REMINDER: Young Israel of Woodmere High School Oneg
The Young Israel of Woodmere High School/College Program is pleased to remind you that there will be an 11th and 12th grade oneg shabbat this Friday evening at the Frucht home, 913 Eileen Terrace, Woodmere, from 8PM to 9:30PM. Divrei Torah, Ruach, Food, and Fun. Boys and Girls are invited to attend. For more info. contact Rabbi Jonathan Cohen 516-647-8772
Розпочато jonathan cohen @
HAFTR Dinner Kickoff Breakfast - Dec. 29, 2002
The Hebrew Academy of the Five Towns and Rockaway's 25th Annual Dinner Kickoff Breakfast honoring Varda and Teddy Selinger, Guests of Honor and Michelle and Jeffrey Klahr, Yachad Honorees will be held on Sunday December 29, 2002 at Congregation Sons of Israel, 111 Irving Place, Woodmere at 9:30 am. __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up now.
Розпочато leslie rappaport @
Weekly Schedule - Aish Kodesh - Shabbos Parshas Shmos
The Shabbos Schedule at Aish Kodesh for Shabbos Parshas Shmos, the first Shabbos of 'Shovivim': FRIDAY Candles at 4:15 p.m. Mincha at 4:25 p.m. SHABBOS Hashkama Minyan at 7:15 a.m. Daniel Fink's shiur in Rabbeinu Bachayei at 8:15 a.m. Shachris at 8:45 a.m. Mincha at 4:05 p.m. Ois Shabbos at 5:34 p.m. Have a great Shabbos
Розпочато AJL @
Kehilas Bais Yehudah Tzvi - Rosh Chodesk Shevat Shiur
The Sisterhood of Kehilas Bais Yehudah Tzvi proudly announces its Rosh Chodesh Shevat Shiur By Renowned Speaker Rabbi Paysach Krohn Conquering Jealousy; Mind Over Matter Monday, January 6, 2002 at 8 PM at KBYT ("The Red Shul") 391 Oakland Avenue All women of the community are invited to attend (Five Dollar Donation suggested)
Розпочато AJL @
Community Employment Website
The Kehilas Bais Yehudah Tzvi (The Red Shul) web site, in cooperation with Yeshivah of South Shore, has compiled a listing of people in the community seeking employment. Please review the website and consider if you have any contacts that may be helpful to these individuals seeking employment. Please see the website for further details. Tiskor L'Mitzvos!
Розпочато AJL @
Torah Tapes from Rav Moshe Weinberger
You can now purchase Rav Moshe Weinberger's brand new Shmos Torah tape set on-line. For more information and to order, go to the Aish Kodesh Website: Each set of ten tapes is $50. Information in this message reflects current market conditions and is subject to change without notice. It is believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness. Details provided do not supersede your normal trade confirmations or statements. Any product is subject to prior sale. CIBC World Markets Corp, its affiliated companies, and their officers or employees, may have a position in or make a market in any security described above, and may act as an investment banker or advisor to such. Although CIBC World Markets Corp. is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ("CIBC"), it is solely responsible for its contractual obligations. Any securities products recommended, purchased, or sold in any client accounts (i) will not be insured by the FDIC, (ii)will not be deposits or obligations of CIBC, (iii) will not be endorsed or guaranteed by CIBC, and (iv) will be subject to risks, including possible loss of principal invested.
Розпочато Ganz, Elliot @
Kalover Rebbe coming to Aish Kodesh - Shabbos Parshas Bo
The Kalover Rebbe, shlit'a, of Williamsburgh will be joining Aish Kodesh for Shabbos parshas Bo, January 10th and 11th. The highlight of the Shabbos will be a Friday night tisch to be held by the Rebbe in the social hall. The Rebbe shlita will be with us through Monday night, January 13th and will be available for private meetings on motzai Shabbos, all day Sunday from 10 a.m. through 11 p.m. and on Monday from about 4:30 p.m. until 11 p.m. We are in the process of organizing the scheduling of these meetings and will notify you as soon as we can. Whoever would like a bracha or would like to discuss personal situations should be certain to avail himself of this tremendous opportunity.
