Welcome to MachCNC on Groups.io
Welcome to the new home for Mach1mach2CNC as MachCNC on Groups.io. Below is the farewell message posted to Yahoo. The time when Yahoo will no longer accept new content for this Yahoo group is 28 October, only two days away. This group is being transerred to a new group on the Groups.io web site and is already in the transfer queue. This message is being posted because it has become apparent that the transfer will not complete before the deadline for new posts on Yahoo. Indeed it may be several weeks before the transfer completes as the transfer queue has grown dramatically over the past week. An archive has been captured in case something goes wrong, but that only preserves content, not subscriptions. Because of the delay, I have decided to go ahead and announce that the Yahoo group is closed and to enable new subscriptions and posts to the Groups.io version of this forum. If you wish to participate before Groups.io sends you a welcome email, you can register manually on the web or via email. Otherwise you should be automatically subscribed to the new forum on Groups.io once the transfer is complete, and an email will be sent to confirm your subscription or to not subscribe if you do not wish to join. The web link to view messages in chronological order on the new forum is: https://groups.io/g/MachCNC/messages You can also view in a format threaded by topic here: https://groups.io/g/MachCNC/topics If you prefer to interact with the forum via email, the addresses to use are: Post: MachCNC@groups.io Subscribe: MachCNC+subscribe@groups.io Unsubscribe: MachCNC+unsubscribe@groups.io Group Owner: MachCNC+owner@groups.io Help: MachCNC+help@groups.io Once the group is transferred, I will contact previous owners and moderators to ask if they wish to participate in similar roles on the new forum. If the number who accept is insufficient to assure the future of the group, new owners and moderators will be solicited. Hope to see you on the new group. Regards, Steve Stallings www.PMDX.com
Mach1mach2CNC transfer process has finished
Groups.io has notified me that the transfer process has completed. It looks like the messages made it OK. The files did not come over. I will try again, and upload manually from my archive if that does not work. Initially 8872 subscribers were being sent notifications that they were being subscribed to the new group. As expected, some people do not wish to continue being part of the group and declined to be subscribed. This is normal because many people joined on a whim and have moved on to other things but had not previously bothered to unsubscribe. Hopefully this group will continue to thrive. Both Art Fenerty, the original author of Mach, and Brian Barker the current owner and source for Mach joined this group even before the transfer happened.
Welcome to all new members
Please all keep in mind that this forum might go away if Art is not intrested in the move. The reason for this new group is to move the Mach1-Mach2 issues here so we can perserve the older messages on the Master5 group. I don't expect we will get all the messages to move here imediately but hopefull we can perserve whats left of the older messages that might help someone. Will wait to hear what Art thinks before we really push things over here. Art will still be the Head guy here and he will have the last work. Alan Trest Pensacola Florida
RC7 Parallel Port Bug
Art, Steve Blackmore discovered that RC7 has no PWM signal out put. I have checked my development PC which I have RC7 installed in and it appears as though RC7 is not capturing the parallel port/s. The program opens with ports putting out MAX voltage. Servo
Newbie posting
Hi I have put the latest manual PDF into Files over here and will delete the Master5 one when a few people have come over. I will also change the reference in the documentation to point people here. Thanks for your efforts, Alan Best wishes John Prentice
Messages now seem to be available
Hope everyone is able to see the message's now. Seems to be working. If anyone has other problems, just let me know. Alan
Test post from hell ..o..
Hell Lee testing too :-) can you hear me from the fiery depths? I didnt know there were others down here too... ;-) wrote: Service. > >
RC7.2 online.
