Jim Butcher - April Fool: Peace Talks Trailer Updated With ‘Improved Visual Effects’
April Fool: Peace Talks Trailer Updated With ‘Improved Visual Effects’ By priscellie NOTE: In our traditional April Fool’s posts, we endeavor to make them credible at the beginning, then crank up the nonsense until the joke becomes obvious. But these days, the idea of knowingly spreading misinformation (even when comically false) sounds exhausting. So here’s our notice ahead of time: This is 100% silliness! Hope it lightens your day. (Also, if you haven’t seen the Peace Talks trailer, you DEFINITELY want to watch that first.) April 1, 2020 The Peace Talks trailer debuted Tuesday, March 24th to enthusiastic reviews, but today, director Priscilla Spencer notified fans that they will be receiving an updated version with “some improved visual effects.” The move is unheard of for a book trailer already in release, according to book vloggers and publishing executives, but Spencer cites the precedent set by Tom Hooper, director of the 2019 movie musical “Cats,” who re-released digital prints of his film to theaters two days after its release. Spencer admitted to finishing the trailer just a day before its Tuesday premiere after “procrastinating on the end titles sequence for like a month.” The last-minute tweaks left room for mistakes, apparently, like Harry Dresden’s bare head slipping through unnoticed. Jim Butcher’s publicity team at Penguin Random House have long demonstrated the efficacy of marketing Harry’s novels with a consistent aesthetic: a staff and fedora to serve as visual shorthand for “Wizard Private Eye.” Given the trailer’s role as a promotional tool, a hat seems an obvious inclusion. Today, Spencer rectifies that error. The updated trailer can be viewed on YouTube and at Jim-Butcher.com.
Розпочато Priscilla Spencer @
Jim Butcher - Book Deals, BTS Photos, and Prank Retrospective
Book Deals, BTS Photos, and Prank Retrospective By priscellie This week is a bit scattered, but it’s SCATTERED AWESOME, so who are we to complain? We’ve got some great book deals, delightful new art, and some behind-the-scenes photos for the making of the trailer! This week's posting is VERY image-heavy, so you'll definitely want to view it directly on our site. April Fool’s Redux Last week’s prank of a re-release of the Peace Talks trailer with “improved” visual effects was ridiculously silly (you all watched the real trailer first, yes?), but the fun didn’t stop there! Before the day was done, illustrator and tattoo artist Adam Mathison-Sward was already hard at work on a tribute to a previous April Fool’s prank: our 2011 “announcement” of the Li’l Harry Adventures children’s book series. We thought they were too perfect not to share! Check out his (fake) covers for the (fake) spinoff on our website! You can check out all our previous April Fool’s pranks here: 2019 — Jim Talks Peace Talks (which was apparently subtle enough to be quoted straight by at least one online news source) 2018 — The Dresden Files is Legal! (not really a prank per se, but very silly!) 2016 — Dresden Files Special Edition 2015 — Dresden Novels on Hiatus (turned out to be weirdly prescient?) 2014 — Dresden Files coming to Broadway (the infamous prank that inspired a lamentably unobservant fan to BOOK A TRIP TO NEW YORK to see it opening weekend) 2012 — Bigfoot Paranormal Romance 2011 — Fool Moon comic reboot and Li’l Harry Adventures Book Deals TODAY ONLY: the Parallel Worlds anthology, which contains the Goodman Grey-POV short story “Monsters,” is on sale for 99 cents! Find out what happens when our favorite amoral shapeshifter pulls a job for John Marcone. Note: Co-editor LJ Hachmeister is currently working on the front lines as a registered nurse at an ER in Denver, helping stem the tide of Covid-19. All her books are also now on sale for 99 cents, so if you dig fantasy, military sci-fi, and space opera, it’s the perfect time to grab a copy of her work! And if you’re looking for another awesome urban fantasy to tide you off until Peace Talks, pick up the “Grave Report” series or “Dangerous Ways” by her co-editor R.R. Virdi. You can also still snag the first three books at a reduced rate, and this week we’re adding Skin Game for $2.99! If you have friends who are stuck at home because of social distancing and on the lookout for a new series, now is the perfect time to catch up! Storm Front at $2.99: ​ Fool Moon at $3.99: ​ Grave Peril at $5.99: ​ Skin Game at $2.99: ​ Upcoming Books Update Library Journal has given Peace Talks a starred review! Their verdict: “With many familiar faces returning and lots of magical action, this latest from Butcher will have fans rejoicing at the return of Chicago’s only professional wizard.” –Kristi Chadwick, Massachusetts Library System, Northampton Also, Battle Ground is now preorderable in audiobook! Note: If you’re an Audible subscriber and want to preorder using credits, please make sure you’ve logged into Audible beforehand. It’ll only give you the “buy with Audible credit” option if you’re already logged in. Support this website by preordering both books from our store, or support independent bookstores by ordering signed, personalized copies by emailing Bard’s Tower! Include a list of which books you want and in what quantities, your location (to calculate shipping), and if/how you want them personalized (maximum 8 words), and Alexi will issue you an invoice. Note: Copies ordered through Bard’s Tower will not arrive on the release date. If you need a signed copy on the day the book comes out, sit tight. We’ll be announcing more options soon. Trailer: Behind the Scenes Each moment in the trailer went by so quickly, it was hard to appreciate all the work that went into each setup! Here’s a glimpse behind the scenes, thanks to photographer Yrene Ramirez. Check out the images on our website. And that’s it for this week! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwo
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Cosplay Contest Announced, Plus Dresden Coloring Pages!
Cosplay Contest Announced, Plus Dresden Coloring Pages! By priscellie The headline says it all! Let’s dive right in. Costume Contest We had such fun with our Fanart Contest that we want to honor another section of the Dresden fandom’s creatives: cosplayers and cosplay photographers! Read all the rules, then submit your Cosplay Contest entries to yearofdresden@... by May 12th. Coloring Pages Running low on things to binge on Netflix? Fresh out of animals to cross? Feeling more schooled by your kids than the reverse? We’ve got you covered. Adam Mathison-Sward can’t operate his tattoo parlor during the lockdown, so he’s used some of his downtime to produce a quintet of Dresden images ready for coloring! We’re sharing these three pages for free, and if you like what you see, we’re offering two additional coloring pages in exchange for donations in support of your community. Make a donation in any amount to your local food bank, or give back to the Dresdenverse small business community by buying a piece from Adam’s shop or Badali Jewelry or pledging to Adam’s Patreon. Forward your receipt to yearofdresden@..., and we’ll send you two more coloring pages to show our gratitude! Click to embiggen. If you’d be interested in seeing a full Dresden Files coloring book, let us know! And if you’re looking for more goodies to help pass the time in quarantine, Penguin is still offering ebooks Storm Front, Fool Moon, and Grave Peril at reduced rates. Get the links in last week’s post. Support Badali Jewelry! Our friends at Badali Jewelry are facing a rough patch due to the cancelation of much of the 2020 con season. If you’ve been eyeing a piece, they’d greatly appreciate your support! They’re also selling gift cards and accepting direct donations via GoFundMe. Please help us ensure high quality, officially licensed, handcrafted-in-the-USA fandom merch stays in business. And hey, Mother’s Day is coming up, and Margaret LeFay’s ruby pentacle would be a fabulous gift for any mama geek… Healing Vibes for Blaze And finally, in the moments before this story was posted, we learned our beloved Blaze (here cosplaying as Queen Mab) has COVID-19 and has been hospitalized due to complications with pneumonia. Those who frequented the Jim-Butcher.com forums will undoubtedly recall her boundless generosity, her kindness, and her uproarious sense of humor. Please join us in sending her and her family your love, your healing energies, and your best wishes for a speedy recovery, as we send our love to all those in our community impacted by the virus. And that’s it for this today! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато Priscilla Spencer @
Jim Butcher - Winter Lady Style, A Virtual Con, and More!
