Hi All, I have several N3FJP Software Announcements: N3FJP's PA QSO Party Log 1.0 is now available! Like the rest of my contesting software, this program performs all the functions you have come to expect including: - EASY, intuitive and fun to use! - Checks for duplicates (including partials). - Lists all contacts. - Generate CW via your comm port and play wave files for phone automation. - Writes files for log submission. - Writes ADIF Export file format. - Provides DX spotting via Telnet, your TNC or AGW Packet Engine. - Interfaces with most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood, Ten-Tec and Yaesu radios. - Provides many current statistics and visual displays. Like all my Amateur Radio Software, this program is included with N3FJP's $39 and $49 (with CD) software package registration. If you would like to upgrade to the package, I would be glad to apply the amount that you have already registered as a credit towards that purchase. Please send me an e-mail, and I will let you know your balance. The Amateur Contact Log Call Data has been updated! I have updated the calldata from the FCC and RAC databases as of July 6, 2003. You can download the data from the ACLog page on Amateur Exam 1.1 is now available! I have updated the Amateur Exam study program to include a display of the frequency privileges for all classes of license. This program is free to anyone, so please share it with anybody you know who may be interested in our great hobby. Amateur Contact Log Upgrade Underway! When I first wrote ACLog in 1998, 16 Meg of RAM was a lot. For that reason I designed ACLog to access all log data from the hard drive so there would be no limitation to the number of contacts we could log. The sacrifice was a certain amount of speed for searches and queries. With standard RAM in today's PC's being almost 10-fold (or more), I've decided to see what I can do about adding some pep to the database functions. Test logs are okay, but I'd much rather work with real ones during the development of this enhancement. If you have several thousand contacts (or more) in your log, I'd really appreciate it if you would export your log in ACLog format and e-mail it to me for testing. For those of you who still have older PC's as your shack computer (as I do) don't worry. My plan is to provide the option to use either your RAM or hard drive. Field Day Thanks! Thanks so much for all the kind words regarding the Field Day Network and Field Day Contest Log programs. I really appreciate it. Kim and I really enjoyed working so many of you during the contest. It made a great event even more fun. If your group used N3FJP software and have pictures of the 2003 event on the web, please send me a link! As always, thanks so much for all your thoughts, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about my software. I really appreciate it. 73, Scott, N3FJP snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
Upgrade Announcements
Hi All, Upgrades for Amateur Contact Log and all of my contesing programs are now available! Enhancement Details: - Option for CW keying via the parallel port (in addition to the already existing serial port) - ESC key terminates CW (ESC will still clear your fields when CW is not being transmitted) - Improved CW timing performance - CW WPM speed can be specified - CW word spacing is user modifiable - CW text being sent is displayed on the main form - Addition of prosigns - UTC time determined by your system settings on startup - Addition of a utility to send on-the-air code practice - Items on main list can be copied to the Windows clipboard - Graph background color can be changed from black to white - Display of frequency privileges by license class Amateur Contact Log 2.4 is now available! In addition to the enhancements listed above, Amateur Contact Log 2.4 also includes: - Indexing and RAM loading for significantly faster performance. - Labels indicating if a contact/QTH is new and whether a QSL is needed. - Ability to easily move controls on the form by right clicking on the label. All of these upgrades are available for download from and are free to registered users. Upgrade Information: If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package ($39) or N3FJP's Software Package and CD ($49) for full use of all my Amateur Radio software, I will apply the amount that you have registerd so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in taking advantage of my offer, and I will let you know what your balance would be. N3FJP's Software Package Information: N3FJP's Software Package now includes 42 programs for contesting, net management, general logging, upgrading your license and other Amateur Radio related applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. As always, thanks to all of you who have sent me your comments, suggestions, and ideas for the software. I have included as many of your suggestions as possible. There are many great ideas that went beyond the scope of these upgrades, but I plan to incorporate as many as I can in later versions. Thanks again for your kind thoughts, comments and spreading the word about my software. I really appreciate it. 73, Scott, N3FJP snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
N3FJP Software Announcements
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that N3FJP's Illinois State QSO Party Log 1.0 and November Sweepstakes Contest Log 3.7 are now available! These programs can be downloaded from: As with all of my contesting software, the Illinois State QSO Party Log is: Easy and intuitive to use, checks for duplicates, lists all contacts, provides a country look-up function, provides many current statistics, computer generated CW and Voice (via sound card), interfaces with most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood, Ten-Tec and Yaesu rigs, provides DX spotting via Telnet, your TNC, or AGW Packet Engine and exports in ADIF format. As always, this program is free to registered users of either my $39 software package or $49 software package and CD. If you have not yet upgraded to my software package and would like to, I'll be glad to apply your previous registration as a credit towards the package. Please send me an e-mail if you are interested in this option. The November Sweepstakes Contest Log 3.7 has been updated for the new Northwest Territories abbreviation. This upgrade is free to registered users. As always, thanks for all your comments, suggestions and kind words. I really appreciate it. 73, Scott, N3FJP snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
November Sweepstakes Contest Log 3.8
Hi All, Just a quick note to let you know that November Sweepstakes Contest Log 3.8 is now available. A bug came to light with the band duration clock when using rig interface with previous versions. Each time the rig was polled the band clock would reset. This problem has been corrected in version 3.8. Versions 3.7 and 3.8 are otherwise identical. If you are not planning to use rig interface and have 3.7 installed and ready to go you will be fine. If you are planning to interface with your rig them please go ahead and download version 3.8 from As always, this upgrade is free to registered users. Thanks for your comments, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about my software. I really appreciate it. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with contesting and general logging software since 1997.
