There are Doctors and there are Doctors.
There are Doctors and there are Doctors. I was not there! But in year 1919 my Father had both legs broken with compound fractures. "The" Dr. planned to saw them off above the knee. ( My family has X-rays) Well! The Doctors wife was a Doctor; She said we can save his legs. Well I came on the scene years later- My Father's legs looked fine! He did not even limp. That lady was right! Would you belive that we trust Doctors "incompletely" in general and a little more as needed. Best Regards, Lorenzo what --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.286 / Virus Database: 152 - Release Date: 10/9/01
Colloidal silver list
Cliff (and anyone else interested), Here is the address of a colloidal silver list: Joel
Hi NYH, Very well put. There are reasons for discussing other things at times but they need to be related to the use of FlaxSeedOIl. I want to try Colloidal Silver. I have heard of it before. However, information pertaining to it would better be gained from a group majoring in that area. There is nothing wrong with logging on to that group as well. I would if I had more time. Cliff
From Vince
United States Patent 4,981,844 Alexander , et al. January 1, 1991 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Method to improve immune response and resistance to infection following surgery by diet composition Abstract The immune response of a patient can be improved pre-operatively by altering the diet of a patient. When 20 to about 80% of the calories in a diet are from linoleic acid which is an omega 6 fatty acid, the immune response system and resistance to infection of the patient is substantially improved. Likewise providing 100 to about 1,000 IU per day of vitamin E in the diet also improves the immune response of the patient pre-operatively. This in turn improves the survival rate of the patient. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Inventors: Alexander; J. Wesley (Cincinnati, OH); Peck; Michael D. (Cincinnati, OH) Assignee: University of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH) Appl. No.: 253140 Filed: October 4, 1988 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Claims ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- We claim: 1. A method of improving the immune response in patients comprising: said patient ingesting a diet for at least 10 days prior to an operative procedure, said diet having 20-60 kilocalories per kilogram body weight wherein 20% to 80% of the calories in said diet are derived from linoleic acid. 2. The method claimed in claim 1 wherein said diet includes 100 to 1,000 IU per day vitamin E. 3. The method claimed in claim 1 wherein said diet contains from about 20 to about 60% safflower oil. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Surgical procedures can act to seriously weaken the body of the patient. Major surgeries are in fact an extreme assault upon the body which in turn affects the immune response system of the patient. This in turn increases the risk of post-operative infection. Such post-operative infection has a significant effect upon the survival rate after major surgery. Further many patients prior to surgery are already in a particularly debilitated condition. Many patients who have digestive track problems which require surgery have not been able to ingest sufficient calories to maintain body weight and keep themselves in a healthy condition. Accordingly, many patients require a pre-operative stay to obtain either an enteral or parenteral diet to increase body weight and improve their health. It has been shown that diet can affect the immune response system after major assaults to the body. For example, The Importance of Lipid Type in the Diet After Burn, Anals. of Surgery, Vol. 204, No. July, 1, 1986 reports that the lipids contained in a diet have an effect on the immune response system in burn patients. Specifically, it indicated that a diet high in omega 6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid have a significant immunosupressive effect. On the other hand, diets high in omega 3 fatty acids improve the immune response. In "The Effect of Dietary Unsaturated Fatty Acids and Indomethacin on Metabolism and Survival after Burn" indicates that excessive dietary polyunsaturated linoleic acid may influence immunocompetence after burn. Accordingly, all indications are that omego 6 fatty acids have a immunosuppressive effect. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present invention is premised on the realization that prior to an operative procedure the immune response system of a patient can be improved by providing the patient with a diet very high in linoleic acid. More particularly the present invention is premised on the realization that a diet having from about 20 to about 60% of its total calories derived from linoleic acid substantially improves the immune response system of patients and acts as a preoperative diet to enhance the survival rate following major operative procedures. Further the prese
Update on eyes
Well Cliff, That is absolutely amazing! If this works for you, it should work for others too! I don't have cataracts, but it would be interesting to see if it would be beneficial for other condition. Wouldn't it be great to get rid of reading glasses? :-) (just kidding) Take care ... Sandy Lightfoot.