Winter Lady Style, A Virtual Con, and More! By priscellie We have a lot of great stuff happening this week, including a gorgeous new jewelry piece and a virtual convention appearance this Friday! And don’t forget: We also have a cosplay contest running, a series read-along on Goodreads, discounts going on the first three Dresden novels, and a mini-giveaway of coloring pages in exchange for support of your community (see below). And if you haven’t seen the Peace Talks trailer yet, check it out now and send your reaction video to yearofdresden@.... Now let’s get into the news! SILVER LININGS The Bad News: Badali Jewelry’s stone supplier sent them the wrong color for the Limited Edition Demonreach Pentacle. The Good News: The stone they sent is GORGEOUS, and its wintry blue and pink opalescence is a perfect fit for Molly! The Badali team conjectured, “Maybe Molly heard we were in need, and she sent some mischievous sprite to change a digit in the supplier’s color code and make a stone just for her. We hear you loud and clear, Molls! Badali Jewelry is thrilled to offer a second limited edition piece for 2020: The Winter Lady’s Ice Opal Pentacle.” Order yours today! Here’s how the color compares to Mab’s Ice Opal in the Winter Knight Earrings. As for the Demonreach Pentacle fans voted on back in February, the stone supplier is already working to rectify their mistake, and Badali anticipates it will be available for sale early this summer. PRH VIRTUAL CON Jim joins a bevy of fabulous Penguin Random House authors this Friday at the PRH Virtual Con! Jim’s events: Geek Geek Revolution, 5pm ET: In this twist on the popular trivia game show, authors ask the questions and fans provide the answers for the chance to win a prize pack of books! Participate at the Unbound Worlds FB group. (Note: Admission to the group is moderated. Join early to avoid bottlenecks!) The Great Fantasy Debate Preview, 7pm ET: A preview of a brand new webseries! The creative team will discuss what’s in store and present the first mini-debate between Jim, Pierce Brown, and Naomi Novik. Free registration on Eventbrite. SHOP BOOKS, SHOP BOOKSHOP! We’re making it even easier to support indie bookstores with your purchases through the Jim-Butcher.com store! We’ve added Bookshop.org to our list of affiliate partners. Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support local, independent bookstores. We’re in the process of updating our official store to include these new links, but in the meantime, you can buy Jim’s books at our storefront on their website! A portion of each sale goes to support independent bookstores, and another portion goes to our website to help cover our hosting fees. Everybody wins! IN BRIEF… Good News for Blaze! She’s back home and in recovery. She offers her thanks for the outpouring of love and healing vibes. Don’t forget: submissions are open for the Dresden Cosplay Contest! Enter by May 12th. Haven’t seen the Peace Talks Trailer yet? If not, we’re still collecting reaction videos for an upcoming compilation! Film yourself watching it and send the video via WeTransfer to yearofdresden@.... Last week, we gave away three Dresden coloring pages and offered two more in exchange for a donation to your local food bank or a purchase from our artistic partners: Badali Jewelry, Adam Mathison-Sward, Tyler Walpole, Evil Hat Productions, and Priscilla Spencer. That offer is still good! Forward your receipt to yearofdresden@..., and we’ll hook you up! The Dresden Files Read-Along on Goodreads continues this week with White Night. And that’s it for today! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. We’ll see you later this week for the Virtual Con.
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Battle Ground Cover Revealed!
Battle Ground Cover Revealed! By priscellie We try to stick to our “no more than once a week” posting pattern out of respect for your overstuffed inboxes, but I think you’ll see why we had to deviate. Jim’s publisher has revealed Chris McGrath’s gorgeous cover art for the second of the two Dresden novels coming out this year, Battle Ground! Battle Ground (Dresden #17) hits stores September 29th, just 2 1/2 months after Peace Talks (Dresden #16) on July 14th! You can preorder both installments in this year’s “Dresden Duology” and support independent bookstores at our storefront at Bookshop.org, or choose from a wider array of vendors at the Jim-Butcher.com Store! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. We’ll see you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Duology Wallpaper and DFCO Coming to Switch
Duology Wallpaper and DFCO Coming to Switch By priscellie This week, you can download desktops featuring the new cover art and stills from the trailer, then get a discount on the Steam edition of the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game in anticipation of its launch on the Switch! Ready? LET’S DO THIS THING. Living Social We’re expanding out social media presence! You should already know about the JimButcherNews Twitter feed, but we’ve also added accounts on Facebook and Instagram as well. Give us a follow and enjoy all the content that doesn’t make it into our Drops, like the Trailer Rewatch thread, the Quarantine House Game, and more! Screen Swag Count down the days to Peace Talks (July 14th) and Battle Ground (Sept 29th) in style with “Dresden Duology” wallpapers! Stills from the book trailer feature Jason Bernardo as Harry, Liz Fenning as Mab, Chris Showerman as Marcone, and Birdit Ludemann as Lara. Check our aspect ratio guide to see which version is right for your setup: 1.77 (Widescreen) — 1920×1080, 1600×900, 1536×864, 1366×768, 1280×720 1.6 — 1440×900, 1280×800 1.33 (Most Tablets) — 1024×768 1.77, 1.6, 1.33 1.77, 1.6, 1.33 1.77, 1.6, 1.33 1.77, 1.6, 1.33 1.77, 1.6, 1.33 Switching It Up Need more stay-at-home fun/distraction? The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game is being released for Nintendo Switch this Monday! (No, we don’t know what Harry’s turnip prices will be.) What is the DFCO? It’s a surprisingly challenging strategy game, where you play Harry Dresden and his friends as they take on the cases from the bestselling Dresden Files novels in the ultimate what-if scenario: what if Harry was on the scene with allies who weren’t there in the original story? Fans will appreciate the characters and references, but knowledge of the series is not required. This digital version of the game was created by Hidden Achievement based on the tabletop version by Evil Hat Productions, featuring art by Tyler Walpole. You can also snag it on the App Store for iOS, Google Play, or for 25% off on Steam! The game supports both online and local pass-and-play, for all your quarantine and post-lockdown needs. And Finally… Denarians and Donuts and Mobsters, oh my! The Goodreads Read-Along continues with Small Favor. Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. We’ll see you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Microfiction #4, Costume Contest Reminder, Dresden Card Game on Switch, and Trailer Milestone
