officer University of Technology Sydney NSW Australia further details under my profile.
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