Flaxseed in eyes
Wouldn't it be great to get rid of reading glasses? :-) (just kidding) Take care ... Sandy Lightfoot. wouldn't it be great! Yes..I put my flaxseed oil in my eyes about one hour ago. When they begin to get tired. And whenever the sinus begin to cause problems I use it; and within a few hours my eyes feel good again. I am due to have an eye examine soon as I can rake up the few dollars to go ahead. I am very fussy even with the rim's I pick I will be paying over the cost Medicaid will fork out. But I want them in not only in style, but being able to see better is very important too. And wearing tri-focal, believe me I wished I didn't have to wear, but this has given to me hours of reading those small letters between the other two lines..and reading music notes, and etc is very important to me to see. And here all day at the computer is a strain on the eyes too, as many others on the group list are finding out about their own eyes. However during the day I get up and walk either outside or do other chores. Then I try not to sit to long at one time in front of this screen. Or I walk around come back now and then to see if anything new is happening..sometimes there is nothing I feel important so I leave again. Flaxseed oil in the eyes is new to many of us. I've been using it this way for a few months now.But not religiously. Only when I feel the eyes are getting tired. And to remove other foreign matter, like dust particles, and etc. Randy one night got a eye lash in the corner of his eye and we got it right out. While the flaxseed was working he laid on the sofa and slept. When he got back up he said all he could now feel was a scratchy eye. So before bed-time he used it again, by the next morning even the red-eyes cleared up. Since then he has also used it farm dirt, bringing in the crops. I live in my own little world, but it's ok, they know me here. I can say anything I like.. 'cause nobody listens to me anyway. Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
On 10-22-01, Sandy Lightfoot wrote: "I wonder if 'Hans' is on this list? I 'think' he was from Vancouver, BC. I'd love to know the whole story. Anyway, the crux of the story was that he was cured with Flax-oil and cottage cheese (quark). A Wonderful Testimony!" If you happen to find Hans, Sandy, I'd also love to hear the full story. Thanks for taking the time to tell us about this. Warm regards, Esther
Colloidal Silver Group URL (OT)
For those interested in finding out more about colloidal silver, here are the URLs. The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-request@... -or- silver-digest-request@... with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@... Silver-list archive: List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdevour@...> Hope that helps. Regards, NHY _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at
Update on eyes/Blueberries.
Sometimes I post alternative sources of Omega 3 EFA's; I read without glasses on a good day. Here is an alternative for eye problems, it can be used with the flax oil; I often eat blue berries specifically to help my eyes. I read without glasses on a good day. My eyes have not changed for distance in over 40 years. There is some evidence that blueberries help the eyes. Best Regards, Lorenzo --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.286 / Virus Database: 152 - Release Date: 10/9/01
Dr. Hoffer on Cancer, includies prostate Cancer
Abram Hoffer Best Regards, Lorenzo Join the CaveManFood list and eat like our ancestors. CaveManFood-subscribe@... Trapshooters Join this; trapshooter-subscribe@...
Interesting to hear!
