8 month old F5 Female Savannah Kitten available in Franklin Ohio. "Ghost"
+++ UPDATE . A new permanent home has been chosen for Ghost and she will be moving soon . Thank you everyone for your interest +++This pretty girl is in a foster home and has completed her veterinary care and ready to adopt now. She was just spayed so can go to a new home by Sunday or Monday. Her nickname is Ghost and she is your typical Savannah kitten, active, inquisitive and a bit naughty ! She is affectionate but on her own terms. If you are ready to be a slave to this princess please send us an email describing your home and living situation. She has a lot of girlie Charisma and her adoption fee is $250. Local homes are preferred but if you want to fly in and pick her up and make all the arrangements for that we would consider. If interested please write Teresa at info@...
Розпочато Wildstreak @
Buddy has been adopted!
****Buddy has been adopted and is no longer available! Buddy is a loving, sweet boy, who was surrendered to SV Rescue by his owner, who could no longer care for him. Buddy's breeder, East TN Exotic Cats, would not take him back, did not give the owner any TICA paperwork, did not vaccinate Buddy before transferring him to his new owner and no vet check was done. I spoke to the breeders myself, who informed me that they do not register their kittens at all, so not vaccinate, nor do they supply a contract to the owner. Luckily we have a breeder in the area, Belle Hollow Exotics, who drove to pick up Buddy, had him neutered, vaccinated and has taken care of him for the post few weeks. Buddy has great litter box habits, is healthy and as sweet as can be. He should be ok with another pet and older children. If you are interested in giving this amazing boy a home, please email info@... - tell us about your home, family, other pets, if any, and children, if it applies. PLEASE do not email us without that information - any emails without the requested info will not be answered. NO SHIPPING ADOPTION FEE - $300
Розпочато tekgirl02 @
Middleton Ohio Lovely young ( approx 2-3 yr old) savannah F4 available for foster to adopt home
+++UPDATE Belle has found her new home. Thank you everyone for your interest +++Seeking foster-to-adopt home in Middleton Ohio area for this beautiful F4 mom. Belle is a lovely savannah that had a litter while in our care and is now ready to be spayed and once that is done she can be adopted. She is in foster care now but does not get along with the dog in the home there, so probably a home with no dog is the best ! This is from her foster mom " She is quite shy and timid but loves to be petted and will raise up on her back legs to headbutt you. She has came so far since I received her. You couldn't even touch her and now she lives her days laying in a sunny window and chatting at the birds. she is very playful and will talk back and forth with you." She will probably become even more mellow after being spayed. Unspayed girls do not want much to do with other cats, but that can change once spayed. Since we can't give a guarantee on that though we ask for descriptions of the other pets you have and the dynamics in the home to help us pick a home that will be her forever home. Please write Teresa at info@... and let us know all about yourselves ! Her adoption fee once spayed will be $200
Розпочато Wildstreak @
Middleton Ohio Kitten available
** UPDATE ** This funny guy has found his new home. Thank you everyone for your interest *** CUTIE PAHTOOTIE ! 3 month old savannah male available in Middleton Ohio. All neutered and vaccinated and ready to rumble. Mom is an F4 Savannah which would make him an F5. Daddy is unknown but likely a savannah. Please write Teresa at info@... if you are interested in taking on this bundle of cuteness. Tell us about your home and other pets, family members etc. Must be able to pickup. Adoption fee is $250 (Black melanistic kitten in one pic is not available )
Розпочато Wildstreak @
3 year old male Snuggler looking for a loving home - Roseburg, OR (Correction on State)
Looking for Love? An all night snuggler? we have your boy! Quincy, a gorgeous 3 year old Silver Savannah located in Roseburg, Oregon. Quincy is a 3 year old neutered male...loves lovies! Quincy loves his people. He loves children and adults as well as dogs! He does not do well with other cats so we are looking for a home without any other cats. Quincy loves going outside walking on a leash (video attached) or in a Catio if you have room for one. Excellent litter box habits! Requirements for Quincy: *Driving distance to Roseburg, OR (10 hrs) *No other Cats *Catio is a plus but not required *Adoption fee is $200 Looking for immediate placement as Quincy is spending significant time in a cage due to current housing situation. Please email info@... if interested.
