FS: ACC 850 with extras
I saw this and thought it would be appropriate to list here. Kevin -------- Original Message -------- Subject: FS: ACC RC-850/ DVR-1/ FC-900 System Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 11:27:17 -0500 From: Matt <matt371@...> Organization: InterActive Network - Serving S. NJ (609)227-4428 Newsgroups: rec.radio.swap For Sale: Complete repeater controller and remote base system. Package includes: - RC-850 Controller with full front panel display, speech board, telephone interconnect board, computer interface board, and version 3.8 firmware. - DVR-1 Digital voice recorder populated with memory. - FC900 Remote base interface - ICOM UX-29H 2 meter band unit - ICOM UX-39A 220 band unit All of these units are clean and were in working condition when removed from service. OF course as with any used equipment there is no warranty. If you are non-technical this is NOT the system for you. There are a lot of connections and programming involved to make everything function properly. I would prefer pickup in South Jersey but I will ship to lower 48 (buyer pays shipping and insurance). Pay by MO or Cashiers check ONLY. PRICE $1750.00 COMPLETE Please reply to matt371@... Thanks Matt FYI Would be willing to take an ACC RC-96 in trade toward this package.
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
Welcome to repeater-builder@onelist.com
Great it works !! hello to all repeater-builder-owner@... wrote: -- Brent DeSalvo (KF4TNP) 146.625- 442.100+ Lewisburg, Tennessee http://www.angelfire.com/tn/KF4TNP/KF4TNP.html Do not forget to Confirm your visit! Thanx.
Розпочато Brent DeSalvo KF4TNP @
Repeater-builder list server 2
Brent, Maybe this will help also. FYI http://www.kuggie.com/rbtip/onelist.html
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @ · Останніх @
FS: Digital Audio Delay Modules
Hi Guys, We overbuilt DADMs and I have a couple hundred in stock that I'd like to clear out. If anyone has a commercial or amateur use for them, AND needs a large quantity (let's say 10 or more), contact me about pricing. For fewer than ten, they'll still be $50 each - - which still ain't a bad deal. Thanks! Bob Schmid, WA9FBO S-COM Industries 970-663-6000 voice 970-669-1585 fax scomind@... http://www.rmsd.com/scom/
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
Disregard....TEST 2
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Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @ · Останніх @
Thanks 2
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> &nbsp; <p>"Richard D. Reese" wrote: <blockquote TYPE=CITE>Kevin, <p>Thanks for setting up the remailer.&nbsp; I am certain it will be of great benefit to many of us.&nbsp; Keep up the good work. <br>Rich&nbsp; WA8DBW <br>-- <br>Richard D. Reese WA8DBW <br>224.320, 444.200, 920.000 MHz <br>Voice 330-335-0122 <br><a href="http://www.wa8dbw.ifip.com">http://www.wa8dbw.ifip.com</a></blockquote> Richard, <p>Thanks..... Just trying for different look and feel to sharing repeater related information....which reminds me, I need to set up links to your quality related information from the rbtip site. <p>I have been busy over this past weekend. My <i>Repeater Builders</i> site has grown from the 'little one page deal with a couple links'&nbsp; to a rather nice size site. All of the repeater related information was stuffed into one directory on my home computer and the server. Over the weekend I created a <i>pix directory</i> and put all of the image files into it. I then had to redo all of the web pages to point the <img src> addressing to it. Well...... I forgot how many pages I had published. It took 12 hours to complete, and lots more time to test and see what I had forgotten. <p>73, <br>Kevin <br>&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;</html>
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @ · Останніх @
Repeater UHF
looking for a Repeater to set up on 461.900tx and 466.900rx with pl of 192.8 enc/dec i have the duplexer and pa all that goo stuff looking for a rx with pre amp and a transmitter anybody have one for sale ? -- Brent DeSalvo (KF4TNP) 146.625- 442.100+ Lewisburg, Tennessee http://www.angelfire.com/tn/KF4TNP/KF4TNP.html Do not forget to Confirm your visit! Thanx.