Hello friends, I was listening to a radio program on CBC Radio (Canada), called 'Almanac'. It was a 'call in' show and the question of the day was if 'alternate' therapies should be used in conjunction with allopathic modalities. Several people phoned in, mostly discussing topics such as Acupuncture and Chiropractic treatments, that are already implemented to some extent in our BC system. Two guests were featured who operated 'alternate' clinics,(Aroma therapy, Acupuncture and Chiropractic Therapy,I believe). One call really grabbed me. A fellow named Hans called in and he started to tell his story about his cancer (pituitary I think) and how he cured himself. He explained that after following the regular treatment path, his cancer came back so he was searching other therapies (I may have a few facts wrong, but this is the gist of it). Just as he was leading up to something really important,the announcer had to CUT for the NEWS! Hans waited until the NEWS segment was done to continue his call-in. I think there were other callers waiting to talk as the announcer seemed impatient to move the call along. Hans took ages to actually explain what the treatment was. Finally the announcer asked him. I nearly fell over when Hans said he had actually gone to Germany to consult and be treated by Dr Johanna Budwig. When he was asked what the treatment was, he seemed a bit hesitant to say EXACTLY what the therapy was, but said it was oils and proteins, which didn't really explain the true treatment, I mean oil and protein could have been anything, right? Maybe I'm getting very cynical, but my suspicious little mind wondered if (during the NEWS break), Hans had been asked to not mention that it was 'Flaxseed' oil. It was so odd that he said 'Oils and proteins' when he had to have known it was Flax oil and cottage cheese (or quark). It gets even more strange.... The announcer asked the guests on the show if they had ever heard of Johanna Budwig and they said "NO, never heard of her!" Can you imagine anyone in the 'alternate' health field to NOT knowing about JB? I DON'T THINK SO!!! I wonder if 'Hans' is on this list? I 'think' he was from Vancouver, BC. I'd love to know the whole story. Anyway, the crux of the story was that he was cured with Flax-oil and cottage cheese (quark). A Wonderful Testimony!! I thought you'd all be interested in my report. Take care ... Sandy Lightfoot. B.C. Canada.
Questions about Flax Seed
Hello everyone!! I just joined this group with hopes that I will learn more about the benefits of flax seed. I just recently (a couple weeks) embarked upon a quest for a healthier lifestyle. :) Flax seed was highly recommended as part of a healthy diet. I am hoping that you could answer a few of my questions. Is freshly ground flax seed just as potent if I were to put it into a capsule as it would be if I put it right into my food? I have heard various things as to how much freshly ground flax seed to incorporate into my daily diet; anywhere from 2 Tbsp. to 1/4 cup. What is a recommended amount? Which is a better source - freshly ground flax seed or flax seed oil? I think that is all for now. I appreciate any advice anyone has to give. Thanks, Kristin
Update on eyes
Hi, I have been asked to summarize what we have been playing with concerning eyes and flax oil. There is nothing here that is any guarantee and nothing that we have read or have followed. Quite a while ago, my cousin Rich told me he had been having trouble seeing enough to drive at night. Having great faith in the ability of flaxseed oil to help about any condition involving poor health, Rich began to put it in his eyes. I am hazy about the length of time it took, but before long his night vision had improved greatly. I tried it a little and it seemed to help me. Just as an observation, I put that info on the flaxseed oil group. Before long some other folks emailed the group and told of this approach helping them. One lady said that it had helped her, but it had helped her neighbor more. The neighbor had macular degeneration and lost her driver's license, and now she had it back. Another lady said that she had faced cataract surgery and put a drop of oil in each eye at night and the cataracts cleared up. Monday, October 1st, I had a yearly eye exam. Six or seven years ago I had a "bleeder" in the retina of my right eye. That is something about which there is very little that can be done. It did not clear by itself after a few years and the doctor recommended laser surgery to drain the blood and prevent blindness. By that time the "bleeder" had rerouted but the dried blood was still there. The laser surgery had caused me to be unable to see much in my right eye and I could not read with both eyes open. This is a problem. The sight had been growing steadily worse and more "cloudy". I attributed this to the laser. During the examination the doctor discovered that there was a dense cataract. He said my sight in that eye, though not perfect anyway, could perhaps be helped by cataract surgery. I wasn't interested because I don't use it much anyway. Then I remembered the lady who had cleared cataracts with flaxseed oil. I talked with the doctor about it. He asked me what literature I had read and I told him that there was no literature but we might be making it. He is quite interested and if this works he said he will write it up in a journal or two, and it it was rejected he would at least write a letter to the editor. During the exam I could only make out the big E with my right eye. Any of the rest was virtual darkness. Twelve days after that and regular use of drops of flax oil in my eye my wife went for new glasses. They weren't right and we will go again this week. However, the technician put the eye chart on and I can already make out some letters in the next size smaller. I can now use my right eye alone and read a lot of the TV commercials. The "cloud" is still there but seems much less dense. During the exam, Jenny, the tecnician who did the examination with the chart told me that she had an aunt in Texas who cleared cataracts with Flaxseed oil. The technician is also very interested. She told me that her aunt in Texas had cleared cataracts with flaxseed oil. She did not tell me how she had used it. If this cataract is cleared I may again be able to read with both eyes open. I am hardly daring to believe this can be possible, but somewhat excited nevertheless. What I have written is not a recommendation. I do not know what will happen. It is simply an account of what has happened. The Opthamologist has assured me that there can be no danger in doing what I am doing. I would say that if any tries this one should use the golden oil from the top of a bottle before it is mixed up in the case of Lignan Rich oil. Regards Cliff Update: Today, October 22, we returned to the Caenter for Sight in Jefferson City to pick up my wife's glasses. The Technician there put up the chart and I could see the second size letters significantly more clearly than I could 8 days ago. The cataract seems to be clearing. Oct 1 the sight in that eye was 20 -- 400. Today, 21 days later, it is 20 --200. If the trend continues another month should see things better than that, though because of the laser damage to the retina it will never be perfect.