Розпочато Модератор групи @
3 year old male Snuggler looking for a loving home - Roseburg, OR
Looking for Love? An all night snuggler? we have your boy! Quincy, a 3 year old Silver Savannah located in Roseburg, Oregon. Quincy is a 3 year old neutered male...loves lovies! Quincy loves his people. He loves children and adults as well as dogs! He does not do well with other cats so we are looking for a home without any other cats. Quincy loves going outside walking on a leash (video attached) or in a Catio if you have room for one. Excellent litter box habits! Requirements for Quincy: *Driving distance to Roseburg, OR (10 hrs) *No other Cats *Catio is a plus but not required *Adoption fee is $200 Looking for immediate placement as Quincy is spending significant time in a cage due to current housing situation. Please email info@... if interested.
Розпочато Модератор групи @
3 Year old Male Looking for Home - Northern California/Oregon/Washington
Meet Quincy! He is an Silver neutered male in need of a home. He is currently located in Coquille OR. We have a volunteer that will help transport so we would accept applications from Northern California, Oregon and Washington. Quincy has had a bit of bad luck and is on his 3rd or 4th home. His first owner moved and left Quincy with a friend as Quincy was no longer getting along with his sister after the introduction of a new cat (it got worse at this point but they had been bickering prior). In the second home, the owner made Quincy an indoor/outdoor cat and that did not work out either. The neighborhood adopted him but he really needs his own, permanent home. Quincy is said to be a very sweet and loving cat with people including children. He does not like other cats very much What kind of home would Quincy do well in? We are looking for a home with no other cats. May be ok with a med size dog. Quincy does well with children over 5. It would also be quite beneficial for Quincy to have a catio. In his first home he had an awesome catio and he really loves it! Qunicy's foster said he is very loving and loves attention and cuddles!! Uses the litter box faithfully! Quincy's breeder, Columbia Breeze, has said they cannot take responsibility for Quincy at this time. No Shipping. Rehoming fee of $200.00 Reply with how your home and his needs fit if interested in Adopting! Thank you!
Розпочато Модератор групи @
URGENT - 1.5 YO F4 SPAYED Savannah cat, Keira - FOR FOSTER|ADOPTION - located in NY - HOME MUST BE IN A NEIGHBORING STATE - PLEASE READ ENTIRE POST! Keira was found abandoned on the streets in the Bronx, NY. She was taken in by a rescue group, who found a microchip, traced Keira back to a breeder in PA, who will not be taking her back - the owner will not take hey back either. If we knew the name of the breeder, we would name that person, but the microchip company would not reveal it. Keira is said to be sweet and gentle and is coming out of her shell, after living on the street with her kittens. She loves to play and loves treats. Keira has not been around children, but we think older children should be fine. She has co-existed with other cats, so another cat or two should be fine as long as proper introductions are implemented. She will hiss and swat at another cat at first, but then roll over and start grooming that cat. NJ/CT/PA should be fine for Keira, but we are not adverse to a longer drive. NO SHIPPING, so please do not ask. If you can give Keira a loving home, please email info@... - we prefer an adoptive home! Please describe your home and family as well as WHY you would be the best home for her. The adoption fee is $200.