Amateur Contact Log 2.5 is now available!
Hi All, Amateur Contact Log 2.5 is now available! This upgrade includes the following features: - Logbook of the World upload and download direct from ACLog - Fields to track whether your QSO was confirmed by a card or LoTW - eQSL Upload - HamCall Internet Lookup (subscription from Buckmaster required) - QRZ Internet Lookup (subscription from QRZ required) - CQ Zones & ITU Zones automatic lookup where entries are discrete - Automatic post of DX spots on entry - Awards: 6 digit grid worked box in addition to 4 digit worked box - Audio alert of DX posts and needed DX - 20-Jan-04, Regional or no Date format option - Mode from entered frequency - Update records based on call and callbook lookup - Multi-select records for marking Sent/Received - Mode field increased to 10 characters As always, this upgrade is free to registered users. Please download version 2.5 from the ACLog page at Thanks so much for your comments, suggestions, kind thoughts and spreading the word about my software. I really appreciate it. Enjoy Sweepstakes (and listen for Kimberly, Chris or I operating the N3FJP station multi from MDC)! 73, Scott, N3FJP snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
N3FJP Software Announcements - 2004
Hi All, I hope that everyone had a great holiday season! Kimberly and I have a number of software announcements to share with you: New versions of all our contest logs are now available! The enhancements include: - Post Contest Mode Option - You can use this feature for entering contacts with the date and time after the contest is over. - Loop Timing Option for CW added. (The newer timer based timing method added last summer has generated great reports in most cases, but we have had a few requests for the "old" timing method so have incorporated this back in as an option.) - Option to key your rig when a wave file is played with the parallel port in addition to the RTS and DTR serial port options which are already supported. - Esc stops the wave file from being played. - BT prosign added. Additional Enhancements for Field Day software! In addition to the above enhancements, the Field Day Contest Log also includes: Field Day Network Log 1.9: - Network Features: A. Ability to see which bands and modes are currently in use. B. A warning message if you change to a band that is currently in use by another station. C. The ability to send text messages. D. The ability to synchronize the computer clocks of all PCs on the network. E. By clicking Band, Statistics you will see the totals by operator and station in addition to the totals by band. Additional enhancements to both Field Day Network Log 1.9 & Field Day Log 2.3: - Import of ADIF files as an alternate merging method (in addition to the previously existing export feature). - Field to record the current operator's initials. - By clicking Band, Statistics you will see the totals by operator in addition to the totals by band. IMPORTANT: The log file structure of the new Field Day programs is different from previous versions. You will NOT be able to use earlier versions of these programs and combine (or in the case of the Network version update) the data file. If you use the newer Field Day versions this year, make sure that all of your Field Day stations have the latest version running! Kids Roundup 1.1 is Now Available! This program supports the newly developed Kids Roundup contest scheduled for its debut on April 3-4 and performs all the functions that you have come to expect in our software. Like the Kids Day software, since this contest is for kids, we offer this program for free. All we ask is that you enjoy the contest, and get as many kids involved as possible to experience the fun and wonder of amateur radio. You can find more details on the Kids Roundup contest at As always, these upgrades are free to registered users. If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package ($39) or N3FJP's Software Package and CD ($49) for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail, and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package now includes 43 programs for contesting, net management, general logging, upgrading your license and other Amateur Radio related applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. Finally, we have updated the "AC Log Ready" calldata through December 2003 that you can download freely from the AC Log page at As always, thanks for your support, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about our software. We really appreciate it. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
N3FJP Software Announcement - 1/31/2004