Microfiction #4, Costume Contest Reminder, Dresden Card Game on Switch, and Trailer Milestone By priscellie The big draw this week is our fourth Microfiction, but there’s plenty more to get excited about! We’ve got the Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game’s debut on switch, an upcoming Trailer Rewatch event, a $1.99 ebook deal on Death Masks, and more. It’s also the last week to submit your costumes for our contest. Read on! Microfiction #4: Job Placement Given how fraught the outside world is (murder hornets? MURDER HORNETS?!?!), we thought it was perfect timing for some domestic cuteness with everyone’s favorite Scion of Sasquatch, Irwin Pounder. This microfiction contains spoilers for the short story “Bigfoot on Campus” which appears in the Brief Cases anthology. It’s set between Skin Game and Peace Talks, but doesn’t require knowledge of either. Read Job Placement! Also, Jim feels like writing more short Dresdenverse stories, and he wants to know who you want to read about. Vote in our poll! You can pick as many characters as you like, including suggesting Dresden characters not in the poll using the “Other” box. Or you can vote for Jim to create all new characters! Costume Contest Entries Due Next Tuesday We’ve seen some fabulous entries for the Dresden Files Costume Contest so far, but we know they barely scratch the surface of all the awesome cosplay passion the fanbase has produced. To inspire you to enter, we offer a bribe of some photos of Jim cosplaying with his wife Kitty Krell and friends. See them on his website! Photos by WeNeals and Andrea Gonzales. Read all the rules, then submit your cosplay, cosplay photography, and cosplay image manipulations to yearofdresden@... by May 12th. DFCO Now on Switch Need more stay-at-home fun/distraction? The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game was released yesterday for the Switch! Snag your copy now. What is the DFCO? It’s a surprisingly challenging strategy game, where you play Harry Dresden and his friends as they take on the cases from the bestselling Dresden Files novels in the ultimate what-if scenario: what if Harry was on the scene with allies who weren’t there in the original story? Fans will appreciate the characters and references, but knowledge of the series is not required. This digital version of the game was created by Hidden Achievement based on the tabletop version by Evil Hat Productions, featuring art by Tyler Walpole. In addition to the Switch, you can download it from the App Store for iOS, Google Play, or Steam! The game supports single player mode and both cross-plaform multi-player gaming and local pass-and-play, for all your quarantine and post-lockdown needs. Milestone Approaching for Trailer We had so much fun celebrating 150k views on the trailer that we thought we’d host another rewatch leading up to 175k. Daily view counts have been a little unpredictable as states begin to reopen and people’s schedules change, but we expect to hit this milestone on Thursday. Follow JimButcherNews on Twitter and the #DresdenTrailerRewatch hashtag for fun facts about the making of trailer, resuming Thursday morning! Great Fantasy Debate Coming Soon Penguin’s new online game show The Great Fantasy Debate premieres today, and Jim’s guest appearances are scheduled for May 12th and June 23rd! Tune in next week as Jim, Pierce Brown, and comedians Sean Donnelly and Jay Jurden debate “Which is the best fantasy world to go to for vacation?” Watch new episodes as they air on Penguin’s Facebook Page. Reminders We’ve expanded out social media presence! You should already know about the JimButcherNews Twitter feed, but we’ve also added accounts on Facebook and Instagram as well. Give us a follow and enjoy all the content that doesn’t make it into our Drops, like the Trailer Rewatch thread, the Quarantine House Game, and more! The electronic edition of Death Masks is discounted at $1.99 through May 10th! Support independent bookstores by ordering through Bookshop.org, Books-A-Million, or Kobo (here’s how to support your favorite local shop!), or from the following vendors:
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Storm Front Anniversary, Part 2!
Storm Front Anniversary, Part 2! By priscellie Today, we pick up where we left off in our celebration of the 20th anniversary of Storm Front! We also have a NEW VERSION of the Battle Ground cover that addresses a significant error. But first, a couple reminders for things happening TODAY: Tonight, Tonight! Dresden Files Cosplay Meetup at DragonCon 2019, Photographed by Andrea Gonzales Tonight is your last chance to submit to the Cosplay Contest! Read the rules and submit before midnight Pacific. Also, Jim’s first episode of The Great Fantasy Debate will be posted to Penguin Random House’s Facebook page this evening! Last week’s episode (featuring Naomi Novik and Tochi Onyebuchi) was uploaded at 7:15pm Eastern, so we’d expect them to follow a similar schedule today. Jim will also be appearing in an episode scheduled to air June 23rd. Battle Ground Recovered Good News! Penguin has heard your concerns, and they’ve fixed the orientation of Harry’s pentacle on Chris McGrath’s Battle Ground cover! It’s now the correct way up. Click to display the full cover. It’s too late to fix the equivalent error in the first printing of Peace Talks, but it will be corrected in reprints. Art to the Rescue! Adam Mathison-Sward is lending his artistic skill to help save Badali Jewelry, creators of officially licensed lines for some of your favorite fandoms. He writes: “Hello everyone! Like a lot of people and small businesses, Badali Jewelry has taken a big financial hit from the closing/postponing of conventions across the country. […] So I’m giving away an original 11″x17” custom illustration to THREE donors to their GoFundMe campaign. Check out the link to see full details, and donate if you are in a position to! If not, please take a second to share the campaign!” Storm Front Anniversary, Part 2 This week, we continue our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Storm Front by sharing some seldom-seen artwork inspired by the book! As always, images in "Gallery" mode don't transfer over into our mailing list, so you'll need to view them on our website. Our celebration of Storm Front will continue in at least one future Drop. We’d love to dig into the titular episode of the 2007 SciFi Channel TV show, including material from the unaired two-hour pilot, and that kind of endeavor deserves a post of its own! What else would you like to see in our Storm Front Anniversary Tributes? Do you have any favorite fanart for the book that deserves a spotlight? What else are we missing? Let us know on twitter at @jimbutchernews or emailing yearofdresden (at) gmail.com. Reminders The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game came out on the Switch last week! It’s also available on Steam, the App Store for Mac and iOS, Google Play for Android, and the Amazon Appstore for Kindle. Scales smoothly from 1-5 players in multiple play modes, including Solitaire, local Pass-and-Play, and Online Multiplayer. We’ve expanded our social media presence! You should already know about the JimButcherNews Twitter feed, but we’ve also added accounts on Facebook and Instagram as well. Give us a follow and enjoy all the content that doesn’t make it into our Drops, like the Trailer Rewatch thread, the Quarantine House Game, and more! Ebooks of Storm Front, Fool Moon, and Grave Peril are still on sale! Storm Front at $2.99: Fool Moon at $3.99: Grave Peril at $5.99: Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Cosplay Contest Results, Book Club Thursday, An Exclusive Returns, and UK Megasale!
