sBitx V3 initial impressions
While the main unit seems nicely built, overall I am not impressed so far. The unit is definitely not ready for primetime for the normal ham that may not be a LINUX user. Below is what I have experienced so far in the two days that I've been playing with the radio that Santa brought. I would not recommend this radio for a ham that is looking to get on the air right out of the box. For a radio at about the same price point when on sale, the Xiegu X6100 might be a better choice for these hams, although it does not have the output power that the sBitx has. 1. Upon initial power up and launching sBitx, the unit would not receive on SSB. Absolutely, nothing, not even noise. In the FT8 mode it worked fine. This lead me astray, not realizing that the unit was keyed up when in the SSB mode since it worked fine in the FT8 mode. So, while trying to trouble shoot in the SSB mode the unit got very hot since it was keyed up for awhile and I didn't know that. All seems well though so far with the finals. 2. The problem above was traced to an intermittent short in the mic connector. The soldering was very poor and there was a point of solder on the tip (red wire) terminal that had poked over into the PTT (black wire) conductor insulation creating a short that keyed the radio whenever the mic cable was wiggled. I contacted HF Signals and asked for a new mic. They responded and said they have not had many mic problems and asked me to take the connector apart and look for shorts. In other words, fix it yourself. 3. The clock in the LXPanel toolbar, the one with the Raspberry Pi logo on the left side is off by one hour for my time zone. HF Signals sent me some LINUX commands to try and fix that. It didn't work and nothing else that I have tried works either. I am currently awaiting for a second response from HF Signals. I do have to give them credit as they responded quickly to my first email. 4. When running apps like WSJT-X and FLDigi, the entire app screen is not displayed and thus far I have not been able to move the screen to see the portions that are not displayed. Therefore, I cannot change some of the setting in these apps that I would like to change. By the way, I have one of HF Signals uBitx radios and it is great. In fact, my satisfaction with the uBitx is what convinced me to buy the sBitx. Not sure what happened with the sBitx. As log as HF Signals is willing to work with me, I'll give it a go and update this post as time goes on and problems get resloved. There you have my initial thoughts on the sBitx V3. If you like to tinker with radios, this one might be for you. If you're looking for a radio that works out of the box, then look eleswhere. -- Dave
#sbitx Trouble setting PA bias
I'm having a strange problem. I am unable to get a 250mA increase when I adjust the PA bias pot. The max with the pot turned all the way clockwise is a gain of 187mA. 1) I set both PA and Drive pots fully counterclockwise 2) set drive, mic and power to 0 (actually power does not go below 1) 3) plugged a ptt switch into mic jack (I do NOT have a mic attached) 4) keyed up transmit and rotate clockwise until the pot can not go further Here are my current numbers: 578mA = receive 920mA = transmit with all pots counterclockwise (seems way to high) 1.107A = PA pot full clockwise Any ideas on where to start? 73 Lou KI5FTY
sBITX 64Bit Pi Image Available
Hello. I created a pre-compiled version of sBitx on 64 Bit for the Raspberry Pi4 for those who are interested. Please go ahead and test it, sharing your thoughts afterward. Consider this a beta version, pending improvements based on the feedback I receive.. I've included sBITX Toolbox as well as other ham radio apps. It has been tested on both a 2GB Pi and 4GB Pi without issues. The download is designed to fit a 32GB SD Card or USB storage device. -JJ
HFSignals and Warranty rules
HFSignals and guarantee, at the very beginning i built 2 ubitx v1, one v3, one mchf, 2 trsdr and many other kits. since i don't have so much time for work anymore, i decided to buy the sbitx v3 as a finished device, after 5 days the problems started, because farhan is also on, I first looked for help there (topic blown finals...) well in the meantime I have written 15 emails with the support, exchanged the mosfets etc. and the problem is still not solved. It is of course not a warranty case because I was 2 days! over the warranty when I contacted them, I had mistakenly tried to solve the problem myself first, is the first device in more than 20 years of amateur radio where the mosfets have broken, I have a complete measuring park and all kinds of tools I need to repair it. the only thing i don't have is the time, i'm waiting to see if i can send it to hfsignals for repair, if not it will be thrown away and it will be the last transceiver from hfsignals for me. sorry for the long post but i am totally annoyed that i am now throwing almost 500eur in the garbage because of 2 days warranty and the error occurred after 5 days on the device and it was apparently not due to the mosfets. 73 Andy