Розпочато tekgirl02 @
[Owner] Re: [SavannahCatRescue] [Owner] Re: [SavannahCatRescue] Available Foster/Adopt - F1 Male, Southern California - Hunter
They are not illegal in California! That being said, you must have F1 or F2 experience to foster/adopt Hunter... -- Sent via iPhone... Please excuse typos and auto corrects
Розпочато tekgirl02 @
[Owner] Re: [SavannahCatRescue] Available Foster/Adopt - F1 Male, Southern California - Hunter
Los Angeles. Kristine Kristine C. Alessio, Esq. Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Розпочато Kristine Alessio @
Available Foster/Adopt - F1 Male, Southern California - Hunter
Hunter is a beautiful year old F1 male. He is located in Southern California and will not be shipped. His owner is surrendering him due to having to travel for his job. Hunter has never been around other cats, dogs or children. He owner states he is playful and a friendly cat. We are looking for fosters with an intent to adopt. Hunter requires a home with early generation Savannah experience, a spare room and someone with time to spend with him. His adoption fee will be $450.00 PLEASE DO NOT REPLY IF YOU ARE NOT WITHIN DRIVING DISTANCE OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. If you are interested in Hunter, please email us at info@... and let us know why you think you are a perfect fit for Hunter. Kristine Kristine C. Alessio, Esq. Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Розпочато Kristine Alessio @
Coquille OR - 3 year old Silver Male - Super Sweet
Quincy is still in need of a home through no fault of his own! He is a loving, sweet cat! Meet Quincy! He is an F8 Silver neutered male in need of a home in or near Coquille OR. Quincy has had a bit of bad luck and is on his 3rd or 4th home. His first owner moved and left Quincy with a friend as Quincy was no longer getting along with his sister after the introduction of a new cat (it got worse at this point but they had been bickering prior). In the second home, the owner made Quincy an indoor/outdoor cat and that did not work out either. The neighborhood adopted him but he really needs his own, permanent home. Quincy is said to be a very sweet and loving cat with people including children. He does not like other cats very much What kind of home would Quincy do well in? We are looking for a home with no other cats. May be ok with a med size dog. Quincy does well with children over 5. It would also be quite beneficial for Quincy to have a catio. In his first home he had an awesome catio and he really loves it! Quincy's breeder, Columbia Breeze, has said they cannot take responsibility for Quincy at this time. Local pick-up only. No Shipping. Rehoming fee of $200.00 Reply with how your home and his needs fit if interested in Adopting! Thank you!
Розпочато Модератор групи @
Luna is a lovely girl in Lockport, LA who we have posted about before. Her situation is now dire, she’s developed an eye infection and her current foster it too intimidated by her hissiness to medicate her or even take her to the vet. Luna needs help fast. The current foster will drive up to three hours to meet. If you can help, email info@... and reference Luna. Kristine C. Alessio, Esq. Sent from my iPhone, please forgive typos and grammatical errors!
Розпочато Kristine Alessio @
3 year old F8 Neutered Male in Coquille OR
Meet Quincy! He is an F8 Silver neutered male in need of a home in or near Coquille OR. Quincy has had a bit of bad luck and is on his 3rd or 4th home. His first owner moved and left Quincy with a friend as Quincy was no longer getting along with his sister after the introduction of a new cat (it got worse at this point but they had been bickering prior). In the second home, the owner made Quincy an indoor/outdoor cat and that did not work out either. The neighborhood adopted him but he really needs his own, permanent home. Quincy is said to be a very sweet and loving cat with people including children. He does not like other cats very much What kind of home would Quincy do well in? We are looking for a home with no other cats. May be ok with a med size dog. Quincy does well with children over 5. It would also be quite beneficial for Quincy to have a catio. In his first home he had an awesome catio and he really loves it! Quincy's breeder, Columbia Breeze, has said they cannot take responsibility for Quincy at this time. Local pick-up only. No Shipping. Rehoming fee of $200.00 Reply with how your home and his needs fit if interested in Adopting! Thank you!