Cosplay Contest Results, Book Club Thursday, An Exclusive Returns, and UK Megasale! By priscellie Our biggest story today is the results of our Cosplay Contest, but that’s not all we have in store. Keep scolling for details about a live interview between Jim and Pat Rothfuss, an exclusive edition of Storm Front, a sale on Dresden ebooks in the UK, a link to Jim’s appearance on The Great Fantasy Debate, and more! Peace Talks‘ release is less than two months away! Have you preordered your copies of both novels in this summer’s Dresden Duology? Snag them through our store. Want your books autographed by Jim? You can order a signed copy of Peace Talks from Barnes & Noble or a signed and personalized copy of Battle Ground from indie bookseller Bard’s Tower by emailing btvirtualsigning (at) gmail.com. Cosplay Contest Results Jim’s fans never fail to amaze us with their talent, dedication, and spectacular nerdery, and this contest was no exception! You made it incredibly difficult to choose our winners, and we offer our thanks and appreciation to everyone who submitted. Check out our picks at Jim-Butcher.com! Penguin Book Club this Thursday Penguin’s inaugural Book Club event is in two days, and they’ve enlarged the audience capacity so everyone can join us! See Patrick Rothfuss interview Jim and celebrate the book that started it all, Storm Front. Thursday, May 21st, at 7pm Eastern. Free registration required to watch live. Registrants can also submit questions, which will be compiled and vetted before the event! Look for an email from Eventbrite. Great Fantasy Debate Last Tuesday evening, Penguin posted Jim’s first appearance on The Great Fantasy Debate! See him square off against Pierce Brown as they argue which fantasy world is the best place for a vacation? Storm Front Exclusive Returns It seems Jim’s publisher won’t be attending any cons this year, so they’ve dropped the “Con” from the “Con Exclusive Edition.” This anniversary edition of Storm Front includes a new cover by Leo Nickolls and a foreword from Jim. Order your copy here! You can use the code BOOKLOVER20 to get 20% off and free shipping. AVAILABLE THROUGH 10PM EASTERN THIS THURSDAY ONLY. UK Ebook Mega-Sale Fans in the UK, rejoice! The first five Dresden novels are available in ebook format for £0.99 each through May 24th! Fill in your back catalogue or hook all your friends. Get purchasing links through Little, Brown: Reminders The Goodreads Read-Along continues with Small Favor! The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game came out on the Switch last week! It’s also available on Steam, the App Store for Mac and iOS, Google Play for Android, and the Amazon Appstore for Kindle. Scales smoothly from 1-5 players in multiple play modes, including Solitaire, local Pass-and-Play, and Online Multiplayer. We’ve expanded our social media presence! You should already know about the JimButcherNews Twitter feed, but we’ve also added accounts on Facebook and Instagram as well. Give us a follow and enjoy all the content that doesn’t make it into our Drops, like the Trailer Rewatch thread, the Quarantine House Game, and more! Ebooks of Storm Front, Fool Moon, and Grave Peril are still on sale for fans in the US! Storm Front at $2.99: Fool Moon at $3.99: Grave Peril at $5.99: Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Fan Film Spotlight
Fan Film Spotlight By priscellie Peace Talks‘ release is less than 50 days away! Have you preordered your copies of both novels in this summer’s Dresden Duology? Snag them through our store. Want your books autographed by Jim? You can order a signed copy of Peace Talks from Barnes & Noble or a signed and personalized copy of Battle Ground from indie bookseller Bard’s Tower by emailing btvirtualsigning (at) gmail.com. A couple quick things before we jump into our feature story: We have video of Pat Rothfuss’ interview with Jim from Thursday’s event, and it’s all kinds of fun! Also, Badali Jewelry will be releasing their 20th Anniversary limited edition Demonreach pentacle on Monday, June 1st! The limited edition Molly pentacle sold out in a week, so you’ll want to act fast. Fan Film Spotlight You’ve seen the incredible creativity readers have brought to fanart and cosplay. Now, we want to celebrate some of the creators who have brought the Dresdenverse to life through fan films, including a fabulous new short that debuted THIS WEEK! Check them out in today's post at Jim-Butcher.com. Reminders The Goodreads Read-Along continues this week with Changes! Join us as we discuss the explosive volume that upended the series’ status quo. The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game is now available on Switch, Steam, the App Store for Mac and iOS, Google Play for Android, and the Amazon Appstore for Kindle. Scales smoothly from 1-5 players in multiple play modes, including Solitaire, local Pass-and-Play, and Online Multiplayer. We’ve expanded our social media presence! Give us a follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and enjoy all the content that doesn’t make it into our Drops, like the Trailer Rewatch thread, the Quarantine House Game, and more! Ebooks of Storm Front, Fool Moon, and Grave Peril are still on sale for fans in the US! Storm Front at $2.99: Fool Moon at $3.99: Grave Peril at $5.99: Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато Priscilla Spencer @
Jim Butcher - Peace Talks Chapter 1, Demonreach Pentacle, and Book Deals!
Peace Talks Chapter 1, Demonreach Pentacle, and Book Deals! By priscellie This week’s Drop includes the long-awaited launch of the Demonreach pentacle variant, a discount on Blood Rites and the Parallel Worlds anthology, and the first chapter of Peace Talks. Let’s do this thing! Peace Talks: Chapter One Chapter One of Peace Talks is available to read now on Jim-Butcher.com! This summer brings not one but TWO Dresden Files novels. Peace Talks arrives July 14th, and Battle Ground hits September 29th. We recommend that folks buy from their favorite local independent bookstore, though if that’s not possible, fans in the US can do the next best thing by preordering through Bookshop.org. You can order from a variety of other places and in audio and electronic formats through the Jim-Butcher.com store. Fans in the UK can order from a variety of retailers through Little, Brown or on Amazon UK. Demonreach Pentacle Launches Fans voted, and it’s finally here: Badali Jewelry’s 20th Anniversary Limited Edition Demonreach Pentacle! This gorgeous synthetic opal has flecks of green and black that put us in the mind of running (or parkouring) through the island’s crystalline tunnels. The Badalis are also running a fundraiser to help recoup the loss of income resulting from the cancelation of the con season. Three donors to their GoFundMe campaign will be randomly selected to receive a custom illustration of their favorite character from illustrator Adam Mathison-Sward. If you’re in a position to donate or buy a piece from any of their lines, please do! If not, they’d appreciate a signal-boost for their campaign. Books On Sale The electronic edition of Blood Rites is on sale for $1.99 across US retailers through June 13th! Additionally, the Parallel Worlds anthology featuring Jim’s Goodman Grey-POV story “Monsters LLC” is an Amazon Monthly Deal for June, so you can snag it on Kindle for 99 cents all this month! Reminders The Goodreads Read-Along discussion of Changes continues! Join your fellow fans as we delve into the explosive volume that upended the series’ status quo. The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game is now available on Switch, Steam, the App Store for Mac and iOS, Google Play for Android, and the Amazon Appstore for Kindle. Scales smoothly from 1-5 players in multiple play modes, including Solitaire, local Pass-and-Play, and Online Multiplayer. We’ve expanded our social media presence! Give us a follow on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram and enjoy all the content that doesn’t make it into our Drops, like the Trailer Rewatch thread, the Quarantine House Game, and more! Ebooks of Storm Front, Fool Moon, and Grave Peril are still on sale for fans in the US! Storm Front at $2.99: Fool Moon at $3.99: Grave Peril at $5.99: Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Chapter Two, Prediction Bingo Contest, and a Message from Marsters