When shall we have a 73 - Merry Christmas to all - Pierre - FK8IH
zbitx schematic and pcb xray
Folks, Here is the schematic of the first version of zbitx. I already know that some things have to move on the PCB(the raspberry pi pins are inverted!). The micrcontroller is changed from the ATTINY to a Raspberry Pico. But the rest are all the same! - f
sBitx v3 Electronics Troubleshooting
Hello, I leave my unit running around the clock on the power source and antenna for my base station. The other day I noticed that the JS8Call auto heartbeats weren't triggering my PSU to run the fan. Did a little investigation and discovered that transmitting in either JS8Call or the sBitx app wasn't registering any power output on my inline meters. The sBitx app showed 0 watts and a 1.0 ratio. I dug through the topics here and discovered instructions for testing the mosfets. My multimeter, in continuity mode, beeped when connecting the source and drain on both IRF510s. No beep when doing the same with the spare mosfets that came with my sBitx. I desoldered the mosfets, put in the new elements, and retested. No beeps when connecting any pairs. I powered up the unit, turned down the drive to 30, and tried transmitting. The entire unit powered off. I cycled the board's power switch, that triggered my PSU's fan so it's drawing energy, but nothing on the screen and no lights turned on in the RPi. I'm planning to open it up again tonight, I have new mosfets coming in the mail, but what might have burned out? I'm assuming that just turning on the board to power is drawing full power from the PSU. The PSU fan runs like it's the same energy draw during a transmit. No output on the antenna. Nothing boots up. I'm also assuming that no power is making it to the RPi since no lights come on there. Any ideas?
uBitX V4 transmit failure
First, a confession. In a rush to leave my uBitX to be remotely available for digital QSO's while away at Thanksgiving, I had already hooked it to a separate 40m EFHW before I took over as NCS for an hour on a 40m net running 500w on a 160m OCFD with a feed point very close to the uBitX antenna. Normally the uBitX is not connected to an antenna in this situation. This killed the transmit on the uBitX at Q90, which failed with a B-E short. I did this years ago and added the back-to-back diodes on K1 as many have done during the repair, but it clearly didn't help this time. I've replaced Q90, the failure evidenced by having about 1v on both E and B, and now I get steeply declining output, nearly normal on 40 but down to 2w on 20, and only 1w above that. I had nearly 10w on 20 dropping to 3w on 10 before the incident. Checking voltages on Q90 I now am getting around 3 on the Emitter, 6.6 on the Base (!?!) and 12 on the collector. Before I had around 3.6 on the Base. All the resistors in that area R80-R83 have been replaced with leaded components as has Q90. Continuity checks seem OK. Could one of the capacitors have failed? There is no visible damage to any of them. What could cause that high base voltage? This is a crowded area and I have been looking for a solder bridge, but nothing is evident. =Vic=
uBITx V5,
Sorry, but I think I need some help for my uBITX V5. This summer I bought the kit, and, after a long pause, finished soldering and assembly yesterday. I connected power without checking orientation +/-, assuming pcb serigraphy was correct. Burned a fuse, did a recheck.I was wrong, and the serigraphy, too. So, I shorted +12v to ground via the PCB ground. I corrected my fault, but now the radio is almost silent. The raduino board, the display, and the encoder related stuff seems ok. There is no reception in any band. I strongly suspect I damaged something more than the fuse. Can someone, please, suggest the right strategy for finding the damage? Thanks in advance Giuseppe IU0OYC
Making sBITX V2 Upgrades
Hello, Last year I bought a V2 used, immaculate condition. SN 0215. I have done the software updates. I use on receive and low power FT8. Really enjoy it. I watched Gord Gibby's TECHCON 2024 presentation and followed several topics on V2 & V3. I want to confirm the changes I plan to do are OK. 1. polish heat sink 2. use aluminum nitric oxide insulators 3. use heat sink paste 4. install transient protection diodes - CDSOD323-T08C 6. Add protection resistors to the drain of Q101 (suggest 150 to 200 ohms) & to the two diode’s going to the TR circuit from +12. (suggest 470 ohms) 7. install 2 x 3.5mm toroid on power cable 8. Add Etsy - Power protector and sBitx QRO external amplifier keyer - Anything else? Thank you - George VY1GP