Розпочато Ganz, Elliot @
YILC Yarchei Kallah - February 20-23, 2003
The Young Israel of Lawrence-Cedarhurst is proud to announce that we will be hosting the first annual Yarchei Kallah USA from Thursday evening, February 20 through Sunday, February 23. Yarchei Kallah USA is presented by the Jerusalem Center for Research, Medicine, and Halacha. The Yarchei Kallah is a comprehensive, in-depth learning experience during which physicians will be able to learn in a chavruta yeshiva environment, with both study in source texts and shiurim by such American gedolim as: Rav Dovid Feinstein, Rosh Yeshiva Tifereth Moshe Rav Yisroel Belsky, Rosh Yeshiva Torah V'Daas Rav Hershel Shachter, Rosh Kollel, Yeshiva University and Rav Yaakov Weiner, Dean, JCR-Jerusalem Center for Research. 20 CME credits will be available for interested physicians. Physicians who wish to register for CME credits should contact the JCR at info@... or call them at 011-972-5-867-4744 Further information and a registration form are at their website at: There will be a shiur for all interested on Friday night and also at seudah shlishit. The Friday night oneg/shiur is tentatively scheduled to be on artificial reproductive techniques. The shiur at seudah shlishit is tentatively scheduled to be on Shabbat issues in Medicine. These Shabbat shiurim are geared to the general public, and not just to physicians. If you are willing to help put up visiting physicians for that Shabbat (meals are not needed), please contact the shul office (569-3324). Please feel free to pass this information on to friends. Again, the Shabbat lectures are open to the whole community.
Розпочато yilclist @
Kulanu Torah Academy - Wax Museum Benefit - January 4, 2003
Kulanu Torah Academy's benefit at the Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum will take place, I"YH, this Saturday Night, January 4, 2003. The tour begins at 8:00PM and the Gala buffet supper begins at 9:45PM. There are only 10-15 spots left. Sponsorships range from $250, 360, 500 to 1,000 per couple. At the event, there will also be a raffle for a free round trip EL AL ticket to Israel! If you have not yet made a reservation, this may be your last opportunity! If you have already made a reservation, please take a few minutes to invite a few friends to join you, perhaps from the city or other neighborhoods. It's all fun and it supports a great cause! For further information and/or reservations, please contact: Mindy K. Rosengarten at MindyKR@... or Yael Englander at 569-0065. Thank you for your continued support of KTA.
Розпочато mindyrosengarten <> @
A few updates and clarifications from the Moderators
A few updates and clarifications from the Moderators of the FTJC Email List & Website… 1. Individual Email or Daily Digest – In response to some inquiries, please note that you can control how the FTJC emails are delivered to you. Individual Email - If you would like to receive an email, EACH TIME, a message is posted to the website. Daily Digest – If you would prefer to receive ONE EMAIL at the end of each day containing a summary of all of the emails posted that day. At any time, you may change your selection by clicking the link for "Edit My Membership" from the homepage of the FTJC Email List & Website. 2. Miscellaneous Community Postings – Sometimes there will be messages that may be of interest to the entire community but are not shul, school or organization related. Although such messages are not the primary purpose of this email list, if the Moderators determine that the message may be of interest to the community, it will be posted in the Miscellaneous Community Postings file. To access this file, click Files from the menu on the left of the homepage and select the file called Miscellaneous Community Postings 3. Business Related Postings – Some local merchants, professionals, tutors and other vendors have asked about publicizing their services on the FTJC Email List & Website. Again, while this is not the primary purpose of the FTJC website service, if we determine that the community may benefit from such information, we will post the listing under a file called Business Related Postings. Access this file as described above. We are constantly looking to improve our site and we welcome your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to send us your suggestions or comments via email to: fivetownsjewishcommunity-owner@.... Please Note: DO NOT USE POST A MESSAGE AS A WAY TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE MODERATORS. The Post a Message function should be used solely for posting messages to the community email list and website.