hi all...I thought I had joined the new group but now I wonder from one of cliffs posts to me and a few others maybe I 'm only reaching the old group?? someone please respond. Judy Hoffman
Dear Cliff, Many thanks for summarizing your experience with the use of Flax Seed Oil for your eyes. I just now printed out your summary, and will send it to my sister, Dolores, in Mankato, MN, who has macular degeneration. She and her husband, Gordie, both faithfully take the FO/CC every day, but I know they yet haven't heard about the oil for a person's eyes. I pray she'll have improvement. I know it evidently will take time for the oil to help, but Dolores is the type who doesn't give up hope! Thanks again, Cliff. With warm regards, Esther
Fw: Thomas Navarro Hospitalized and released again defying all expectations
Subject: Thomas Navarro Hospitalized and released again defying all expectations Hi Health Activists, I have another update on Thomas Navarro, the little child who finally was allowed to get Dr.Burzynski's antineoplastons in May when it looked like he was not going to make it much longer. He keeps surprising everyone. Patricia Walter is a leader in the Burzynski Patient Group and has been instrumental in publicizing this therapy. Arnold Gore Consumers Health Freedom Coalition Message: 2 Date: Mon, 22 Oct 2001 15:39:55 -0400 From: "Patricia C. Walter" <pwalter@...> Subject: Re: Novartis Thomas had to be hospitalized again early last week--Sunday night or Monday. Of course, the drs. again thought he would not make it. Thomas had pneumonia in one lung, and the drs. gave him antibiotics. It turned out that Thomas also had a blood infection, which they didn't detect. He was released from the hospital the next day. This is at least the 5th time drs at Texas Childrens have given up on Thomas. If it weren't for Donna's knowlege (she was a medic in the army) and the insistence of Donna and Jim, the worst would have happened, yet again. I think our prayers just might be working. Pat Walter
Flaxseed in the eyes
I'm not sure Melanie, but maybe the burning was that the eyes were so very irritable and like any sore it had to heal, before it got better. I know the first time I tried it in my eyes I had been rubbing them a long time and that most likely irritated, so that when I used the flaxseed oil, it smarted, but within a matter of a day, the sting was gone. I used it all day yesterday, and just about ready here to use it again to day. But I think I'd prefer the golden ..especially for the eyes. I can't wait to hear about your neighbor, is she elderly? Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
Freshly ground flax seed or flax seed oil?