Розпочато Модератор групи @
WE ARE SO SORRY AND YET SO HELPLESS. The husband has decided to keep all cats and market them for whatever can be gleaned. We are so sorry to those that responded and wanted to help. --------------------------------------------- FOSTERS NEEDED IN LAS VEGAS - LOTS OF THEM!! This is a really difficult situation, a breeder in Las Vegas has passed suddenly, and the family is unable to keep the cats. We are waiting on specific information, but we believe that we are looking at >20 adult cats. I imagine that most are unaltered, hence we cannot adopt them out but need foster homes willing to get them to the vet for altering and then helping us with evaluations to be able to adopt them out. Of course, the foster home is always first in line to adopt a cat they are fostering, if the cat works out there. There may be some kittens there also, we simply don't have information on this yet. If you have a spare room available, are within driving distance of Las Vegas, and are willing to help us...please email us at info@... and let us know. We will add information as we have it. Please note that this is not an urgent situation yet, we are waiting on the list of cats to be able to start placing cats in foster homes.
Розпочато Brigitte Cowell Moyne @
****Dexter is waiting for that perfect home!
Dexter----so much more than a crime drama! We have a large, young (4 years old) and very attractive F2 Savannah cat available in Lathrop, California (San Joaquin County). His name is Dexter. He is not a serial killer but he does have his secrets! After all, Dexter could also be code-word for "DEXTEROUS" !! One of the unique attributes of Dexter is that he is a silver Savannah. This is a rarer color and means his spotting is black on a silver coat. Silver cats have a white/cream colored undercoat making them very attractive. It is not always easy to capture the beauty of a silver savannah in a photo. Since Dexter is Californian AND an F2 savannah, he is mild mannered with a delicate character. He is asking for his ideal home to be a quiet, relaxing place with not too much activity and noise. His wish list would not include a dog or other cats. If you have a very quiet senior dog or possibly one laid back cat, we can talk about it. We realize that most people have other pets and that's why they are part of our Facebook groups, but in this case we would prefer a pet-free home. Maybe you can share this posting to some of your friends with no pets, or to those who have lost their pets over the years and now would be ready for a very interesting companion to fill up their home with activity. Dexter likes to follow his foster mom around and sleep with her. He also has a 'relationship' with a fish bowl and fish at his foster home. So if you have fish make sure the tank is secure ! Since Dexter is an F2 Savannah he is not receptive to a lot of change, and he feels his new owners should be accommodating slaves to his whims. He is sensitive and prefers to be the center of attention. Although he is gorgeous, he is also very special on the inside. He has never been exposed to children and although he may have been a great pet if he had met his own little people as a kitten, it would be really hard for him to understand a child now that he is an adult. In return for thinking of him first, Dexter will repay you with the joy of living with a savannah with 25% serval blood and including the intelligence that goes with that family tree. It's amazing to watch him move around and investigate his surroundings. Dexter may not show a lot of affection, but he would really enjoy a nice outdoor catio or enclosure where he can be enjoyed from afar without having too much forced contact. It would also allow him to wear off some of his COVID chubbies. Come on---we all have them! Dexter is curious about his surroundings but slow to trust. You will need to be a special person to win the heart of this beauty ! Because of his delicate sensitivities he has gone outside of his litterbox to show his displeasure with other animals that made him nervous in his previous home. This is why we are asking to find the PERFECT home for this prince. No children and preferably no other pets (we can discuss maybe one older dog or a laid-back cat). Car transport for him will be OK for several hours, but he cannot be shipped on a plane. Dexter is neutered and is declawed on all four paws. He has no known health issues. Please send an email to us at info@... and tell us as much as you can about yourself. This treasure of a cat is waiting for you to apply for him! The donation for Dexter's adoption is $200.