Розпочато AJL @
Rabbi Avi Weiss Scholar in Residence at YI Woodmere - Jan. 3-4, 2003
Young Israel of Woodmere 859 Peninsula Blvd. Woodmere NY PRESENTS Scholar in Residence Rabbi Avi Weiss Shabbat Parshat Va'eyra January 3-4, 2003 Overcoming Adversity; How to Create and Sustain Communal Responsibility in a Modern Jewish Society A Three Part Lecture and Discussion Friday Night 7:45pm ONEG Shabbat Morning Drosha Mincha/Maariv 4:20pm Rabbi Weiss is the Rabbi of, Hebrew Insitiute of Riverdale and Founder and Dean of Yeshivah Chovevei Torah Rabbinical School in Manhattan Co-sponsored by Young Israel of Woodmere and KULANU For more information, please call Jonathan Cooper, Director, at 569- 6664
Розпочато mindyrosengarten <> @
Yom Kippur Kotton
There will be a minyan for Mincha and Yom Kippur Kotton at the Agudath Israel of LI, 1121 Sage Street, Far Rockaway on Thursday, January 2nd at 3:50 PM. For more information please call 718-327-7696 or 212 720-5572.
Розпочато bsdbrk <> @
Make your plans: HEBREW ACADEMY OF FIVE TOWNS AND ROCKAWAY (HAFTR) HIGH SCHOOL HOSTS RAMBAM, OTHER SCHOOLS AT ANNUAL REGIONAL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT HAFTR High School continues a tradition started by its 1984 Class: The Scott Satran Memorial Tournament. The four-game series honors the memory of Scott Satran Z"L who died of cancer on March 25, 1987, at the age of 20 years. Scott was a dedicated member of the basketball and hockey teams at the High School: The Tournament is devoted to sharing memories of Scott's friendship, passion for competitive basketball, and sportsmanship. Scott was from Oceanside and many families and alumni warmly remember his courageous struggle. The entire community is invited to cheer on our local athletes from HAFTR, RAMBAM, and HANC. This Year's Scott Satran Memorial Tournament will feature the following high school teams: · Hebrew Academy of Five Towns and Rockaway (HAFTR) "Hawks" · RAMBAM (Lawrence) · Hebrew Academy of Nassau Country (HANC) · Beitler (Montreal) · RTMA of NJ (JEC) · Hebrew Academy of Greater Washington (HAGW) Schedule WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8TH--HAFTR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ( 33 WASHINGTON AVE., CEDARHURST ) 6:00 RAMBAM VS MONTREAL 7:30 RTMA VS HANC 9:00 HAFTR VS WASHINGTON THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, HAFTR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ( 33 WASHINGTON AVE., CEDA RHURST ) 6:00 HANC VS MONTREAL 7:30 RTMA VS WASHINGTON 9:00 HAFTR VS RAMBAM FRIDAY, JANUARY 10 AT HAFTR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ( 33 WASHINGTON AVE., CEDARHURST ) 10:00 am --HANC VS WASHINGTON 11:30 am -- HAFTR VS MONTREAL 1:00 -- RTMA VS RAMBAM SATURDAY, JANUARY 11- #6 SCHOOL (CORNER OF CHURCH AND PENINSULA BLVD, LAWRENCE ) 7:00 FIFTH PLACE GAME 8:30 THIRD PLACE GAME 10:00 CHAMPIONSHIP GAME
Розпочато PRSteinerman@... @
R. Avi Weiss at YI Woodmere postponed
Regrettably, Rabbi Avi Weiss will not be able to spend Shabbat at the Young Israel of Woodmere on Jan 3-4, 2003. Stay tuned for a new date!
