Looking for. LF Softrock RX
If anyone has an unbuilt LF SOFTROCK RX that you want to sell, please let me know. Do we know if the LF receiver will be sold under the new ownership? I see that the LF rxtx is being sold. Thanks Tate N3BXZ
Розпочато Tate Jackson N3BXZ @
RXTX ensemble board, no parts? 2
Tony, If you have bare RXTX ensemble Board left I would like to buy it. Regards, David Underwood K0IMH
Розпочато David Underwood @ · Останніх @
Fivedash liquidation sale- 8.83 MHz
Steve, I made up a softrock lite II for 8.83 MHz for a Kenwood TS120. When using a 35 MHz crystal in my Softrock Lite II I had a lot of trouble getting enough amplitude out of the crystal oscillator and amplifier to drive the flip-flop divider. It now works after : Both transistors (3904 and 3906) selected for higher gain. I used a little multifunction TC1 box to measure hfe. ..... These part values may be a little different than the official values because I built my own Lite II with the parts I had on hand. C10 ( like C3 in lite 6.2) (base to emitter on Q1) 47 pf C11 ( like C4 in lite 6.2) not used C12 ( like C5 in lite 6.2)(between 2 transistors) 27 pf R16 (base of second transistor to gnd) 10K (replace 22k ) The signal still looks small on a scope, but since it is now centered around 2.5 V it works for the CMOS parts. ........ I did not try the 1000 pf for C4(lite 6.2) because it is not there on Lite II. - Maybe a good thing to try? regards David, K0IMH
Розпочато David Underwood @
Fivedash liquidation sale 4
Good Morning Group, I have some of the last items in my possession that I want to sell to cover some personal expenses. A built and properly working HF RX II receiver board in a KM5H metal case, $55 which includes USPS postage to a US address. A not built Peaberry SDR V2 transceiver kit, $65 which includes USPS postage to a US address. Two Softrock Lite II receiver kits, $13 per kit which includes USPS postage per kit to US addresses. I have a number of miscellaneous crystals that I could search through if a Lite II kit with a different center frequency is wanted at no additional charge. A 20W Elecraft Dimmy load, $11 which includes USPS postage to a US address. An AmQRP Elsie L-C meter kit, $11 which includes USPS postage to a US address. If a person has an intress in one of the items above, but not at the requested price, let me know what you would pay and I will consider it in one week from now if the item has not sold. Please contact me directly at kb9yig@... . Thanks, Tony, kb9yig
Розпочато Tony Parks @ · Останніх @
cases 2
I just uploaded 3d printer files to the files section. for RX ensemble II and the RXTX ensemble II Please let me know how they work for you and if you have any improvements. AD8AW Ben
Розпочато Ben Cherry @ · Останніх @
LF Ensemble Toroid 5
Hi Folks, I am proceeding to winding the L1, L2, L3 toroids for the LF kit. I am having a time of it trying to wind the 117 turns for L1 & L3. Is it OK to overlap the winding? I do not see any other way to get all those turns on those cores. I have searched through the messages & files here and have not found much help. What am I missing? 73, Kevin NZ1I
Розпочато Kevin Gilot NZ1I @ · Останніх @
piggyback boards for RxTx 6.3 4
I've got an old RxTx 6.3 that I've got some real uses for now (it had been shelved for a while). I will be setting it up to work only on 10m. Does anyone have the transmit and receive piggyback boards (amp and filters) that I could get? I don't have the means to roll my own, and I'm on a very limited fixed income. If I can find the boards, it will put a really decent radio online again. Thanks! Bob N4FBZ
Розпочато Robert D. Bowers @ · Останніх @
Need Binocular core for LF kit 5
Hi Folks, I am building a RX Ensemble LF and while winding T-02 I broke the Core. I had it in a vise for winding but crushed it. So if anyone has a Binocular Core BN-43-2402 , Please let me know. I have not yet looked to Mouser etc. Also, if anyone has any Hints for winding this 7T/3T bifilar inductor that would help too! Thanks and 73, Kevin NZ1I
Розпочато Kevin Gilot NZ1I @ · Останніх @
Lite kits
Their are now Lite kits available on softrockrx.com great panadapter. Ben AD8AW
Розпочато Ben Cherry @
Need RXTXv6.1 building manual 2
Dear all: A friend gave me a bag with the components of an old SoftRock RXTXv6.1 kit, but the CD inside is unreadable. Would any of you have, by chance, the contents of this CD so that I can have a shot at building the transceiver? Thank you very much! Mikel EA5IYL
Розпочато Mikel EA5IYL @ · Останніх @
Ensemble RXTX Compressed Band Width