Understanding the sbitx schematic hat with podcast
Hi Friends I see most of current members are building the sbitx, a small contribution in understanding with sbitx schematic with a podcast generated bi ai . best regards Sunil VU3SUA
sBitx Power output fluctuating rapidly
Hello all, I recently did the hardware mods to upgrade my sBitx V2 to use IRF520 finals. I felt fortunate to bias the finals as per the recommended specs without popping them at least once. The entire process went easily enough. I used the sBitx for several days getting the expected power out on all bands, if not even more. I made a lot of FT8 contacts and a number of SSB QSOs as well. Early on, the heat sink got quite warm while using FT8 heavily so I added a cooling fan which did a fine job. Then I noticed that the power output dropped markedly on all bands. For example, I had been getting around 20W on 20M and now it was down to around 10W. I shut the rig down and let it cool off thinking it could be a thermal issue even though the heat sink was cool to touch. When I started it the next day, power out was still down but now it was fluctuating wildly on all bands. On 20M for example, during a single FT8 transmission it would fluctuate rapidly between 7 and 15 watts. The SWR was 1.2:1. Not surprisingly a visual inspection revealed nothing obvious. Does anyone have an idea what could cause this behavior and where to start looking? I was having a lot fun with my sBitx and would like to have some more. Unfortunately, this kind of troubleshooting is not my strong point. Any suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks, Rick, K6RJ
Understanding Manuals Podcast
Hi Friends. Lately I have developed some interest in AI to improve and get help from AI for my work in getting manuals and other stuff for my kitting of Ham radio kits for my customers. I found a way to present manuals by podcasting, where there is an interactive way of discussing how to build a projects . We will try to update all our manuals with podcast, pictures and also a download link for the actual written manual. So now you can just relax, while going of to sleep also you can listen to various projects being discussed in a podcast. Hi Hi Kindly let me know what you think of my latest manual of Easy Bitx Dual Band TCVR Kit for 20 meters And 40 meters. Thanks and best regards Sunil Lakhani VU3SUA
sbitx v3 ft8
I just received my v3 last night and have been having a lot of fun with it so far. I have run into one issue and I'm not sure if I'm missing something here. When I attempt to a station calling CQ POTA {CALLSIGN}, the program replies to POTA as if it is the other operators callsign. Is there a way to correct this? I also am wondering if there is an option (I looked and did several google searches) to have the software prompt me to log the QSO? Thanks in advance Spencer VA3SPN
sBITX with transverter
Is there a setting for using a 2 meter transverter with the sBITX? I've been trying but can't get the transverter to go into transmit. I switch it over to the uBITX v6 and the transverter works just fine. -- '72 Aaron K5ATG
sBITX case
I found a case on AliExpress Aluminum Case Junction Box Aluminum Enclosure Box Electrical Accessory Heat Dissipation for GPRS Wire Project Box 80x160x300mm It is a bit long but the sBITX fits nicely. It will take a bit of engineering but I think it work out well.
Winlink on sBITX
Has anyone set up and used Winlink with the sBITX? -- '72 Aaron K5ATG
sBitx Available for Club Donation
I have a very underutilized sBitx available at no cost to a deserving club. I'll cover freight. So, if you have an interest, let me know. Thanks, Tim WB7UVH
Sbitx V2 decreasing power
Hello everyone I just bought a Sbitx V2 from an OM. There is no sd card. I programmed a new card with V3.2. In transmission, on CW and 2-tone modes, I note: 30w on 80m, 20w on 40m, 6w on 30m, and from 3w to 0.5 w on the other bands. On V4.12 and V4.2, 64 bits it is the same. Modifying the "hw_settings.ini" files has no effect whatever the version. The previous owner replaced the two Mosfet twice. Could this be the cause of this tx fault? All opinions are welcome. Sorry for my English.
sBitx DE audio quality question
Hi everyone, I have been working pretty heavy on my sBitx DE now running the latest 64 bit OS. The radio now works great..... except the audio sound like a speaker inside a big empty box, gee I wonder why. There is plenty of audio it just sounds real hollow and kind boomy. Has anyone found a way to to improve on this. When I was kit I used to build speaker boxes in wood shop only to find they sounded terrible when finished because of no insulation or baffling inside, I think this is the same situation although I can't think of a way to improve it. Anyone else find a way fix this? Joel N6ALT
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