Hi All, I hope that everyone has had a wonderful start to the new year. Kimberly and I have been working on some new projects, and we have some software announcements to share with you: The Minnesota QSO Party Log is now available! (Contest Date: 2/7/04) State QSO Party Log Features: -EASY intuitive and fun to use! -Checks for duplicates (including partials). -Lists all contacts. -Send computer generated CW via either your serial or parallel ports (including RTS or DTR com line options) and wave files via your sound card. -Writes files for log submission. -Writes ADIF Export file format. -Provides DX spotting via Telnet, your TNC or AGW Packet Engine. -Interfaces with most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu radios. -Provides many current statistics and visual displays. You can download the Minnesota QSO Party Log from the State QSO Party Logs page on our website, The Minnesota QSO Party Log is limited to 30 contacts until registered. For permanent use of this program, a $6.00 registration fee is required. As always, this program is free to registered package users. Just download the program and use your QSO Party Log password from your package list. If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package ($39) or N3FJP's Software Package and CD ($49) for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail, and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package now includes 43 programs for contesting, net management, general logging, upgrading your license and other Amateur Radio related applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. Current Project: We have been asked by the coordinating group and many of our customers to add the new Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Contest to the list of events that we support. The contest will be held May 8-9, 2004. We are in the process of developing this log and will keep you posted concerning completion. As always, thanks for your support, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about our software. We really appreciate it. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
N3FJP Software Announcement - 2/21/04
Hi All, Kimberly and I have been working on some new projects, and we have some announcements to share with you: The Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Log (MAQP) is now available! (Contest Date: May 8 & 9, 2004) This is a new contest sponsored by the Independent Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Committee involving seven states - NY, NJ, PA, MD, DE, WV and VA + DC and Baltimore City. You can read through the rules at the following website: State QSO Party Log Features: -EASY intuitive and fun to use! -Checks for duplicates (including partials). -Lists all contacts. -Send computer generated CW via either your serial or parallel ports (including RTS or DTR com line options) and wave files via your sound card. -Writes files for log submission. -Writes ADIF Export file format. -Provides DX spotting via Telnet, your TNC or AGW Packet Engine. -Interfaces with most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu radios. -Provides many current statistics and visual displays. You can download N3FJP's Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Log from the State QSO Party Logs page on our website, The Mid-Atlantic QSO Party Log is limited to 30 contacts until registered. For permanent use of this program, a $6.00 registration fee is required. As always, this program is free to registered package users. Just download the program and use your State QSO Party Log password from your package list. Upgrade Information: If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package ($39) or N3FJP's Software Package and CD ($49) for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail, and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package now includes 44 programs for contesting, net management, general logging, upgrading your license and other Amateur Radio related applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. CD Subscription Offering We have had so many customers wanting info to purchase a new CD with all the latest AC Log Ready Call Data and current versions, that we have set up a subscription offer. We are offering this subscription service for our customers who wish to receive a new CD every six months. When you register for this service, we will automatically send you a new CD in January and July. Your CD will have the newest AC Log ready call data from the FCC (U.S.) and RAC (Canadian) databases. It will also include the latest versions of all the programs and any new programs that have been added to the package in the interim. N3FJP's Software CD contains the installation files for all the programs that you can download freely from the website. The purchase of this service or an individual CD does not automatically register the programs. You must register the programs individually or through one of our packages. To register for this service, please visit N3FJP's CD Subscription Page on our website, N3FJP's Amateur Contact Log Manual Several of our customers have expressed an interest in gathering information and putting together a comprehensive manual for Amateur Contact Log. If you would like to contribute your time and talents or just see what they have put together so far, please visit their Yahoo Group site,, to get more information. We are very appreciative of their efforts so far and look forward to seeing the completed project. As always, thanks for your support, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about our software. We really appreciate it. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
N3FJP Software Announcement - April 20, 2004