This is slightly controversial. Historically; ground flaxseed was included in baked goods. Dr. B had good results with the oil for sick persons. The oil would appear important along with Cottage Cheese for treating diseases of malnutrition. Recent research reports show that it is very difficult to get enough Omega 3 in our diet- especially as our farm animals are fed a great deal of grain; Which is not a natural food for them. Therefore I suggest eating some flaxseed or the oil daily. Recently we put ground flaxseed in our Oatmeal cookies- we never put the white flour or sugar in them; but use bananas or applesauce for sweetening. The flaxseed improved the flavor. Then we made whole wheat yeast pancakes; except one day we used whole rye flour, and ground flax seed; no wheat flour, they were very tasty. Best Regards, Lorenzo Join the CaveManFood list and eat like our ancestors. CaveManFood-subscribe@... --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.286 / Virus Database: 152 - Release Date: 10/10/01
I'm going to run this on both list, encase another 100 or more of you haven't yet went over to the other list 2..Remember list 1, don't have an owner..therefore it can not be a run- program with caution and care..Below here I always post where to subscribe to the new list..And remember Natural Well Being, is just a little over a year old and gradually growing, We talk about anything there to get it off your chest; out of you back-end, or wherever your hurting today. PLEASE use all the list for your own benefit. But on neither list do we allow arguments. If so all list owners can WIPE you off the board. WE will give warnings however than it is up to you to behave. Please support the group owners, and even some of their members. Remember this illness can effect minds way of thinking, and we must at all times be alerted to this fact that when someone is ill with any disease, whether it be cancer, heart, lungs, etc, show some respect please. I've learned to over look some people..and we all have delete buttons, or set your computer to not except certain peoples mail. I've not ever had to do this but once. And now that party hasn't been around on any board that I've noticed. But as for me and my house-I will stay no matter..Ha.ha. HEEEEE. I do not scare, or get my feelings hurt easily..and I know with GOD all things are possible. prostate- My question, which I've wondered about for some time, is why now are we able to detect how many men are getting this and dying from it? Is it maybe a factual that it has always been a number one killer lets say back in maybe BC/AD to now, but because of science documentations we never heard about it until recent years? I can remember when my father was living, sometime in the 1950's, the men would talk about this subject using other words, that are not fit to put out to public, but they children and women, ( only wives, were to discuss the issue) Luckily my father didn't have it, but was getting to the age where we were sure sooner or later it was bound to happen ( maybe ) If he worried about it, he never let on.The Doctor checked often to make sure he didn't have it. I remember once he said he lost his_____pride more than once. And he picked his doctors' with caution. Going back to Doctor Budwig..if she was allowed to again today make medical statements not getting into high-water, and given the chance to prove herself,..we'd have a book-of-Books, written on Flaxseed and all its' good uses, not just sticking to one thing alone the oil, but that would be one important issue. Possibly half the book. I believe that if she was younger and knows what she knows today this lady would really be able to promote all her services' with even her now enemies turned good in helping her out. One can not fight a cause alone, without supporters to back you up. True we need more documentation even on these groups..and gradually..( now hold on your pants', but it is happening a little by little)..Take Cliff and a few other men on this group, they are doing all they are able..when they are gone to their final rewards, Mel asked me this the other day. ARE we , those of us left going to say.." Oh yeah____died of that )(*)(*(&^ PC-hope despise, sure aren't what he cracked it up to be is it?" or are we that are still living if the good Lord Tarries this long, going to be able toe say' " Ah shucks, let me take off where________left off and, let me find some scientist that will put some extra effort of his own time into this study. Because one day we will have a big-break through." Then we can make a plaque for all the _____that had fought the first pioneer-Flaxseed and OIL battles." Nashville,Ohio Genealogy Bereavement of a Lost Love One My Cancer Challenge Ordeal NaturalWellBeing-subscribe@... Owner: Miz Judy: mrjau@... FlaxSeedOil2-subscribe@... Owner: Cliff Beckwith: spinner@...
flaxseed and prostate cancer
Hello, I may have posted this question before, but it might have been to the other group or I didn't get any answers that satisfied me. I have advanced prostate cancer with bone mets. I was taking ground and flaxseed oil for about 3 months when someone in authority told me to stop. He said that Flaxseed oil and cottage cheese are good for many cancers, but not prostate. Are there any prostate cancer patients out there who have gotten good results from flax oil or wheat? He said the wheat is o.k. because it would be hard to get enough to hurt myself. Thanks, Pat in Mexico
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