Mach3 Turn Wizard - OD Facing
I don't know how many of the people here use Mach3 Turn or its wizards but if you do then this is for you. I was looking at why this wizard was not working correctly when it has Xend larger than Xstart and ended up rewriting a lot of the script. The issues were: If you tried to use it for facing from the centre to the OD it overshot the centre and so pushed the tool into the rising side of the workpiece which, as we all know, is bad for the cutting edge on the tool, If you wanted to leave a central spigot going from the spigot to the OD the error above created the wrong size spigot and going from outside inwards the final cut uses G0 not G1. This is the modified script for the Post Code button. You can access it by going to the wizard page for OD facing, on the menu bar choose Operator/Edit Button Script then when the buttons flash click on the Post Code button. This should open the script editor. If you paste this script in front of the existing script then the new script will execute when the button is pressed in normal use. The old script will still be there if you want to compare the two or, if you don't want to use this newer script (just delete what has been added at the front). Sub Main() DoOEMButton (169) PlungeFeed = Abs(GetUserDRO(1080)) XStart = GetUserDRO(1081) XEnd = GetUserDRO(1082) ZStart = GetUserDRO(1083) ZEnd = GetUserDRO(1084) Clearance = Abs(GetUserDRO(1086)) FinishCut = Abs(GetUserDRO(1088)) Feed = Abs(GetUserDRO(1089)) FinishFeed = Abs(GetUserDRO(1091)) rough_amount = Abs(GetUserDRO(1090)) If ZStart <= ZEnd Then setTicker 20, "**************ZStart <= ZEnd*************" Exit Sub End If If Clearance <= 0 Then setTicker 20, "**************Clearance = 0*************" Exit Sub End If If Feed = 0 Then setTicker 20, "**************Feed = 0*************" Exit Sub End If If PlungeFeed = 0 Then setTicker 20, "**************Plunge Feed = 0*************" Exit Sub End If If rough_amount = 0 Then setTicker 20, "************** Roughing Cut = 0 *************" Exit Sub End If If Clearance <= rough_amount Then setTicker 20, "************** Clearnace <= Roughing Depth *************" Exit Sub End If xFinishCut=FinishCut If XStart=0 Then xFinishCut=0 If XEnd=0 Then xFinishCut=0 DiaCheck = 1 If IsDiameter() = 1 Then XEnd = XEnd / 2 XStart = XStart / 2 DiaCheck = 2 End If setTicker 20, "" OpenTeachFile "ODFacing.tap" Code "G18 G40 G49 G90 G94 G80" Code "M3" If XStart < XEnd Then Code "G0 X" & (XStart + xFinishCut) * DiaCheck & " Z" & ZStart + Clearance Code "F" & Feed Pass_Num = 1 End_Loop = 0 Do ZDist = ZStart - (rough_amount * Pass_Num) If ZDist > ZEnd + FinishCut Then Do ZDist = ZStart - (rough_amount * Pass_Num) If ZDist < (ZEnd + FinishCut) Or Pass_Num > 2000 Then Exit Do End If Code "G0 Z" & ZDist + Clearance Code "G1 Z" & ZDist & "F" & PlungeFeed Code "G1 X" & (XEnd + Clearance) * DiaCheck & "F" & Feed Code "G1 Z" & ZStart + Clearance Code "G0 X" & (XStart + xFinishCut) * DiaCheck Pass_Num = Pass_Num + 1 Loop Else Exit Do End If Loop If FinishCut > 0 Then Code "G1 Z" & ZStart + Clearance & "F" & Feed Code "G1 X" & (XStart + xFinishCut) * DiaCheck Code "G1 Z" & ZEnd + FinishCut Code "G1 X" & (XEnd + Clearance ) * DiaCheck Code "G1 Z" & ZStart + Clearance End If Code "G1 Z" & ZStart + Clearance & "F" & Feed