Hi All, Kimberly and I have been working on some new projects, and we have some announcements to share with you: The Great Lakes QSO Party Log (GLQP) is now available! (Contest Date: May 29 & 39, 2004) This contest is sponsored by the Michigan DX Association and involves over 700 counties in eight states and Canadian Ontario. You can read through the rules at the following website: State QSO Party Log Features: -EASY intuitive and fun to use! -Checks for duplicates (including partials). -Lists all contacts. -Send computer generated CW via either your serial or parallel ports (including RTS or DTR com line options) and wave files via your sound card. -Writes files for log submission. -Writes ADIF Export file format. -Provides DX spotting via Telnet, your TNC or AGW Packet Engine. -Interfaces with most Elecraft, Icom, Kenwood and Yaesu radios. -Provides many current statistics and visual displays. You can download N3FJP's Great Lakes QSO Party Log from the State QSO Party Logs page on our website, The Great Lakes QSO Party Log is limited to 30 contacts until registered. For permanent use of this program, a $6.00 registration fee is required. As always, this program is free to registered package users. Just download the program and use your State QSO Party Log password from your package list. VHF Contest Log Upgrade (stand alone & network versions)! We have upgraded the VHF Contest Logs to include the following enhancements: -You can scroll the grid display. -Recall feature to bring back previous contact data. -Additional bands added. As always, this upgrade is free to registered VHF Log and package users. Just download the program and use your VHF Contest Log password. Upgrade Information: If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package ($39) or N3FJP's Software Package and CD ($49) for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail, and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package now includes 44 programs for contesting, net management, general logging, upgrading your license and other Amateur Radio related applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. As always, thanks for your support, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about our software. We really appreciate it. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997. ** If you would like to be removed from our mailing list, please let us know! **
N3FJP Software Announcement - May 22, 2004
Hi All, Kimberly and I have been working on our list of "things to do", and we have just completed a program for the RAC Canada Day and Winter Contests. The RAC Contest Log 1.0 is now available! (Contest Dates: July 1, 2004 & December 18, 2004) These contests are sponsored by the Radio Amateurs of Canada. You can peruse the rules at the following website: or RAC Contest Log Features: Supports the following contests: RAC Canada Contest & RAC Canada Winter Contest Easy and intuitive to use! Checks for duplicates (including partials). Lists all contacts. Lists multipliers by band. Provides a country lookup function. Writes Cabrillo files for contest submission. Exports ADIF files for easy file transfer. Provides many current statistics. Provides DX spotting via Telnet, your TNC or AGW Packet Engine. Send computer generated CW via either your serial or parallel ports (including RTS or DTR com line options) and wave files via your sound card. You can download N3FJP's RAC Log from the RAC Log page on our website, The RAC Log is limited to 30 contacts until registered. For permanent use of this program, a $6.00 registration fee is required. As always, this program is free to registered package users. Just download the program and please send a request for your updated password list. Field Day 2004 Mark your calendars -- the ARRL Field Day Contest event is coming up sooner than you think -- the weekend of June 26 & 27, 2004! The current software versions are Field Day Contest Log 2.3 and Field Day Network Log 2.0. The following is a list of upgrades that have been made to the Field Day Contest Log since last Field Day: Version 2.2 7/21/03 Addition of parallel (printer port) support options for CW keying (serial port is already supported) ESC key terminates CW Improved CW timing performance CW WPM speed can be specified CW word spacing is user modifiable CW text being sent displays on main form Addition of prosigns Program retrieves system time for UTC offset on startup Addition of a utility to send on-the-air code practice Items on main list can be copied to the Windows clipboard Graph background color can be changed from black to white Version 2.3 1/05/04 Post Contest Mode - Option for entering contacts after the contest is over. Loop Timing Option for CW added. Option to key rig when a wave file is played with serial port. Esc stops wave file. BT prosign added. Operator's initials field. Imports ADIF files for easy merging of files from other software. Displays statistics by Operator. The following is a list of upgrades that have been made to the Field Day Network Log since last Field Day: ** Version 1.8 7/21/03 Addition of parallel (printer port) support options for CW keying (serial port is already supported) ESC key terminates CW Improved CW timing performance CW WPM speed can be specified CW word spacing is user modifiable CW text being sent displays on main form Addition of prosigns Program retrieves system time for UTC offset on startup Addition of a utility to send on-the-air code practice Items on main list can be copied to the Windows clipboard Graph background color can be changed from black to white Version 1.9 1/05/04 Post Contest Mode - Option for entering