hello to the gang
Well! In 15 hours we have over 20 people on the list... including some "dignitaries" who can introduce themselves if they wish. Speaking of introductions, to get the ball rolling why don't you all say hello and give a few proposed applications you plan to put this little rig to. Camping might be a very popular option. Boating... BICYCLE!!! Hmmm. Myself, I am a car dealer, and am in and out of vehicles often. It's a drag to install, even temporarily, regular radios. Although I own 2 FT-100's ( the newest not even out of the box ) I may consider selling one and making the 817 the travel/temporary rig and the FT-100 for base use. I was lucky enough to attend the Tokyo Ham-fair last year. Of course I would have liked to return last week, and there was even an airfare sale! But alas, the schedule did not permit. But luckily the fellow from Mexico took pictures. I hope we all have the URL from his page but if not I can probably repost it. Well, over to you all! And welcome... Pres Waterman W2PW c/o Patchogue Motors, Inc. Long Island Ford and Kia Dealer GO BILLS!
FT817 Pricing
I found the answer to my second question on pricing. One reports lists the expected Japanese price to be 110,000 Yen I found the following list prices FT-100 148,000 VR500 54,800 FT847 210,000 1000mark-V 398,000 Taking the ratios it would put the 817 between $860 and $910
Digest Number 0
As requested an Intro. Niel, 40, vhf and up licenced (no ability with the key, but thats another story). Primary interests UHF and antenna design, 4x4 driver who wrecks at least one radio a year (due to vibration). Rgds Niel Tele. 02380 592955 Fax. 02380 593149 Views expressed are personal and not those of the University, unless otherwise & expressly stated.
The 817
Hi Everyone! SOunds like a neat rig...alpha-numeric too? I just hope they extend receive, but, I know the FCC is clamping down. I will sit back, wait and see, and check to see if there are as many problems like the FT100-which by the way I have. Jack
Coming to America
Just FYI, a copy of an email from Yaesu. -------------------- Dear Mike, Ft-817 HF/VHF/UHF 5-WATT BACKPACK TRANSCEIVER will be introduced in the market soon. Thanks and best regards. Olive P. Siongco Amat Cust Service Yaesu Usa -------------------- Seems like they have already decided to sell it here in the States. Seems to me that 4th quarter is a bit soon, unless they have already started the FCC approval process. Anyway, time will tell. 72 de KU4QO, Mike Maiorana, Palm Harbor, FL
New file uploaded to FT817
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FT817 group. File : /817-3.jpg Uploaded by : pres@... Description : FT-817-1 You can access this file at the URL http://www.egroups.com/files/FT817/817-3%2Ejpg To learn more about eGroups file sharing, please visit http://www.egroups.com/help/files.html Regards, pres@...
FT 817 w/ tuner?
hmm... that's good point... A tuner for five watts is really small... YOu would just need a few coils and capacities... But I don't think that it contains one. Otherwise it would have been mentioned, because this would be a major advantage... Think of it.. Just attach a few feet of wires and your on air... Awesome! 73 Christian -- mailto:c.buenger@... fax2mail: +49 25 61 / 95 94 29 92
FT 817 - HF also portable?
Hi FT-817er's ... Does anybody know if the FT-817 includes a portable HF antenna? I saw a picture with a looooooooooong ;) rubber duck antenna... Is this one for shortwave? 73 Christian, DL6KAC -- mailto:c.buenger@... fax2mail: +49 25 61 / 95 94 29 92
FT-817 Long Duckie
Hello to the List. Keith here in the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamps of WNY... If I read properly "between the lines", the long duckie was the 6- Meter duck. Mentioned were duck for 6M/2M/.7M in one of the posts. 73, Keith, WB2VUO 100% QRP from the Depths of the Great Bergen Swamps "My night light runs more power than my Rig!!!' mailto:wb2vuo@...
