Airspy HF+ Discovery
Hi all I have just purchased a Airspy HF+ Discovery. Using SDR# and SDR Console the SDR receiver works well and I can see & hear signals on the HF bands. I bought the SDR for my interest in MF & LF bands. Tuning to LF, I see & hear no signals. I tuned to Radio 4 Long wave (198KHz) here in the UK and received nothing. The signal on my other receiver (an analogue Icom) is a stonking 40dB over S9 as it should me being within 100 miles or so of the TX site. Is there anything I need to configure ? The instructions on the Airspy website are old, and the functionality in SDR# doesn't appear to be present (the gain instructions). I have also uploaded the latest firmware to the SDR. Any help greatly appreciated, thank you. Adrian M1LCR
SoftRock Si570 support
Hi, I just noticed that the SoftRock (Si570) radios are not present in the source list since version 1920. Normally I don't use them but I was going to lease one to a friend and noticed it. Is this intended or just it was not noticed, I realize that not many are using this kind of radio. Best regards, Ignacio EB4APL -- Este correo electrónico ha sido analizado en busca de virus por el software antivirus de Avast.
Improving the Windows networking for SpyServer
Hello everyone! I would be grateful for any ideas on how to increase the bandwidth greater than 500 kHz. At this point, and often even at 250 kHz the lags and freezes begin. All obvious options have already been exhausted, namely: Checked with 2 different client PCs from the 2 different networks. The network bandwidth is available at least 80 Mbps in both directions. The network latency is around 5 ms on average and 10-15 ms as maximum (the server is on FTTB connection). The computer with SpyServer uses an i7-10700 CPU and 32 GB of RAM. The SpySever32 utilizes only 2% for the CPU and 15MB of RAM. All ports, USB2.0 and USB3.1, were tested in turn. There is no difference. The configuration file is picked up and used correctly, which is evident from the initial frequency and available band limits. The computer and router were rebooted many times, and the problem is clearly not in them. Windows 10 OS is used with the genuine AirSpy R2 device. Firmware version is AirSpy NOS v1.0.0-rc10-6-g4008185 2020-05-08. Exactly the same R2 is used together with SpyServer under Linux OS, the computer there is 10 years older, the CPU load is 50-90%, and there are no problems at all. The SPY Server application version is v2.0.1921. The configuration file is attached. -- Regards, Art
Adjusting Y Axis Range (Scale) ?
Hello, Using SDR# 1920 What, please, is the "best" way of changing the range (Scale) of the Y axis in the display ? Thanks, Bob
How to add a new plugin for version 1920?
How to add a new Tetra plugin for version 1920? I have plugin files and a line that used to be added to the Plugins.xml file. I will add these files in this discussion thread. The plugin decodes Tetra's voice well, better than what is currently in the package. Could you please tell me in detail how to add it? Thanks. Magic line: <add key="Tetra1" value="SDRSharp.TetraNetMon.TetraNetMonPlugin,SDRSharp.TetraNetMon" />
Previous versions of SDR# supported a timeshift plugin. This is plugin allows signal reception to be timeshifted to allow for time to click on a signal. This is a unique plugin that is not found in any other SDR programs. This plugin requires a large amount of RAM for its operation, and had a serious limitation caused by the 32-bit nature of previous version SDR#. Due to the fact that the program switches to 64 bits, this limitation on the amount of memory used automatically disappears. Can you add this plugin to the new version of SDR#?
Does the Airspy+Discovery have signal voltage level reading on the display.
I'm developing an experiment to measure a signal from 1V to to 1µV. I have no meter that goes as low as 1µV. I'm wondering if I can use an Airspy+ Discovery, to measure voltages. It does present a problem because my system is already 50Ω loaded, and adding a 50Ω radio would upset that, but, maybe there is a work around. I don't have a Airspy+ Discovery yet, but I keep saying I'm going to get one. Thanks, Mikek
Extended Radio Settings?