RC7.2 is online. It only address the spindle speed problem , seems to work here fine, and a DXF problem. DXF was putting out 6 decimal places. Mach2 does not like more than 4. It can drop some kinds of circles when more than 4 decimals are used. The lathe display is updated, but not yet ready, so it may act weird for you. I have a long list of things to check and change when I get back. Thanks to Olivier for suggesting the EStop LED be placed next to the EStop button..Good idea. Workflow screens will hopefully start soon, so if you have opinions as to workflow on particular screens, jot them down. How about a list of controls you'd like to have on each screen. I mean the ones there now, but which control on which screen and what should the screens be named? Its time to create a balanced screen set for Release 1.0 (Finally...), then I'll do 800x600 as well. Well, with that my work here is done. I will return in a week and a bit. If you see a dazed looking programmer winging down the road at you on a chromed out jap-crap 1100, duck! Thanks, Art www.artofcnc.ca
New to CNC world
Hi all! I am new to the CNC world. I'm trained in electronics and find no end of ideas in this enviroment. Might have "stupid" questions sometimes, know a lot now but I look at it from a technical point of view rather than a CNC user. Trying to get the hang of G code, M code, Macros look like a greatly useful thing, still adapting. I appreciate all the help I can get, no specific question now, just wanted to come in and chat. Lied, I was just thinking, I could not seem to get a list of all G codes on the Web to memorize, try and learn it, yes free. Anyone know a site that someone like me can learn it, CNC tutorial or something. Playing with Mach2 at this time, thanks so much to 'Art', he's been answering questions for me for a while now and he's very patient, great software package. I can't seem to get enough of the Screen designer, very friendly....and addictive. Did I read that Mach2 RC7 is not putting out a PWM signal. I asked to have buttons installed to INCrease and DECrease spindle speed, got it, thanks a lot, but I haven't actually got to the actual signal on this version, it was working on the last version. Thanks lots. drusso59@...
test post
This group is working well for me since it's been created. Thanks Paolo
Suggestions for Art on screen design to optimise workflow in Mach2Mill
Hi Art left us with some holiday homework - i.e. to look at the information to put on each screen to make setting up and running a job on Mach2Mill flow smoothly. The manual describes the controls in groups related to a given function. For ecxample the Feedrate Group has the feedrate DRO itself, the override DRO and its increment/decrement/reset buttons, the feed mode toggle etc. While these are not all needed all the time it is probably easiest for the user to see them all (subject of course to space considerations!) I have tried playing with some workflows and wanted to simulate the screens - it is very hard work using Screen Designer. I have tried using Photoshop and Corel Photopaint for mockups using the screenshots of the groups from the manual. This seemed to work quite well (although the shape of the groups is not always ideal) I have posted the screenshots in a folder in the Files section, in case anyone else wants to try working like this. Best wishes John Prentice
No Pulse count on new Computer
I just received a refurbished E-machines Win-XP machine to run Mach2, It's a 1.6 Ghz Anthion and when I run the OCX Driver test I get nothing or hash. I've stripped out every process and application possible, cleared the registry of any reference to Mach2 and figure it's time to try the Mach2 special driver for non-apic boards. Do I simply replace the Mach2.sys file (in Win/system32) or do I go to add hardware and "update" the driver and point to the new one? Frank Carpenter
Digest Number 1
Did eMachines have built-in video cards? If so, that's your first problem. dg
New file uploaded to mach1mach2cnc
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the mach1mach2cnc group. File : /New1024 screen.zip Uploaded by : zoomer199 <zoomer@...> Description : 4th axis screen You can access this file at the URL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mach1mach2cnc/files/New1024%20screen.zip To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/files Regards, zoomer199 <zoomer@...>
New screen
Uploaded a screen in file section that I have been working on. Work in progress...Comments welcome. Have been focusing on mainscreen mostly will. Thanks to other users that shared some of there bitmaps to the group. I used them for now. NOTE:... I used a black background and orange text in the g-code screen. Just like most big machines have. I liked it. My father on the other hand found it hard to read. So changed it to gray background and black text. So use younger guys need to take in consideration of the older eye balls out there when designing
New file uploaded to mach1mach2cnc
Hello, This email message is a notification to let you know that a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the mach1mach2cnc group. File : /1024ccm.jpg Uploaded by : zoomer199 <zoomer@...> Description : picture of new screen You can access this file at the URL http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mach1mach2cnc/files/1024ccm.jpg To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/files Regards, zoomer199 <zoomer@...>
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