Розпочато Brent DeSalvo KF4TNP @
Micor Backplane 3
Tracy, I am replying directly and also reflecting the message on the new list. If anyone wants to reply to Tracy, please send plain text directly to his email address as I am uncertain of his email receiving ability. Also, please CC the list so others can see your reply. To bring the rest of you up to date, here is the original mailing from him, and then my reply. This next part I just received and I am replying to him and the list. My reply is threaded below. Acsdsupt@... wrote: You have a "non-unified" chassis. I have a different solution to this problem. My solution does not compromise the front end selectivity like when using longer tuning screws. Go to http://www.kuggie.com/rbtip/sensitronRX.html and http://www.kuggie.com/rbtip/micorrx.html for explanation of this solution. Also the coils are now on sale from me if you choose to purchase them. A simple 50 uA meter works fine. Your exciter must use elements with 4 pins, Correct? The 3 pin model (with K 1007A element) is standard and does not have a modulator in it. This model utilizes phase modulation. The 4 pin model (with KXN 1019 element) was originally designed to transmit DPL (digital private line) and was a true fm exciter. I don't know why the cap across the varactor did not work. Yea, lots of ideas.... Are you going to use an outboard controller with this station? If so refer to http://www.kuggie.com/rbtip/stationmod.html for information. If not, refer to http://www.wa8dbw.ifip.com/Interface.html and ignore the rest. On the first conversion, since your station is a NON UNI chassis, some things are going to need to be translated. Read the information and try to understand the CONCEPT, don't try to convert yours using the information. Basically to keep the receiver from muting and to eliminate the need for the line driver card. Pull the line driver card out. Then, on the Remote Control Chassis, (the chassis where the cards go in) jump pin 15 to 39 (where the 50 pin ribbon is attached). This allows the preamp audio from the receiver audio and squelch board to be fed into the volume control to provide amplified receiver audio to drive a local speaker with no muting action. My personal notes also show modification to the Audio & Squelch board. My notes show to cut off the trace leading to IC 202 pin 14. Also cut trace leading from the intersection of IC 202 pin 13 and C235 (a .22 uF) and the long pins leading to the outside world. If anything is allowed to input to pin 13 on the A&S board (except for having the .22 uF cap connected) will totally mess up the action of this board. Bottom line is to eliminate as many of the cards as possible. I do not care for the way the Squelch Gate card manages the squelch action, or anything else it does (I eliminate it because I use external controllers) . This concept is outlined in the Station Modification listed above. If you have trouble cross referencing the modification to the non uni chassis email again and I will take the time to do it. Hope this helps, Kevin
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @ · Останніх @
Another test 2
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> &nbsp; <br>TEST TEST <p>I am testing the message trailer <p>Kevin</html>
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @ · Останніх @
another test
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> test</html>
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
another test
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> test</html>
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
[Fwd: Micor Repeater] 3
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Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @ · Останніх @
Everyone else getting everything OK?