Code "G1 X" & XStart * DiaCheck If FinishFeed > 0 Then Code "F" & FinishFeed Else Code "F" & Feed End If Code "G1 Z" & ZEnd Code "G1 X" & (XEnd + Clearance) * DiaCheck Code "G0 Z" & ZStart + Clearance Else Code "G0 X" & (XStart + Clearance) * DiaCheck & " Z" & ZStart + Clearance Code "F" & Feed Pass_Num = 1 End_Loop = 0 Do ZDist = ZStart - (rough_amount * Pass_Num) If ZDist > ZEnd + FinishCut Then Do ZDist = ZStart - (rough_amount * Pass_Num) If ZDist < (ZEnd + FinishCut) Or Pass_Num > 2000 Then Exit Do End If Code "G0 Z" & ZDist Code "G1 X" & (XEnd + xFinishCut) * DiaCheck & "F" & Feed Code "G0 Z" & ZStart + Clearance Code "G0 X" & (XStart + Clearance) * DiaCheck Pass_Num = Pass_Num + 1 Loop Else Exit Do End If Loop If FinishCut > 0 Then Code "G1 X" & (XStart + Clearance) * DiaCheck Code "G1 Z" & ZEnd + FinishCut
Розпочато Martin Connelly @
Mach4 laser settings 10
> > > > My Mach4 laser machine is working PERFECTLY but I don’t understand why. > > Let me explain: Based on this taken from warp 9 ESS set-up instructions for Mach4; “…..M62P#s allow the precise starting of the laser with the starting of a G00, G01, G02 or G03 based motion command and the precise termination of the laser burn with a M63P# and the next motion command.” But in my case, Mach4 is set up to use P2 but the G code is operating fine using P1 * This photo shows port 2 pin 16 for output #2 * this photo shows my laser gate set at output #2 * my question is, why does everything work properly even though the photo below shows output #1 and not output #2 What Am I not understanding, any input would be appreciated. Thanks, Chuck
Розпочато Chuck Kahler @ · Останніх @
Tuna machdrives bra brc
Hi am having trouble with the tuning of the drive I think it's in the settings the information is a bit hard to understand .. I can't get the settings right so I can start the tuning.this is what I have so far . I am upgrading from rutex 990 . 15 years ago I fitted 990 boards . Now it's time for re re fit thanks all
Розпочато markoldfosterau @
CraftCNC uses a Dremel 3000 5
I'm almost finished 3d Printing the parts for this free project that I found on Design and Make's website. I started printing 10 days ago, and should be finished by next Sunday or sooner, so the next fun part is assembly... Here is a link for the free project. It uses grbl for its simple controller, but since I'm buying stepper motors, why can't I create a Mach 3 profile for Vectric sotfware to use for modeling? There has to be some kind of You Tube video for programming Mach 3 for KISS level projects for beginners? Thanks, Tamra
Розпочато Tamra @ · Останніх @
single block 6
Single block fixed yet?
Розпочато cimdave@... @ · Останніх @
Need help with Mach4 Hobby Edition and Setup Verification 8 #file-notice
Hello All. I’m new to using a CNC system and new to using the Mach4 software. I have a LMS3990 converted to CNC, but I think there are several things preventing my setup from working correctly. I have several questions that require more than posting within this User Group. Is there anyone in this groups that lives in the North Seattle / Everett Washington State area? I’m looking for someone that knows how to troubleshoot Mach4 Hobby Edition and how to make adjustment suggestions for a bench top mill. Thanks, Walt W.