Chapter Two, Prediction Bingo Contest, and a Message from Marsters By priscellie We’ve got a lot of fun stuff this week, including Chapter Two of Peace Talks, additional book discounts, and a fun new contest, but first, a long-awaited message from James Marsters! Preorder Peace Talks and Battle Ground in audiobook through Penguin Random House. And now, the rest of this week’s goodies… Chapter Two Chapter Two of Peace Talks is available to read now on Jim-Butcher.com! This summer brings not one but TWO Dresden Files novels. Peace Talks arrives July 14th, and Battle Ground hits September 29th. We recommend that folks buy from their favorite local independent bookstore, though if that’s not possible, fans in the US can do the next best thing by preordering through Bookshop.org. You can order from a variety of other places and in audio and electronic formats through the Jim-Butcher.com store. Fans in the UK can order from a variety of retailers through Little, Brown or on Amazon UK. Peace Talks Prediction Bingo Challenge We were utterly charmed by TheNerdyNarrative’s Prediction Bingo video, and we’d like to make it a full-fledged challenge! Here’s how it’s going to work: Create your own 5×5 bingo grid with your predictions for Peace Talks ONLY (not Battle Ground–you’ll see why!). Share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram with the hashtag #PeaceTalksBingo. Make sure it’s public, so we’ll be able to see it. Entries due June 30th at midnight Pacific. After Peace Talks comes out and everyone has a chance to see how things really played out, we’ll pick our favorite–a combo of number of correct answers, humor, and the ambitiousness of your predictions–and award the winner an early copy of Battle Ground! Note that predictions will be evaluated for Peace Talks ONLY. We can neither confirm nor deny the veracity of events in Battle Ground, because hello, spoilers! Individual “predictions” of events already seen in sample material (the chapters and the trailer) or confirmed by Word Of Jim will not be factored into judging. Abusive or excessively vulgar entries will be disqualified. Side Challenge: Templates! Artists, we’d love to crowdsource some fun Bingo templates this week! Our favorite design will also win an early copy of Battle Ground. Submissions are due this Monday, June 15th at midnight Pacific. In addition to sharing them on socials with the #PeaceTalksBingo hashtag, please email them to yearofdresden@.... We’ll post our favorites in next week’s Dresden Drop for folks’ convenience, then announce the winners of both challenges together at the end of the contest. Make sure to include the following information: Peace Talks’ release date: July 14th, 2020 The hashtag #PeaceTalksBingo Jim’s website, www.Jim-Butcher.com and our socials: @JimButcherNews on FB, Twitter, and Instagram Please pick a light color for the cells, so fans who aren’t tech savvy can print your design, fill it out by hand, then scan or snap a photo of their entries. Demonreach Pentacle Going Fast The Limited-Edition Demonreach variant pentacle is more than 50% sold out after only a week! If you want this amulet with a gorgeous synthetic opal whose flecks of green and black conjure images of parkouring through the island’s crystalline tunnels, act quickly. The Badalis are also running a fundraiser to help recoup the loss of income resulting from the cancelation of the con season. Three donors to their GoFundMe campaign will be randomly selected to receive a custom illustration of their favorite character from illustrator Adam Mathison-Sward. If you’re in a position to donate or buy a piece from any of their lines, please do! If not, they’d appreciate a signal-boost for their campaign. Book Deals & Reminders The Goodreads Read-Along continues this week with Ghost Story! Join us as we discuss Harry’s most perplexing murder case yet: his own. The Parallel Worlds anthology featuring Jim’s Goodman Grey-POV story “Monsters” is an Amazon Monthly Deal for June in the United States and Canada, so you can snag it on Kindle for 99 cents all this mon
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Peace Talks Chapter 3 and Bingo Update
Peace Talks Chapter 3 and Bingo Update By priscellie This week, we have Chapter Three of Peace Talks and the next phase of our Prediction Bingo challenge. And while we’re super excited to show off the templates fans have submitted, we know last week’s cliffhanger means you’re going to beeline for the new material, so here it is first! Sample Chapters Read Chapter Three of Peace Talks! If you missed Chapters One and Two, you can catch up on those as well. Preorder both Peace Talks and Battle Ground from a local independent bookstore or online through the Jim-Butcher.com store, and come back next Tuesday for the next chapter! Template Time Peace Talks is out in less than a month, with Battle Ground following soon on its heels, and we want to know your predictions! If you missed last week’s posting, here are the rules of our Prediction Bingo Challenge, inspired by this fabulous video from TheNerdyNarrative: Fill a 5×5 bingo grid with your predictions for Peace Talks ONLY (not Battle Ground–confirming or denying veracity of events in that book would be super spoilery!). Share it with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram with the hashtag #PeaceTalksBingo. Make sure the post is public! Entries due June 30th at midnight Pacific. After Peace Talks comes out and everyone has a chance to see how things really played out, we’ll award our favorite an early copy of Battle Ground! Entries will be judged on correctness, humor, and the ambitiousness of your predictions. Don’t play it safe! Individual “predictions” of events already seen in sample material (the chapters and the trailer) or confirmed by Word Of Jim will not be factored into judging. Abusive or excessively vulgar entries will be disqualified. You can view our fabulous collection of templates on Jim-Butcher.com. Feel free to use any of them when sharing your predictions! Reassurance For UK Fans In the past couple weeks, fans in the UK who preordered Peace Talks and Battle Ground from Amazon and Audible may have gotten a scary notice about the book being canceled or delayed. Fear not! This was just a glitch, nothing more. We’re still on track for a simultaneous global release in hardcover, ebook, and audio formats. If your order was canceled, you should be able to place it again without issue. Book Deals & Reminders If you haven’t seen it yet, the Peace Talks Trailer provides some juicy insight into the events of both novels coming this year! In fact, one of the trailer lines was lifted from Chapter Three. Can you spot it? The Limited-Edition 20th Anniversary Demonreach variant pentacle is almost sold out. Act quickly before they’re gone for good! And if you want to support small businesses during the economic crisis, consider chipping in to the Badalis’ GoFundMe. Three donors will be randomly selected to receive a custom Dresden illustration from Adam Mathison-Sward. The Parallel Worlds anthology featuring Jim’s Goodman Grey-POV story “Monsters” is an Amazon Monthly Deal for June in the United States and Canada, so you can snag it on Kindle for 99 cents all this month! The Goodreads Series Read-Along continues this week with Ghost Story! Join us as we discuss Harry’s most perplexing murder case yet: his own. Penguin has released an ebook that collects Ghost Story, Cold Days, and Skin Game for 10% off the price of buying them all individually! If you’re still working on filling out your ebook collection, this is a good way to do it. The Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game is now available on Switch, Steam, the App Store for Mac and iOS, Google Play for Android, and the Amazon Appstore for Kindle. Scales smoothly from 1-5 players in multiple play modes, including Solitaire, local Pass-and-Play, and Online Multiplayer. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbut
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Peace Talks Chapter 4 and Year of Dresden Roundup
Peace Talks Chapter 4 and Year of Dresden Roundup By priscellie With the Year of Dresden nearing its halfway point, we figured it was time for a quick retrospective on all the new goodies we’ve released so far. So alongside Chapter 4 of Peace Talks, enjoy a roundup of all the treats you may have missed. Chapter Four Read Chapter Four of Peace Talks! If you missed Chapters One, Two, and Three, you can catch up on those as well. Preorder both Peace Talks and Battle Ground from a local independent bookstore or online through the Jim-Butcher.com store, and come back next Tuesday for the next chapter! Prediction Bingo You have ONE WEEK LEFT to enter our Peace Talks Prediction Bingo Challenge! Get the details and find fan-generated templates, then submit your own entry by June 30th! Year of Dresden Retrospective “Christmas Eve” Illustrated Edition “Mike” Microfiction “Journal” Microfiction “Goodbye” Microfiction “Job Placement” Microfiction Live-Action Book Trailer Peace Talks Cover Reveal and Excerpt PT Chapter 1 PT Chapter 2 PT Chapter 3 PT Chapter 4 Battle Ground Cover Reveal (and the corrected cover!) “Dresden Duology” Wallpaper Storyboard Sneak Peek Character Sneak Peek Trailer Premiere Jim & Priscilla Trailer Reveal Double Interview Priscilla guests on the Dresden Files Podcast April Fool’s Day Prank: Improved VFX Edition Behind-the-Scenes Photos Pensacon: Comic Book Adaptations Pensacon: Jim Butcher Spotlight Jim & Priscilla Trailer Reveal Double Interview Interview with Daniel Greene Jim Butcher vs. Pierce Brown: Great Fantasy Debate Pat Rothfuss interviews Jim Butcher Winter Lady Variant Pentacle (SOLD OUT) Demonreach Variant Pentacle Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game on additional platforms Adam Sward Art Giveaway for Badali Jewelry GoFundMe Storm Front Convention Exclusive (SOLD OUT) Alternate Editions: Dan Dos Santos, Mike Mignola, and Vincent Chong Original DFRPG: Talon Dunning, Javier Charro, Jennifer Rodgers, Ed Northcott, and Christian St. Pierre Later Evil Hat Publications: David Hueso, Jabari Weathers, Medusa Dollmaker, Mika Kuloda, Tyler Walpole Sequential Art: Ardian Syaf, Chase Conley, Joseph Cooper, Carlos Gomez, Diego Galindo, Stjepan Sejic, Adam Mathison-Sward Fan Film Spotlight: Industriosa Pictures, DF3, Tower of Turtles, Heath Harper, and This Is War Storm Front: International Cover Gallery Storm Front: Illustration Gallery and Lockscreens Fanart Contest Winners Cosplay Contest Winners Prediction Bingo Challenge Dresden Valentines Li’l Harry Adventures Covers Coloring Pages Goodreads Series Read-Along (ongoing) Reminders ONE WEEK LEFT to score Parallel Worlds for 99 cents in the United States and Canada! This multi-author anthology contains Jim’s Goodman Grey-POV short story “Monsters.” The Goodreads Series Read-Along continues this week with Cold Days! Join us as we discuss Harry’s first case back amongst the living, a who’s-gonna-dunnit that threatens to upend the hierarchy of faerie. The Limited-Edition 20th Anniversary Demonreach variant pentacle is almost sold out. Act quickly before they’re gone for good! And if you want to support small businesses during the economic crisis, consider chipping in to the Badalis’ GoFundMe. Three donors will be randomly selected to receive a custom Dresden illustration from Adam Mathison-Sward. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Chapter 5, Interviews, Bookplates, and Bingo!
Chapter 5, Interviews, Bookplates, and Bingo! By priscellie The Dresden Duology is nearly here! We’re two weeks out from Peace Talks and less than a hundred days from Battle Ground. Support your local independent bookstore by ordering directly, or order from online vendors in all formats through the Jim-Butcher.com store. Last week, we brought you a comprehensive list of all the Dresden Drops we’ve made so far this year. Check it out and make sure you’re up to speed on all the microfictions, artwork, and other goodies we’ve released. This week, in addition to Chapter 5 of Peace Talks, we have more fun video and interview content, a peek at a bookplate that will be offered next week, and a reminder to snag a copy of Jim’s latest short and submit to the Peace Talks Bingo. Read on! Chapter Five Read Chapter Five of Peace Talks! If you missed Chapters One, Two, Three, and Four, you can catch up on those as well. Preorder both Peace Talks and Battle Ground from a local independent bookstore or online through the Jim-Butcher.com store, and come back next Tuesday for the next chapter! Bookplate Art Because the pandemic has put the kibosh on Jim doing an in-person signing tour this year, next week, we’ll be announcing several sources for fans to get signed copies of Peace Talks and opportunities to ask Jim their questions. One of the options will be to order a signed bookplate from artist Tyler Walpole next week. He’ll have a limited quantity available, so keep an eye out for next Tuesday’s drop, where we’ll hook you up with all the details. Here it is in all its gorgeous glory! Media Roundup First, enjoy the second of two appearances on Penguin Random House’s Great Fantasy Debate. Here, Jim Butcher and Tochi Onyebuchi argue “Which Game of Thrones House Would You Marry Into?“ Next, photographer Andrea Gonzales has released a massive compilation of the Dresden Files “Pass The Brush” Cosplay videos. This omnibus includes one never-before-seen compilation, alternate transitions, and fun new mid- and post-credits scenes. Also, in the early hours of this morning, the Peace Talks trailer crossed 200,000 views. WOOHOO! Thanks for all the love! Finally, the first few of Jim’s junket of audio interviews are up! Hear Jim discuss his process, the upcoming Dresden Duology of Peace Talks and Battle Ground, and a range of other topics on Beyond the Mic with Sean Dillon, Cover to Cover Book Beat, and Like It’s Live with Arroe Collins. Reminders Today is the LAST DAY to submit to the Peace Talks Prediction Bingo! Get the rules and download fan-made templates, then get your predictions in by midnight Pacific. It’s also the last day to score Parallel Worlds for 99 cents in the United States and Canada. This multi-author anthology contains Jim’s Goodman Grey-POV short story “Monsters.” The Goodreads Series Read-Along continues this week with Cold Days! Join us as we discuss Harry’s first case back amongst the living, a who’s-gonna-dunnit that threatens to upend the hierarchy of faerie. Fewer than 50 of the Limited-Edition 20th Anniversary Demonreach variant pentacles remain. Act quickly before they’re gone for good! And if you want to support small businesses during the economic crisis, consider chipping in to the Badalis’ GoFundMe. Three donors will be randomly selected to receive a custom Dresden illustration from Adam Mathison-Sward. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато Priscilla Spencer @