Hello Prog, I downloaded the latest 32-bit SDR# Beta X86. I am curious about the most recent entries into the change log:: Date: Wed Dec 18 14:27:51 2024 +0100 Commit: 64ee7e2 Added the labels to the Extended Radio settings. -------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue Dec 17 21:57:13 2024 +0100 Commit: 2b8f5c8 Added a config switch for extended Radio settings. -------------------------------------------------------- What exactly do the "Extended Radio Settings" perform, and how does one access the config switch for the function? Thanks for such a wonderful program. -- Ken, WBØOCV East Falmouth, MA USA 41.5997N, 70.5614W FN41ro
Noise Floor increase (using SDRC) Firmware 4.01 vs 5.01
As the title says, I went from 4.01 tp 5.01 on some of my Airspy HF+ discoveries and noticed a noise floor increase. I put one back to 4.01 and ran two copies side by side, same time from same antenna using an active 4 port multicoupler. Normally I run AGC High, ATT Off, Preamp Off, Visual Gain 0dB. Just an observation and wondering if anyone else out there notice the difference. Yes I realize there was some changes: R5.0.0 - 2024-10-04 Improved gain distribution and AGC/ATT/Preamp controls for all the bands. R5.0.1 - 2024-12-11 Improved the AGC's hysteresis. See attachment: 73 Kriss KA1GJU Home of the KA1GJU Super Station SDRC Servers in NH, USA (FN42mw, FN43na, and FN43lt)
How to Unzoom in Baseband Playback
Hi Group, I made several 55 minute long baseband recordings using version last night and am looking through them this morning. I discovered (accidentally) that I can zoom in on a particular period of time in the recording. This is useful in the absence of any oher playback controls. However, I can't find a way to zoom back to show the entire file ,or larger portions of it, in the playback window other than stopping SDR#, restarting it and reloading the file Also, when I load another baseband file, it automatically zooms to the same setting as the file I was just using The "Big Book" is silent on this. It doesn't discuss zooming in on the playback window or how to zoom back out. How does one zoom back out in the baseband file playback window, assuming that zooming in is an undocumented feature and not a bug? Thanks in advance, Ken VE3HLS So Phisai, Thailand OK18sc
SDR# IQ sampling rate
Greetings! Is there a way to get IQ data stream from SDR# but with a sampling rate / bandwidth of more than 32K, yet up to 192K? Currently, the RAW option from RADIO returns up to 32K no matter what bandwidth is provisioned... 73 de SV1CDN, Dennis!
DSP & Co-channel canceller questions
First, let me say that I love the co-channel canceller. I have a number of local stations that I use it on and have had pretty good luck. Still learning the nuances, though. My question is not so much about the co-channel canceller, but maybe an extension to it. I'm not a DSP expert so this may be a dumb question. Could the co-channel canceller be extended to cancel all of the co-channel stations except the one that is selected? There have been times when I needed to cancel two or more different stations. Also, I've noticed that sometimes when using the co-channel canceller, two sidebands appear on either side of the carrier in the IF spectrum window. I'm assuming that this is a side effect of the canceller. Sometimes these sidebands are large enough to cause a warble in the received audio. Thanks in advance!
NINR in the Latest Beta
Hi, I am no doubt being dumb, but on downloading 'SDR# Beta x64' it all works fine, but the IF Noise Reduction feature does NOT show anything below the 'Threshold' slider ? No 'Voice Activity Detection' option etc. ? Apologies if I am missing something very basic.... Thanks for any guidance. Steve Jerome
HF+ Discovery not detected by SDR#
I just upgraded the firmware in my HF+ Discovery. I was having problems doing it on one computer but when I switched to another it worked just fine. The SDR now shows up in my Windows 10 Home device manager as Airspy HF+, my R2 shows up as just AIRSPY. SDR# works just fine with the AIRSPY R2. Once it's selected as the source in SDR#, the S/N and firmware version is displayed and things work great. When I try to select the HF+ as the source, there is a long delay (hourglass) when I select the S/N. SDR# then says the device is not responding/recognized and the firmware version is not read from the device. Any attempts to run the SDR results in "not responding" and then a pop-up of no device found, however the device still shows up in device manager as I stated above. Can anyone help figure this out?
Latest Beta Next file RTL-SDR support
Prog, I just downloaded the 2024-12-05 version of the beta SDR#. I notice the x64 version still does not support the RTL-SDR. It does not have the rtlsdr.dll. Will you support the RTL-SDR dongles as this beta matures or we have to import a 64 bit version of a rtlsdr.dll to support this receiver? This x86 version works fine with my V2 and V4 RTL-SDR dongles. 73 Mike N2MS
GQRX connect to Spyserver?
Is this possible? I've set up a Raspberry Pi to do some WSPR monitoring. I've been using an Airspy HF+ with it and getting good results using a loop on ground antenna. On the other side of the house I have a dipole feeding a Pi5-based Spyserver. Is there a magic incantation I can plug into GQRX to get it to connect to the Spyserver? I've come across a reference from a not long ago to a Spyserver aware version of GQRX and was wondering if anyone here knows how to connect the together. Thanks!
Youloop - Shipping
Hi, What is the lead time on Youloop shipping? Thanks
Quest for Performance
The HF+ Discovery (ST) vs. TEF6686 (NXP)
Digital Signature Change AIRSPY.COM -> AIRSPY
Please note that upcoming executables from Airspy will be signed by "AIRSPY" instead of "AIRSPY.COM". The renewal of the code signing certifiate takes into account the change of the organization name. All is good.
Frequency Scanner Plugin Information.
Hello everyone. I'm awaiting my latest Airspy unit after getting a nice Black Friday discount from Moonraker here in the UK. The new arrival is destined for use mainly as a VHF Airband scanner. Does anyone know of a primer or manual for the “Frequency Scanner” that is present in my plugins list? When I try to explore it, it seems to just lock up! Thanks in anticipation. Ed. Windows 10 PC HF+ V1.0.0,1920 Firmware: 4.0.1-CD
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