contacts after the contest is over. Loop Timing Option for CW added. Option to key rig when a wave file is played with serial port. Esc stops wave file. BT prosign added. Network display, status and messaging. Operator's initials field. Imports ADIF files for easy merging of files from other software. Displays statistics by Operator and Station. Version 2.0 4/26/04 Computer names trimmed to 10 characters. Names longer than 10 characters precluded the record from updating. ** Note: The Field Day Network Log has undergone some extensive coding changes since last year's event to enable the network messaging features and status display. We have had our team of beta testers working to make sure everything is running properly. That having been said, all additional testing prior to Field Day is welcome and very much appreciated. Upgrade Information: If you have registered one or more individual programs and would like to upgrade to N3FJP's Software Package ($39) or N3FJP's Software Package and CD ($49) for full use of all our Amateur Radio software, we would be glad to apply the amount that you have registered so far as a credit towards that purchase. Please send us an e-mail, and we'll let you know your balance. N3FJP's Software Package now includes 45 programs for contesting, net management, general logging, upgrading your license and other Amateur Radio related applications. In addition to full use of all these programs, registered package customers are also entitled to receive passwords for any new software that is added to the package and free upgrades to existing programs. As always, thanks for your support, suggestions, kind words and spreading the word about our software. We really appreciate it. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ snkdavis@... Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997. ** If you wish to be removed from our announcement list, please let us know...thanks! **
Field Day Network Pointers
Hi Gang, It sounds like there will be quite a few new groups using the network version of the Field Day software this year. The new messaging features for the network log have generated some questions. The following are responses to questions that I have received frequently over the last few weeks, and I'm listing them here as pointers: - For the messaging features to work properly, the computer hosting the log file should not route through the network. The client's path must route through the network and begin with \\ (the \\ tells the software that it is a client and which PC to connect to as the server). For example, the server's path might be: C:\FD\FDLog.mdb and each of the client's paths would be: \\Develop\C\FD\FDLog.mdb (assuming the PC hosting the file was Develop). - Last year's version of the software was 1.7 and the default log file name was log.mdb. A new file format was created for the later versions. You must use FDLog.mdb with the newer versions after 1.8 since additional fields were added to the file. Also, don't try to use last year's software with this year's log file. - Because some versions of Windows can be particular about accessing files in the c:\program files directory via the network, it is best to create a separate directory outside of program files on the PC hosting the log file such as c:\FD. - With versions prior to 2.1 with the messaging features disabled, if the user clicked Setup from the main form the program would return an error and close. This glitch was corrected in version 2.1. In case you are wondering, a summary of all the upgrades to the program are listed on the Field Day page at - Don't wait until Saturday morning to install and test out the software on your network! If you haven't already done so, get the PCs together one night this week, hook them up and make sure that each PC is able to access and update the common data file. Problems solved very easily in a relaxed atmosphere can seem insurmountable when the clock is ticking. Based on the e-mail I'm receiving it sounds like most of you have already checked everything out. - Kim and I will be operating 1E from our house, so you can e-mail us with any last minute questions, even during the event. - Have fun, and we hope to work you! As always, thanks for your kind words, comments and spreading the word about our software. I really appreciate it. Please let us know if you have any other questions. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
Field Day Post Contest Mode Glitch
Hi Gang, A glitch has come to light with the post contest mode entry of the Field Day Network version. The stand alone version is fine. The network version appears to take the date and time okay, but when you reopen the file the date and time of entry displayed is the time you pressed enter. If you need to enter data in post contest mode using the network version please send me an e-mail. I hope to have a fix for you either this evening or tomorrow. Thanks for all of your kind words and suggestions on the Field Day software following this year's event. We really appreciate it! If your group put pictures of your field day event on the web please send us a link! You'll find ours at: Thanks again, and please let us know if you have any questions. 73, Scott & Kimberly N3FJP & KA3SEQ Serving the Amateur Radio Community with contesting and general logging software since 1997.