Jim Butcher - Chapter 6 and Virtual Tour
Chapter 6 and Virtual Tour By priscellie The Dresden Duology is nearly here! We’re ONE WEEK out from Peace Talks and less than three months from Battle Ground. If you haven’t yet placed your order, we have plenty of new opportunities to score signed copies from awesome independent bookstores! Get all the details in the “Virtual Tour” section below. You can also order the book in hardcover, ebook, or audio from online vendors through the Jim-Butcher.com store. Chapter Six Read Chapter Six of Peace Talks! If you missed Chapters One, Two, Three, Four, and Five, you can catch up on those as well. Virtual Tour Want to score a signed copy of Peace Talks, support independent bookstores and charities, and ask Jim your burning questions? We’ve got you covered! We have the details for Jim’s Peace Talks Virtual Tour, and SURPRISE, it starts TODAY with a free event hosted by Worldbuilders! Wednesday, July 7, 4p-5pm EDT: Worldbuilders Twitch FREE EVENT! Join Jim and Patrick Rothfuss in conversation as Jim signs bookplates for copies of Peace Talks that you can order through Worldbuilders Marketplace. Monday, July 13, 9-10pm EDT: University Book Store Ticketed Event via Zoom. Tickets (1 copy of Peace Talks) can be purchased on the event page. Attendee Q&A, moderated by University Book Store. Tuesday, July 14, 2-4pm EDT: Worldbuilders Twitch FREE EVENT! Join Patrick Rothfuss and Jim Butcher in a spoiler-free conversation about the Dresden Files series. Optional: Copies of Peace Talks with a signed bookplate can be ordered from Worldbuilders Marketplace. Wednesday, July 15, 8-9pm EDT: Murder by the Book Ticketed Event via Zoom. Tickets (1 copy of Peace Talks) can be purchased on the event page. Attendee Q&A, moderated by Murder By the Book. Tuesday, July 21, 9-10pm EDT: Poisoned Pen FREE EVENT via Facebook Live. Attendee Q&A, moderated by Poisoned Pen. Optional: Signed copies of Peace Talks can be ordered on the event page. Thursday, July 23, 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT: Virtual SDCC Panel FREE EVENT via Comic Con International’s YouTube channel. Jim interviewed by Priscilla Spencer. Alternately, if you’ve already preordered an unsigned book elsewhere, you can snag a 5″x7″ signed bookplate sticker with Tyler Walpole’s stunning piece we revealed last week! (It would also look badass on the back of an e-reader, if that’s your jam.) Note: This is different from the Worldbuilders bookplates, which are illustrated by Nate Taylor and Satine Phoenix. Check out the Worldbuilders art at the link! Bingo Phase Three Want to add an element of friendly rivalry to your read of Peace Talks next week? Round up your friends and pick a card from our fabulous array of entries to accompany your read! Don’t worry about spoilers. These are purely fan speculation! Reminder: Because we want to keep this site spoiler-free until folks have had a chance to read the book, we will not be crowning a winner for the card and template competitions until mid-August. Reminders We’re in the home stretch! This week, the Goodreads Dresden Files Read-Along tackles Skin Game. Fewer than 30 of the Limited-Edition 20th Anniversary Demonreach variant pentacles remain. Act quickly before they’re gone for good! And if you want to support small businesses during the economic crisis, consider chipping in to the Badalis’ GoFundMe. Three donors will be randomly selected to receive a custom Dresden illustration from Adam Mathison-Sward. You can also catch up on all the microfictions, artwork, and other goodies we’ve released so far. Check it out! And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week for the release of Peace Talks!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Happy Book Day and Virtual Tour Launch!
Happy Book Day and Virtual Tour Launch! By priscellie At long last, Peace Talks is here! The first book in this summer’s Dresden Duology is within your grasp. We’re also launching our Virtual Tour today, including several opportunities to participate in virtual Q&As and score signed books! If you haven’t ordered your copy yet, mask up and hie to your favorite local independent bookstore, order a signed copy through one of our Virtual Tour partners above, or snag a copy through our store. And don’t forget to preorder the second Dresden novel coming out this summer, Battle Ground! Note: We’ve heard from some fans whose orders were delayed because of COVID, and there are plenty more who are ordering signed copies that won’t ship for another few days, so please be considerate of your fellow fans and don’t post spoilers out in the open. Virtual Tour Launches Last night’s virtual release party with University Bookstore had to be rescheduled due to, well, fuego. A forest fire erupted not far from Jim’s home, and his focus had to be on preparing for a potential evacuation. Hell’s Bells! Our thanks to the first responders who worked through the night and continue to battle the blazes today to keep his community and its magnificent National Forests safe. We don’t yet have a new date and time for the rescheduled event, but we’ll let folks know as soon as we do. Although the fire has not yet been contained, it looks like Jim’s home is out of immediate danger. He’s made the decision to go forward with today’s event with Pat Rothfuss and Worldbuilders, though he’ll be monitoring the situation in case that changes. Keep an eye on our JimButcherNews Twitter account for updates! TODAY, July 14, 4-6pm EDT: Worldbuilders Twitch (NOTE CORRECTED TIME!) FREE EVENT! Join Patrick Rothfuss and Jim Butcher in a spoiler-free conversation about the Dresden Files series. Optional: Copies of Peace Talks with a signed bookplate can be ordered from Worldbuilders Marketplace. Wednesday, July 15, 8-9pm EDT: Murder by the Book Ticketed Event via Zoom. Tickets (1 copy of Peace Talks) can be purchased on the event page. Attendee Q&A, moderated by Murder By the Book. Tuesday, July 21, 9-10pm EDT: Poisoned Pen FREE EVENT via Facebook Live. Attendee Q&A, moderated by Poisoned Pen. Optional: Signed copies of Peace Talks can be ordered on the event page. Thursday, July 23, 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT: Virtual SDCC Panel FREE EVENT via Comic Con International’s YouTube channel. Jim interviewed by Priscilla Spencer. Can’t read the book yet? Take the edge off the wait with our roundup of all the Dresden Drops so far this year, including four new microfictions, six sample chapters and a bonus excerpt, boatloads of art, and so much more! Then start your read off right by watching the live-action book trailer. We don’t know if any of you are planning on putting the book down long enough to need a bookmark, but if you do, Adam Mathison-Sward has you hard-covered! (Download high res: Part 1, Part 2) Other Niftiness After posting last week’s Peace Talks Bingo card roundup, we learned we’d missed a handful of submissions. We’re hopeful we caught all our mistakes, but if you still don’t see yours on the Bingo card page, please sent a link to your submission post to yearofdresden@...! The discussion of Skin Game continues at the Goodreads Series Read-Along! And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops. See you next week!