"D.J.H." wrote: > From: "D.J.H." <ve6zh@...> > > I'am getting alot of email with out any message body,only the subject > line?? > Doug VE6ZH. I am not seeing a problem? Anyone else having problems? This message was sent as a text only file (not html) Kevin
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
X-500HNA 2
We had a Diamond antenna (X-500HNA?) machine for about two years. The antenna eventually failed due to water ingress. I now heat shrink the joints before installing this style antenna. I have availability to large shrink with an inert sealant that is used to seal connectors on CATV hardline. Kevin, I had similar results with an x500hna due to water ingress. Do you have a source suggestion for the heat shrink tubing you mentioned? I'd like to do that next antenna I put up. Tnx, Ralph WB4TUR
Розпочато Ralph Hogan @ · Останніх @
Large Heat Shrink Tubing
Hello All, I recently received several requests from people on the list wanting to obtain the large heat shrink I use to seal the Comet and Diamond fiberglass antenna joints with. This stuff is great for sealing connectors, antenna joints, covering shovel and sledge hammer handles and covering tool handles like large Crescent wrenches. This shrink has an inert sealant that melts as the heat is applied for shrinking. This creates a good (won't leak if it was drug across the Atlantic) seal. Well maybe not that good......but damn good. It is available from Jerry Conn Associates Inc. They are located in Chambersburg Penna. The manufacturer is CANUSA. Pronounced canoosa. The available sizes (unshrunk of course) are indicated by the model number. Example: Part number; CFTV-400 is .4" (that's point 4 inches) CFTV-1100 is 1.1" diameter CFTV-1300 is 1.3" diameter CFTV-2050 is 2.05" diameter and so on These come in a 4 foot length. I believe the shrink percentage is 50% of original, This is not fact however. I don't remember the spec. on shrinkage off hand but it does shrink a lot. These are the available sizes: The ones with pricing are normally in stock. CFTV-400 CFTV-750 CFTV-1100 CFTV-1300 $5.16 CFTV-1700 $5.95 CFTV-2050 $11.41 CFTV-2750 These people have a $50.00 minimum order, so get together with a friend or two and place an order. They will sell directly to the public. The models listed without pricing are available through JCA, but are usually not stocked. If interested in purchasing, contact Tracy at Jerry Conn Associates. 1-(800) 233-7600 in PA 1-(800) 233-7370 out of PA 1-(717) 264-1547 Direct Line from anywhere. You can mention you talked with me, Kevin Custer form Masters Communications in Somerset PA, although it will not get you any better deal. The CFTV-750 is great for RG-8/PL-259's or Type N connectors. In our business, we use a propane torch to shrink the tubing. It's wall thickness is very good, and not easily damaged by a little excess heat. You can actually catch it on fire and not damage it badly. It doesn't shrink well in windy conditions, (requires lots of propane) In severe wind I use MAPP gas as it gets burns hotter than propane, although this is usually not necessary. I have used this stuff for years and can attest to its quality if installed properly. There are other cheaper brands of this stuff than CANUSA , but (in two words) they suck. There is no equivalent. I tried them all. Hope this helps, Kevin
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
Alinco SR4D Repeater controller
<html> <body> I am looking for anyone who has experience with the SR4D repeater controller. I am using one and I have been experiencing audio problems during the voice mail mode, and it also mutes the ID at times. I am currently using it on a 6 meter machine mitrex running split site. Has anyone ever used this type of controller? n2kej@... <br> <BR> <HR noshade width=90%> <pre>More than just email--Get your FREE Netscape WebMail account today at <a href="http://home.netscape.com/netcenter/mail" target="top">http://home.netscape.com/netcenter/mail</a></pre> </body> </html>
Розпочато S.Turner @
(No subject)
Розпочато bill @
Welcome to the list.
Bill, K5PY wrote: > Bill did not write anything. Hello Bill, and other recent subscribers. Welcome to the list. A detailed explanation of the purpose and use of this list is available at http://www.kuggie.com/rbtip/onelist.html Hope to hear from you soon. Kevin
Розпочато Kevin K. Custer W3KKC @
222MHZ Micor repeater 5
Hello All.. Did anybody ever modify a vhf 160mhz micor base station for 220mhz??? the exciter is a true fm and not phase modulation.. I just did one and i used the mods for a mobile and i only get around 50MW out of the exciter on a bird meter, before the mod i was getting 600MW.. The mobile exciter i believe its a little different, has some different components in the rf section not just in the phase modulation circuit.. Any body has mods for the vhf base/repeater exciter???? Thanks Fred
Розпочато NE2E@... @ · Останніх @
GE Century II uhf mobile
Brent, Say, if you get a schematic, could I get a copy too? I've got one laying around but I've never done anything with it for the same reason... 73 Tracy
Розпочато Tracy585@... @
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