N3FJP Software - September Announcements
Hi All, Kimberly and I have several software announcements that we would like to share with you: Amateur Contact Log 2.6 is now available! Enhancements to Amateur Contact Log include: - Option to fill all relevant fields when tabbing from Call. Instead of having to tab through each field, click Settings>Fill Data on Call Tab. I had multiple requests for this feature from guys going on DXpeditions and special event stations. - Improved sort speed. While not "lightning" fast, it should be a good bit faster. - A Watch List. Enter reminders for Call signs. Great for keeping a list of hams that you would like to work. You will be alerted when a call on the watch list is posted as a DX spot. - Font color options on main list for QSL Sent, Rcvd, and Snt/Rcvd. Click Settings>Appearance>Color to choose colors. - DX spotting form displays on startup if DX spotting is enabled. - Selecting the List Matches for These Fields with Tab has been made easier by creating a separate form. - Option to use last entry date. This will help those typing in old logs. - Ability to identify start and end record numbers for the Fill Field function. - ADIF export will include the Other field titles you specify by clicking Settings>UTC, QTH and Date Options. For example, if you are using one of your Other fields for propagation mode, just name the field the ADIF header PROP_MODE, and that field will be exported (or imported) when you do the ADIF export for upload to LoTW. - Option to specify qso_owncall for QSL queries. This will be useful for guys using LoTW with multiple calls. If you only have one call, just leave the field blank. - Control key shortcuts as follows: Ctrl A - Address Label Ctrl B - DX Spectrum Band Map Ctrl C - CW Setup Ctrl D - DX Spotting Setup Ctrl E - Edit Fields Displayed Ctrl H - Help Ctrl F - Frequency Privileges Ctrl L - Watch List Ctrl P - Phone Setup Ctrl R - Rig Control Ctrl T - Tab Selection Behavior Ctrl V - Voice Navigation Ctrl W - CW Strings Selection AC Log Glitch Report: I have received reports of AC Log terminating when the user attempts to drag a column after upgrading to Windows XP Service Pack 2. There is a file in c:\Windows\System32 called MSCOMCTL.OCX that is apparently being replaced with a newer version in some, but not all, SP2 upgrades. The "offending" file is version If you have this file and attempt to drag a column, AC Log will terminate. This is not related to code in my software, but appears to be a glitch in the newest MSCOMCTL.OCX file being distributed by Microsoft. Programs written in VB6 that use the Listview control set to report view, all generate the error in my testing here. I have attempted to bring this problem to Microsoft's attention, but so far the Microsoft response has not brought much confidence. If anyone has recommendations for more effectively bringing the problem to Microsoft's attention, I would really appreciate it. In the mean time, here is the fix: - Close AC Log - Click this link to download a previous version of the file (version - Save the file in c:\Windows\System32 That will do the trick. Field Day Contest Log 2.4 and Field Day Network Log 2.2 are now available! Enhancements include: - Permanent backups - Check record count and alerts if reduced from another PC (network only) - Backup to floppy option - Error checking on tab for class - Change initials from main form - Cancel on edit - Find Function - Tighter confirmation for starting a new log VHF Network 1.9 Now Available! I have added the messaging features currently existing in the Field Day program to the VHF network program. These programs are all available for download from and free to registered users. As always, thanks for your kind words, great suggestions and spreading the word about our software. We really appreciate it! 73, Scott & Kimberly, N3FJP & KA3SEQ Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
Texas QSO Party Software Glitch
Hi Gang, A glitch in the calculation of the bonus points for the Texas QSO Party program has come to light. Please check your Texas QSO Party log score very carefully before you submit it. If you want to wait and let the program calculate your bonus points before your submit your score, I hope to have a fix by the end of the upcoming weekend. Thanks for your patience, and I apologize for any inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any questions. 73, Scott, N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
Texas QSO Party Fix Ready
Hi All, The bonus point calculation fix for the Texas QSO Party program is ready. If you plan to submit your TQP score, please do the following: - Close the Texas QSO Party Program 1.5. - Click the following link to download the updated .exe file to the working directory of the program. (c:\program files\TX State QSO Party 1.5) - Start the Texas QSO Party 1.5 program again (the caption in the program now says 1.6, don't let that confuse you). Just start the program the same way that you did during the contest. To write your submission file, click File, Write Submission File from the menu options and complete the form that appears. That will do the trick. I apologize for the inconvenience, and I'd like to send a special thanks to those of you who sent along your logs and helped test the corrected version. Please let me know if you have any questions. 73, Scott, N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
DX Telnet Host Option