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @
Jim Butcher - Release Wrap-Up 2
Release Wrap-Up By priscellie Peace Talks is here! And now that you’re all clamoring for Battle Ground on September 29th to complete this summer’s Dresden Duology, we have some great stuff to keep you entertained during the interim, including a free Q&A event on Facebook Live TODAY! Getting Twitchy Jim’s first two Q&As are online and available for your viewing pleasure! Watch Jim’s first and second interviews with Pat Rothfuss. Upcoming Events TODAY July 21, 9-10pm EDT: Poisoned Pen FREE EVENT via Facebook Live. Attendee Q&A, moderated by Poisoned Pen. Optional: Signed copies of Peace Talks can be ordered on the event page. Thursday, July 23, 7pm EDT / 4pm PDT: Virtual SDCC Panel FREE EVENT via Comic Con International’s YouTube channel. Jim interviewed by Priscilla Spencer. Wednesday, July 29, 9-10pm EDT: University Book Store (NOTE NEW DATE) Ticketed Event via Zoom. Tickets (1 copy of Peace Talks) can be purchased on the event page. Attendee Q&A, moderated by University Book Store. Signed Copies If you want a signed copy of Peace Talks, you have plenty of options! If you’re a collector who prefers the book itself be signed, our Virtual Tour partners are the way to go. At the time of this publication, University Bookstore, Murder By The Book, and Poisoned Pen should all have signed stock, though you may want to double-check with them before placing your order to ensure availability, because y’all are hardcore. XD If you dig awesome artwork and prefer to buy a book accompanied by a signed bookplate, Worldbuilders has you covered! Order a copy with your choice of illustrations by Nate Taylor and Satine Phoenix. Many are asking how they can get signed copies of Battle Ground, which releases September 29th of this year. A few vendors offered preorders for a short time, but they’re now either sold out (like Barnes & Noble) or preorders are temporarily closed (like Worldbuilders). No cause for alarm! We expect more options to become available about a month before publication. Keep an eye on this site and the @JimButcherNews twitter feed for updates. If you don’t care about signed books, we suggest you support your local independent bookstore! Alternately, you can buy from a variety of vendors through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. Audiobook Teaser Penguin Random House Audio has posted a 4 1/2-minute sample snippet of the Peace Talks audiobook! Support independent bookstores by ordering through Libro.fm, which partners with independent bookstores to sell digital audiobooks! You can also order from Audible, iTunes, Google Play, and Audiobooks.com. If you need a little more convincing, here’s a video of James Marsters encouraging fans to pick up the audiobook via playground taunts. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
Розпочато jimbutcher@groups.io Integration @ · Останніх @
Jim Butcher - Questionpalooza and Marsters Madness
Questionpalooza and Marsters Madness By priscellie Peace Talks is here, and Battle Ground is only two months away! Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order your copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. If you’re looking for signed copies of Peace Talks, we believe University Bookstore still has signed stock, though we suggest double-checking with them before placing your order to ensure availability. For art aficionados, Worldbuilders is selling copies of Peace Talks with signed bookplates, featuring your choice of illustrations by Nate Taylor and Satine Phoenix. As for signed copies of Battle Ground, sit tight! We expect those to become available about a month before publication. Keep an eye on this site and the @JimButcherNews twitter feed for updates. Questionpalooza! The last of Jim’s Virtual Video Q&As surrounding the release of Peace Talks is TOMORROW! Join Jim and University Bookstore Seattle Wednesday at 9pm Eastern/6pm Pacific on an exclusive Zoom call. Note: This is a ticketed event. Fans must order a copy of Peace Talks from their store to attend. This past week saw two fabulous virtual Q&As. On Tuesday, The Poisoned Pen hosted Jim for a hilarious evening of questions from fans and moderator Patrick King. Questions and answers alike were fresh and delightful and are sure to entertain, but honestly, 90% of the reason you’re going to want to watch this video is a ridiculously cute moment with Jim’s dog Bru. We can’t even. Then on Thursday, the 20 Years of Dresden SDCC@Home panel debuted, featuring Peace Talks trailer director Priscilla Spencer interviewing Jim. She made a point of avoiding all the most common questions and got some juicy new answers! Also, Jim and Pat Rothfuss’ July 7th interview expired from Twitch mere hours after we sent last week’s Drop, so here it is again if you missed it before. Marsters Madness Worry not, audiophiles! James Marsters has been confirmed to perform the audiobook of Battle Ground! He hasn’t recorded it yet, so we don’t have another hilarious video of him in the booth bragging about having read it first, but you can revisit his video from the recording of Peace Talks. You can preorder the Battle Ground audiobook from Audible through our store or from Apple Books, Audiobooks.com, Google Play, and Libro.fm through his publisher. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
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Jim Butcher - Mister Micro-Comic and New RPG Campaign
Mister Micro-Comic and New RPG Campaign By priscellie (Apologies that this email didn't go out yesterday! We accidentally clicked the "Save" button instead of the "Save and Approve." D'oh! Fortunately, there's nothing time-sensitive in today's Drop.) This week brings two awesome surprises: an all-new Mister-POV microfiction comic and a new Roll20 campaign supplement for the Dresden Files Accelerated RPG. Hell’s Bells, YES! Peace Talks is here, and Battle Ground is less than two months away. Support your favorite local independent bookstore, or order your copy through the Jim-Butcher.com Store. Microfiction #5: Everything The Light Touches Today’s lesson is to always give awesome artists sneak peeks at upcoming goodies. When we shared Jim’s new Mister-POV microfiction story with Adam Mathison-Sward, illustrator of the “Christmas Eve” short story, he came back the next day with thumbnail sketches for a five-page comic. Read it here! SPOILER LEVEL: The story is set in the month before Peace Talks, so no worries on that count! Contains big spoilers for Changes and mild spoilers for Skin Game. That’s How We Roll20 At Virtual GenCon yesterday, Evil Hat Productions has released a brand new Dresden Files Accelerated campaign set in New Orleans: We’ll Always Have Parish. This supplement was designed for the Roll20 platform, so now it’s easier than ever to game remotely with your friends! The Crescent City. The Big Easy. NOLA. The nicknames for New Orleans are many and they are fondly spoken. The city is unique and beloved by its denizens, mortal and otherwise, and the supernatural reside there in greater numbers than expected for most metropolitan areas. Ghosts are plentiful, of course, but so are ghouls, vampires, demons, demigods, werecreatures, and, most recently, the Fomor. But they are not the only threat within Orleans Parish. Neither are they the gravest. Check it out, then get rolling! Signed Books If you’re looking for signed copies of Peace Talks, University Bookstore should still have signed stock, though we suggest double-checking with them before placing your order to ensure availability. For art aficionados, Worldbuilders is selling copies of Peace Talks with signed bookplates, featuring your choice of illustrations by Nate Taylor and Satine Phoenix. As for signed copies of Battle Ground, sit tight! We expect those to become available about a month before publication. Keep an eye on this site and the @JimButcherNews twitter feed for updates. And that’s it for this week’s entry! Visit Jim-Butcher.com every Tuesday this year for weekly Drops of never-before-seen artwork, microfiction, interviews, contests, sample chapters for Peace Talks and Battle Ground, or other tasty tidbits in our celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Dresden Files. Join our new mailing list and follow @jimbutchernews on twitter to ensure you don’t miss a moment, and check the announcement post to catch up on prior Drops.
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