Розпочато Walt White @ · Останніх @
Help needed. Boxford VMC 190 Conversion 8
Hi All, Warning///CLUELESS///Warning I own a Boxford VMC 190 which I would like to convert to Mach 3 or 4. I am a complete CNC novice so please be patient!! I have been a manual machinist for many years but completely new to CNC. Could someone please point me In the right direction of a good instructional guide or blog post etc about building a CNC machine? Id like to use Mach 3/4 as this seems to be the software with the most info out there. I'm getting my head wrapped around the basics, such as motion controllers, breakout boards, drivers etc etc but I'm struggling to navigate the minefield and am at the bottom of the steep learning curve. If anyone could offer any advice or links to a 'how to' guide that could help me convert my Mill that would be great. I'm not sure which version of the software would be best for my needs. I'll be mostly doing fairly basic '2D' curved shapes from steel plate that are complex to do on my manual machines. I may use it for more complex 3D parts as my skills improve. My extremely basic understanding so far is I need to source a control board that works with Mach 3/4, Stepper motors (if i decide to replace the old ones), drivers, breakout board and/or control board, power supplies and Mach software. I'm struggling to understand what components are necessary and what works with what. Some of the wiring diagrams I have seen show controllers while other show breakout boards. Am I right in thinking that the control board essentially takes over from the PC and sends the signals to the stepper Drivers? The mechanical side of the build is second nature to me but the electrical and software side is very confusing. I use Fusion 360 on a regular basis for design work so I'm focusing on the next steps of setting up the mill with the correct hardware and learning the Mach Software and would like to avoid making mistakes by purchasing the incorrect components. Any guidance whatsoever on a starting point for a clueless cnc noob would be greatly received. My budget is £500 Many thanks in advance and all the best, Paul.
Розпочато Wes Weston @ · Останніх @
Mach3 lathe tools 6
Hi All In Mach3 Turn, I'm a bit confused by tool numbering. I've just looked through the manual and see nothing on this; If I select T1 in Gcode then on the Lathe screen I see T0 If I select T100 in Gcode then on the screen I see T1 If I select T200 in Gcode then on the screen I see T2 Is there a '100' offset in the tool numbering? Will G43 H05 apply to T5 or T500? Help appreciated.. Regards Roland
Розпочато Roland Jollivet @ · Останніх @
Mach3 One stepper motor won't move 7
I am replacing my computer on my plasma table. I loaded Mach3 on the new computer set it up with the same setting as the old one. Everything works as it should except one of my motors on the Y axis won't move. I plug in the old computer works fine. HELP!
Розпочато David Hunkele @ · Останніх @
Розпочато Ketan Patel @
mill wizard license 18
I have a license for mach4 and use it on my shop computer. I would like to be ble to use the mill wizard in the comfort of my home when it is freezing in the shop. Can i use my license on this other computer just to run mill wizard? -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
Розпочато @ · Останніх @
Replace/upgrade parallel port driver with/to USB 17
I would like to replace the current pc (with a parallel printer port) to a faster. machine, probably a workstation (USB’ no parallel printer port). My 3D router is a simple configuration, X, Y, and Z axis drives, cutting motor speed control, and associated end stop for the axis movement, jogging handset and motor driver (independent of Mach3) display. Can you give me recommendations for the motor driver controller replacement? They would be very welcome and acknowledged. Looking forward to hearing from you. Stephen Gould
Розпочато Stephen Gould @ · Останніх @
Mach4 & Single Block 4
Running Mach4 with mill profile and wx4 screenset. ESS v260 mach ver build 4517 Trying to use single block. The LED flashes, but the machine does not stop after each block the way it should. Just continues thru the program. The message box displays 'Cannot transition from Running to Single Block' That message shows even if the program has not yet been started. Have searched here and on machsupport forum, but haven't seen anything recent that addresses this
Розпочато cimdave@... @ · Останніх @
ESS + Mach4 new profile 3
Looking to create a new profile on an existing machine with Mach4 and ESS already set up. My concern is whether doing so, following warp9 instructions, will affect the already existing settings in the ESS. Is there a way to back up the ESS settings? Do the settings in an unconfigured profile overwrite any of the settings in the ESS? (planning to clone an unconfigured 'Mill' or 'Router' profile, then after connecting the ESS to Mach in the profile, finish the Mach configuration.)