Hi All, I am receiving lots of e-mail from guys either using AC Log or getting set up for the CQWW contest and finding themselves unable to connect to The error returned is "Connection is forcefully rejected." This is not a problem with the software. appears to be down. You can replace the value in the telnet host with any functioning telnet site and be back in business. Here is one of many telnet host options: Replace the "" with in the "Telnet Host" box. Ten meters was open beautifully last weekend and is showing signs of life today. We may luck out with some great conditions for this year's CQWW contest. Enjoy! Please let me know if you have any questions. 73, Scott, N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
N3FJP Announcement - The Definitive Guide to Amateur Contact Log
Hi All, We have just completed the first edition of a manual created primarily by users of Amateur Contact Log. It is called The Definitive Guide to Amateur Contact Log. If you would like to download the manual, it is available in either MS Word 2003 or PDF format. You can download it from the AC Log page on the website or click one of the following links below: Thanks again for all of you who participated in this project. A special thanks go to Ed and RB who really went above and beyond the call in pulling this together. We really appreciate all the work that you have put into this project! 73, Kimberly, KA3SEQ Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
Sweepstakes Log 4.1 BETA Now Available
Hi All, November Sweepstakes Log version 4.1 BETA is now available! I have updated the program so that unworked sections will turn green when spotted on the DX spotting network, and you will also hear the now famous "needed spot" alert. Click on the section and your rig will tune to the spot frequency! The DX spotting is the only difference between 4.0 and 4.1 BETA. If you are not planning to use DX spotting then definitely stay with 4.0. I just completed the code and tested it briefly with Telnet, but not with my TNC or the AGW packet engine. I won't be able to devote more time to it until Saturday, so please consider this a BETA version and keep 4.0 handy just in case. You won't find a link to 4.1 on our website yet, but you can download it directly from the following link: If you try the program, please let us know how it works out, especially if you use a TNC or AGW. We plan to work it hard with Telnet here! Kimberly and I hope to work you during the contest! Please let us know if you have any questions. 73, Scott N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with contesting and general logging software since 1997.
Sweepstakes 4.1 Beta Revision
Hi Gang, The November Sweepstakes 4.1 BETA has been revised so that it will also find DX spots if posted in small caps (ex: mdc) and has been updated as of 10:55 AM Eastern Saturday morning. If you are planning to use the new BETA version but downloaded it prior to 10:55 AM Eastern, please close 4.1, click the following link and save it in c:\program files\NovSwp4.1: If you have not yet downloaded the 4.1 BETA but would like to try it, please click here: Again, this is a BETA version. Please keep 4.0 handy (available on the website at just in case. Enjoy the contest, and I'll be looking forward to your feedback! 73, Scott, N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
AC Log Beta Testers Needed - 0.3.1
Hi All, I've been working on some AC Log enhancements and I would really appreciate having some beta testers give the new code a shake down. The new features are either rig or PC dependent, so the more input the better. Here are the new features that I would like you to test: CW Timing For the small percentage of users where the "Timer" CW option is not precise, I'm working on alternative timing options. I have rewritten the code for the "Loop" option and also added a "Sleep" option. Please try all three options and let me know how they work. Even if you only use my contesting software to send CW, please check the timing options in AC Log because I plan to use the same code in the contesting software too. DX Spotting / Rig interface The spectrum and band maps will dynamically resize based on the frequencies of posted spots. If you display the DX spots in List mode, the program will include the name of the country in the list and tell you whether you have it confirmed in your log or not. Clicking on the list (right or left click) on the main form will tune your rig to the spot frequency. For rigs where guys have sent me the commands to change mode, your rig should also change to USB, LSB or CW automatically. Supported rigs for the mode change include: - Elecraft - Icom - Kenwood - Yaesu (only "standard" option has been tested. All others require testing) - Ten Tec Omni VI If your rig is not listed, please send along the command strings to change your rig's mode. From the main form you can press Ctrl G. A form will appear to change bands and modes. I have only tested the DX spotting features with Telnet here. If you are set up with a TNC or the AGW packet engine, please let me know how it works out. To test out the new features: - You must be running AC Log version 2.6. If you are not running 2.6, first download and install the program from - Close 2.6. - Click this link to download the new .exe file: - Save the file in c:\program files\aclog 2.6. - Start 2.6. - After your start the program, if you have performed the above successfully the title will read: N3FJP's Amateur Contact Log BETA 2.6 - 0.3.1. Thanks in advance for giving the new code a good test run. I'm looking forward to your comments and feedback. Please let me know if you have any questions. 73, Scott, N3FJP Serving the Amateur Radio Community with general logging and contesting software since 1997.
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