Hello from the Eastern Shore of MD I just heard about the 817 a few days ago and have seen the pix and the spec sheet. Let me say that I am very excited about this rig coming to the US market. The only NEW radio I have every purchased in nearly 40 yrs as a ham has been the Yaesu FT-290MKII. This FT-817 will be the 2nd if good reports are had on it and I hope to hear the reports on this list! Paul Gerhardt K3PG ex WN2NDJ, WB2NDJ, WB4INT, KB3HH, WG3J since '62 Centreville, MD on the Eastern Shore of MD ________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
FT-817 causes quite a stir on the ELECRAFT Reflector
Hi Gang, I just found this reflector and thought I'd share a few interesting threads. I was one of the early Field Testers for the now infamous ELECRAFT K2 QRP kit (SN#00039) and am still a member of that reflector. About 3 days ago someone mentioned the FT-817 as most people on the K2 group are avid QRP'ers so he thought most would be interested in this new rig. Well he together with myself who also contributed to the input were pounced on by a mixture of very interested fellow HAMS who wanted to know more and some who considered it sacrilege to mention any rig other than the K2 on it's reflector. Myself and many others took the veiw that YAESU saw the stir that QRP was making and thought that they would enter the fray, it also shows that the indiginous QRP Novice rigs in Japan are filtering out to the rest of the world. For those who couldn't find the official pictures on YAESU Japans website here is the URL << http://www.yaesu.co.jp/experts/4206-1.htm a 'military' type packset even if that means customising the installation. I would also want it modified for wide band Tx for use on the Military channels issued here in the UK to the Air Cadets (like the Civil Air Patrol and MARS Mods). I'll stay on this reflector and as soon as they become available for sale anywhere...... I'LL BUY ONE! 73's Vic Tuff G7PYR
FT-817 Yaesu Japan link.
If this hasn't been posted yet, here is the Yaesu link http://www.yaesu.co.jp/experts/4206-1.htm 73, TR W7TRX
Seen the FT-817...
Went to the ARRL New England Convention in Boxboro, MA yesterday. The people at the Yaesu booth had a prototype of the FT-817 with them. It was a nice looking small radio. I noticed the BNC jack on the front of the radio, but they didn't have any rubber duck antenna attached to it. If I had seen a antenna attached to it, it would've made me ask which bands it was for. They didn't have any brochures there for the radio. I asked when they expect it to be released in the US and they said hopefully in December. Mike - N1EVH n1evh@...
Here is the reply I got from YAESU Japan when I enquired about purchasing direct form Japan. 73's Vic G7PYR
Avalibility of the FT-817
Anybody got a glue of when Yaesu will introduce this rig in Europe ? Regards, Erik OZ1GIY
Avalibility of the FT-817
Gentlemen, just got this e-mail from YAESU UK (so I guess it is relevant to the rest of Europe), << Dear Mr Tuff, Thank you for your e-mail. I had received the reply from Japan separately today as well. The FT-817 is a new product that was originally only planned for the Japanese domestic market. However as a result of the demand generated our Corporate HQ is looking at the possibility of making it available in Europe and the USA. The decision has not been made yet, but I am hopeful that we will be able to announce something at the Leicester Show (Big Ham rally in the UK) in September. >> Lets keep our fingers crossed! 73's Vic G7PYR
FT-817 Capabilities!
Hi Chuck (& the gang), If YAESU are sensible they will make the 817 menu driven to allow certain circuitry to be switched off i.e. display backlight, speaker audio, syllabic squelch (that's tone or voice activated squelch on HF)! all designed to keep current consumption low. The most sensible thing they could do is subscribe to this reflector! ...... anyone want to suggest that to them! I guess the YAESU USA would hold most sway with the manufacturer...... Just a thought! 73's Vic G7PYR
More Questions...
What is the best price you've found on the FT-817? How do you access the "hidden" menu? Does anyone know how to get the LCD to have a green background? How can I tell if my 817 has all the latest "mods?" What is the most recent serial number? How does it compare to the 1000MP and IC-756PRO? 73! =paul= W8KC Collector of Ten*Tecs and other fine plastics. Visit the Virtual Ten*Tec Museum at: <http://www.acs.oakland.edu/~prvalko>
Just get one of the mil spec ones on which its based and see what the different links do/program differences are. Advice came from a y-sue man BTW. Rgds Niel Tele. 02380 592955 Fax. 02380 593149 Views expressed are personal and not those of the University, unless otherwise & expressly stated.
(No subject)
Looking at the product itself it seems to me that they are going the FT290/609/790 road. Therefore we might expect a greatly reliable product. Even though this time I would like to have Yaesu to listen to our suggestions instead of costly after market mods. 73 de Patrick W3PO/VQ9PO/ex:F6DWY ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: http://dl.www.juno.com/get/tagj.
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