OT Hot Hot Hot
And once the inside gets hot, it takes longer to cool it down, as the insulation keeps the heat in ralphie
Double OT Hot Hot Hot
Whole lot of “maybes” in that article. Also says the excess water will be up there for “maybe 10-15 years”, while if you read the actual paper is says “maybe 5-10 years”, so who know what orifice the reporter pulled those numbers from. Meanwhile CO2 hangs around for a 1000 years. Maybe people would take notice if we fired off a massive volcano every decade instead. Tony
Hot Hot Hot
I was wondering why fleeling Hot Check tv . No one is letting run my mini lathe.
Mini lathe to make Painted Yahtzee
There one use I use smalls a lot for painting. Need to cover badway and part lathe you do want dots on. Here simple project that makes a lot women happy back in 1995 the had Painted Yahtzee for the computer. They never made dice for this game. So can make your wife very with your lathe and nes 4 jaw chuck. On the mini lathe you can paint the dice the different colors. Wash off dice using rubbing alcohol. Use your 4 jaw self centering chuck and chuck up the dice for painting. It takes 5 colors using Testors 9146XT Promotional Enamel Paint. Note you buy purple or mix that color. Now just just use tool post to steady your and paint each color let dry between colors. Some dates you need to use white in dots to stand out. You only one on the block with Painted Yahtzee. I have included the paint chat , score pads and rules in PDF in the down load section. https://groups.io/g/7x12MiniLathe/files/99%29%20painted%20Yahtzee%20on%20mini%20lathe%20file I have used the lathe for a lot for painting Dave
Vevor parts
The Vevor 7x14 lathe I bought has no parts list and does not always match what is on other mini lathes. The quality of the parts has not always been the best. The keyway in the shaft for the "A" timing gear is not centered and does not allow the gear to go on without a lot of force. I need to prey it off with a screwdriver which takes a lot of one side/other side reps. The plastic timing gear are VERY tight on the shafts. The timing belt has 90 teeth rather then the standard 70. If I knew all of this before I bought it I would have passed on it. Has anyone else had any problems?
Using the mini lathe
My ok to polish the knives today as long not over 10 minutes. It also 98° in hobby shop at 10:30 today. This what used to polish the knives. Hope you put other uses for your mini lathe here for all to see. Still could not turn the plexiglass rod it take to long in 108° F day. Dave
3-jaw largest bore?
I seem to remember some years ago someone had increased the through-bore of the standard 3" 3-jaw chuck, but I can't remember where and didn't find anything in my search. It may have been toolsandmods.com, but that site appears to be defunct now. I was using the lathe last night and the 5/8" bar stock I was using had trouble sliding through the chuck bore. It was really tight. How big can you go without causing issues? I know the screws holding the back cover on are already close to the bore. Mike
Project New type of material
Just plexiglass rod for making game pieces from. First time turning plexiglass All my life has been metals. Any comments Dave
Fixed steady rest
I've been working on reducing the vibration in my Chinese 8" bench grinder. Adding collars for the inner wheel flanges to rest against and making new flanges (ala Harold Hall's "Tool and Cutter Sharpening"). I was cursing having only the 1" rest, when I re-found the steady rest mod doc in the Files section. Did not have a need for this mod until now. Putting the rest in the mini-mill vise, with the middle slot edge aligned with the left side of the vise, it was just some up and back on the Y to give me a nice opening for my grinder shaft to fit through. I wound up with a generous 0.885", and I could have gone even further, since I left about 1/32" on each side. Maybe one day I'll build a larger rest with a nice flip top like many of the Myford guys have. Mike
speed control
i've followed the thread about changing motors why do we not see reeves drives with a standard ac motor i think they're used on some wood lathes and larger mills i used to work on them for driving positive displacement pumps they're non-electronic and very simple
Motor swaps?
It seems like the motor / speed control is a common issue with the 7" and 8" mini lathes, but I don't see many motor / speed control projects discussed. I follow several different small lathe forums as I find info for one is often useful for another. Motor swaps, are a common topic of discussion with other lathes from Unimats to 9x20. Am I just not noticing this here, or is this just not a popular mod with these lathes for some reason.
Old Posts Showing Up
I am seeing many old posts appearing when I open Unimat site. Any ideas as to what is going on? Or am I missing something? I am seeing old posts as far back as 2010. Dick
Control boards to look out for
Some very fancy displays today have battery for control board programming. Myself to avoid this type. I was company that had a program board the battery died. The cost of battery is only $0.50 it was CR2032. The reprogram cost $250.00. Happy day for manufacturer get charged again. I do believe companies like this type for more sales. Dave
Off subject Try this
Trying this on hot summer day Before turning on your ceiling fan and using your mini lathe. Check your cell temperature and room temperature at the mini lathe even try floor. Big surprise Dave
AC Voltage
What is the best AC protector/stabilator for a 7x14 lathe? There are many types: one for your computer, one for your fridge. Full AC-DC-AC is maybe a littlebit luxury? /johannes
AC & Surge protectors
Surge protectors aren't all equal . They said on the news just now the fire was started at one of the surge protectors for a 3D printer I believe . https://abc7news.com/fire-damages-san-francisco-nonprofit-humanmade-supporting-up-and-coming-inventors-and-entrepreneurs/14767783/
Mini Lathe and Northern Lights
Did any see northern light running the there mini lathe. Dave
Words you can no longer use at FedEx shipping mini lathe parts
Words you can no longer use when Shipping mini lathe parts I was down FedEx shipping. The want my driver's license. I start ask why I stop short . They keeping track just in case. I did not use the B work. It used talked the gifts we gave Germany in 1940's it ok. But not at the FedEx counter. I just wonder how many more words you can use anymore? Dave
Mather day
Happy Mother's Day Remember ro take time from the lathe today
Drill a Hole
Maybe this is wrong group, however, a lot of clever members: I have to make a lot of 1 mm holes in 2 mm steel rods. I have made a guide, and as you see, a lot of testing guide hole to compensate for different drilling twisting forces. My questions: 1) what is the best start method to make a start mark? 2) when I am drilling: a) constant soft pressure? b) pumping up/down to release spoon (My steel are only making dust) Johannes Lavoll.
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