Розпочато cimdave@... @ · Останніх @
Mach4 Coil Winder Screen 22
Brian, any movement on this?
Розпочато Andy Wander @ · Останніх @
Mach4 teach/record 23
Good morning, I am looking for some advice and ideas for a project I am brainstorming. I have built a couple CNC machines in the past using Mach4/ESS, so I am comfortable doing it again. Now I am thinking about building a CNC welder for a production beam welding job that we do. I would like to control X,Y,&Z plus at least1 rotary axis for the positioner, possibly up to 4 rotary axis total. Overall travel would be approximately, 144”X, x 48”Y, x 60”Z. My questions are; Has anybody built something like this, that would have any experiences to share? Is anyone using Mach4 to run a robotic welder? Good/bad? If Mach4, is there a plugin or wizard or otherwise, that will allow me to build Gcode by jogging to points similar to programing a robot? Like a teach function? I recently purchased a Vectis Cobot with UR arm, so I am familiar with robotics, but the reach of the UR arm is limited, not to mention the cost is too high for this job. I will keep using the Cobot for smaller intricate parts. Thank-you! Brian Martin
Розпочато Brian Martin @ · Останніх @
Mach3 Motor tuning ? 3
I am sure this has been beat to death but I am not finding a clear answer. What is it Mach3, I can set Mach3 up and do the motor tuning (usually with minimal issues). If in the future I want to go back and revisit the motor tuning the drop down refused to drop down. This is almost with out fail it refuses to open. This is extremely frustrating. I usually end up reloading the version of Mach3 (62) and then installing the XML file and etc etc. Is there any kind of solution to this problem or am I the only one having this issue. Ben
Розпочато bnf@... @ · Останніх @
going nuts 3
I got my gcode for a part I make thousands of "perfect" after only 8 years. making these parts in incredibly boring (thank god for noise cancelling headphones with podcasts and music and i want the machine to be 100% reliable so i can enjoy the music )redid all the arcs using cambam and have no offsets at all to confuse Mach4 when I estop (power off to everything but computer) I increased the rigidity of the locking of the fourth axis (took me a full day to do that) and chatter is minimal even in strange hard grain. all was just great, i need to leave the country to take care of my father and i was more ready than ever to make a bunch of parts. then all hell broke loose, small random moves or not moves then totally random huge moves back and forth. i checked all wiring, no problems. then i unplugged the xbox controller and it is all "perfect" again. i have no idea what happened to the controller or the plugin but something did. did anyone else have this happen? could be the computer's USB controller but the mouse and keyboard are plugged in to USB and they are working OK? i think i will get a really nice pendant. any suggestions as to something that is easy to use and reliable? -- Best regards, Spencer Chase 67550 Bell Springs Rd. Garberville, CA 95542 Postal service only. Laytonville, CA 95454 UPS only. Spencer@... (425) 791-0309
Розпочато @ · Останніх @
how to cancel jog? 2
hi! is it possible to cancel a jog move? i mean cancel jog but spindle not stop running? thanks
Розпочато Alexander noname @ · Останніх @
need help... use button to start vbscript & read write value to a special DRO 2
hi! 2 questions :) i playing with my mach3 and machscreen.. 1. i have add a button to my screen. i wrote a vbscript and save the macro folder. name of the script is HomeTurret. now i want to load this script as file when i hit the button. if i change something on the script i dont want to add the script again with machscreen. is this possible??? can someone help me? 2. when i do a toolchange my turret jogs to x5 z55. this values are named wzwx and wzwz i add 2 dro to my screen. i wish that the dros show me wzwx (5) and wzwz (55). and i want.. if i change the value in the dro.. that is set wzwx and wzwz to this. example : in the dro i put in 10 and 60. then the machine jogs to x10 and z60. its to set a toolchange position. is this possible?! thanks
Розпочато Alexander noname @ · Останніх @
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