I just had my Ensemble RXTX II change its operation behavior. I did hear a popping noise and then the frequency band displayed on the SDR software was compressed to a small portion of the displayed band width. It should have been 96KHz for my computer sound card and software settings. Attached is a png image screen shot taken when Quisk software was running with the Softrock RXTX. Even though the displayed band width was small, I could hear some SSB transmissions (though distorted) coming through. Has anyone seen this behavior and what is the cause and any remedy? Sorry, the screen shot would not attach to this message. Robert George
Розпочато Robert George @
announcement from Softrockrx.com
RXTX kits are now in stock! Quantities are limited, But I will try to keep them in stock from here forward. 73 Ben AD8AW
Розпочато Ben Cherry @
Testing 2
Testing after going to the web site and being informed that my account is bouncing and unbouncing it. Jim wb4gcs@... -- This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software. www.avast.com
Розпочато Jim Sanford @ · Останніх @
Broken Ensemble RX v.1 (FIXED)
Hi Alan Finally got the Ensemble RX fixed. Used PE0FKO v15.15 (latest), no issues so it seems backwards compatible with v15.12. Built a Ponyprog serial programmer and used avrdude v7 on Linux Mint 19.3 to programme the ATTiny85. All seems to work fine. The sensitivity is a few dB down on 10m, but can see the band noise from the G5RV so no problem. Thanks for the support. 73 Nick G3VNC
Розпочато Nick @
For Sale: RXTX Ensemble Built for 40/30/20 Meters
In excellent condition and working order. Comes in KM5H enclosure. $75 plus shipping. Email is OK in QRZ. Larry, K0LP
Розпочато Larry Phillips @
Broken Ensemble RX v.1 8
Plugged this RX in today and found the auto BPF has stopped working. Testing with usbsoftrock and a 'scope showed that the PB4 pin is stuck high - it appears to be shorted to Vcc. Otherwise the ATTiny85 appears to work... $ usbsoftrock status Version : 15.12 USB SerialID: PE0FKO-0 Startup Freq: 7.050000 (x 4.00) Xtall Freq : 114.280000 Smooth Tune : 3500 PPM Si570 I2C : 55 Hex BPF Enabled: 1 Band BPF Si570 ---------- --- ----------------- 0.0.. 4.0 0 (F - 0.00) * 1.00000 4.0.. 8.0 1 (F - 0.00) * 1.00000 8.0..16.0 2 (F - 0.00) * 1.00000 16.0.. 3 (F - 0.00) * 1.00000 Removed U1 from it's socket and all voltages at the socket are correct. What's the easiest way to get a replacement for U1 in the UK? Nick
Розпочато Nick @ · Останніх @
unbuilt Softrocks for sale etc. 4
Through no fault of mine own (hi) I seem to have bought a fair number of Tony's kits when they were being released only on occasion... I figured when/if i could. Now there is no chance I can built all those Ensemble receivers for different bands....nor the RX/TX. I do want to sell them locally if I could... since it seems the backing documentation from what I can so far is not readily available. But I am willing to set them free widely as well. If anyone knows of where building support documents still might be found (do I have to use the Wayback machine?) or is interested in getting a kit.. I can tell you what I have. As of now, they seem to orphans with no future : ( tnx Brian VE3HI Toronto
Розпочато Brien Pepperdine @ · Останніх @
New website 21
Hello all, I am Ben Cherry AD8AW. I have picked up the torch and will be assuming the inventory and IP of Five dash. The new website is www.softrock40.com. I will be working on it and hope to have it operational in a couple of weeks. Inventory will be transferred this week and it will take me a couple of weeks to inventory and store/reorder parts. First order of business will be to have rxtx boards made and put kits together. Please make a post and let me know if you have requests/suggestions. Ben ÀD8AW
Розпочато Ben Cherry @ · Останніх @
kb9yig retirement 30
The message below has been posted on the fivedash.com home page. I want to thank everyone who has built or used SoftRock radios, all of those who have helped others in the group troubleshoot their builds or software setups, and those who contributed to the design in the early years. I especially want to thank those who made firmware and software contributions so that the SoftRock hardware would do a useful function. It has made my day each time I read one of your messages of success with or enjoyment from your SoftRock Radio. I currently have 48 SoftRock RX Ensemble II HF kits and two built RX Ensemble II HF boards listed for sale on the fivedash.com web site. These are the last SoftRock boards I have available, and once they are sold, Five Dash will close. Unfortunately, due to changes in customs rules over the past few years, I am only able to ship to addresses in the United States. Thank you again for your support of the SoftRock radio kits over the years. Tony Parks, KB9YIG
Розпочато Tony Parks @ · Останніх @
Looking to buy a 630m SoftRock RXTX transceiver 8
If anyone has a spare 630m "Low Frequency SoftRock RXTX" transceiver they no longer need, I would be very interested in a purchase. Thanks, 73, Randy K7RAN
Розпочато Randy K7RAN @ · Останніх @
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