Розпочато pamclos17@... @
AVAILABLE - Luna in Louisiana
Luna is a beautiful spayed five year old (we think F4 or F5) female located in Lockport, LA. Luna was surrendered to a rescue in Texas where she was not legal to own, they contacted Savannah Rescue and we found a foster in Louisiana. She was originally surrendered because she fought with the new cat her owners bought. Most likely it was do to improper introductions. Luna has perfect litterbox habits, is playful and generally a friendly girl, when stressed she will hiss and swat at you. She doesn’t like to have people force attention on her. She optimal home for Luna would have patience, a separate room for her to be in while she adjusts and maybe one other relaxed cat. She will not be shipped, you must be within driving distance of Lockport. Her adoption fee is $150.00 Please email us at info@... and reference Luna if you would like to be her forever family. Kristine Kristine C. Alessio, Esq. 619-806-4058 Sent from Mail for Windows 10
Розпочато Kristine Alessio @
IN FOSTER TO ADOPT HOME NOW -F3 Savannah boy near Sacramento, California looking for an adoptive or foster home!
***Leo is in a foster home who will most likely adopt him :) Leo is a beautiful, smart, friendly, sociable and very active and playful boy! He likes people of all ages (including children older than 8 years) and will cuddle on your lap or in bed. Leo is seven years old and is neutered, up to date on all vaccines, and is healthy. He has all his claws. Leo is afraid of and stressed by a dog in his current home who chases him. This fear is the likely cause of Leo spraying on occasion. Leo has been thoroughly vet checked and was not found to have any physical issues that would be the reason for spraying. Very often, once a pet is removed from stressors in a current home, unwanted behaviors are not seen again along with slow and proper introductions to the new home, people and other pets. We may consider a home with one other active, playful and confident cat around Leo's age (3-8 years old). We require there are no dogs in the foster or adoptive home. If adopted, Leo's adoption fee is $200. FYI: Our foster homes always retain first chance to adopt a rescue Savannah they are fostering for us. Leo cannot be shipped. His current owner is willing to travel up to two hours to meet with Leo's new home, so please feel free to apply if you are not near his current home. If you can give Leo a great home where he can be free of stress, and are a home that will love and appreciate a gorgeous, friendly, playful and active Savannah, send us a detailed email describing you, your home, other people and pets to: info@...
Розпочато Модератор групи @
ADOPTED - F2 Neutered Male - 18 mo - Westerville, Ohio
ADOPTED! ADOPTED! Zazu is an 18 mo savannah male in need of a home because his owner is being transferred overseas and cannot take him. The breeder, Select Exotics did not answer the owner's request for help nor did they answer SV Rescue, so they will not be taking Zazu back. Zazu has no behavioral issues - he is very playful, loves to fetch, will eat people food, gets up on counters, is very talkative and will need another cat or dog to interact with after a slow introduction. Zazu is up to date on his vaccines with no health issues. Zazu will not be shipped, so please do not ask. The surrounding states are possible as far as traveling by car. If you can offer a home to this young boy with another cat or dog, please email info@... and tell us about yourself, your home and family, if any. He has not been around children, but is said to be very friendly to visitors, so older children should be fine. Since we are all volunteers and often have to answer many emails, we will not be able to answer emails that do not include the info we have requested in this post. Thank you for understanding! Adoption fee is $300
Розпочато tekgirl02 @
PLACED - Quebec Beautiful 9 month old savannah.. ROUX
+++ UPDATE ++++ Roux has found a foster home in Quebec. At this point he is not available. Thank you for all your inquiries and kind letters and applications*** SHERBROOKE QUEBEC We have an urgent need for a foster home or an adoptive home to help with a young male F4 savannah that is in a shelter in Sherbrooke area. He is 9 months old and was dropped off by his breeder. He is not doing well in the shelter and is scared and worried. We don't know much about him at this point, except his age and that he is neutered and shy. His name is 'Roux" If you are interested please write to Teresa at info@... and put his name in the subject line. Tell us about your home,family other pets, experience, whether you would foster of if you want to adopt him etc. and when you would be able to pick him up. He cannot be adopted to the USA sorry. His adoption fee is $300 CAD 0 People reached 1 Engagement – Distribution score Boost post 1 1
Розпочато Wildstreak @
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