Розпочато mindyrosengarten <> @
Beth Sholom - Times for davening at Gill shiva
Shacharis: Wednesday, January 1 and Sunday, January 5- 8:30AM Thursday and Friday- January 2 & 3- 6:45AM Mincha- 4:30PM Maariv - 6:45PM Jeffrey Rosenberg Congregation Beth Sholom
Розпочато yalebrokerage@... @
Bais Tefilah Youth Department - 1st to 7th Melave Malka & Movie Night
The Bais Tefilah of Woodmere Youth Department Invites all youth grades 1 through 7 to a spectacular Melave Malka & Movie Night Motzei Shabbos - January 4th, 2003 Three Different Theaters (youth will be divided according to age) Pizza, Popcorn and Drinks Showing Time - 7:00 - 10:30pm Tickets - $10 members, $15 non-members For more information, please contact Boaz Spitz @ bospitz@...
Розпочато bospitz@... @
Yeshiva South Shore Basketball Game - This Sunday
THIS SUNDAY!!!! THIS SUNDAY!!!! THIS SUNDAY!!!! Yeshiva South Shore A Basketball game;the 8 th grade against the Rebbes Sunday Janurary 5 at 1:15 In the South Shore Gym Refreshments will be sold Admission: $5.00 PP All proceeds go to the 8 th grade yearbook
Розпочато Yishk11@... @
Beth Sholom Shiva Notification
We regret to inform you of the passing of Simon Gabor, beloved father of our esteemed member, Jacob Gill. Shiva wil be observed at the Gabor residence, 750 Kappock Street, Apt 403, Riverdale N.Y. 10463, (718-796-4585) through Monday morning January 6th, 2003. It is our fervent hope and prayer that the Al-mighty comfort the mourners together with all other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Rabbi Kenneth N. Hain Dr. Gilbert Klaperman, Rabbi Emeritus Danny Hiller, President Gary Miller, Chairman of the Board Jeffrey Rosenberg, Committee Chairman
Розпочато yalebrokerage <> @
Havdala Band at Aish Kodesh
Please join us at Aish Kodesh motzai Shabbos, January 4th at 8 p.m. for a melaveh malka filled with singing and dancing to the tunes of Reb Shlomo Carlebach. Featuring the Havdala Band. Admission is free! Everyone is invited. Information in this message reflects current market conditions and is subject to change without notice. It is believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness. Details provided do not supersede your normal trade confirmations or statements. Any product is subject to prior sale. CIBC World Markets Corp, its affiliated companies, and their officers or employees, may have a position in or make a market in any security described above, and may act as an investment banker or advisor to such. Although CIBC World Markets Corp. is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ("CIBC"), it is solely responsible for its contractual obligations. Any securities products recommended, purchased, or sold in any client accounts (i) will not be insured by the FDIC, (ii)will not be deposits or obligations of CIBC, (iii) will not be endorsed or guaranteed by CIBC, and (iv) will be subject to risks, including possible loss of principal invested.
Розпочато Ganz, Elliot @
Rav Weinberger's Women's shiur tonight
Rav Moshe Weinberger, Morah D'asra of Aish Kodesh, will be giving a shiur tonight at the Daphna residence at 35 Willow Road in Woodsburgh. The topic is "Tikun Hamidos: Dan L'kaf zchus" (Judging people favorably). All women and girls are invited. Admission is free. You can also call into the free live teleconference at 1 888 726 0804, pin number 15116# (press *6 to mute your phone). This shiur is part of an ongoing series but is self-contained. Information in this message reflects current market conditions and is subject to change without notice. It is believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed for accuracy or completeness. Details provided do not supersede your normal trade confirmations or statements. Any product is subject to prior sale. CIBC World Markets Corp, its affiliated companies, and their officers or employees, may have a position in or make a market in any security described above, and may act as an investment banker or advisor to such. Although CIBC World Markets Corp. is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ("CIBC"), it is solely responsible for its contractual obligations. Any securities products recommended, purchased, or sold in any client accounts (i) will not be insured by the FDIC, (ii)will not be deposits or obligations of CIBC, (iii) will not be endorsed or guaranteed by CIBC, and (iv) will be subject to risks, including possible loss of principal invested.
Розпочато Ganz, Elliot @
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